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Search results for: elemental sulfur
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Analytical and bioanalytical problems associated with the toxicity of elemental sulfur in the environment
PublicationWe summarize the state of knowledge on the toxicity and the bioavailability of elemental sulfur. We also present: analytical methods used to determine the elemental sulfur content of samples with complex matrices; and, problems and difficulties encountered while using biotests for samples containing elemental sulfur.
Methodology for determining the elemental composition, as well as energy and ignition properties of the low-sulfur marine fuels
PublicationThe key metrological issue of substance and energy balance in research engines is the precise determination of the elemental composition of the applied fuel and its net calorific value. This makes it possible to calculate the amount of heat brought with the fuel into the combustion chamber, as well as the amount and gas composition of the exhaust. However, to fully assess the energy quality of the fuel used, its ignition properties...
Sulfur compounds: Gas chromatography
PublicationSulfur compounds, due to their properties, are responsible for the damage of our environment. For this reason sulfur containing compounds are of constant concern in many fields. Gas chromatography (GC), due to combination of separation capability and sensitive detection is a prime technique for the analysis of thes compounds in various matrices. The chapter rewies general problems of the determination of these compounds by GC and...
Selectivity of amperometric sulfur dioxide sensor.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wartości współczynników selektywności amperometrycznego czujnika ditlenku siarki względem siarkowodoru. Obliczenia wykonane zostały w oparciu o krzywe kalibracyjne wyznaczone dla zaprezentowanego wcześniej przez nas amperometrycznego czujnika ditlenku siarki. Analiza krzywych kalibracyjnych pod względem czułości oznaczenia oraz analiza wartości amperometrycznych współczynników selektywności odgrywa dużą pomocniczą...
Removal of sulfur from a solvent extract
PublicationThe presence of sulfur in a solvent extract that is to be analyzed chromatographically impairs and sometimes precludes properinterpretation of the chromatogram, as the sulfur peak masks the peaks of other compounds present in the sample, and sulfur alsodisrupts the operation of the mass detector. This means that discrepancies in the results can lead to erroneous interpretations andfalse assessments of environmental risk. For this...
Electron scattering by sulfur tetrafluoride (SF4) molecules
PublicationZmierzono absolutny, całkowity przekrój czynny na rozpraszanie elektronów na drobinach SF4 w zakresie energii 0.1-370 eV. Wyniki porównano z oszacowaniami przeprowadzonymi wcześniej w oparciu o cząstkowe, tj. sprężyste i jonizacyjne przekroje czynne dla SF4. Otrzymane charakterystyki dla drobiny SF4 zestawiono z wynikami uzyskanymi dla drobin SFn (n=1,2,6)
Analytical characteristics of a new amperometric sulfur dioxide sensor
PublicationZaprojektowano i skonstruowano wyposażony w układ trójelektrodowy amperometryczny czujnik ditlenku siarki. Elektroda pracująca czujnika była napylona bezpośrednio na powierzchnię membrany. Zbadano charakterystyki czujnika z membranami z mikroporowatego Teflonu oraz Nafionu. Porównano parametry statyczne i dynamiczne tych czujników wypełnionych roztworami elektrolitów wewnętrznych, zawierających dodatek dimetylosulfotlenku.
An effective Hamiltonian for sulfur adsorption at Au(100) surface
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Role of the sulfur to α-carbon thioether bridges in thurincin H
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Incorporation of the sulfur cycle in sustainable nitrogen removal systems - A review
PublicationIn wastewater treatment systems, sulfur (S) removal processes are generally based on heterotrophic sulfate (SO42−) reduction by sulfate reducing bacteria and S-dependent autotrophic denitrification by sulfur oxidizing bacteria. A combination of either two cycles (N and S) or three cycles (N, S and C) appears to be a viable approach to sustainable wastewater treatment, resulting in energy savings and reduction of sludge production....
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Metoda elementów skończonych w stomatologii = Finite elements method in dental surgery.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki analizy możliwości zastosowania metody elementów skończonych w stomatologii. Wskazano wierunki możliwych zastosowań.
Wady powierzchniowe ceramicznych elementów tocznych = Surface cracks of ceramic rolling elements
PublicationMateriały ceramiczne posiadają kombinację optymalnych własności, które są niezbędne w zastosowaniach na wysoko obciążone elementy maszyn. Podstawowym problemem związanym z wytrzymałością zmęczeniową materiałów ceramicznych są wszelkiego rodzaju wady powierzchniowe będące efektem procesu wytwarzania lub wynikające z defektów struktury materiału ceramicznego. W artykule przedstawiono badania doświadczalne dwutlenku cyrkonu ze sztucznie...
Propagation of elastic waves in structural elements by spectral finite element methods
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę elementów spektralnych w zastosowaniu do analizy propagacji fal sprężystych w elementach konstrukcyjnych.
Identification of volatile sulfur odorants emitted from ageing wastewater biosolids
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Reductive cleavage of the halogen-phosphorus and sulfur-phosphorus bonds with alkali metals
PublicationBadano redukcję chlorków kwasów tiofosforowych za pomocą: sodu lub potasu w ciekłym amoniaku i za pomocą antracenidku oraz naftalenidku potasu. Związki te ulegają, co wykazano, szybkiej redukcji do anionów >P-S- a te mogą być efektywnie utleniane siarką elementarną w ciekłym amoniaku.
Study of the anticancer potential of Cd complexes of selenazoyl-hydrazones and their sulfur isosters
PublicationThe biological activity of Cd compounds has been investigated scarce since Cd has been recognized as a human carcinogen. However, the toxicity of cadmium is comparable to the toxicity of noble metals such as Pt and Pd. The paradigm of metal toxicity has been challenged suggesting that metal toxicity is not a constant property, yet it depends on many factors like the presence of appropriate ligands. Studies on anticancer activity...
Application of extended Finite Element Method to cracked concrete elements - numerical aspects
PublicationArtykuł omawia zastosowanie rozszerzonej metody elementów skończonych do zarysowanych elementów betonowych. Obliczenia wykonano dla elementów poddanych zginaniu i mieszanemu ściskaniu - rozciąganiu. Wyniki porównano z doświadczeniami.
Analysis of ring cracks in ceramic rolling elements using the boundary element method
PublicationCeramic materials have been increasingly used in bearing technology for over a dozen years. This is due to the characteristic properties of ceramic materials such as: high hardness, corrosion resistance, the possibility of use in aggressive chemical environments, as well as due to the lower specific weight compared to steel materials. However, the use of ceramic materials is connected with many limitations. The main disadvantages...
Photocatalytic Degradation of 4,4′-Isopropylidenebis(2,6-dibromophenol) on Sulfur-Doped Nano TiO2
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Sulfur cycle, a new opportunity for nitrogen removal from textile wastewater: A review
PublicationThe problem of nitrogen removal from textile wastewater (TW) has plagued for quite a long time. Traditional biological nitrogen removal technology is limited by the complex water quality characteristics, and high concentration of sulfate (over 5000 mg/L) further aggravates its difficulty. After analyzing source and characteristics of nitrogen and sulfur in TW, using miraculous sulfur cycle caused by the existing sulfate to solve...
Cobalt Base Clad Layer Resistance On The Corrosion Under Low Sulfur Preassure
PublicationNapawane laserowo warstwy ze stopu kobaltu, zostały poddane siarkowaniu przy niskich ciśnieniach cząstkowych w temperaturze 800 stopni celsiusza prze 24 godziny. Uzyskano warstwę zgorzeliny zróżnicowaną w zależności od zastosowanego ciśnienia. W obu jednak przypadkach podobne były zmiany zachodzące w warstwie po zgorzeliną - degradacja węglików i intensywna korozja wzdłuż granic dendrytów.
Sulfur Driven Nucleation Mode Formation in Diesel Exhaust under Transient Driving Conditions
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Carbon Deposition and Sulfur Poisoning in SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δand SrFe0.5Mn0.25Mo0.25O3-δElectrode Materials for Symmetrical SOFCs
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Effect of the ionic liquids on extraction of aromatic and sulfur compounds from the model petrochemical stream
PublicationSuitability of a imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) as solvents in dearomatization and desulfurization in the ternary systems and in a model multicomponent systems has been analyzed. With this aim, ternary liquid-liquid phase equilibrium data (LLE) have been obtained for ternary mixtures of {IL + benzene, or toluene, or thiophene, or 2-butanethiol + hexane}, or {IL + benzene + 2-methylpentane} at T = 298.15 K and ambient pressure,...
The role of the combined nitrogen-sulfur-carbon cycles for efficient performance of anammox-based systems
PublicationThe combined anammox/mixotrophic denitrification process was conducted in two granular sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) during a 200-day operation. Both reactors were fed with synthetic medium, but SBR2 was enriched with additional sulfate (SO4 2 ) which influenced sulfate reduction ammonium oxidation (SRAO) and heterotrophic reduction of SO4 2 by sulfate reducing bacteria. It was hypothesized that the addition of SO4 2 could...
Elemental composition of sugar and honey
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New Method for the Synthesis of Azocrown Compounds Containing Oxygen, Nitrogen and Oxygen, or Sulfur Atoms in the Macroring.
PublicationW publikacji opisano nową metodę syntezy azokoron z różnymi heteroatomami w makrocyklu i o różnej wielkości molekularnej wnęki. Metoda ta polega na reakcji 2,2´-difluoroazobenzenu z diolami, diaminami, aminodiolami i ditiolamiw obecności zasady.
Coupling transformation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in a long-term operated full-scale constructed wetland
PublicationThe coupling transformation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur compounds has been studied in lab-scale and pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CWs), but few studies investigated full-scale CW. In this study, we used batch experiments to investigate the potentials of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur transformation in a long-term operated, full-scale horizontal subsurface flow wetland. The sediments collected from the HSFW were incubated for...
Effect of Functionalization of Reduced Graphene Oxide Coatings with Nitrogen and Sulfur Groups on Their Anti-Corrosion Properties
PublicationElectrophoretic production of anticorrosion carbonaceous coatings on copper could be successfully performed by anodic oxidation of negatively charged graphene platelets suspended in an aqueous solution. The various platelets were synthesized by Hummer’s method followed by a hydrothermal reduction in the presence of NH4SCN which was expected to substitute some parts of graphene structure with nitrogen and sulfur groups. X-ray photoelectron...
GTR/NBR/Silica Composites Performance Properties as a Function of Curing System: Sulfur versus Peroxides
PublicationIn this work, conventional sulfur and two types of organic peroxides (dicumyl peroxide (DCP) and di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene (BIB)) curing systems were used to investigate the possibility for tailoring of the performance properties of GTR/NBR blends reinforced with a variable content of highly dispersive silica (0–30 phr). The curing characteristics, static mechanical and acoustical properties, swelling behavior,...
Molecular basis for the bifunctional Uba4–Urm1 sulfur‐relay system in tRNA thiolation and ubiquitin‐like conjugation
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Thermal efficiency investigations on the self-ignition test engine fed with marine low sulfur diesel fuels
PublicationWithin the article an issues of implementing the new kinds of marine diesel fuels into ships’ operation was described taking into ac-count restrictions on the permissible sulphur content introduced by the International Maritime Organization. This is a new situation for ship owners and fuel producers, which forces the necessity to carry out laboratory research tests on especially adapted engine stands. How to elaborate the method...
Elementary Education Online
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Journal of Elementary Education
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The Elementary School Journal
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Joining of tubular elements by internal rolling with use of burnishing tools.Łączenie elementów rurowych przez wewnętrzne rozpęczanie z użyciem nagniataków.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki prac zmierzających do zastosowania nagniataków do łączenia rur aluminiowych przez ich rozgniatanie. Zaprezentowano analityczny szacunek wytrzymałości złącz i porównano z wynikami prób ich rozłączania na maszynie wytrzymałościowej.
Tri(mesityloxy)silanethiol – The First Structurally Characterized Organoxysilanethiol (Contributions to the Chemistry of Silicon–Sulfur Compounds. 77 [1])
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Iron–Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis Chaperones: Evidence for Emergence of Mutational Robustness of a Highly Specific Protein–Protein Interaction
PublicationBiogenesis of iron–sulfur clusters (FeS) is a highly conserved process involving Hsp70 and J-protein chaperones. However, Hsp70 specialization differs among species. In most eukaryotes, including Schizosaccharomyces pombe, FeS biogenesis involves interaction between the J-protein Jac1 and the multifunctional Hsp70 Ssc1. But, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and closely related species, Jac1 interacts with the specialized Hsp70 Ssq1,...
Cross-Linking, Morphology, and Physico-Mechanical Properties of GTR/SBS Blends: Dicumyl Peroxide vs. Sulfur System
PublicationIn this work, ground tire rubber and styrene–butadiene block copolymer (GTR/SBS) blends at the ratio of 50/50 wt%, with the application of four different SBS copolymer grades (linear and radial) and two types of cross-linking agent (a sulfur-based system and dicumyl peroxide), were prepared by melt compounding. The rheological and cross-linking behavior, physico-mechanical parameters (i.e., tensile properties, abrasion resistance,...
Elemente der Mathematik
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Mobile Genetic Elements
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Elemental and tight monogamy relations in nonsignaling theories
PublicationPhysical principles constrain the way nonlocal correlations can be distributed among distant parties. These constraints are usually expressed by monogamy relations that bound the amount of Bell inequality violation observed among a set of parties by the violation observed by a different set of parties. We prove here that much stronger monogamy relations are possible for nonsignaling correlations by showing how nonlocal correlations...
Bifunctional sulfur-silicon podands as new nucleophilic ionophores in acyl transfer reactions. Influence of monovalent cations on the reaction kinetics
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Enhanced electrochemical performance of sulfur-doped laser-induced graphene supercapacitors: Synergistic effects of doping and plasmochemical surface modification
PublicationThis work introduces a novel, scalable methodology for rapidly fabricating sulfur-doped laser-induced graphene with enhanced porosity and wetting characteristics, targeting advanced supercapacitor applications. An infrared laser scribing technique was employed to create a three-dimensional porous graphene network, with in-situ sulfur doping achieved through physical evaporation using powder precursor. A second-pass laser process...
The effective elastic properties of human trabecular bone may be approximated using micro-finite element analyses of embedded volume elements.
PublicationBoundary conditions (BCs) and sample size affect the measured elastic properties of cancellous bone. Samples too small to be representative appear stiffer under kinematic uniform BCs (KUBCs) than under periodicity-compatible mixed uniform BCs (PMUBCs). To avoid those effects, we propose to determine the effective properties of trabecular bone using an embedded configuration. Cubic samples of various sizes (2.63, 5.29, 7.96, 10.58...