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Search results for: laser micromachining
A prototype femtosecond laser system for precise micromachining
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Microstructure and wear of cast aluminium alloy with laser modified surface layer
Publicationprzedstawiono wyniki badań zużycia przez tarcie przetopionego laserowo stopuAlSi13MgCuNi w warunkach tribologicznych. Wykazano, iż zużycie i współczyn-nik tarcia są zależne od parametrów obróbki laserowej w warunkach kriogeni-cznych.
Influence of laser melting on surface layer properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V
PublicationIn time of rapid technology and medicine progress, implants are becoming more widely used in the human body, ranging from dental implants, stabilizing plates, screws, orthopaedic prostheses. For example, there are many types of hip prostheses used for hip replacement as well as various types of materials used for these orthopaedic prostheses. Properties of titanium alloys used in hip prostheses combined with good strength properties,...
Laser assisted forming of the surface layer of Al-Si alloy at cryogenic conditions.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wpływ powierzchniowego laserowego przetapiania w warunkach kriogenicznych na mikrostrukturę, mikrotwardość i własności korozyjne stopu AlSi13Mg1CuNi. Stwierdzono korzystny wpływ obróbki laserowej na mikrostrukturę, mikrotwardość i odporność na zużycie ścierne badanego stopu aluminium.
The phase composition of the surface layer of laser melted Ti-6Al-4V bioalloy
PublicationZastosowanie metody obróbki laserowej stopów Ti zwiekszyły twardość i odporność stopu na korozję. Jednakże uzyskane warstwy były stosunkowo cieńkie. W pracy zastosowano laser o dużej mocy dla stopu schłodzonego w ciekłym azocie, aby uzyskać grubszą warstwę, która w strefie zewnętrznej złożona będzie z tlenku i azotku tytanu, ważnych faz w biostopach.
Influence of Laser Treatment on Microstructure of Surface Layer of the Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
PublicationPrzedstawiono mikrostrukturę powierzchni, przekroju i przełomu warstwy wierzchniej stopu Ti-6Al-4V uzyskanej po nadtapianiu laserem w różnym środowisku. Stwierdzono wzrost mikrotwardości stopu w warstwie nadtopionej, rozdrobnienie ziarna, a także tworzenie azotków tytanu i mikropęknięć skutkiem obecności znacznych naprężeń własnych. Grubość wytworzonych warstw osiągała wartość 1,5 mm.
Laser Therapy
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Wear Resistance Enhancement of Al6061 Alloy Surface Layer by Laser Dispersed Carbide Powders
PublicationIn this paper, results of the experimental study on improving wear resistance in sliding friction of Al-based alloy are presented. The technique used involves the formation of a metal matrix composite (MMC) in the alloy surface layer by laser dispersion of carbide powders such as WC, TiC and SiC. For WC and TiC MMC surface coatings fabricated under conditions typical for most of the technologically relevant solid-state lasers (wavelength...
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Ordered titania nanotubes layer selectively annealed by laser beam for high contrast electrochromic switching
PublicationThe phase conversion from amorphous into crystalline one in the selected area of as-anodized titania nanotubes was achieved via laser treatment. The optimized processing parameters enable fast, one-minute crystallization of titania within an area limited by a shadow mask and without any morphology damage of ordered TiO2 tubular film. The laser annealed titania nanotubes could be easily overgrown by a conducting polymer without...
On the Microstructure, Microhardnessand Wear Behavior of Gray Cast Iron Surface Layer after Laser Strengthening
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Formation of surface layer in metal matrix composite A359/20SiCP during laser assisted turning
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Some coatings of high cavitation resistance produced by CO2 laser beam. XIV International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers and High Power Lasers.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań odporności kawitacyjnej stali 2H13, 45 i żelaza Armco po laserowym stopowaniu ich powierzchni różnymi kompozycjami proszków Co, Mo, Ni, Mn i Cr, Ti. Wykazano różne własności kawitacyjne otrzymanych warstw w zależności od otrzymanej mikrostruktury.
Surface Layer Properties of Sintered Ferritic Stainless Steel Remelted and Alloyed with FeNi and Ni by HPDL Laser
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Laser and Optoelectronics Progress
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Infrared and Laser Engineering
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Laser & Photonics Reviews
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A prototype femtosecond laser system for MEMS fabrication
Publicationn this article, the concept of a prototype femtosecond laser micromachining system and a femtosecond solid-state Yb:KYW laser is presented. Ultrashort laser pulses have many advantages over the long pulses in laser micromachining, due to their unique ability to interact with different materials without transferring heat to them. This allows very precise and pure laser-processing, clean cuts and sharp edges. A femtosecond laser...
The Laser Processing of the Stainless-Steel Surface Layer of a Heat Exchanger Membrane in Order to Enhance Its Heat Transfer Coefficient
PublicationResearch on temperature regulation is essential for ensuring thermal comfort and optimizing machine performance. Effective cooling systems are critical in industrial processes and everyday electronic devices in order to prevent overheating. Laser-modified heat exchangers can enhance heat dissipation without increasing weight, addressing the need for energy-efficient solutions in the market. The main aim of this experimental research...
Effect of hybrid modification by ceramic layer formation in MAO process and laser remelting on the structure of titanium bio-alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationTo improve the biological properties of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, hybrid modifications involving micro-arc oxidation (MAO) and Nd: YAG laser remelting were carried out in two combinations. The first consisted of laser modification before the production of the ceramic layer by the micro-arc oxidation process, and the second combination involved Nd: YAG laser modification after the MAO process. The creation of developed surface...
Cavitation resistance of OH18N9 steel alloyed with vaidus amount of TiC or Mn by means of laser beam. XIV International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers and High Power Lasers.
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania odporności kawitacyjnej stali OH18N9T po laserowym stopowaniu jej powierzchni węglikiem TiC oraz manganem. Wykazano, że wzbogacenie obrabianej stali manganem powoduje przemiany fazowe pod wpływem działania obciążeń kawitacyjnych, co przyczynia się do wzrostu odporności kawitacyjnej. Wzmacnianie stali węglikiem TiC powoduje natomiast zanik zdolności stali do wzmacniania odkształceniowego.
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Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy
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Photobiomodulation Photomedicine and Laser Surgery
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Journal of Laser Micro Nanoengineering
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Laser technology 2012
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Development of laser technology in Poland
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Laser Technology and Applications 2012
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InGaN trapered laser diodes
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano rezultaty badan nad diodami laserowymi InGaN ze zwężającym się kanałem. Kąty kanałów zmieniane były w zakresie 2 -5 stopni, jak również zmieniana była długość kanału. Wykazano, że w przypadku optymalnych parametrów, parametr M2 (M kwadrat) opisujący odtępstwa wiązki od krzywej Gaussa, wynosił 2.1 przy mocy optycznej 200 mW.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
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Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser
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Laser Thermal Oxidation by Ytterbium-Doped Fibre Laser of the Hot and Cold-Rolled Stainless Steel Surface
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Laser reflectance interferometry system with a 405 nm laser diode for in-situ measurement of CVD diamond thickness
PublicationIn situ monitoring of the thickness of thin diamond films during technological processes is important because it allows better control of deposition time and deeper understanding of deposition kinetics. One of the widely used techniques is laser reflectance interferometry (LRI) which enables non-contact measurement during CVD deposition. The authors have built a novel LRI system with a 405 nm laser diode which achieves better...
Literatur für Leser
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Photonics and Lasers in Medicine
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Lasers in Dental Science
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Programmatic Simulation of Laser Scanning Products
PublicationThe technology of laser scanning is widely used for producing three-dimensional digital representations of geographic features. The measurement results are usually available in the form of 3D point clouds, which are often used as a transitional data model in various remote sensing applications. Unfortunately, while the costs of Light Detection And Ranging scanners have dropped significantly in recent years, they are still considered...
Use laser to measure girder deflection
PublicationThe paper presents a new, simple way to measure deflection of selected intens using the device dkkz-2010, which user a laser light source.
Development of laser technology in Poland: 2016