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Search results for: metallic powders
Laser Surface Alloying of Aluminium Alloys with Cu/Fe Metallic Powders
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Degradation of metallic implants
PublicationPresence of metallic implants made of stainless steels, Co and Ti alloys is sometimes followed by some undesired allergic reactions and inflammatory processes and consequently the necessity of reimplantation.
3D Printing of Metallic Implants
PublicationThe fabrication of various elements, solid and open porous structures of stainless steel and Ti alloy is described. The process was started with the design of 3D models in CAD/CAM system. The 3D models were transformed into *.stl files and then the manufacturing process of the real structures by means of the selective laser melting with the SLM Realizer 100 3D printer was made. The paper shows the porous specimens made for possible...
Conducting polymers for biodegradable metallic implants
PublicationNowadays permanent metallic cardiovascular stents are long-term implants. The long-time presence of such an implant in human body can cause overgrowth of tissue within the treated portion of the vessel, blockage of the circulatory system and many other clinical complications, such as thrombosis, prolonged physical irritations or chronic inflammation. Therefore, in recent years, there is an interest to create biodegradable metallic...
Machining by abrasive-metallic lapping tools.
PublicationPrzedstawiono kontrukcję niekonwencjonalnych narzędzi ścierno-metalowych do docierania. Opracowane narzędzia wykorzystano do badań wydajności i jakości docierania elementów ceramicznych. Określono wpływ podstawowych warunków docierania na efekty obróbki powierzchni płaskich.
Biocompatibility and bioactivity of load-bearing metallic implants
PublicationThe main objective of here presented research is to develop the titanium (Ti) alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoprosthesis. The development of such materials is performed through: modeling the material behaviour in biological environment in long time and developing of new procedures for such evaluation;...
Biocompatibility and Bioactivity of Load-Bearing Metallic Implants
PublicationThe main objective of here presented research is to develop the titanium (Ti) alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoprosthesis. The development of such materials is performed through: modeling the material behaviour in biological environment in long time and developing of new procedures for such evaluation;...
Multigap superconducting state in molecular metallic hydrogen
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Microbiological corossion of metallic products as a result of biofilm
PublicationWarunkiem do pojawienia się korozji mikrobiologicznej jest utworzenie na powierzchni metalu biofilmu. Zawiera on biologicznie czynne mikroorganizmy wraz z produktami ich przemian metabolicznych. Biofilm ogranicza dyfuzję produktów metabolizmu wytwarzanych przez poszczególne komórki mikrokolonii. Powoduje to, że produkty uboczne tych przemian gromadzą się w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie metalu. Gdy powierzchnia metalu nie jest odporna...
Biocompatibility and bioactivity of bearing loaded metallic implants
PublicationPresentation of developed titanium alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behavior for bearing loaded implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoproshtesis.
Nucleate pool boiling on porous metallic coatings
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki systematycznych badań eksperymentalnych przejmowania ciepła podczas wrzenia pęcherzykowego wody destylowanej w stanie nasycenia od płaskich i cylindrycznych powierzchni o specjalnie przygotowanej powierzchni: gładkiej, chropowatej oraz pokrytej warstwą porowatą.
Lapping of flat surfaces with two metallic tools.
PublicationPrzedstawiono opis docierania powierzchni płaskich docierakami aktywizowanymi w sposób swobodny i wymuszony oraz narzędziami dwumetalowymi i ściernometalowymi. Wyznaczono zużycie docieraków stalowo-żeliwnych oraz wydajność obróbki żeliwa sferoidalnego niestopowego i stali NC6.
X-Ray diffraction of the metallic nanostructures
Open Research DataMetallic nanostructures (gold and silver) were manufactured as a thermal annealing of gold or silver thin film. Gold films with thickness of 2.8 nm were deposited on a silicon substrates using a table-top dc magnetron sputtering coater (EM SCD 500, Leica), equipped with quartz microbalance for in-situ thickness measurements. Films were deposited from...
Selective oxidation of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes
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Experiments on damage development in metallic plates subjected to explosions
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania eksperymentalne rozwoju zniszczenia płyt metalowych pod wpływem eksplozji. Zaprezentowano opis badan statycznych i dynamicznych na płytach oraz opis badan jednoosiowych. Dla założonego modelu równania konstytutywnego przedstawiono sposób identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych.
Oxide Layers Fabricated by Spray Pyrolysis on Metallic Surfaces
Publicationw pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad opracowaniem optymalnych warunków przygotowania warstwy stabilizowanego itrem cyrkonu jako prekursora na stali 316L jako podłoża za pomocą pirolizy aerozolowej.
Modeling for Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic and Composite Structures
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przegląd metod modelowania uszkodzeń w postaci pęknięć i delaminacji wystepujących w elementach konstrukcyjnych
Conducting polymer films for biodegradable metallic cardiovascular stents
PublicationIn recent years, there is increasing interest to create biodegradable metallic cardiovascular stents instead of using their permanent form. The most interesting materials for this purpose are iron and its alloys. However, in order to use it in clinical application, their degradation rate and biological performance need to be optimized. One promising solution is coating the metal with conducting polymer films. In this work, short...
Tunable Waveguide Filter with Bow-Tie Metallic Posts.
PublicationBadanie i synteza filtru falowodowego zawiewrającego metalowe rezonatory motylkowe (Bow-Tie). Wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną procedurę iteracyjną i metodę dopasowania rodzajów w celu rozwiązania problemu brzegowego na pojedynczej sekcji filtru i określenie pola rozproszonego od rezonatora motylkowego. Obrót i przemieszczenie opisywane struktury w złączu falowodowym umożliwia zmianę odpowiedzi częstotliwościowych układu. Efekt rotacji...
Machining of the flat surfaces with abrasive-metallic lapping tools.
PublicationPrzedstawiono konstrukcje narzędzi ścierno-metalowych do obróbki powierzchni płaskich na docierarkach jednotarczowych. Przeprowadzono badania wydajności i jakości powierzchni elementów ceramicznych o małych gabarytach.
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Hybrid quantum-classical approach for atomistic simulation of metallic systems
PublicationThe learn-on-the-fly (LOTF) method [G. Csanyi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 175503 (2004)] serves to seamlessly embed quantum-mechanical computations within a molecular-dynamics framework by continual local retuning of the potential's parameters so that it reproduces the quantum-mechanical forces. In its current formulation, it is suitable for systems where the interaction is short-ranged, such as covalently bonded semiconductors....
Kinetics studies of recrystallization process of metallic catalysts for ammonia synthesis
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The allergic and irritating reactions to metallic implants with trauma - orthopaedic patients
PublicationThe article presents the analysis of clinical operation complications after the treatment of long bones by mean of ostheosynthesis with the use of metal implants and endoprothesoplastic of hip joints.
Ductile fracture prediction in thin metallic plates subjected to explosions
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania zniszczenia ciągłego. Zaprezentowano wyniki eksperymentów przeprowadzonych na płytach metalowych poddanych eksplozjom oraz wyniki jednoosiowych prób laboratoryjnych. Opisano przyjęty model prawa konstytutywnego oraz kryteriów zniszczenia. Przedstawiono identyfikację parametrów materiałowych dla przyjętego modelu. Zaprezentowano model numeryczny oraz wyniki symulacji które następnie porównano z wynikami...
Comparison of experimental and numerical results on metallic plates subjected to explosions
PublicationA comparative study of dynamic response including damage and rupture processes of thin metallic plates subjected to shockwave impulses - explosions is presented. The results of the finite element numerical analysis are related to experiments. Due to high strain rate during explosions the elasto-viscoplastic Chaboches constitutive law including damage effects has been applied. For the assumed model proper material parameters identification...
Formation of Porous Structure of the Metallic Materials Used on Bone Implants
PublicationResearch on improvement of structure and fabrication methods of the bone implants are carried out for many years. Research are aimed to shape the structures, that will have a Young's modulus value similar to the value of the human bones Young's modulus. Depending on theporosity, Young's moduli can even be tailored to match the modulus of bone closer than solid metals can, thus reducing the problems associated with stress shielding...
Bandwidth Dependence of the Propagation Channel in Circular Metallic BAN Environments
PublicationIn this paper, the bandwidth dependence of the propagation channel for Body Area Networks (BANs) in circular metallic environments is addressed and models are proposed to evaluate the appropriate short-term fading margins that should be considered as a function of the system bandwidth. The deployment of BANs in metallic indoor environments, such as ships, factories, warehouses and other similar environments, involves additional...
On fatigue safety of metallic elements under static and dynamic loads.
PublicationGłównym celem monografii było wyznaczenie współczynników bezpieczeństwa i kryteriów projektowych z uwzględnieniem wpływu obciążeń statycznych oraz naprężeń średnich i resztowych na wytrzymałość zmęczeniową przy obciążeniach okresowych i/lub stochastycznych. Uzyskano to za pomocą wyznaczonych naprężeń równoważnych i równania Soderberga. Otrzymano kryteria w postaci zamkniętej i zgodnej z wzorem Milesa na trwałość zmęczeniową oraz...
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Surface roughness of ceramic parts after lapping by abrasive-metallic tools
PublicationPrzedstawiono konstrukcję narzędzi ścierno-metalowych do obróbki na docierarce jednotarczowej. Wykonano badania docierania elementów z ceramiki tlenowej. Analizowano podstawowe parametry chropowatości powierzchni elementów z Al2O3 po obróbce narzędziami na bazie węglika boru.
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Temperature on Acoustic Emission Characteristics in Metallic Structures
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Low-Profile Interdigitated UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Metallic Objects
PublicationThis article presents a novel miniature interdigitated ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna that can be placed on metallic objects. The tag structure comprises two horizontal strip lines, each loaded with seven identical open stubs, and an integrated circuit (IC) chip connected directly to the feed lines in the middle of the structure. The perfect match to the IC chip’s impedance is realized...
An Open Platform Tool for 2D Multipactor Simulations in Metallic Microwave Components
PublicationThe paper presents a computer simulation software aimed at assessing the multipactor threshold power in a rectangular waveguide working with single tone excitation. Initial tests demonstrate a strong agreement between the simulation results obtained and those from commercial software. Contrary to the existing commercial software, our tool will be provided as Open Platform, for free use and popularisation of knowledge about physical...
Interface diffusion between metallic nanoparticles and silicon substrate
Open Research DataInterface diffusion between metallic nanoparticles and silicon substrate was detected by EDX method. Metallic nanostructures were manufactured by thermal annealing of thin films. Gold and silver nanostructures were chosen for measurements. Samples were annealed for 15 and 60 minutes at 550 deg.
Gel-based separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes for metallic and semiconducting fractions
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Magnetotransport Properties of Semi-Metallic Bismuth Thin Films for Flexible Sensor Applications
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Superconducting state in the atomic metallic hydrogen just above the pressure of the molecular dissociation
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PublicationThe investigation of finite ground coplanar fed ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna and the influence of its curvature and the proximity of circular metallic screen on the reflection coefficients and radiation characteristics is presented. The antenna is composed of two circular coplanar strips which enclose slot aperture of similar shape and is designed on a thin and flexible substrate which allows its bending. The antenna configuration...
Application of Galvanostatic Non-Linear Impedance Spectroscopy to the Analysis of Metallic Material Degradation
PublicationThis study presents a novel application of Non-Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (NLEIS) in galvanostatic mode for the rapid, non-destructive assessment of metal degradation. By using galvanostatic mode instead of traditional potentiostatic methods, polarization-related challenges are mitigated, enabling more accurate and reliable analysis. The technique allows for the determination of corrosion rates (corrosion current)...
Fast Fading Characterization for Body Area Networks in Circular Metallic Indoor Environments
PublicationWith the increasing development of 5G and Body Area Network based systems being implemented in unusual environments, propagation inside metallic structures is a key aspect to characterize propagation effects inside ships and other similar environments, mostly composed of metallic walls. In this paper, indoor propagation inside circular metallic structures is addressed and fast fading statistical distributions parameters are obtained...
A Wideband Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Circular Metallic Indoor Environments
PublicationIn this paper, the wideband characterization of the propagation channel in circular metallic indoor environments is addressed, regarding Body Area Networks and 5G small cells, an analytical model for the dependence of the mean delay and the average delay spread on the circle radius, the working frequency and the distance between the transmitter and the receiver being proposed. The derivation of the model is initially done analytically,...
The Analysis of Cross-Polarisation Discrimination for Body Area Networks in Cylindrical Metallic Environment
PublicationThe analysis of cross-polarisation discrimination for Body Area Networks in an untypical environment of cylindrical metallic room has been performed in the paper. This analysis was done based on the measurements carried out for dynamic narrowband off-body channels operating at the frequency of 2.45 GHz. The results have shown that there is a strong dependence of the depolarisation effect on the existence of direct component in...
Strong-coupling superconductivity of SrIr2 and SrRh2 : Phonon engineering of metallic Ir and Rh
PublicationExperimental and theoretical studies on superconductivity in SrIr2 and SrRh2 Laves phases are presented. The measured resistivity, heat capacity, and magnetic susceptibility confirm the superconductivity of these compounds with Tc = 6.07 and 5.41 K, respectively. Electronic structure calculations show that the Fermi surface is mostly contributed by 5d (4d) electrons of Ir (Rh), with Sr atoms playing the role of electron donors....
Effectiveness of a dual surface modification of metallic interconnects for application in energy conversion devices
PublicationA dual surface modification of an SOFC metallic interconnect with a Gd2O3 layer and an MnCo2O4 coating was evaluated. The tested samples were oxidized for 7000 h in air at 1073 K. Oxidation products were characterized using XRD, SEM-EDS, and confocal Raman imaging, and ASR was measured. The effect of gadolinium segregation at grain boundaries in Cr2O3 was evaluated using S/TEM-EDS. Area specific-resistance was measured and fuel...
Photostability pf Cy3 and Cy5-labeled DNA in the presence of metallic silver particles
PublicationZbadano wpływ cząstek metalicznego srebra na fotostabilność oligomerów DNA kowalencyjnie związanych z Cy3 lub Cy5. Zbliżenie fluoroforów do cząstek srebra powodowało zwiększenie intensywności fluorescencji i pojawienie się frakcji emisji bardziej odpornej na wybielanie.