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Search results for: qubity
Quality and Quantity
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Quality Engineering
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Quality Progress
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Journal of Quality
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Health Equity
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Quality in Sport
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Locking entanglement with a single qubit
PublicationBadamy utratę plątania dwuczęściowego stanu narażanego na odrzucenie lub pomiar jednego kubitu.
Quality in Higher Education
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Managing Service Quality
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Quality Assurance in Education
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Equity & Excellence in Education
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Food Quality and Safety
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Journal of Private Equity
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BMJ Quality & Safety
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Environmental Quality Management
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Quality Management Journal
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Quality-Access to Success
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Stochastics and Quality Control
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Pediatric Quality & Safety
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BMJ Open Quality
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Tuber Quality
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The assessment of microbiological purity of cosmetic preparations
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a single series of determinations of the microbiological purity of the cosmetic based on the aqueous phase in the test for the total number of bacteria and the total number of yeasts.The tests were performed by preparing a series of decimal dilutions of the cosmetic in peptone water and performing in-depth culture...
Generalized measurements on qubits in quantum randomness certification and expansion
PublicationQuantum mechanics has greatly impacted our understanding of microscopic nature. One of the key concepts of this theory is generalized measurements, which have proven useful in various quantum information processing tasks. However, despite their significance, they have not yet been shown empirically to provide an advantage in quantum randomness certification and expansion protocols. This investigation explores scenarios where generalized...
Reexamination of determinant-based separability test for two qubits
PublicationPrzeanalizowano wyznacznikowy test splątania dwukubitowego pod kątem związku z inną miarą splątania- zgodnością. Udowodniono prawo faktoryzacji i przeformułowano relację monogamii splątania przy użyciu wyznacznikowego parametru splątania.
Anomalous decay of quantum correlations of quantum-dot qubits
PublicationWe study the evolution of quantum correlations, quantified by the geometric discord, of two excitonic quantum-dot qubits under the influence of the phonon environment. We show that the decay of these correlations differs substantially from the decay of entanglement. Instead of displaying sudden-death-type behavior, the geometric discord shows a tendency to undergo transitions between different types of decay, is sensitive to nonlocal...
Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory: A Practical Approach.
PublicationNowe opracowanie książkowe z zakresu QA/QC to praktyczny podręcznik zarówno dla studentów jak i pracowników laboratoriów. Opisano systemu jakości wyników pomiarów analitycznych i poszczególnych jego składników: spójności pomiarowej, niepewności pomiaru, walidacji procedury analitycznej, materiałów odniesienia i badań międzylaboratoryjnych. Opisano i przedstawiono narzędzia statystyczne służące do obliczania parametrów walidacyjnych,...
Water and food quality
PublicationRozdział zawiera opis podstawowych właściwości fizykochemicznych wody, rolęwody jako składnika żywności, wymagania odnośnie wody stosowanej w przemyśleżywnościowym, charakterystykę wody odpadowej, ścieków i ich neutralizację.
Lean Quality Management
PublicationPostrzeganie przedsiębiorstwa przez pryzmat zachodzących w nim procesów powoduje powstanie dynamicznego obrazu zmian zachodzących w firmie. W wyniku takiego spojrzenia obserwator wykracza poza funkcjonalny układ struktur uzyskując możliwość pełniejszej weryfikacji skuteczności licznych, powiązanych ze sobą działań przedsiębiorstwa i podejmowania decyzji o ich doskonaleniu. Kierunki tego doskonalenia to takie budowanie sekwencji...
Lipids and food quolity
PublicationLipidy znacząco wpływają na jakość większości produktów żywnościowych. Oddziałują na strukturę rożnych surowców i posiadają ogromny wpływ na wartość odżywczą , bezpieczeństwo i właściwości sensoryczne żywności.
Quality of bottled waters
PublicationBottled water is a product that is purchased by annually increasing numbers of people of all age groups. The quality control of mineral waters tends to concentrate on the determination of anion and cation levels, since it is these that govern the taste, smell and possible medicinal properties of the water. The constantly rising sales of mineral waters bring with them the ever increasing exploitation of their sources. The consequences...
Quality of analytical results
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące kontroli i zapewnienia jakości wyników analitycznych (QC/QA). W postaci odpowiednich schematów zaprezentowano: ideę spójności pomiarowej; zasady walidacji metodyk analitycznych; rolę materiałów odniesienia w procesie analitycznym.
Lipids and Food Quality
PublicationThis chapter deals with lipids present in food as well as their chemical, biological, and functional properties. The chapter begins with a presentation of the main groups of lipids including their chemical structure and physical properties. The physical properties of lipids affecting food processing are covered. Then, the role of lipids in human nutrition is presented. This is followed by a description of the undesirable changes...
Consumerism and the Quality of Life
PublicationHigh level of consumption, driven by marketing activities, the pleasure and joy of possession and the accumulation of material goods are often associated with prosperity, sense of happiness and fulfilment in life. On a broader scale, economic indicators related to production and consumption are used to define the well-being and quality of life in societies. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of consumerism entails negative social and...
Certified Reference Material - as a necessary tool for the quality control and quality assurance of measurements
PublicationReference materials are necessary to control and ensure the quality of the measurements. The demand for analytical information on the composition of different material objects makes it necessary to produce an even wider range of materials.
Quality 5.0: A Paradigm Shift Towards Proactive Quality Control in Industry 5.0
PublicationIndustry 5.0, the latest wave of industrial revolution, is redefining the traditional manufacturing and production landscapes by leveraging advanced technologies, promoting sustainability, and fostering a human-centric approach. An inevitable consequence of this progression is Quality 5.0, the next phase of quality control and assurance. Quality 5.0 aims to transcend the limitations of conventional quality control techniques, which...
On thermal stability of topological qubit in Kitaev's 4D model
PublicationWe analyse stability of the four-dimensional Kitaev model-a candidate for scalable quantum memory - in finite temperature within the weak coupling Markovian limit. It is shown that, below a critical temperature, certain topological qubit observables X and Z possess relaxation times exponentially long in the size of the system. Their construction involves polynomial in system size algorithm which uses as an input the results of...
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Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationW opracowaniu przedstawiono rozwojowy model systemu zarządzania jakością w dużej uczelni technicznej. Punktem wyjścia dla tego projektowania tego modelu jest wewnętrzny system zapewnienia jakości kształcenia oparty na wytycznych ENQA a kluczowym czynnikiem wspierającym systemowo prowadzone zarządzanie wiedzą oraz samoocena.
The role and the place of method validation in the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) System
PublicationOznaczanie analitów na coraz niższych poziomach stężeń w próbkach charakteryzujących się coraz bardziej złożonym składem matrycy to jeden z głównych kierunków rozwojowych analityki chemicznej. Jest to zadanie niezwykle trudne i skomplikowane, w związku z czym stanowi wielkie wyzwanie dla analityków i wymaga zwrócenia uwagi na problem kontroli i zapewnienia jakości uzyskiwanych wyników (ang. Quality Assurance/Quality Control - QA/QC).W...
The Role of and the Place of Method Validation in the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) System
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Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationThe paper presents a model of quality management system (QMS) developed by the author in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The core of the model is internal quality assurance system of educational processes based on the ENQA guidelines. Next described in the paper steps of GUT QMS development are the implementation of one of the normative QMS models (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025) in selected organizational units of GUT and...
PublicationThe article presents rules, requirements, and norms for quality management and health safety assurance systems among small and medium bakeries. This group of businesses does not have the obligation of implementing or certifying specific systems. They are, however, implemented in order to increase the quality of the bread or reach a better market position. Also, the results of a 2022 study of 53 bakeries’ implementation of individual...
Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory. A practical approach : Second edition
PublicationThe second edition defines the tools used in QA/QC, especially the application of statistical tools during analytical data treatment. Clearly written and logically organized, it takes a generic approach applicable to any field of analysis. The authors begin with the theory behind quality control systems, then detail validation parameter measurements, the use of statistical tests, counting the margin of error, uncertainty estimation,...
Circulation-Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
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Quality Technology and Quantitative Management