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Search results for: thiocyanate ion
Determination of thiocyanate (biomarkers of ETS) and other inorganic ions in human nasal discharge samples using ion chromatography
PublicationEnvironmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a mixture of air and tobacco smoke containing more than 4000 chemical substances. In view of the health risks of many of these substances, studies are needed to determine biomarkers of exposure to ETS constituents in people who actively or passively are exposed to the toxic compounds. The methodologies for determining most biomarkers from saliva, urine and blood samples are known, but methods...
Potentiometric Solid-Contact Ion-Selective Electrode for Determination of Thiocyanate in Human Saliva
PublicationA new solid-contact potentiometric ion-selective electrode for the determination of SCN− (SCN-ISE) has been described. Synthesized phosphonium derivative of calix[4]arene was used as a charged ionophore. The research included selection of the ion-selective membrane composition, determination of the ISEs metrological parameters and SCN-ISE application for thiocyanate determination in human saliva. Preparation of the ISEs included...
Application of Ion Chromatography for the Determination of Inorganic Ions, Especially Thiocyanates, in Human Semen Samples as Biomarkers of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure.
PublicationPalenie tytoniu stanowi istotne źródło zanieczyszczenia powietrza wewnętrznego. Szkodliwość palenia tytoniu potwierdzają zarówno badania doświadczalne, jak i opracowania epidemiologiczne. Celem przeprowadzonych prac badawczych było uzyskanie informacji o poziomie zawartości jonów nieorganicznych, a zwłaszcza jonów rodankowych (jako biomarkerów narażenia na szkodliwe składniki obecne w środowiskowym dymie tytoniowym) w próbkach...
Application of ion chromatography for the determination of inorganic ions, especially thiocyanates in human saliva samples as biomarkers of environmental tobacco smoke exposure
PublicationŚrodowiskowy dym tytoniowy jest jednym z czynników decydujących o jakości powietrza wewnętrznego różnego typu pomieszczeń zamkniętych. Toksyczne składniki wydzielające się wraz z głównym i bocznym strumieniem dymu tytoniowego mają istotny wpływ na skład chemiczny płynów biologicznych. Jednym z biomarkerów narażenia na szkodliwe składniki środowiskowego dymu tytoniowego są jony rodankowe. Celem badań było znalezienie korelacji pomiędzy...
Application of analytical procedure based on accelerated solvent extraction and ion chromatography technique for determination of thiocyanate and other inorganic ions in human placenta samples
PublicationExposure of a pregnant woman during pregnancy is a special case of exposure to toxic substances. Samples of placenta collected for the studies had been prepared with the technique of accelerated solvent extraction and later analyzed for the presence of thiocyanate ion and other inorganic ions, with the use of the technique of ion chromatography. The concentration of thiocyanate ion in placenta samples collected from active smokers...
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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
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Determination of thiocyanate as a biomarker of tobacco smoke constituents in selected biological materials of human origin
Publicationn order to protect human health, it is necessary to biomonitor toxic substances originating from tobacco smoke in biological materials sampled from persons with different exposures to tobacco smoke constituents. Thiocyanate anion is a biomarker of exposure to tobacco smoke components which is characterized by a relatively long half‐life in the human body, i.e. 6 days. In this work, we present the results of thiocyanate determinations...
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5-Thiocyanato-2′-deoxyuridine as a possible radiosensitizer: electron-induced formation of uracil-C5-thiyl radical and its dimerization
PublicationIn this work, we have synthesized 5-thiocyanato-2′-deoxyuridine (SCNdU) along with the C6-deuterated nucleobase 5-thiocyanatouracil (6-D-SCNU) and studied their reactions with radiation-produced electrons. ESR spectra in γ-irradiated nitrogen-saturated frozen homogeneous solutions (7.5 M LiCl in H2O or D2O) of these compounds show that electron-induced S–CN bond cleavage occurs to form a thiyl radical (dU-5-S˙ or 6-D-U-5-S˙) and...
Ion conduction in beryllium-alumino-silicate glasses doped with sodium or sodium and lithium ions
PublicationElectrical properties of beryllium-alumino-silicate glasses containing sodium ions or sodium and lithium ions were studied with impedance spectroscopy technique over a frequency range from 10 mHz to 1 MHz and at temperature range from 213 to 473 K. The frequency- and temperature-dependent conductivity spectra of individual single alkali glasses were superimposed by means of the Summerfield scaling. Mixed-alkali glasses do not overlap...
Influence of the preparation method and aluminum ion substitution on the structure and electrical properties of lithium–iron ferrites
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Influence of mechanochemical and microwave modification on ion-exchange properties of tin dioxide with respect to uranyl ions
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On thio‐substituted N‐heterocyclic arsines
PublicationMetathesis of N-heterocyclic chloroarsines with sulfur-based nucleophiles furnished thio-substituted 1,3,2-diazarsolidines and 1,3,2-diazarsolenes. Crystallographic and NMR spectroscopic studies revealed that a thiocyanato-diazarsolene exhibits a salt-like structure composed of weakly interacting thiocyanate and arsenium ions, while the remaining products formed neutral molecules. The structural data indicate that the heterocyclic...
International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
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PublicationThe aim of the study was to use meconium samples to assess fetal exposure to compounds present in environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Material and Methods: In order to assess fetal exposure to toxic tobacco smoke compounds, samples of meconium from the offspring of women with different levels of tobacco smoke exposure, and the samples of saliva from the mothers were analyzed. Thiocyanate ion as a biomarker of tobacco smoke exposure,...
Magnetic, Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of Iron(II)-Octacyanoniobate(IV) Crystalline Film Obtained by Ion-Exchange Synthesis
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Simultaneous Removal of Al, Cu and Zn Ions from Aqueous Solutions Using Ion and Precipitate Flotation Methods
PublicationThis paper presents the results of investigations concerning the simultaneous removal of Al(III), Cu(II), and Zn(II) from dilute aqueous solutions using ion and precipitate flotation methods. The effects of initial solution pH, surface active substance concentration, and the gas velocity on the flotations’ efficiency and course are studied. Experimental results are discussed in terms of physicochemical aspects related to aqueous...
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Icon News
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Electrical properties and structure of lead-borate glass containing iron ions
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Electrical properties and structure of lead-borate glass containing iron ions.
PublicationThe ac and dc conductivity in iron–lead-borate glass samples was investigated in the frequency range from 1 mHz to 1 MHz and in the temperature range from 153 K to 423 K. The structure was investigated by the means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the crystalline phases (if present) were identified by the means of X-ray diffractometry. Two types of ac electrical behaviour were observed. The first group of glass samples which...
Flexible Films as Anode Materials Based on rGO and TiO2/MnO2 in Li-Ion Batteries Free of Non-Active Agents
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Potentiometric sensor containing set of ion selective electrodes with lipid modified membranes for quality assessment of tested non-alcoholic beverages
PublicationPotentiometric sensors may be a good tool for fast quality control of commercial drinks. In this work, such a sensor, containing a set of ion-selective electrodes with lipid-modified membranes (benzylhexadecyldimethylammonium chloride monohydrate, hexadecylamine, 1-dodecanol, elaidic acid, cholesterol) was used for discrimination and quality control of non-alcoholic beverages, mainly composed of sugar and citric acid. It was found...
Studies on 16-membered azothia-and azoxythiacrown ethers as ion carriers in ion selective membranes.
Publication16-członowe azo iazoksy korony zawierające w makropierścieniu atomy siarki były badane jako nośniki jonów w jonoselektywnych elektrodach membranowych. Związki te badane były pod kątem kompleksowania metali I i II grupy układu okresowego oraz metali ciężkich i przejściowych. Wyznaczone zostały stałe trwałości kompleksów azokoron z wybranymi kationami za pomocą metody sandwiczowej. W wyniku badań potwierdzono tworzenie się silnych...
Determination of cyanide ion in urine samples using ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection.
PublicationCyanides are widely applied in industrial activity, including gold and silver mining and the production of organic chemicals. HCN is also formed directly from fossil fuel combustion sources from gasoline and diesel vehicles. In natural environment, in plants seeds for example an apple seed, it exists as a cyanogenic glycosides. The amount of cyanide ions originating from food products is however rather small. Larger concentrations...
Manufacturing Data Analysis in Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) Scenario
PublicationComputer integrated manufacturing (CIM) has enormous benefits as it increases the rate of production, reduces errors and production waste, and streamlines manufacturing sub-systems. However, there are some new challenges related to CIM operating in the Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) scenarios associated with Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. The main challenge is to deal with the massive volume of data flowing...
Cathodes for Sodium‑Ion Batteries
PublicationAdvances in lithium-ion battery (LIBs) technology have improved living conditions around the globe. However, there are increasing concerns regarding the sustainability and criticality of materials (lithium and cobalt) for LIBs. Considering sodium’s superiority in cost and abundance, the development of electrode materials for sodium-ion batteries (NIBs) has been intensively revisited. Limited types of structures are suitable for...
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[[bis(thiourea-κS)cadmium]-di-μ-thiocyanato-κ<sup>2</sup>N:S;κ<sup>2</sup>S:N] dihydrate]
PublicationTytułowy związek tworzy jednowymiarowy łańcuch na skutek występowania mostkujących grup SCN pomiędzy atomami kadmu. Atomy kadmu obsadzają krystalograficzne środki symetrii i są koordynowane oktaedrycznie (zdeformowany oktaedr) przez 2 atomy S i 2 atomy N z mostkujących ligandow SCN oraz przez 2 atomy S z dwóch cząsteczek tiomocznika. Upakowanie jest wspomagane przez dodatkowe wiązania międzycząsteczkowe OH...S, NH...O i NH...N....
A graphene-based nanostructure with expanded ion transport channels for high rate Li-ion batteries
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Graphene-encapsulated iron nanoparticles as a non-viral vector for gene delivery into melanoma cells
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Fulminant hepatic failure in woman with iron and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug intoxication
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Linear and nonlinear impedance in iron oxide glasses containing alkaline ions and alkali free
PublicationThe linear and nonlinear impedance spectra of oxide glasses were measured in the frequency range of 1 mHz to 1 MHz and in the temperature range of 153K to 483K. Two groups of iron oxide glass samples were prepared, the first one containing alkaline ions and the second one without alkali. In the first group, compositions of glasses were as follows: (in %mol) 50% SiO2 , 25% PbO, 15% Fe2O3 and 15% one of alkaline oxides: Na2O, K2O,...
Compact 4 × 4 butler matrix with non‐standard phase differences for IoT applications
PublicationButler matrices represent a popular class of feeding networks for antenna arrays. Large dimensions and the lack of flexibility in terms of achievable output phase difference make conventional Butler structures of limited use for modern communication devices. In this work, a compact planar 4 × 4 matrix with non-standard relative phase shifts of –30º, 150º, –120º, and 60º has been proposed. The structure is designed to operate at...
Hydroxide ion hydration in aqueous solutions
PublicationHydratacja anionu hydroksylowego w wodnych roztworach wybranych wodorotlenków metali alkalicznych została zbadana przy pomocy spektroskopii oscylacyjnej FTIR HDO izotopowo rozcieńczonej w H2O. Po raz pierwszy zastosowano do badań nad takimi układami ilościową wersję metody widm różnicowych. Pozwoliła ona na wyodrębnienie widma HDO zaburzonej przez substancję rozpuszczoną. Dane spektralne skonfrontowano z optymalnymi strukturami...
Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Battery
PublicationThere is an urgent need to develop a highly efficient, low-cost alternative to the now-ubiquitous lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). A cheaper and less resource-critical sodium-ion battery (NIB) technology has recently gained much attention. Thus, there is also continuous research ongoing on stable, high-capacity anode materials for NIBs. Dependent on the mechanism of the electrochemical reaction, the negative electrode materials can...
Co-Existence of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Manganese Oxide Nanorods as Decoration of Hollow Carbon Spheres for Boosting Electrochemical Performance of Li-Ion Battery
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Lizi Jiaohuan Yu Xifu/Ion Exchange and Adsorption
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Con-ciencia social
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Con A de Animacion
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Non-ferrous Metals
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Iron and Steel Technology
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Non-coding RNA
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Mixed electronic-ionic conductivity in transition metal oxide glasses con-taining alkaline ions
PublicationOpisano właściwości elektryczne szkieł z tlenkami metali przejściowych zawierających jony metali alkalicznych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na typowe zmiany przewodnictwa występujące przy domieszkowaniu tego typu szkieł jonami metali alkalicznych. Porównano przewodnictwo elektryczne szkieł fosforanowo-żelazowych zawierających jony sodu z przewodnictwem szkieł bizmutowo-miedziowych.
Understanding ion–ion and ion–solvent interactions in aqueous solutions of morpholinium ionic liquids with N-acetyl-L-alaninate anion through partial molar properties and molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationAmino acid ionic liquids (AAILs) provide a low toxicity, biodegradable alternative to conventional ionic liquids, while also maintaining solubility in water. Densities and sound velocities of aqueous solutions of four amino acid ionic liquids (AAILs), based on the N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium ([Mor1,R], R = 2, 3, 6, 8) cation and N-acetyl-L-alaninate ([N-Ac-L-Ala]) anion were measured at T = (293.15–313.15) K and at atmospheric...
Exploring ion-ion preferences through structure-property correlations: amino acid-derived, bis(guanidinium) disiloxane salts
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Dopants and gas modifiers in ion mobility spectrometry
PublicationThe ion mobility techniques, including the most commonly used drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and differential mobility spectrometry (DMS), are used successfully for the detection of a wide range of organic compounds in the gas phase. In order to improve detection quality, admixtures are added to gas streams flowing through the detector. Dopants mostly prevent the ionization of interfering chemicals however, better detection...
A new type of (TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN nanocomposite coating: Microstructure and properties depending on energy of incident ions
PublicationA novel (TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN nanocomposite coatings, which consist of the nitride of the high-entropy alloy and the binary nitride, were synthesized by vacuum-arc deposition at various substrate biases. The elemental composition, chemical bonding state, phase structure, microstructure and mechanical properties of the coatings were studied by high-resolution experimental methods: SIMS, GDMS, XPS, XRD, HR-TEM and nano-indentation. It...