Sebastian Kornet
total: 17
Catalog Publications
Year 2018
Enhanced energy conversion as a result of fluid-solid interaction in micro- and nanoscale
PublicationIt is known that nano- and micromechanics require new approaches to right describing of surface-like phenomena which lead to an enhanced energy conversion. In this work, a general form of surface forces that consist of a contribution from both the friction and mobility components has been extended to collect the effects of bulk and surface motion of a fluid. Quite similar impact can be observed for a solid-fluid mixture, where...
Year 2015
An approach for estimation of water wall degradation within pulverized-coal boilers
PublicationThe main aim of this paper is to estimate the lifetime of water walls of pulverized-coal boilers at nominal conditions as well as after degradation of water tubes. An approach for a pulverized-coal chamber degradation process has been formulated based on operational and experimental data. This model was formulated using on-line state monitoring of a pulverized coal burner with aim of preventing the fireplace screens from high degradation...
Analysis of unsteady flow forces on the thermowell of steam temperature sensor
PublicationIn this paper, 3D numerical analysis of unsteady flow forces acting on the measuring sheath of steam temperature is presented. According to that purpose, the CFD (Computation Fluid Dynamic [1]) approach has been used. The nonstationary of fluid acting on the measuring sheath such as: Strouhal frequency, amplitude of pressure, structure of vortex, peak of pressure, field of pressure, field of velocity etc. are studied analytically...
PublicationIn the low-pressure part of steam turbine, the state path usually crosses the saturation line in penultimate stages [4,5]. The formation and evolution of these droplets lower the performance of the wet stages of the turbines, and their effects on the efficiency are collectively known as wetness losses [4]. Nowadays, due to work of steam turbines at partial load, process of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation still is current....
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to investigate thermodynamic efficiency of advanced hierarchic power cyclesunder partial loads by using of exergy analyze. Advanced hierarchical power systems arecomposed of few energy conversion cycles, most common are steam and gas cycles in various configurations, but they may contain fuel cells, ORC, lithium bromide absorption chillers and others. Moreover hierarchical cycles can be powered by several...
PublicationIn this paper, thermodynamic analysis of the Szewalski hierarchic vapour cycle cooperated with the system of heat recovery from exhaust gases are presented. According to that purpose, the CFM (Computation Flow Mechanics [1,3]) approach has correctly been used. The whole system consists of the first traditional steam cycle, the second organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and system of heat recovery with use of water with temperature 90...
Year 2014
An advanced Thermal-FSI approach to flow heating/cooling
PublicationActually, two-way thermal-energy exchange between working fluid and solid material of a casing is a leading problem for modern – semi automatic – design techniques. Many questions should be solved, especially, the turbulent mode of thermal energy transport both in fluid and solid, should be re-examined and reformulated from the primary principles. In the present paper, a group of researchers from Energy Conversion Department of...
An asymmetrical λ-foot of condensing steam flow in the IMP PAN nozzle
PublicationIn the present paper we have focused on the precise prediction of the spontaneous condensation phenomena in wet steam flow. Novelty of our approach lies on modelling both the moment of initiation of a phase transition, as well as the moment of its reverse progress - called here re-vaporization of the condensate phase. The practical issue is to elaborate of a model of spontaneous condensation/vaporization of water steam flow...
PublicationIn the low-pressure part of steam turbine, the state path usually crosses the saturation line in penultimate stages. At least last two stages of this part of turbines operate in two –phase region. The liquid phase in this region in mainly created in the process of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation. Several observations confirm however, that condensation often occurs earlier than it is predicted by theory i.e. before the...
„Eulerian – Eulerian” versus ,,Eulerian –Lagrangean” models of condensation
PublicationLiquid phase in the flowing vapor through stages of the steam turbine is the cause of a lot of failures. Nowadays, due to work of steam turbines at partial load, process of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation still is current. The formation of drops of condensate under conditions other than nominal operation of turbine is a process still unknown. Engineers and designers involved in the development of power station machines...
Mechanizm odparowania kropel kondensatu w strefie fali uderzeniowej
PublicationSpontaniczna kondensacja pary, zachodząca dla dobrze zaprojektowanych turbin w obrębie ostatniego stopnia części niskoprężnej, jest nierównowagowym przejściem fazowym indukowanym naprężeniowo. Na pierwszy rzut oka wydaje się, że wymiana ciepła, jako taka ma pomijalny udział w mechanizmie napędzającym przemianę. Jednak, jak pokazały prace Bilickiego i Kestina, nierównowaga termodynamiczna uruchamia zjawiska „szybkiej relaksacji”...
Year 2013
Modelling of the Baumann turbine stage operation Part II. Free and kinetic vibrations
PublicationIn this paper has been presented a methodology of validation a novel mathematical model dedicated to evaluation and prediction of material degradation and demage of steam turbine elements such as blades, valves and pipes due to three mechanisms: stress-corosion, high-temperature creep and low-cyclic fatigue. The validation concept is based on an experimental setup manufactured in the Laboratory of Faculty of Mechanical and Power...
Modelowanie osiągów niskoemisyjnych ogniw paliwowych za pomocą modeli matematycznych typu CFM.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono matematyczny model rurkowego ogniwa paliwowego i jego implementację do własnego kodu typu CFM (Computational Flow Mechanics) o nazwie COM-GAS. Kody numeryczne CFM pozwalają przewidzieć podstawowe parametry ogniwa takie jak: prąd, napięcie, skład spalin etc. Napięcie generowane przez ogniwo paliwowe wyznaczono na podstawie rozszerzonego równania Nernsta. Skład spalin oszacowano opierając się o stałą równowagi...
Nierównowagowe przemiany fazowe
PublicationWoda jest substancją, która występuje najczęściej w naturze i może przyjmować różne stany skupienia. Przemiany fazowe zachodzące w wodzie są przedmiotem naszego codziennego doświadczania. Mogą one zachodzić spontanicznie, lub także mogą być one inicjowane przez człowieka w różnego rodzaju maszynach i urządzeniach. Do najbardziej ciekawych przemian, które zachodzą w tym płynie są kondensacja i flashing. Oba te zjawiska mogą być...
Równowagowy przepływ pary mokrej w części niskoprężnej turbiny parowej
PublicationW części niskoprężnej (NP) kondensacyjnej turbiny parowej przedostatni stopień ( zwany stopniem Baumanna) stwarza możliwość zwiększenia mocy wyjściowej turbiny, bez zwiększenia długości łopatek ostatniego stopnia. Stopień Baumanna pracuje w obszarze, w którym zachodzi zjawisko tzw. spontanicznej kondensacji, która jest nierównowagowym przejściem fazowym. Początek obszaru występowania pary mokrej jest związany z położeniem tzw....
Wyznaczenie maksymalnej sprawności obiegu zeroemisyjnej turbiny gazowo-parowej
PublicationW pracy omówiono koncepcję zeroemisyjnej turbiny gazowo-parowej z zastosowaniem oksyspalania
Year 2012
Estimation of the steam condensation flow via CFD methods
PublicationThe results of numerical simulations to predict the performance of different steam models have been presented. All of the considered models of steam condensation have been validated on the base of benchmark experiment employing expansion in nozzle and next on the low pressure part of the steam turbine stage. For numerical analysis three models have been finally used – the ideal steam model without condensation, an equilibrium steam...
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