dr hab. inż. Sebastian Molin
- Deputy Head of Department at Department of Functional Materials Engineering
- Associate professor at Department of Functional Materials Engineering
Project manager, PI - Polish side
DEMETRA Defective metal oxides as the next generation of lead-free piezoelectrics for ultrasonic actuators
Project realized in Department of Functional Materials Engineering according to UMO-2022/04/Y/ST5/00165 agreement from 2023-06-27
Spinels in the Cu-Mn-(Fe, Ni, Zn, Cr)-O system: synthesis, studies of structure, physicochemical properties, and operando electrocatalytic activity
Project realized in Department of Functional Materials Engineering according to UMO-2022/45/N/ST5/03627 agreement from 2023-01-17
ALDAMS Lifetime extension of high chromium ferritic porous alloys by application of ultra-thin aluminium oxide coatings
Project realized in Department of Functional Materials Engineering according to UMO-2022/45/N/ST8/03351 agreement from 2023-01-16
Project manager, PI from the Polish side
MSµSOFC Porous metal supported micro-scale solid oxide fuel cells: fundamentals, fabrication and testing
Project realized in Department of Functional Materials Engineering according to UMO-2020/38/L/ST8/00513 agreement from 2021-07-06
Nanocrystalline high-entropy spinel oxide films: the influence of electron configuration and crystallographic position of cations on physicochemical properties
Project realized in Laboratorium Materiałów Funkcjonalnych ETI according to UMO-2019/35/N/ST5/01796 agreement from 2020-06-19
Project manager
CorPorAl Corrosion of Porous Alloys
Project realized in Laboratorium Materiałów Funkcjonalnych ETI according to UMO-2018/30/E/ST8/00821 agreement from 2019-07-01
Project manager
Fabrication and electrical characterization of thin film multicomponent oxides
Project realized in Laboratorium Materiałów Funkcjonalnych ETI according to DEC-2018/02/X/ST5/01878 agreement from 2018-12-05
Project manager
NaCEnCo Nanocrystalline ceramic materials for efficient electrochemical energy conversion
Project realized in Department of Biomedical Engineering according to POIR.04.04.00-00-42E9/17-00 agreement from 2018-10-31
seen 5742 times