dr inż. Szymon Winczewski
e-Learning courses
Computer modeling and design of materials 2022/2023
Computer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Introduction to quantum mechanics 2022/2023
Introduction to quantum mechanics, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science, II stopień, semestr 1
Symulacje Komputerowe dla Inżynierów
Dwusemestralne studia podyplomowe wprowadzające w podstawowe i nieco bardziej zaawansowane aspekty inżynierskich obliczeń modeli trójwymiarowych. Głównym wątkiem jest Metoda Elementów Skończonych, jej warianty i róznorodne zastosowania. W programie znajduje się miejsce dla ćwiczeń z branży samochodowej, okrętowej, budownictwa lądowego czy energetyki. W nieco mniejszym stopniu rozwinięty jest obszar modelowania CFD (mechanika...
Metody numeryczne 2022/2023
stopień I - semestr IV
Komputerowe Modelowanie Materiałów 2022/2023
stopień I - semestr VI
Mechanika kwantowa 2022/2023
Mechanika kwantowa, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, I stopień, semestr 5
Inżynieria kwantowa 2024/2025
Inżynieria kwantowa, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, I stopień, semestr 5
Nowe trendy w nauce o materiałach i nanotechnologii
Wybrane zagadnienia nanotechnologii - 2025
Komputerowe modelowanie metodami cząstek
Materials Science - classical particle approach 2023/2024
Computer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Metody numeryczne 2023/2024
stopień I - semestr IV
Wybrane zagadnienia nanotechnologii 2024
Teoretyczne podstawy nanotechnologii
Mechanika kwantowa 2023/2024
Mechanika kwantowa, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, I stopień, semestr 5
Materials Science - Classical Particle Approach 2024/2025
Computer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Komputerowe modelowanie metodami cząstek 2024/2025
Komputerowe Modelowanie Materiałów 2023/2024
stopień I - semestr VI
Wprowadzenie do eksperymentu
Introduction to quantum mechanics 2024/2025
Introduction to quantum mechanics, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science, II stopień, semestr 1
Metody numeryczne 2024/2025
stopień I - semestr IV
Komputerowe Modelowanie Materiałów 2024/2025
stopień I - semestr VI
Conducted classes
Komputerowe modelowanie materiałów
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Komputerowe modelowanie materiałów
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Komputerowe modelowanie materiałów
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Inżynieria kwantowa
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Komputerowe modelowanie metodami cząstek
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Materials Science - classical particle approach
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: RealMaths - Mathematics for new materials design
Materials Science - classical particle approach
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Indywidualny projekt badawczy
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
Materials Science - classical particle approach
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Materials Science - classical particle approach
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: RealMaths - Mathematics for new materials design
Komputerowe modelowanie metodami cząstek
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: New Materials Design
Komputerowe modelowanie metodami cząstek
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Engineering of Functional Materials
Modelowanie materiałów i struktur auksetycznych
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Komputerowe modelowanie materiałów
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Theoretical basis of nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Photonic Nanostructures
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: New Materials Design
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: InterMaths - Mathematics for new materials design
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Computer modeling and design of materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: Condensed Mather Physics and Nanotechnology
Computer modeling and design of materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: InterMaths - Mathematics for new materials design
Computer modeling and design of nanomaterials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Computer Modelling of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: Functional Nanomaterials and Advanced Technologies
Computer Modelling of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Computer modeling and design of materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Computer modeling and design of materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Computer modeling and design of materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: InterMaths - Mathematics for new materials design
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: Functional Nanomaterials and Advanced Technologies
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: InterMaths - Mathematics for new materials design
Computer modeling and design of materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: Condensed Mather Physics and Nanotechnology
Computer Modelling of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Computer modeling and design of materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: InterMaths - Mathematics for new materials design
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Computer modeling and design of materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Introduction to low dimensional systems and nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology (joint Master's double-degree program)
Specialization: InterMaths - Mathematics for new materials design
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Computer Modelling of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Mathematical Methods of Biophysics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Computer Modelling of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Mathematical Methods of Biophysics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Master thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Computer Modelling of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Computer Modelling and Design of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Distributed algorithms II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Computer Modelling and Design of Materials Part I
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
Computational nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Computational nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Distributed algorithms I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Laboratorium dyplomowe I
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Distributed algorithms II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Computer Modelling and Design of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Computer Modelling of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Computer Modelling and Design of Materials
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
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