Kierownik Sekcji Inf. Nauk-Tech Biblioteki PG
Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
Head of the Scientific and Technical Information Services at the Gdansk University of Technology Library and the Leader of the Open Science Competence Center. She is also a Plenipotentiary of the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology for open science. She is a PhD Candidate. Her main areas of research and interests include research productivity, motivation, management of HEs, Open Access, Open Research Data, information...
Kierownik Sekcji Gromadz.i Oprac.Zbiorów Tradycyjn
Izabela Zlot mgr
Agnieszka Szymik mgr
Janusz Waluszko mgr
Natalia Wysmyk mgr
Izabela Zlot mgr