Open Research Data
total: 127
Open Research Data
Thermogravimetric analysis data of hydration in air for BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 6 files of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) data. The TGA experiments of hydration for BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3-δ (BCZY622), BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.18Fe0.02O3-δ (BCZYFe2), BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.15Fe0.05O3-δ (BCZYFe5), and BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Fe0.1O3-δ (BCZYFe10) were conducted on Netzsch STA 449.
Iodometric titration analysis for BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe determination of oxygen nonstoichiometry in the series of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1) compounds was carried out using the iodometric titration method.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements - conductivity vs. temperature and conductivity vs. oxygen partial pressure for BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of two main catalogs consisting of measurement data: of the electrical conductivity of the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.18Fe0.02O3-δ (BCZYFe2), BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.15Fe0.05O3-δ (BCZYFe5), and BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Fe0.1O3-δ (BCZYFe10) samples as a function of temperature and of the electrical conductivity as a function of oxygen partial pressure (pO2)....
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - water uptake and oxidation of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction (Oxidation) and hydration/dehydration (Hydration). Each of them consists individual catalogs for the measurements performed on the samples indicated by the name of the catalog. In the case of oxidation/reduction, inside each them, there are catalogs indicating if...
X-Ray difractogramms of multicomponent perovskites
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw XRD patterns of four exemplary barium perovskites having 5 different B-cations, that is Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti and Ce, Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti and Y, Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti and Yb and Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti and Sm. The perovskites were synthesised and studied in the NCN project "High entropy oxides for energy conversion"
High temperature X-Ray difractogramms of 8_B cation multicomponent perovskites
Open Research DataThe dataset contains high-temperature XRD patterns of the Ba(ZrHfSnTiInYYbSm)O3 perovskite which was hydrated at 300 C before the analyses. The set contains the data from four subsequent heating treatments. It also includes the XRD of a dry sample. The technical symbol of the sample is H038.
High temperature X-Ray difractogramms of 10_B cation multicomponent perovskites
Open Research DataThe dataset contains high-temperature XRD patterns of the Ba(ZrHfSnTiCeInYYbSmZn)O3 perovskite which was hydrated at 300 C before the analyses. The set contains the data from four subsequent heating treatments. It also includes the XRD of a dry sample. The technical symbol of the sample is H038. The perovskites were synthesised and studied in the NCN...
High temperature X-Ray difractogramms of multicomponent orthoniobate
Open Research DataHigh-temperature XRD of calcium-doped (La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Eu0.2)1-xCaxNbO4-δ (x = 0.05) ortho-niobate. The oxide undergoes the transition between monoclinic and tetragonal structures.
Enhancing electrical properties through in-situ controlled nanocrystallization of V2O5–TeO2 glass
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw data and projects concerning the manuscript called "Enhancing electrical properties through in-situ controlled nanocrystallization of V2O5–TeO2 glass"
The electrical conductivity of pristine, La-, and Nb-doped SFM measured in air and hydrogen atmospheres
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an Excel sheet with the result of DC4W method of electrical measurements. The measurements were conducted on pristine strontium ferrite molubdate as well as ones doped with La and Nb. Additionally two samples co-doped with La and Ni/Co were analyzed. Pellets were prepared by high temperature sintering at 1400 deg. C, then cut...
High temperature XRD diffraction patterns collected during the reoxidation process of SFM-based compounds
Open Research DataThis dataset contains three file folders for SFM, LSFM (La-doped) and SFMNb (Nb-doped) respectively. Samples were reduced prior to the XRD measurements. The measurements were performed on Philipps X’Pert Pro diffractometer using a high-temperature Anthon Paar HT-1200 oven adapter. Scans were performed each 50 deg. in air. The data in dataset were already...
FTIR spectra of Ce0.9M0.1O2 synthesised by reverse microemulsion method
Open Research DataThe dataset consist of the FTIR spectra of Ce0.9M0.1O2 synthesised by reverse microemulsion method, after calcination at 500 degrees.
The 3d Ce XPS spectra of Ce0.9M0.1O2
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 3d Ce XPS of Ce0.9M0.1O2 where (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy analysis (XPS) was performed using X-ray photoelectron spectrometer Omnicron NanoTechnology with 128-channel collector. XPS measurements were undertaken in ultra-high vacuum conditions, below 1.1x10-8 mbar. Photoelectrons were excited by an...
The 2p XPS spectra of transition metals in Ce0.9M0.1O2
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2p XPS spectra of transition metals in Ce0.9M0.1O2 where (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy analysis (XPS) was performed using X-ray photoelectron spectrometer Omnicron NanoTechnology with 128-channel collector. XPS measurements were undertaken in ultra-high vacuum conditions, below 1.1x10-8 mbar. Photoelectrons...
Impact of strontium non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of the research on the basis of which the Figures presented in the manuscript entitled "Impact of strontium non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ on structural, electrical, and electrochemical properties for potential oxygen electrode of intermediate temperature Solid Oxide Cells" were prepared. A detailed description...
Au nanostructures coated with a ultrathin film of Al2O3 - measurements and FDTD simulations
Open Research DataGold plasmonic platforms have been coated with an ultra-thin films of aluminium oxide. Optical measurements, showing the influence of the thickness of Al2O3 on plasmon resonance position. The observed red-shift of the resonance location with the increase of the thickness of the Al2O3 film, can be explained by the change in the dielectric function of...
Mn-Co nanofilms on nickel foam measured by XPS mehod
Open Research DataManganium-Cobaltium based thin films were electrochemically deposited on a Ni based subsrates in a one-step process at −1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl in an aqueous solution of differently concentrated Mn(NO3)2·4H2O and Co(NO3)2·6H2O with the deposition time limited by charges of 60, 120, and 200 mC at 25 °C. The concentration ratios of Mn(NO3)2·4H2O to Co(NO3)2·6H2O...
Substrate characterization in a electrochemically derived Manganium-Cobaltium thin films
Open Research DataManganium-Cobaltium thin films were electrochemically deposited on a Ni foams subsrates in a one-step process at −1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl in an aqueous solution of differently concentrated Mn(NO3)2·4H2O and Co(NO3)2·6H2O with the deposition time limited by charges of 60, 120, and 200 mC at 25 °C. The concentration ratios of Mn(NO3)2·4H2O to Co(NO3)2·6H2O...
Linear impedance of 10Na2O–60P2O5–30CaO glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 10Na2O–60P2O5–30CaO glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Lanthanum investigations in ceramics annealed in a dry and wet atmosphere
Open Research DataCeramics based on Barium, Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Cobaltium were produced by standard solid state reaction from oxides and carbonate powders. After sintring, samples were annealed for 2 hours or 72 hours at 300 Celsius degree in a both: wet and dry atmosphere. Results of annealing on a chemical composition and valence state of lanthanum were observed...
Study of the chemical state of Gd in a Ba-La-Gd-Co based ceramic
Open Research DataBarium, Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Cobaltium precursors were used for production of ceramic materials. Samples were produced by standard solid state reaction. Samples were annealed at 300 Celsius degree in wet and dry atmosphere. Annealing takes 72h or 2h. Results of annealing on a Gadolinum were observed by X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), OmicronNanotechnology....
Influence of the annealing condictions on the chemical structure of LaBaGdCo ceramics
Open Research DataCeramic samples based on Barium, Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Cobaltium were produced by solid state reaction. After sintring in a furnance, samples were annealed at 300 Celsius degree in wet and dry atmosphere. Annealing takes 72h or 2h. Results of annealing were observed by X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), OmicronNanotechnology. XPS analysis...
Linear impedance of 2Si3N4–98(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 2Si3N4–98(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of 1Si3N4–99(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 1Si3N4–99(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of 0.5Si3N4–99.5(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 0.5Si3N4–99.5(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of 1SiO2–99(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 1SiO2–99(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of 40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Luminescence properties of TeOx-1%Eu1.5%Tb2.5%Dy thin films annealing under an oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-1%Eu1.5%Tb2.5%Dy thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of rare-earth ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth...
Luminescence properties of TeOx-2%Eu1.5%Tb1.5%Dy thin films annealing under an oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-2%Eu1.5%Tb1.5%Dy thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of rare-earth ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth...
Luminescence properties of TeOx-2%Eu1.5%Tb1.5%Tm thin films annealing under an oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-2%Eu1.5%Tb1.5%Tm thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of rare-earth ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth...
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Dy thin films annealing under an oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Dy thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of dysprosium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions....
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Dy thin films
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Dy thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of dysprosium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions....
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Eu thin films
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Eu thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of europium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions. The...
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Eu thin films annealing under an oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Eu thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of europium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions. The...
Luminescence properties of TeOx thin films annealing under an oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. The sol was obtained by vigorously stirring precursor solution at 50°C for 2h, then the temperature was raised...
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Tb thin films annealing under an oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Tb thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of terbium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions. The...
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Tb thin films
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Tb thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of terbium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions. The...
Linear impedance of 25Na2O–20CaO–5P2O5–50SiO2 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 25Na2O–20CaO–5P2O5–50SiO2 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance as a function of A.C. voltage and temperature for Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm (after first heat-treatment at 913 K) was measured at different frequencies with impedance spectroscopy method
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance as a function of temperature and frequency for Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm was measured at different A.C. voltage with impedance spectroscopy method
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance as a function of A.C. voltage of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.88 mm was measured at 693 K with impedance spectroscopy method
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.88 mm was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm (after second heat-treatment at 913 K) was measured at high temperature range with impedance spectroscopy method
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm (after second heat-treatment at 913 K) was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Investigations of the valence state of Co in a MnCoO ceramics
Open Research DataMcCoO ceramics materials were produced by solid state reaction and sintred in a furnance in air atmosphere for 20h. Annealing temperature was 600 Celsius degree. For investigations a series of samples, with a various composition was chosen: MnCoO, Mn, Co2O and Mn2CoO. Chemical behaviour of the Cobaltium was measured by XPS method. The analyses were...
Valence state of Manganium in a MnCoO ceramics
Open Research DataManganium -cobalt based ceramics materials were produced by solid state reaction and sintred in a furnance in air atmosphere for 20h. Annealing temperature was 600 Celsius degree. For investigations a series of samples, with a various composition was chosen: MnCoO, Mn, Co2O and Mn2CoO. In order to determine valence states of the Mn, X-Ray photoemission...
Chemical composition of La-Sr-Ce-Ni-Ti ceramics material measured by XPS method
Open Research DataLa-Sr-Ce-Ni-Ti (LSCNT) based ceramics sample was manufactured by standard solid state reaction.Prepared powder was pressed into pilled and sintered in a furnace in air atmosphere for 10h. Annealing temperature was 1200 Celsius degree. To calculate chemical composition and determine valence states of the elements, X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS)...
Reduction of the strontium titanate doped by Ytrium ceramics observed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy method
Open Research DataYtrium-doped strontium titanate (YSTF) ceramics materials were manufactured by three various methods: 1) standard solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%), 2) Pechini method, 3) wet method.
Luminescence properties of TeOx gels
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx gels. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. The sol was obtained by vigorously stirring precursor solution at 50°C for 2h, then the temperature was raised...
Nonlinear impedance as a function of frequency for Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.88 mm was measured at high temperature range with impedance spectroscopy method
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.88 mm was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.88 mm measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.88 mm was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.