Department of Computer Architecture - Administrative Units - Bridge of Knowledge


Department of Computer Architecture


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Catalog Publications

Year 2021
  • Reprezentacja danych dźwiękowych w kontekście metod uczenia maszynowego

    - Year 2021

    Dźwięk odgrywa kluczową rolę w przekazywaniu informacji lub ostrzeganiu o niebezpieczeństwie. Do opracowania wydajnego cyfrowego asystenta głosowego zdolnego do efektywnej współpracy z człowiekiem niezbędne jest użycie algorytmów opisujących sygnał dźwiękowy w formie cyfrowej. W poniższej pracy skategoryzowano i opisano najpowszechniejsze metody opisu sygnałów audio używanych jako wejścia dla algorytmów uczenia maszynowego. Wskazano...

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  • Segmentation Quality Refinement in Large-Scale Medical Image Dataset with Crowd-Sourced Annotations

    Deployment of different techniques of deep learning including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in image classification systems has accomplished outstanding results. However, the advantages and potential impact of such a system can be completely negated if it does not reach a target accuracy. To achieve high classification accuracy with low variance in medical image classification system, there is needed the large size of the...

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  • Semantic segmentation training using imperfect annotations and loss masking

    One of the most significant factors affecting supervised neural network training is the precision of the annotations. Also, in a case of expert group, the problem of inconsistent data annotations is an integral part of real-world supervised learning processes, well-known to researchers. One practical example is a weak ground truth delineation for medical image segmentation. In this paper, we have developed a new method of accurate...

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  • Study of Statistical Text Representation Methods for Performance Improvement of a Hierarchical Attention Network

    To effectively process textual data, many approaches have been proposed to create text representations. The transformation of a text into a form of numbers that can be computed using computers is crucial for further applications in downstream tasks such as document classification, document summarization, and so forth. In our work, we study the quality of text representations using statistical methods and compare them to approaches...

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  • TensorHive: Management of Exclusive GPU Access for Distributed Machine Learning Workloads

    TensorHive is a tool for organizing work of research and engineering teams that use servers with GPUs for machine learning workloads. In a comprehensive web interface, it supports reservation of GPUs for exclusive usage, hardware monitoring, as well as configuring, executing and queuing distributed computational jobs. Focusing on easy installation and simple configuration, the tool automatically detects the available computing...

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  • Towards Scalable Simulation of Federated Learning

    Federated learning (FL) allows to train models on decentralized data while maintaining data privacy, which unlocks the availability of large and diverse datasets for many practical applications. The ongoing development of aggregation algorithms, distribution architectures and software implementations aims for enabling federated setups employing thousands of distributed devices, selected from millions. Since the availability of...

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  • Wzajemne wykluczanie w programowaniu współbieżnym

    - Year 2021

    W rozdziale opisano wzajemne wykluczanie wątków w programach współbieżnych. Przedstawiono zarówno podejście proceduralne (semafory), jak i obiektowe (monitory). Omówiono sposoby działania obu mechanizmów synchronizacji oraz różnice pomiędzy nimi. Sposoby użycia omawianych mechanizmów zostały zilustrowane wzorcami: wzajemnego wykluczania oraz producent–konsument.

  • Zjawisko wyścigu w programowaniu współbieżnym

    - Year 2021

    W rozdziale przedstawiono omówienie podstawowego problemu, z jakim, prędzej czy później, styka się każdy programista piszący oprogramowanie wykorzystujące współbieżność. W praktyce będzie to każdy programista starający się w pełni wykorzystywać moc obliczeniową współczesnych wielordzeniowych procesorów i akceleratorów

Year 2020
Year 2019
  • Advances in Architectures, Big Data, and Machine Learning Techniques for Complex Internet of Things Systems

    - COMPLEXITY - Year 2019

    Te feld of Big Data is rapidly developing with a lot of ongoing research, which will likely continue to expand in the future. A crucial part of this is Knowledge Discovery from Data (KDD), also known as the Knowledge Discovery Process (KDP). Tis process is a very complex procedure, and for that reason it is essential to divide it into several steps (Figure 1). Some authors use fve steps to describe this procedure, whereas others...

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  • An Analysis of Neural Word Representations for Wikipedia Articles Classification


    One of the current popular methods of generating word representations is an approach based on the analysis of large document collections with neural networks. It creates so-called word-embeddings that attempt to learn relationships between words and encode this information in the form of a low-dimensional vector. The goal of this paper is to examine the differences between the most popular embedding models and the typical bag-of-words...

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  • Bees Detection on Images: Study of Different Color Models for Neural Networks

    This paper presents an approach to bee detection in video streams using a neural network classifier. We describe the motivation for our research and the methodology of data acquisition. The main contribution to this work is a comparison of different color models used as an input format for a feedforward convolutional architecture applied to bee detection. The detection process has is based on a neural binary classifier that classifies...

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  • Big Data and the Internet of Things in Edge Computing for Smart City

    - Year 2019

    Requests expressing collective human expectations and outcomes from city service tasks can be partially satisfied by processing Big Data provided to a city cloud via the Internet of Things. To improve the efficiency of the city clouds an edge computing has been introduced regarding Big Data mining. This intelligent and efficient distributed system can be developed for citizens that are supposed to be informed and educated by the...

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  • Crowdsourcing-Based Evaluation of Automatic References Between WordNet and Wikipedia

    The paper presents an approach to build references (also called mappings) between WordNet and Wikipedia. We propose four algorithms used for automatic construction of the references. Then, based on an aggregation algorithm, we produce an initial set of mappings that has been evaluated in a cooperative way. For that purpose, we implement a system for the distribution of evaluation tasks, that have been solved by the user community....

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  • Deep learning in the fog

    In the era of a ubiquitous Internet of Things and fast artificial intelligence advance, especially thanks to deep learning networks and hardware acceleration, we face rapid growth of highly decentralized and intelligent solutions that offer functionality of data processing closer to the end user. Internet of Things usually produces a huge amount of data that to be effectively analyzed, especially with neural networks, demands high...

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  • Deep Learning Optimization for Edge Devices: Analysis of Training Quantization Parameters

    - Year 2019

    This paper focuses on convolution neural network quantization problem. The quantization has a distinct stage of data conversion from floating-point into integer-point numbers. In general, the process of quantization is associated with the reduction of the matrix dimension via limited precision of the numbers. However, the training and inference stages of deep learning neural network are limited by the space of the memory and a...

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  • Distributed Architectures for Intensive Urban Computing: A Case Study on Smart Lighting for Sustainable Cities

    - IEEE Access - Year 2019

    New information and communication technologies have contributed to the development of the smart city concept. On a physical level, this paradigm is characterised by deploying a substantial number of different devices that can sense their surroundings and generate a large amount of data. The most typical case is image and video acquisition sensors. Recently, these types of sensors are found in abundance in urban spaces and are responsible...

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  • Energy-Aware High-Performance Computing: Survey of State-of-the-Art Tools, Techniques, and Environments

    The paper presents state of the art of energy-aware high-performance computing (HPC), in particular identification and classification of approaches by system and device types, optimization metrics, and energy/power control methods. System types include single device, clusters, grids, and clouds while considered device types include CPUs, GPUs, multiprocessor, and hybrid systems. Optimization goals include various combinations of...

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  • Evaluating Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation from Super Resolved Thermal Imagery

    Non-contact estimation of Respiratory Rate (RR) has revolutionized the process of establishing the measurement by surpassing some issues related to attaching sensors to a body, e.g. epidermal stripping, skin disruption and pain. In this study, we perform further experiments with image processing-based RR estimation by using various image enhancement algorithms. Specifically, we employ Super Resolution (SR) Deep Learning (DL) network...

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  • Evaluating Performance and Accuracy Improvements for Attention-OCR

    In this paper we evaluated a set of potential improvements to the successful Attention-OCR architecture, designed to predict multiline text from unconstrained scenes in real-world images. We investigated the impact of several optimizations on model’s accuracy, including employing dynamic RNNs (Recurrent Neural Networks), scheduled sampling, BiLSTM (Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory) and a modified attention model. BiLSTM was...

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  • Exact-match Based Wikipedia-WordNet Integration

    Ability to link between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles allows usage of those resources by computers during natural language processing. A lot of work was done in this field, however most of the approaches focus on similarity between Wikipedia articles and WordNet synsets rather than creation of perfect matches. In this paper we proposed a set of methods for automatic perfect matching generation. The proposed methods were...

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  • Extended investigation of performance-energy trade-offs under power capping in HPC environments

    —In the paper we present investigation of performance-energy trade-offs under power capping using modern processors. The results are presented for systems targeted at both server and client markets and were collected from Intel Xeon E5 and Intel Xeon Phi server processors as well as from desktop and mobile Intel Core i7 processors. The results, when using power capping, show that we can find various interesting combinations of...

  • Influence of Thermal Imagery Resolution on Accuracy of Deep Learning based Face Recognition

    Human-system interactions frequently require a retrieval of the key context information about the user and the environment. Image processing techniques have been widely applied in this area, providing details about recognized objects, people and actions. Considering remote diagnostics solutions, e.g. non-contact vital signs estimation and smart home monitoring systems that utilize person’s identity, security is a very important factor....

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  • Low-Power WSN System for Honey Bee Monitoring

    - Year 2019

    The paper presents a universal low-power system for biosensory data acquisition in scope of bees monitoring. We describe the architecture of the system, energy-saving components as well as we discuss the selection of used sensors. The work focuses on energy optimization in a scope of wireless communication. A custom protocol was implemented, which is the basis for presented energy-efficient devices. Data exchange process during...

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  • Mądre podejmowanie decyzji w sytuacjach problematycznych poprawiajace wybór rozwiązań

    - Year 2019

    Przedstawiono klasyfikację problemów od precyzyjnie zdefiniowanych do intuicyjnie zrozumiałych. Dla tych drugich zaproponowano nowy model wyboru rozwiązań uwzględniający ocenę ich zalet i wad. Rozpatrzono zarówno indywidualne jak i zespołowe procedury podejmowania takich decyzji. Zasygnalizowano możliwości występowania nierozstrzygalnych sytuacji, które wymagają mądrych ludzkich działań. Sprowadzają się one do wyboru właściwej...

  • Multi-agent large-scale parallel crowd simulation with NVRAM-based distributed cache

    This paper presents the architecture, main components and performance results for a parallel and modu-lar agent-based environment aimed at crowd simulation. The environment allows to simulate thousandsor more agents on maps of square kilometers or more, features a modular design and incorporates non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) with a fail-safe mode that can be activated to allow to continue computationsfrom a recently analyzed state in...

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