total: 369
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Nowy algorytm: alfa max i beta min
Publication. In this paper we present an improved version of alpha max plus beta min algorithm. We have proposed a new algorithm for approximating the alpha max and beta min coefficients. This leads to less complex algorithm formulas. Hardware architecture of alpha max plus beta min algorithm is also presented and analyzed.
Year 2024
Concept of Multifactor Method and Non-Functional Requirements Solution to Increase Resilience through Functional Safety with Cybersecurity Analysis
PublicationIn the process of designing safety systems, an integrated approach in safety and cybersecurity analysis is necessary. The paper describes a new technique of increasing resilience through integrated analysis of functional safety and cybersecurity. It is a modeling methodology based on the combination of the multifactor method utilizing modified risk graphs, used previously for Safety Integrity Level (SIL) assessment, and the Non-Functional...
Importance of artificial intelligence to support the process of anaerobicdigestion of kitchen waste with bioplastics / Znaczenie sztucznej inteligencji we wspomaganiu procesu beztlenowej fermentacji odpadów kuchennych zawierających bioplastiki
PublicationArtificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning were used to obtain more effective methods for conducting the digestion process and achieving final products. Data acquisition was carried out by an automatic monitoring and anal. research. The knowledge describing the anaerobic digestion process was summarized in the form of rules: IF (premise) THEN (conclusion). The compiled set of rules created a knowledge base of the expert...
Integrated Approach For Functional Safety And Cyber Security Analysis
PublicationThe paper is devoted to some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safety integrity level (SIL) verification process. It is related to the safety instrumented functions to be implemented within the distributed control and protection systems with regard to security aspects. A method based on quantitative and qualitative information is proposed for the SIL (IEC 61508:2010; 61511, 2015) verification...
The use of a genetic algorithm in the process of optimizing the shape of a three-dimensional periodic beam
PublicationMechanical periodic structures exhibit unusual dynamic behavior thanks to the periodicity of their structures, which can be attributed to their cellular arrangement. The source of this periodicity may result from periodic variations of material properties within their cells and/or variations in the cell geometry. The authors present the results of their studies on the optimization of physical parameters of a three-dimensional axisymetrical...
Year 2023
An Intelligent Approach to Short-Term Wind Power Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks
PublicationIn this paper, an intelligent approach to the Short-Term Wind Power Prediction (STWPP) problem is considered, with the use of various types of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). The impact of the prediction time horizon length on accuracy, and the influence of temperature on prediction effectiveness have been analyzed. Three types of DNNs have been implemented and tested, including: CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks), GRU (Gated Recurrent...
PublicationThe article presents an efficient method of optimal thrust allocation over the actuators in a dynamically positioned ship, according to the DNV-ST-0111 standard, Level 1. The optimisation task is approximated to a convex problem with linear constraints and mathematically formulated as quadratic programming. The case study is being used to illustrate the use of the proposed approach in assessing the DP capability of a rescue ship....
Identification of ship’s hull mathematical model with numerical methods
PublicationThe modern maritime industry is moving toward the development of technology that will allow for full or partial autonomy of ship operation. This innovation places high demands on ship performance prediction techniques at the design stage. The researchwork presented in the article is related to the design stage of the ship and concerns methods for prognosis and evaluation of the specific operational condition of the ship, namely...
Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
PublicationThe presented work explores the simulation test results of using nonlinear model predictive control algorithm for ship dynamic positioning. In the optimization task, a goal function with a penalty was proposed with a variable prediction step. The results of the proposed control algorithm were compared with backstepping and PID. The effect of estimation accuracy on the control quality with the implemented algorithms was investigated....
Sterowanie predykcyjne i fuzja danych w systemie dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku
PublicationRozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest badaniu zastosowania fuzji danych oraz sterowania predykcyjnego w systemie dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku. W pierwszej części pracy przedstawiono historię rozwoju systemów dynamicznego pozycjonowania, różne metody estymacji położenia statku, metody sterowania oraz cel i tezę pracy. Następnie zaprezentowano model matematyczny statku, kinematykę oraz dynamikę. W kolejnej części przedstawiono...
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowy algorytm rozszerzania bazy w resztowym systemie liczbowym bez użycia nadmiarowego modułu. Rozszerzanie bazy jest kluczową operacją w wielu zastosowaniach, gdzie używany jest resztowy system liczbowy, takich jak cyfrowe przetwarzanie sygnałów, jak też implementacja systemu szyfrowania algorytmem Rivesta-Shamira-Adlemana (RSA). Ortogonalne projekcje występujące w chińskim twierdzeniu o resztach dla modułu, o który...
Year 2022
Analysis of data fusion algorithms for the vessel with the dynamic positioning system
PublicationThe dynamic positioning (DP) system on the vessel is operated to control the position and heading of the vessel with the use of propellers and thrusters installed on the board. On DP vessels redundant measurement systems of position, heading and the magnitude and direction of environmental forces are required for safety at sea. In this case, a fusion of data is needed from individual measurement devices. The article proposes a...
Autonomous Control of the Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle in Collision Situation with Stationary Obstacle
PublicationThe article considers the problem of autonomous control of the underwater remotely operated vehicle mini Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in a collision situation with a stationary obstacle. The control of the collision avoidance process is presented as a synthesis of fuzzy proportional-differential controllers for the control of distance and orientation concerning the detected stationary obstacle. The control of the submergence...
Dynamic Positioning Capability Assessment for Ship Design Purposes
PublicationThe article focuses on solving a problem of optimal thrust distribution over the actuators in a ship Dynamic Positioning, according to DNV-ST-0111 standard, Level 1. The classic Quadratic Programming approach is combined with the numerical solusion used to handle the propeller with the rudder constraints in the optimization task and the influence between thrusters and skeg. It is presented as an efficient method of minimizing the...
Electronic nose algorithm design using classical system identification for odour intensity detection
PublicationThe two elements considered crucial for constructing an efficient environmental odour intensity monitoring systems are sensors and algorithms typically addressed to as electronic nose sensor (e-nose). Due to operational complexity of biochemical sensors developed in human bodies algorithms based on computational methods of artificial intelligence are typically considered superior to classical model based approaches in development...
High-Speed Binary-to-Residue Converter Design Using 2-Bit Segmentation of the Input Word
PublicationIn this paper a new approach to the design of the high-speed binary-to-residue converter is proposed that allows the attaining of high pipelining rates by eliminating memories used in modulo m generators. The converter algorithm uses segmentation of the input binary word into 2-bit segments. The use and effects of the input word segmentation for the synthesis of converters for five-bit moduli are presented. For the number represented...
Integrated Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Evaluation in a Framework for Business Continuity Management
PublicationThis article outlines an integrated functional safety and cybersecurity evaluation approach within a framework for business continuity management (BCM) in energy companies, including those using Industry 4.0 business and technical solutions. In such companies, information and communication technology (ICT), and industrial automation and control system (IACS) play important roles. Using advanced technologies in modern manufacturing...
Stardust - Investigation of Microbes in the Stratosphere
PublicationThe stratospheric microbiome has been investigated several times using the methods of classical microbiology. In this experiment, we have combined them with some novel approaches including whole- metagenome amplification, Maldi TOF mass spectrometry and Sanger DNA sequencing. The results of the experiment may provide the scientists with knowledge about the mechanisms of survivability of microorganisms in stratospheric conditions...
Year 2021
Advanced Ship Control Methods
PublicationThe chapter presents two main streams of research in vessel control at sea: dynamic positioning (DP) of the vessel and decision support in case of collision at sea. The control structure and basic requirements for the DP system are defined. Selected issues of automatic control of a dynamically positioned vessel are discussed. A review of advanced methods of controlling a DP ship is carried out, taking into account the tasks of...
Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies regarding dependability and security of the ICT and ICS/SCADA system
PublicationThis chapter addresses a business continuity management (BCM) framework for the Industry 4.0 companies including the organizational and technical solutions, regarding the dependability and security of the information and telecommunication technology (ICT), and the industrial control system (ICS) / supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. These technologies and systems play nowadays important roles in modern advanced...
Designing Control and Protection Systems with Regard to Integrated Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Aspects
PublicationThis article addresses current problems of risk analysis and probabilistic modelling for functional safety management in the life cycle of safety-related systems. Two main stages in the lifecycle of these systems are distinguished, namely the design and operation. The risk analysis and probabilistic modelling differ in these stages in view of available knowledge and data. Due to the complexity and uncertainty involved, both qualitative...
Fourth industrial revolution and new challenges in post-pandemic world
Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Analysis and Management in Smart Manufacturing Systems
PublicationThis chapter addresses some of the issues of the integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management with regard to selected references and the functional safety standards: IEC 61508, IEC 61511, ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061, and a cybersecurity standard IEC 62443 that concerns the industrial automation and control systems. The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial systems that include the information...
Monitoring Regenerative Heat Exchanger in Steam Power Plant by Making Use of the Recurrent Neural Network
PublicationArtificial Intelligence algorithms are being increasingly used in industrial applications. Their important function is to support operation of diagnostic systems. This paper pesents a new approach to the monitoring of a regenerative heat exchanger in a steam power plant, which is based on a specific use of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The proposed approach was tested using real data. This approach can be easily adapted to...
Year 2020
Autonomous Ship Utility Model Parameter Estimation Utilising Extended Kalman Filter
PublicationIn this paper, a problem of autonomous ship utility model identification for control purposes is considered. In particular, the problem is formulated in terms of model parameter estimation (one-step-ahead prediction). This is a complex task due to lack of measurements of the parameter values, their time-variability and structural uncertainty introduced by the available models. In this work, authors consider and compare two utility...
Complex Predictive Solution for Computerized Processes in Tire Industry
PublicationFollowing increasing market needs of productivity, cost reduction and safety requirements, computerized industry are faced to finding optimum between economic aspects of business and safety-related risk management. Modern factories equipped with computerized processes and extended diagnostic tools to support operator do not often use of all information’s which comes from the equipment. Some of the relations between the events are...
Design aspects of a low-cost prosthetic arm for people with severe movement disabilities
PublicationIn this paper the main aspects of mechanical design behind the low-cost prosthetic arm are presented. The fundamentals of a proper design has been defined to obtain functional 3D printed 5 degree of freedom (DOF) prosthesis. The designed prosthetic arm is a part of the hybrid interface with eye tracking movement control. The main focus was to create affordable but usable prosthesis which corresponds in size and weights to the human...
Hybrid Expert System for Computer-Aided Design of Ship Thruster Subsystems
PublicationThe article presents an expert system supporting the design of ship's power subsystems, in particular the thruster subsystem. The proposed hybrid expert system uses the results of simulation tests as the additional source of knowledge. The results of system operation are collated in a report which can be used as part of ship design description. The work oriented on developing the expert system is the continuation of the research...
Nowoczesne metody termografii w systemie monitorowania stanu sieci przesyłowych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono obecnie stosowane metody inspekcji termowizyjnej, skupiając się na prewencyjnej diagnostyce stanu sieci przesyłowej. Badanie termowizyjne ma różne wymiary wpływu na efektywność energetyczną. Z jednej strony wykorzystuje się ją do inspekcji szczelności termoizolacji budynków, wpływając na świadomość, że „najtańsza energia to ta zaoszczędzona”, z drugiej strony jest narzędziem dla operatorów sieci dystrybucyjnych...
Początki i rozwój Katedry Automatyki na Wydziale Elektrycznym Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł obejmuje historię powstawania i rozwoju Katedry Automatyki na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz związanego z tym powstawania i rozwoju na Wydziale kierunku studiów automatyka i robotyka. W kształceniu studentów tego kierunku studiów uczestniczyły także i inne katedry Wydziału. Zajęcia dydaktyczne z zastosowań automatyki prowadzili również pracownicy: Katedry Miernictwa Elektrycznego,...
Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations
PublicationThis chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology...
Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations
PublicationThis chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology...
The Method of Selecting the Interval of Functional Tests Taking into Account Economic Aspects and Legal Requirements
PublicationThe article discusses the problem of choosing the optimal frequency of functional tests, taking into account the reliability and law requirements, but also the impact of business aspects in the company. The subject of functional test interval is well described for purposes of the process industry. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the machinery safety functions with low demand mode. This is followed by a presentation of the...
Wybrane metody sterowania statkiem
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono dwa główne nurty badań w zakresie sterowania stat-kiem na morzu: dynamiczne pozycjonowanie (DP) statku i wspomaganie decyzji w sytuacji kolizyjnej na morzu. Dla systemu DP określono strukturę sterowania i podstawowe wymagania. Omówiono wybrane problemy sterowania automatycz-nego statkiem dynamicznie pozycjonowanym. Dokonano przeglądu zaawanso-wanych metod sterowania statkiem DP z uwzględnieniem zadań poszczególnych...
Year 2019
ANALYSIS OF IMPACT of SHIP model parameters on changes of control quality index in ship dynamic positioning system
PublicationIn this work there is presented an analysis of impact of ship model parameters on changes of control quality index in a ship dynamic positioning system designed with the use of a backstepping adaptive controller. Assessment of the impact of ship model parameters was performed on the basis of Pareto-Lorentz curves and ABC method in order to determine sets of the parameters which have either crucial, moderate or low impact on objective...
Current issues of functional safety and cybersecurity analysis of the industrial and critical infrastructures
PublicationThis article addresses some functional safety assessment procedures with cybersecurity aspects in critical industrial installations with regard to the functional safety requirements specified in standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. The functional safety management includes hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safety requirements and definition of safety functions. Based on the risk assessment...
Functional safety and cyber security analysis for life cycle management of industrial control systems in hazardous plants and oil port critical infrastructure including insurance
PublicationThis report addresses selected methodological aspects of proactive reliability, functional safety and cyber security management in life cycle of industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants and oil port critical installations based on the analysis of relevant hazards / threats and evaluation of related risks. In addition the insurance company point of view has been also considered, because nowadays the insurer,...
Integrated approach for functional safety and cyber security management in maritime critical infrastructures
PublicationThe work is devoted important issues of the management in maritime critical infrastructure of functional safety analysis, in particular the safety integrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed control and protection systems with regard to cyber security aspects. A method based on quantitative and qualitative information is proposed for the SIL (IEC 61508, 61511) verification with...
PublicationThis article addresses integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis with regard to: the generic functional safety standard IEC 61508 and the cyber security standard IEC 62443 concerning an industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems, and reduce relevant risks taking into account a set of fundamental...
Marine autonomous surface ship - control system configuration
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of marine autonomous surface ship (MASS) control. The contribution of the paper is the development of a control system configuration, done assuming fully autonomous MASS operation under distinct operational conditions. The overview of hardware and software selection is included.
Quadrotor Flight Controller Design Using Classical Tools
PublicationA principal aspect of quadrocopter in-flight operation is to maintain the required attitude of the craft’s frame, which is done either automatically in the so-called supervised flight mode or manually during man-operated flight mode. This paper deals with the problem of flight controller (logical) structure and algorithm design dedicated for the man-operated flight mode. The role of the controller is to stabilise the rotational...
Regulator rozmyty o właściwościach regulatora trójpołożeniowego
PublicationRegulatory trójpołożeniowe są najprostszymi i najbardziej popularnymi regulatorami w układach automatyki, w których jako element wykonawczy zwykle stosuje się silnik elektryczny pracujący w sposób nawrotny. W takich układach jakość regulacji określa się poprzez analizę amplitudy i częstotliwości występujących oscylacji, przy zmianach wartości zadanej i wprowadzanych zakłóceniach. Referat jest próbą porównania otrzymywanej...
Synteza układu sterowania statkiem morskim dynamicznie pozycjonowanym w warunkach niepewności
PublicationNiniejsza monografia obejmuje zagadnienia związane z syntezą układu dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku w środowisku morskim z zastosowaniem wybranych nieliniowych metod sterowania. W ramach pracy autorka rozważała struktury sterowania z zastosowaniem wektorowej adaptacyjnej metody backstep oraz metod jej pokrewnych, takich jak regulatory MSS (ang. multiple surface sliding), DSC (ang. dynamic surface control), NB (ang. neural backstepping)....
System wieloagentowy wspomagający projektowanie wybranych układów sterowania okrętowych podsystemów elektroenergetycznych
PublicationW rozprawie doktorskiej zaproponowano system wieloagentowy do wspomagania projektowana okrętowych podsystemów elektroenergetycznych. Utworzony system składa się z agentów interfejsu, agenta nadrzędnego, agentów symulacyjnych agentów decyzyjnych, które poprzez realizację wewnętrznych algorytmów oraz wzajemną komunikację rozwiązują wybrane zadania projektowe w zakresie doboru odpowiedniej struktury i elementów składowych podsystemów...
Zastosowanie regulatora rozmytego do regulacji temperatury w fizycznym modelu pomieszczeń z ogrzewaniem nadmuchowym
PublicationJednym z przykładów zastosowania regulatorów rozmytych jest ich wykorzystanie do sterowania instalacją ogrzewania nadmuchowego. W artykule przedstawiono badania modelu obiektu złożonego z jednej nagrzewnicy zastosowanej do utrzymania różnicy temperatur w dwóch pomieszczeniach. Ideą była chęć odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy do sterowania takim obiektem można zastosować regulator rozmyty o właściwościach przybliżonych do regulatora trójpołożeniowego....
Year 2018
A method of Functional Test interval selection with regards to Machinery and Economical aspects
PublicationThis paper discusses the problem of choosing the optimal frequency of functional test, including the reliability calculations and production efficiency, but also the effect of company risk management. The proof test as a part of the functional test interval is well described for the process industry. Unfortunately, this situation is not the case for the machinery safety functions with low demand mode. Afterwards, it is presented...
PublicationDesigning a tracking control system for an over-actuated dynamic positioning marine vessel in the case of insufficient information on environmental disturbances, hydrodynamic damping, Coriolis forces and vessel inertia characteristics is considered. The designed adaptive MIMO backstepping control law with control allocation is based on Lyapunov control theory for cascaded systems to guarantee stabilization of the marine vessel...
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for dynamic positioning of marine vessel based on backstepping method and sequential quadratic programming
PublicationIt is generally assumed in dynamic positioning of over-actuated marine vessels that the control effectiveness matrix (input matrix) is known and constant, or, in case of fault information, it is estimated by the fault detection and diagnosis system. The purpose of the study is to develop the adaptive dynamic positioning control system for an over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of uncertainties and with emphasis on limited...
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for over-actuated dynamic positioning system based on backstepping method in case of thruster faults
PublicationThe objective of the research considered in this paper is dynamic positioning of a nonlinear over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of limited information about thruster forces. First, the adaptive backstepping method is used to estimate the input matrix which will compensate partial loss of actuator effectiveness in the presence of actuator dynamics. Then, the adaptive commanded virtual forces and moment are allocated into...
Bezpieczeństwo funkcjonalne i ochrona informacji w obiektach i systemach infrastruktury krytycznej
PublicationW monografii przedstawiono aktualną problematykę związaną z analizą bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego rozproszonych systemów sterowania i automatyki zabezpieczeniowej w obiektach i systemach infrastruktury krytycznej, wykorzystujących przemysłową sieć komputerową, z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. W obiektach tego typu systemy sterowania i automatyki zabezpieczeniowej są projektowane jako systemy rozproszone, których nieprawidłowe...