Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems - Administrative Units - Bridge of Knowledge


Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems


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Catalog Publications

Year 2018
Year 2021
  • 3D Scanning of Semitransparent Amber with and without Inclusions

    - Year 2021

    This paper is concerned with making 3D scans of semitransparent ambers with and without inclusions. The paper presents results of using a variety of devices applied for this purpose. Equipment used in the experiments includes a 3D laser scanner, a structured light scanner, a stereo camera, a camera array and a tomograph. The main object used in the experiment was an amber with a fossil of a lizard. The paper shows possibilities...

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Year 2020
Year 2012
  • A document-centric processing paradigm for collaborative computing

    - Year 2012

    Klasyczne modele przetwarzania rozproszonego zakładają, że dokumenty są biernymi obiektami, które rozsyła się w formie komunikatów lub pobiera z serwerów do przetwarzania jako pliki.W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję dokumentu jako aktywnego obiektu, zdolnego do samodzielnej migracji miedzy węzłami sieci i interakcji z użytkownikami w ich lokalnym środowisku. Takie podejście jest szczególnie przydatne do realizacji procesów biznesowych...

Year 2017
  • A new library for construction of automata

    - Year 2017

    We present a new library of functions that construct minimal, acyclic, deterministic, finite-state automata in the same format as the author's fsa package, and also accepted by the author's fadd library of functions that use finite-state automata as dictionaries in natural language processing.

  • Automatic recognition of therapy progress among children with autism

    - Scientific Reports - Year 2017

    The article presents a research study on recognizing therapy progress among children with autism spectrum disorder. The progress is recognized on the basis of behavioural data gathered via five specially designed tablet games. Over 180 distinct parameters are calculated on the basis of raw data delivered via the game flow and tablet sensors - i.e. touch screen, accelerometer and gyroscope. The results obtained confirm the possibility...

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  • Behaviometrics of Digital Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Te paper reports current stage of the project Automated Terapy Monitoring for Children with Developmental Disorders of Autism Spectrum (AUTMON), that aims at development of methods and tools to allow for the automatic evaluation of the therapy progress among children with autism. Finding objective measures suitable for evaluating therapy progress would let create a system supporting those who diagnose autism and the therapists...

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Year 2013
  • A review of emotion recognition methods based on keystroke dynamics and mouse movements

    - Year 2013

    The paper describes the approach based on using standard input devices, such as keyboard and mouse, as sources of data for the recognition of users’ emotional states. A number of systems applying this idea have been presented focusing on three categories of research problems, i.e. collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and training classifiers of emotions. Moreover the advantages and examples of combining standard...

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  • Augmenting digital documents with negotiation capability

    Active digital documents are not only capable of performing various operations using their internal functionality and external services, accessible in the environment in which they operate, but can also migrate on their own over a network of mobile devices that provide dynamically changing execution contexts. They may imply conflicts between preferences of the active document and the device the former wishes to execute on. In the...

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  • Dokumenty Cyfrowe Przyszłosci

    - Year 2013

    W referacie przedstawiono nowe modele architektur dokumentów elektronicznych, które pozwolą zracjonalizować wewnętrzny obieg informacji w organizacjach opartych na wiedzy i zredukować koszty ich funkcjonowania.

  • Drugie Igrzyska Akademii ETI

    W sobotę 2 lutego 2013 r. odbyły się drugie Igrzyska Akademii ETI zorganizowane przez Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej dla uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych regionu. Celem Igrzysk było zwiększenie zainteresowania informatyką młodzieży szkół ponadgimanzjalnych i promocja studiów na Wydziale ETI PG. W tegorocznych Igrzyskach udział wzięli uczniowie z 7 szkół województwa pomorskiego.

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  • Edytor polityk negocjacyjnych mobilnego dokumentu elektronicznego

    - Year 2013

    W artykule opisano edytor polityk negozjacyjnych umożliwiający generowanie ich specyfikacji w postaci bardzo rozległych drzew na podstawie elementów składowych ofert oraz reguł polityk i ich wartościowanie. Przedstawiono również zarys problemu negocjacji miedzy dokumentem a agentem, ktory ma ten dokument obsługiwać. Drzewa generowane przez edytor mają posłużyć za zbiory uczące dla sieci neuronowej przyspieszającej proces negocjacji.

  • Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, Laplacianfaces, Marginfaces – How to Face the Face Verification Task

    - Year 2013

    This paper describes the exhaustive tests of four known methods of linear transformations (Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, Laplacianfaces and Marginfaces) in the context of face verification task. Additionally, we introduce a new variant of the transformation (Laplacianface + LDA), and the specific interval-based decision rule. Both of them improve the performance of face verification, in general, however, our experiments show that the...

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  • Emotion recognition and its application in software engineering

    In this paper a novel application of multimodal emotion recognition algorithms in software engineering is described. Several application scenarios are proposed concerning program usability testing and software process improvement. Also a set of emotional states relevant in that application area is identified. The multimodal emotion recognition method that integrates video and depth channels, physiological signals and input devices...

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Year 2015
  • Acceptance Testing of Software Products for Cloud-Based On-Line Delivery

    Software products intended for on-line delivery by distributors serving an open community of subscribers are developed in a specific life-cycle model, in which roles of the major stakeholders are strongly separated, unlike in any other software development model known in software engineering. Its specificity underlines the fact that a distributor of the final product, responsible for its acceptance for publication and delivery...

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  • Acquisition and indexing of RGB-D recordings for facial expressions and emotion recognition

    In this paper KinectRecorder comprehensive tool is described which provides for convenient and fast acquisition, indexing and storing of RGB-D video streams from Microsoft Kinect sensor. The application is especially useful as a supporting tool for creation of fully indexed databases of facial expressions and emotions that can be further used for learning and testing of emotion recognition algorithms for affect-aware applications....

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  • An extension to the FEEDB Multimodal Database of Facial Expressions and Emotions
    • M. Szwoch
    • L. Marco-gimenez
    • M. Arevalillo-herráez
    • A. Ayesh

    - Year 2015

    FEEDB is a multimodal database that contains recordings of people expressing different emotions, captured by using a Microsoft Kinect sensor. Data were originally provided in the device’s proprietary format (XED), requiring both the Microsoft Kinect Studio application and a Kinect sensor attached to the system to use the files. In this paper, we present an extension of the database. For a selection of recordings, we also provide...

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    - Year 2015

    The dissertation focuses on the augmentation of proactive document - agents with built-in intelligence to recognize execution context provided by devices visited during a business process, and to reach collaboration agreement despite conflicting requirements. The proposed solution, based on intelligent bargaining using neural networks to improve simple multi-issue negotiation between the document and thedevice, requires practically...

  • Automatyczna negocjacja protokołu uzgodnień miedzy agentami

    - Year 2015

    Automatyczna negocjacja protokołu uzgodnień między agentami programowymi a urządzeniami wykonawczymi. Rozdział koncentruje się na rozszerzeniu funkcjonalności proaktywnych dokumentów(agentów) z wbudowana inteligencją o możliwości negocjacyjne.Ich celem jest umożliwienie rozpoznawania kontekstu wykonawczego urządzenia odwiedzanego przez dokument, by osiągnąć ugodę mimo skonfliktowanych wymagań urządzenia i dokumentu. Proponowane...

  • Bilateral Multi-Issue Negotiation Between Active Documents and Execution Devices

    Mobile document-agents are often in conflict with execution devices when attempting to perform activities of the business process they implement, since preferences of device owners may change depending on their current location and the actual class of the device in use. The paper proposes a bilateral negotiation mechanism based on a simple bargaining game that can effectively resolve such conflicts without any third party support.

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  • Człowiek zanurzony w rzeczywistości wirtualnej na przykładzie Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej

    - Year 2015

    Artykuł opisuje Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej (LZWP), które umożliwia swobodną podróż w czasie i przestrzeni. Jego podstawowym wyposażeniem jest jaskinia rzeczywistości wirtualnej, czyli pomieszczenie o ścianach, suficie i podłodze stanowiących ekrany projekcyjne, wyświetlające generowane komputerowo obrazy 3D, tworzące spójny widok jednej sceny. Człowiek znajdujący się w takiej jaskini jest zatem zanurzony...

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  • Design Elements of Affect Aware Video Games

    - Year 2015

    In this paper issues of design and development process of affect-aware video games are presented. Several important design aspects of such games are pointed out. A concept of a middleware framework is proposed that separates the development of affect-aware video games from emotion recognition algorithms and support from input sensors. Finally, two prototype affect-aware video games are presented that conform to the presented architecture...

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  • Detection of Face Position and Orientation Using Depth Data

    In this paper an original approach is presented for real-time detection of user's face position and orientation based only on depth channel from a Microsoft Kinect sensor which can be used in facial analysis on scenes with poor lighting conditions where traditional algorithms based on optical channel may have failed. Thus the proposed approach can support, or even replace, algorithms based on optical channel or based on skeleton...

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  • Document Agents with the Intelligent Negotiations Capability

    The paper focus is on augmenting proactive document-agents with built -in intelligence to enable them to recognize execution context provided by devices visited durning the business process, and to reach collaboration agreement despite of their conflicting requirements. We propose a solution based on neural networks to improve simple multi-issue negotiation between the document and the device, practically with no excessive cost...

  • Emotion Recognition for Affect Aware Video Games

    In this paper the idea of affect aware video games is presented. A brief review of automatic multimodal affect recognition of facial expressions and emotions is given. The first result of emotions recognition using depth data as well as prototype affect aware video game are presented

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  • Emotion Recognition Using Physiological Signals

    - Year 2015

    In this paper the problem of emotion recognition using physiological signals is presented. Firstly the problems with acquisition of physiological signals related to specific human emotions are described. It is not a trivial problem to elicit real emotions and to choose stimuli that always, and for all people, elicit the same emotion. Also different kinds of physiological signals for emotion recognition are considered. A set of...

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Year 2022
  • Affect aware video games

    - Year 2022

    In this chapter a problem of affect aware video games is described, including such issue as: emotional model of the player, design, development and UX testing of affect-aware video games, multimodal emotion recognition and a featured review of affect-aware video games.

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  • Analysis of Factors Influencing the Prices of Tourist Offers

    Tourism is a significant branch of many world economies. Many factors influence the volume of tourist traffic and the prices of trips. There are factors that clearly affect tourism, such as COVID-19. The paper describes the methods of machine learning and process mining that allow for assessing the impact of various factors (micro, mezzo and macro) on the prices of tourist offers. The methods were used on large sets of real data...

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  • Analysis of human behavioral patterns

    - Year 2022

    Widespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...

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  • Biometric identity verification

    - Year 2022

    This chapter discusses methods which are capable of protecting automatic speaker verification systems (ASV) from playback attacks. Additionally, it presents a new approach, which uses computer vision techniques, such as the texture feature extraction based on Local Ternary Patterns (LTP), to identify spoofed recordings. We show that in this case training the system with large amounts of spectrogram patches may be difficult, and...

  • Computer Aided Telediagnostics System for Stoma Patients
    • R. Zawislak
    • M. Szwoch
    • G. Granosik
    • A. Miarka
    • J. Mik-Wojtczak
    • M. Mik

    - Year 2022

    Stoma surgery may concern patients with colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. More than half of patients diagnosed with colon cancer present at an advanced stage, and palliative treatment may involve stoma formation. This type of surgery may change the patient’s life strongly, therefore they should receive special medical care. The paper presents the assumptions, concept, and architecture of the Stoma-Alert diagnosis...

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  • Document centric knowledge processes

    - Year 2022


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Year 2003
Year 2016
Year 2005
Year 2019
Year 2004
  • Computer analysis of multiple-choice examination documents

    - Year 2004

    Opisany system AATE wyposażony jest w edytor testów, za pomocą którego egzaminator przygotowuje test egzaminacyjny. Utworzony test ze swoimi parametrami jest pamiętany w bazie danych i następnie może być wydrukowany. Po przeprowadzeniu egzaminu wypełnione formularze za pomocą skanera z podajnikiem wprowadza się do komputera. W komputerze system analizuje formularze i odczytane odpowiedzi porównuje się z wzorcami przechowywanymi...

Year 2014