Open Research Data
total: 5
Open Research Data
Radiation pattern measurements of geometrically small antennas performed in non-anechoic environments
Open Research DataThe dataset contains unprocessed measurements of radiation pattern characteristics performed in non-anechoic regime for three geometrically small antenna structures: a spline-parameterized Vivaldi structure, a compact spline-based monopole, and a quasi-Yagi geometry with enhanced bandwidth. The responses have been obtained over broad frequency ranges...
Transmission measurements between two geometrically small Vivaldi antennas performed in non-anechoic propagation conditions
Open Research DataThe dataset contains unprocessed measurements of complex transmission (and reflection) characteristics obtained in non-anechoic regime for a geometrically small, broadband spline-parameterized Vivaldi structure. The measurement setup comprises two Vivaldi antennas with the same topology where one is used as a reference structure, and another one as...
Numerical optimization of planar antenna structures using trust-region algorithm with adaptively adjusted finite differences
Open Research DataThe dataset contains initial designs and optimization results for three planar structures that include quasi-patch antenna for WLAN applications, compact spline-parameterized monopole dedicated for ultra-wideband applications, as well as rectifier for energy harvesting with enhanced bandwidth. The numerical results for the first two structures are also...
Correction of far-field measurements obtained in non-anechoic test site
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw and processed measurements of radiation pattern characteristics performed in non-anechoic regime for two geometrically small antenna structures: a spline-parameterized Vivaldi structure and a compact spline-based monopole. The responses have been obtained at the selected frequencies of interest as a function of mentioned structures...
Measurements of electrically small antenna radiation patterns in non-anechoic environments using TGM
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw and processed measurements of radiation pattern characteristics performed in non-anechoic regime for four antenna structures: a spline-parameterized Vivaldi structure, a compact spline-based monopole, super-ultrawideband antenna, and a quasi-Yagi component. The responses have been obtained at the selected frequencies of interest...