total: 545
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Toward 6G Optical Fronthaul: A Survey on Enabling Technologies and Research Perspectives
PublicationThe anticipated launch of the Sixth Generation (6G) of mobile technology by 2030 will mark a significant milestone in the evolution of wireless communication, ushering in a new era with advancements in technology and applications. 6G is expected to deliver ultra-high data rates and almost instantaneous communications, with three-dimensional coverage for everything, everywhere, and at any time. In the 6G Radio Access Networks (RANs)...
Year 2024
A Probabilistic Optimisation Approach to the Equitable Controller Location Problem
PublicationThe ability of the Software-Defined Network (SDN) to transport traffic flows depends, in particular, on the SDN switches being able to communicate with SDN controllers, which are responsible for the setup of network connections and the configuration of switches. Since in principle the number of SDN controllers is limited they must be installed in a set of carefully selected node locations. Whereas the problem of controller placement...
Energy-Efficient Joint User and Power Allocation in 5G Millimeter Wave Networks: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach
PublicationReducing power consumption is a pivotal challenge in 5G millimeter wave (mmWave) networks due to the density of the base stations (BSs) in these networks. In this paper, we focus on the joint user and power allocation problem in 5G mmWave networks, aiming to minimize power consumption while maintaining the user Quality of Service (QoS), considering the BSs switching on/off strategy. Initially, we formulate the problem as an Integer...
Krajowe laboratorium sieci i usług PL, 5G: kierunki badań i perspektywy rozwoju techniki 5G/6G
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia unikatową infrastrukturę badawczą PL 5G opracowaną w ramach projektu „ krajowe laboratorium sieci i usług 5G wraz z otoczeniem” oraz kierunki badań dotyczących techniki 5G oraz przyszłej sieci 6g. Laboratorium umożliwia prowadzenie praktycznych eksperymentów, w środowisku zbliżonym do warunków sieci operatorskiej, dotyczących rozwoju techniki 5G/6G, a także szerokiego spektrum jej zastosowań w środowiskach terenowych,...
Maximizing SDN resilience to node‐targeted attacks through joint optimization of the primary and backup controllers placements
PublicationIn Software Defined Networks (SDN) packet data switches are configured by a limited number of SDN controllers, which respond to queries for packet forwarding decisions from the switches. To enable optimal control of switches in real time the placement of controllers at network nodes must guarantee that the controller-to-controller and switch-to-controller communications delays are bounded. Apart from the primary controllers that...
Min-max optimization of node‐targeted attacks in service networks
PublicationThis article considers resilience of service networks that are composed of service and control nodes to node-targeted attacks. Two complementary problems of selecting attacked nodes and placing control nodes reflect the interaction between the network operator and the network attacker. This interaction can be analyzed within the framework of game theory. Considering the limited performance of the previously introduced iterative...
Politechnika Gdańska z prywatną siecią 5G i zespołem specjalizowanych laboratoriów badawczych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono pierwszą część opisu laboratorium (a właściwie zespołu laboratoriów) sieci 5G, otwartego w ostatnim okresie na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej. W części tej zawarto wybrane cechy technologii 5G, a także podstawowe założenia i możliwości oferowane przez nowoutworzone laboratorium. Laboratorium jest efektem kilkuletnich prac związanych z realizacją projektu PL-5G: „Krajowe laboratorium sieci i usług 5G...
Politechnika Gdańska z prywatną siecią 5G i zespołem specjalizowanych laboratoriów badawczych Część II: Opis wyposażenia laboratoriów, oferowanych usług oraz zasad ich udostępniania
PublicationOgólne założenia projektu PL-5G: „Krajowe laboratorium sieci i usług 5G wraz z otoczeniem”, złożony proces uzyskania jego finansowania, jak również wybrane cechy funkcjonalne sieci piątej generacji (5G) zostały zaprezentowane w „Piśmie PG” nr 3/2024. W II części artykułu przedstawiono infrastrukturę badawczą zaprojektowaną i zrealizowaną przez zespół wykonawców z WETI PG, a także wybrane usługi i możliwości oferowane przez poszczególne...
Power Consumption Optimization in 5G/6G mmWave Networks with User Multi-Connectivity
PublicationIn the fifth generation (5G) and the upcoming sixth generation (6G) millimeter wave (mmWave) networks, the recent emerging ultra-reliable low-latency (URLLC) applications such as telemedicine and self-driven vehicles require strict availability and reliability requirements. Using user multi-connectivity (i.e., connecting each user to multiple base stations (BSs) simultaneously) has emerged as an efficient solution for providing...
Resilient Routing in Communication Networks - A Systems Perspective
PublicationThis practically focused monograph addresses the latest issues of resilient routing in networked systems. It consists of three parts and offers an in-depth introduction to the resilience of networked systems (Part I), a detailed description of schemes of resilient routing (Part II), and examples of the application of resilience mechanisms in selected communication scenarios (Part III). Topics and features: presents the essentials...
Team research project – evolution from faculty activity to university study standard
PublicationThe article will describe the idea of a university-wide team student project as a tool of modern academic teaching in the era of widespread use of artificial intelligence tools. The problem of contemporary teaching is the emerging tools for automatic content generation, including didactic and scientific content. The question arises how to verify students' qualifications and learning outcomes. The solution may be students' group...
Wyzwania współpracy z robotem jako członkiem zespołu
Publication– Cel: Ocena, jakie są przekonania dotyczące współpracy z robotami w zespole, jakie są obawy i oczekiwania związane z „zatrudnianiem” robotów. – Metodyka badań: Badania ilościowe zrealizowane z zastosowaniem kwestionariusza ankiety w grupie 593 specjalistów IT. – Wyniki badań: Roboty nadal traktowane są głównie jako narzędzia, nie jako podmioty uczestniczące w pracy zespołu. Przekonanie, że obecność robota w zespole nie wyeliminuje...
Year 2023
5G Millimeter Wave Network Optimization: Dual Connectivity and Power Allocation Strategy
PublicationThe fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks utilizing millimeter Wave (mmWave) bands can be considered the leading player in meeting the continuously increasing hunger of the end user demands in the near future. However, 5G networks are characterized by high power consumption, which poses a significant challenge to the efficient management of base stations (BSs) and user association. Implementing new power consumption and user...
5G/6G optical fronthaul modeling: cost and energy consumption assessment
PublicationIn fifth generation (5G) and the future beyond 5G (6G) radio access networks (RANs), the cost of fronthaul deployment is a main challenge for mobile network operators. Depending on different constraints, there are various solutions to deploy an efficient fronthaul. Fiber-optic-based fronthaul offers long-term support with regard to a rapid increase in capacity demands. When fiber connections, either point-to-point (P2P) or point-to-multipoint...
Integracja bezprzewodowych heterogenicznych sieci IP dla poprawy efektywności transmisji danych na morzu
PublicationWraz ze wzrostem istotności środowiska morskiego w naszym codziennym życiu np. w postaci zwiększonego wolumenu transportu realizowanego drogą morską. czy zintensyfikowanych prac dotyczących obserwacji i monitoringu środowiska morskiego, wzrasta również potrzeba opracowania efektywnych systemów komunikacyjnych dedykowanych dla tego środowiska. Heterogeniczne systemy łączności bezprzewodowej integrowane na poziomie warstwy sieciowej...
Introduction to the ONDM 2022 special issue
PublicationThis JOCN special issue contains extended versions of selected papers presented at the 26th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2022), which took place 16–19 May 2022 at Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. The topics covered by the papers represent trends in optical networking research: application of machine learning to network management, cross-layer network performance optimization,...
Nowe protokoły transportowe w sieciach IP. Analiza porównawcza wybranych mechanizmów w protokołach SCTP i QUIC
PublicationZestaw protokolarny TCP/IP opisuje podstawową koncepcję organizacji pracy Internetu. Z tej racji jest przedmiotem zainteresowania oraz stałych analiz zarówno operatorów, użytkowników, jak też badaczy zagadnień sieciowych, a wreszcie i projektantów, by reagować na pojawiające się nowe potrzeby. Działania takie, przynajmniej częściowo, są wymuszane zarówno przez wymagania nowych multimedialnych aplikacji - na najwyższym poziomie...
On the Importance of Resilience Engineering for Networked Systems in a Changing World
PublicationResilience is featured increasingly often in the media, usually applied to society when faced, for example, with disasters such as flooding and the enormous challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic posed. There are now many resilience-related discussion groups worldwide, and some standards initiatives devoted in particular to city resilience. However, there is relatively little explicit interest in resilience engineering for communication...
Scheduling for Industrial Control Traffic Using Massive MIMO and Large Intelligent Surfaces
PublicationIndustry 4.0, with its focus on flexibility and customizability, is pushing in the direction of wireless communication in future smart factories, in particular massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and its future evolution Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS), which provide more reliable channel quality than previous technologies. As such, there arises the need to perform efficient scheduling of industrial control traffic...
The Idea of a Student Research Project as a Method of Preparing a Student for Professional and Scientific Work
PublicationIn the paper we present the idea and implementation of a student research project course within the master’s program at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk Tech. It aims at preparing students for performing research and scientific tasks in future professional work. We outline the evolution from group projects into research project and the current deployment of both at bachelor’s and master’s levels...
The need for new transport protocols on the INTERNET
PublicationThe TCP/IP protocol suite is widely used in IP networks, regardless of diverse environments and usage scenarios. Due to the fact of being the basic concept of organizing the work of the Internet, it is the subject of interest and constant analysis of operators, users, network researchers, and designers. The Internet is a "living" organism in which new needs appear all the time. This is particularly important due to the emerging...
Wireless Link Selection Methods for Maritime Communication Access Networks—A Deep Learning Approach
PublicationIn recent years, we have been witnessing a growing interest in the subject of communication at sea. One of the promising solutions to enable widespread access to data transmission capabilities in coastal waters is the possibility of employing an on-shore wireless access infrastructure. However, such an infrastructure is a heterogeneous one, managed by many independent operators and utilizing a number of different communication...
Year 2022
A Survey of Vehicular Network Systems for Road Traffic Management
PublicationIn this survey, we analyze the proposals of vehicular communication systems in the context of road traffic management. Starting with the definition of communications between vehicles (V2V), vehicles-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles-to-everything (V2X), we first focus on the requirements and current standards for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the maximum communication delay, the communication range and the...
Cost-Efficient Optical Fronthaul Architectures for 5G and Future 6G Networks
PublicationFifth-generation and Beyond (5GB) wireless networks have introduced new centralized architectures such as cloud radio access network (CRAN), which necessitate extremely high-capacity low latency Fronthaul (FH). CRAN has many advantageous features in terms of cost reduction, performance enhancement, ease of deployment, and centralization of network management. Nevertheless, designing and deploying a cost-efficient FH is still a...
Defending against Fake VIP in Scant-Transparency Information Systems with QoS Differentiation
PublicationIn client-server information systems with quality of service (QoS) differentiation, Client may deplete Server’s resources by demanding unduly high QoS level. Such QoS abuse has eluded systematic treatment; known defenses using Client authorization, payments, or service request inspection prior to QoS assignment, are heuristic and environment-specific. We offer a game-theoretic approach on the premise that a service request is occasionally...
Design of Cost-Efficient Optical Fronthaul for 5G/6G Networks: An Optimization Perspective
PublicationCurrently, 5G and the forthcoming 6G mobile communication systems are the most promising cellular generations expected to beat the growing hunger for bandwidth and enable the fully connected world presented by the Internet of Everything (IoE). The cloud radio access network (CRAN) has been proposed as a promising architecture for meeting the needs and goals of 5G/6G (5G and beyond) networks. Nevertheless, the provisioning of cost-efficient...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono docelową architekturę systemu obliczeń na brzegu sieci, która została opracowana, zaimplementowana i wdrożona w ramach projektu SyMEC. W szczególności przedstawiono główne elementy opracowanego systemu, podstawowe realizowane procesy dotyczące zarządzania cyklem życia oferowanych aplikacji i usług MEC, a także doświadczenia wynikające z implementacji prototypu systemu SyMEC i jego wdrożenia w krajowej sieci...
Mitigating Traffic Remapping Attacks in Autonomous Multi-hop Wireless Networks
PublicationMultihop wireless networks with autonomous nodes are susceptible to selfish traffic remapping attacks (TRAs). Nodes launching TRAs leverage the underlying channel access function to receive an unduly high Quality of Service (QoS) for packet flows traversing source-to-destination routes. TRAs are easy to execute, impossible to prevent, difficult to detect, and harmful to the QoS of honest nodes. Recognizing the need for providing...
Planning a Cost-Effective Delay-Constrained Passive Optical Network for 5G Fronthaul
PublicationWith the rapid growth in the telecommunications industry moving towards 5G and beyond (5GB) and the emergence of data-hungry and time-sensitive applications, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are faced with a considerable challenge to keep up with these new demands. Cloud radio access network (CRAN) has emerged as a cost-effective architecture that improves 5GB performance. The fronthaul segment of the CRAN necessitates a high-capacity...
Porównanie OpenStack Networking z innymi rozwiązaniami chmurowymi
PublicationW dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej firm decyduje się na uruchamianie usług oraz przetwarzanie danych w ramach tak zwanych systemów chmurowych, których przykładem może być OpenStack. Szeroka gama istniejących rozwiązań pozwala na dostosowanie chmury do potrzeb i wymagań użytkownika. Podczas wyboru systemu chmurowego jednym z ważniejszych aspektów jest analiza oferowanych przez niego mechanizmów oraz zaawansowanych usług sieciowych....
Wdrożenie systemu MEC w sieciach WLAN: Moduł współpracy serwera MEC z siecią dostępową WLAN
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano zasady funkcjonowania modułu współpracy sieci dostępowych WLAN z serwerem MEC oraz pozostałymi komponentami ekosystemu, budowanego w ramach projektu SyMEC. Zaproponowana architektura pozwala na ujednolicenie dostępnej funkcjonalności oraz komunikację zewnętrznych aplikacji z podmodułami odpowiedzialnymi za zbieranie i przekazywanie informacji o sieci dostępowej. Jako przykładową aplikację zademonstrowano...
Wireless Local Area Network Technologies as Communication Solutions for Unmanned Surface Vehicles
PublicationAs the number of research activities and practical deployments of unmanned vehicles has shown a rapid growth, topics related to their communication with operator and external infrastructure became of high importance. As a result a trend of employing IP communication for this purpose is emerging and can be expected to bring significant advantages. However, its employment can be expected to be most effective using broadband communication...
PublicationW pracy przywołano pokrótce najważniejsze działania, które towarzyszyły powstaniu i funkcjonowaniu Oddziału IEEE Gdańsk Computer Society (Chapter C16). Zaprezentowano skład Zarządu Oddziału w kolejnych kadencjach. Zwrócono uwagę między innymi na rolę Oddziału w promowaniu osiągnięć wybitnych naukowców, prezentujących swoje prace w ramach wykładów, odbywających się pod auspicjami Oddziału, jak też na współudział Oddziału w organizacji...
Zastosowanie metod transformacji grafu topologii sieci teleinformatycznej w wyznaczaniu niezawodnych tras transmisji ukierunkowane na redukcję czasu obliczeń
PublicationCelem pracy jest zaprezentowanie autorskich metod zapewniania niezawodności transmisji wieloskokowej przy wykorzystaniu proponowanych technik transformacji ukierunkowanych na ograniczenie czasu wyznaczania tras, jak i na umożliwienie obsługi przez sieć większej liczby żądań dzięki redukcji zapotrzebowania na zasoby sieci w scenariuszach ochrony przed awarią wielokrotną oraz opracowaniu mechanizmów doboru tras ukierunkowanych na...
Year 2021
A Survey of Fast-Recovery Mechanisms in Packet-Switched Networks
PublicationIn order to meet their stringent dependability requirements, most modern packet-switched communication networks support fast-recovery mechanisms in the data plane. While reactions to failures in the data plane can be significantly faster compared to control plane mechanisms, implementing fast recovery in the data plane is challenging, and has recently received much attention in the literature. This survey presents a systematic,...
A wireless network for off-shore marine research
PublicationThis paper presents functionality, the most important technology developments and potential use cases of digital communication system, developed to facilitate selected tasks commonly required during off-shore operations and marine research, including: broadband information sharing between platforms isolated from an on-shore communication infrastructure, acquisition of large data-sets from variety of off-shore...
Assessment of Connectivity-based Resilience to Attacks Against Multiple Nodes in SDNs
PublicationIn Software Defined Networks (SDNs), the control plane of a network is decoupled from its data plane. For scalability and robustness, the logically centralized control plane is implemented by physically placing different controllers throughout the network. The determination of the number and placement of controllers is known as the Controller Placement Problem (CPP). In the regular (i.e., failure-free) state, the control plane...
Coupling between Blood Pressure and Subarachnoid Space Width Oscillations during Slow Breathing
PublicationThe precise mechanisms connecting the cardiovascular system and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are not well understood in detail. This paper investigates the couplings between the cardiac and respiratory components, as extracted from blood pressure (BP) signals and oscillations of the subarachnoid space width (SAS), collected during slow ventilation and ventilation against inspiration resistance. The experiment was performed on...
Disaster Resilience of Optical Networks: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities
PublicationFor several decades, optical networks, due to their high capacity and long-distance transmission range, have been used as the major communication technology to serve network traffic, especially in the core and metro segments of communication networks. Unfortunately, our society has often experienced how the correct functioning of these critical infrastructures can be substantially hindered by massive failures triggered by natural...
eFRADIR: An Enhanced FRAmework for DIsaster Resilience
PublicationThis paper focuses on how to increase the availability of a backbone network with minimal cost. In particular, the new framework focuses on resilience against natural disasters and is an evolution of the FRADIR/FRADIR-II framework. It targets three different directions, namely: network planning, failure modeling, and survivable routing. The steady state network planning is tackled by upgrading a sub-network (a set of links termed...
Enhancing Resilience of FSO Networks to Adverse Weather Conditions
PublicationOptical wireless networks realized by means of gigabit optical wireless communication (OWC) systems are becoming, in a variety of applications, an important alternative, or a complementary solution, to their fiber-based counterparts. However, performance of the OWC systems can be considerably degraded in periods of unfavorable weather conditions, such as heavy fog, which temporarily reduce the effective capacity of the network....
Ensuring the QoE-Related Fairness to Reduce the User Abandonment Ratio
PublicationThese days, it is quite a challenge for app owners to keep users engaged with an app. Currently, the level of user abandonment is one of the key parameters that application owners are interested in. To meet these challenges, we are conducting an extended study of a previously proposed solution that significantly reduces the abandonment rate of a given application. The investigated solution is based on the methods of fairness using...
High-Power Jamming Attack Mitigation Techniques in Spectrally-Spatially Flexible Optical Networks
PublicationThis work presents efficient connection provisioning techniques mitigating high-power jamming attacks in spectrally-spatially flexible optical networks (SS-FONs) utilizing multicore fibers. High-power jamming attacks are modeled based on their impact on the lightpaths’ quality of transmission (QoT) through inter-core crosstalk. Based on a desired threshold on a lightpath’s QoT, the modulation format used, the length of the path,...
Non-Satellite Broadband Maritime Communications for e-Navigation Services
PublicationThe development of broadband network access technologies available to users on land has triggered a rapid expansion of a diverse range of services provided by terrestrial networks. However, due to limitations of digital communication technologies in the off-shore area, the maritime ICT systems evolution so far has not followed that trend. Despite the e-navigation initiative defining the set of Maritime Services, the progress in...
O neutralności, prezydencie, portalach społecznościowych i edukacji
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy neutralności sieci, która omówiona jest w kontekście zablokowania kont prezydenta USA w mediach społecznościowych. Odnosząc się do różnych znaczeń neutralności i opinii zebranych wśród informatyków, autorzy sformułowali rekomendacje dotyczące miejsca neutralności w edukacji informatycznej studentów.
O opóźnieniach, kompatybilności i dyliżansach, czyli jak działa Internet
PublicationW artykule podano przykłady usług internetowych o bardzo niskiej jakości. Wykazano, iż ogromny wpływ na jakość realizacji usług ma ciągłe wykorzystywanie w Internecie rozwiązań sprzed kilkudziesięciu lat. Pokazano jak budowa Internetu wpływa na opóźnienia przekazywania danych, oraz jak utrzymywanie zasady kompatybilności wstecznej uniemożliwia skokową poprawę jakości.
Optimizing FSO networks resilient to adverse weather conditions by means of enhanced uncertainty sets
PublicationThis work deals with dimensioning of wireless mesh networks (WMN) composed of FSO (free space optics) links. Although FSO links realize broadband transmission at low cost, their drawback is sensitivity to adverse weather conditions causing transmission degradation on multiple links. Hence, designing such FSO networks requires an optimization model to find the cheapest configuration of link capacities that will be able to carry...
Remote command and control capabilities for data acquisition systems provided by delay-tolerant network mechanisms
PublicationThe paper presents an assessment of a remote device reconfiguration service employing a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) mechanisms. This service has been implemented as a part of a communication appliance dedicated to marine data transfer in off-shore and open sea areas. The service has been successfully deployed and validation test have been completed. The practical use-case has been defined as remote access to the equipment operating...
Service-based Resilience via Shared Protection in Mission-critical Embedded Networks
PublicationMission-critical networks, which for example can be found in autonomous cars and avionics, are complex systems with a multitude of interconnected embedded nodes and various service demands. Their resilience against failures and attacks is a crucial property and has to be already considered in their design phase. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for optimal joint service allocation and routing, leveraging virtualized...
Year 2020
A reactive algorithm for deducing nodal forwarding behavior in a multihop ad-hoc wireless network in the presence of errors
PublicationA novel algorithm is presented to deduce individual nodal forwarding behavior from standard end-to-end acknowledgments. The algorithm is based on a well-established mathematical method and is robust to network related errors and nodal behavior changes. The proposed solution was verified in a network simulation, during which it achieved sound results in a challenging multihop ad-hoc network environment.