Waldemar Korłub - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge


Profile photo: dr inż. Waldemar Korłub

dr inż. Waldemar Korłub


Waldemar Korłub obtained an Eng. degree in 2011, MSc.Eng. degree in 2012 and PhD in Computer Science in 2017 granted by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdansk University of Technology. His research interests include: distributed systems mainly grid and cloud computing platforms, autonomous systems capable of self-optimization, self-management, self-healing and self-protection, artificial intelligence and multi-criterion optimization methods.

He is an author of over 30 scientific papers in the area of distributed computing and artificial intelligence. He participated in several research projects:

  • Multi-criterion routing algorithms supporting management of trucks fleet (2016),
  • A Data Processing Center – Task Manager (DPCTM) product, GMVPOL DPCTM GUT 31717/14 (2015),
  • Comcute – a system for maintaining high computing power in crisis situations, OR00010811 (2011-2012),
  • Integration-oriented method for distributed applications development with high dependability requirements, N N519 172337 (2011).

He is employed at ETI Faculty since 2012. He conducted lectures for full-time, extramural and postgraduate students of Computer Science. He was a supervisor of nine Eng. graduates.

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