
dr inż. Wojciech Migda
- Assistant professor at Department of Building Engineering
Research fields
e-Learning courses
Zarządzanie w budownictwie - sem. letni rok akademicki 2022/2023
Osoba odpowiedzialna za przedmiot i realizację zajęć wykładowych, projektowych i ćwiczeniowych - dr inż. Beata Grzyl, prof. uczelni; beata.grzyl@pg.edu.pl Osoba odpowiedzialna za realizację zajęć wykładowych - dr inż. Wojciech Migda; wojciech.migda@pg.edu.pl Osoba odpowiedzialna za realizację zajęć wykładowych, projektowych i ćwiczeniowych - dr inż. Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska; annjakub@pg.edu.pl Osoba odpowiedzialna za realizację...
Konstrukcje Metalowe I (2022/23)
Złożone Konstrukcje Metalowe 2021/22
Przedmiot na 1. semestrze stacjonarnych studiów magisterskich składający się z 30 godz wykładów, 15 godz. ćw. i 15 godzin projektowania, za 4 pkt ECTS Rozszerzenia podstawowego zakresu wiedzy nt konstrukcji stalowych dla absolwentów II stopnia budownictwa.
Konstrukcje metalowe I (niestacjonarne) 2021/22
Konstrukcje Metalowe I Niniejszy kurs jest wprowadzeniem do konstrukcji metalowych.
EUG Konsultacje, lato 2022/23
Kurs przeznaczony jest na prowadzenie konsultacji on-line, w tym konsultacji dyplomowych na wszystkich rodzajach studiów: stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych, I i II stopnia.
Stalowe Konstrukcje Kubaturowe 2022
Grafika Inżynierska, Transport 2022/2023
Grafika Inżynierska, Transport, sem 3, 2021/2022
Grafika Inżynierska, Transport 2021/2022
Grafika Inżynierska, Transport, sem 3, 2021/2022
Konstrukcje Metalowe II, INŻ, niest. 2022/2023
Konstrukcje Metalowe II, INŻ, niest. 2022/2023
Rysunek Techniczny (niestacjonarny) 2022/2023
Podstawy rysunku technicznego
Rysunek Techniczny, Budownictwo, 2022/2023
Rysunek Techniczny, Budownictwo, 2022/2023
EUG Konsultacje, lato 2021/22
Kurs przeznaczony jest na prowadzenie konsultacji on-line, w tym konsultacji dyplomowych na wszystkich rodzajach studiów: stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych, I i II stopnia.
Zaawansowane systemy CAD 2021/2022
Filozoficzne aspekty pracy inżyniera 22/23
Elementy pracy inżyniera nie będące technicznymi aspektami. Sposób postępowania z inwestorami/zleceniodawcami. Ryzyka związane z przyjęciem zlecenia. Odpowiedzialność zawodowa i moralna. Strategia prowadzenia prac projektowych. Zarządzanie czasem przy projektach. Metodologia wyceny pracy. Budowanie własnej renomy. Ocena ryzyka realizacji danego zlecenia. Ocena indywidualnego sukcesu lub porażki.
Modyfikacja i ocena istniejących konstrukcji
Przedmiotem zajęć będzie ocena istniejących konstrukcji oraz ocena możliwości wprowadzania zmian.
Zarządzanie w budownictwie - sem. letni, rok akademicki 2023/2024 (studia niestacjonarne)
Osoba odpowiedzialna za przedmiot i realizację zajęć wykładowych, projektowych i ćwiczeniowych - dr inż. Beata Grzyl, prof. uczelni; beata.grzyl@pg.edu.pl Osoba odpowiedzialna za realizację zajęć wykładowych - dr inż. Wojciech Migda; wojciech.migda@pg.edu.pl Osoba odpowiedzialna za realizację zajęć wykładowych, projektowych i ćwiczeniowych - dr inż. Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska; annjakub@pg.edu.pl Osoba odpowiedzialna za realizację...
Rysunek Techniczny 2023/24 (niestacjonarny)
Podstawy rysunku technicznego
Doświadczalne badanie modeli konstrukcji
W ramach przedmiotu będą tworzone i badane modele wybranych konstrukcji.
Projektowanie Zintegrowane 2023/24
Rysunek techniczny 2024/25 niestacjonarne
W ramach przedmiotu realizowane są podstawy nauki rysunku technicznego.
Rysunek Techniczny, Budownictwo, 2023/2024
Rysunek Techniczny, Budownictwo, Sem 1. inż. 2023/2022
Rysunek Techniczny 2024/2025
Podstawy zarządzania i marketingu
Projektowanie zintegrowane 2024/25 niestacjonarne
W ramach przedmiotu realizowane są zajęcia z zaawansowanych narzędzi do modelowania budynków i konstrukcji (BIM).
Wykorzystanie BIM w transporcie 2024/25
W ramach przedmiotu realizowane są zajęcia z zaawansowanych narzędzi do modelowania budynków i konstrukcji (BIM).
Grafika Inżynierska, Transport 2023/2024
Grafika Inżynierska, Transport, sem 3, 2023/2024
Projektowanie zintegrowane mgr. stac. 2024/2025
Konsultacje - Wojciech Migda
Zajęcia konsultacyjne na potrzeby realizacji zajęć zdalnych.
Conducted classes
Integrated design
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Green Technologies in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Modification and evaluation of existing structures
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Projektowanie zintegrowane
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Wentylacja i klimatyzacja
Projektowanie zintegrowane
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Networks and Installations
Doświadczalne badanie modeli konstrukcji
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Doświadczalne badanie modeli konstrukcji
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Wykorzystanie BIM w transporcie
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Transport
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Rysunek techniczny
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Integrated design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Green Technologies in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Green Technologies in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Green Technologies in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Projektowanie zintegrowane
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Wentylacja i klimatyzacja
Projektowanie zintegrowane
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Networks and Installations
Eng Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Introduction to Management and Marketing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Transport
Projektowanie zintegrowane
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Networks and Installations
Modification and evaluation of existing structures
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Rysunek techniczny
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Eng Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Projektowanie zintegrowane
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Networks and Installations
Projektowanie zintegrowane
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Wentylacja i klimatyzacja
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Rysunek techniczny
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering -
Integrated design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Green Technologies in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Green Technologies in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Green Technologies in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Steel Structures II
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Eng Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Philosophical aspects of an engineer's work
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Field of study: Corrosion
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Spatial Development
Field of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Field of study: Spatial Development
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Chemistry
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Green Technologies
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Green Technologies
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Technical Physics
Field of study: Engineering and Technologies of Energy Carriers
Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Field of study: Electrical Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Steel Structures I
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering -
Rysunek techniczny
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Steel Structures II
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Non-technical aspects of engineer's work
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Chemistry
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering
Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Field of study: Spatial Development
Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Electrical Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Field of study: Corrosion
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Technical Physics
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Construction Management
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Steel Structures [E]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Steel Structures [L]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Construction Management
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Construction Management
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering -
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Steel Structures [E]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Building and Civil Engineering Structures
Steel Structures [L]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Steel Structures [E]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Building and Civil Engineering Structures
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Profile: Water Infrastructure
Construction Management
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Construction Management
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Steel Structures [L+T+D+Lb]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Profile: Technologies in Environmental Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Building and Civil Engineering Structures
Preparation for the thesis exam
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Building and Civil Engineering Structures
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Building and Civil Engineering Structures
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Building and Civil Engineering Structures
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Construction Management
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Profile: Metal Structures
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Profile: Metal Structures
Steel Structures [L+T+D+Lb]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Profile: Technologies in Environmental Engineering
Construction Management
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Construction Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Computer Aided Design [T]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Transport
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Building and Civil Engineering Structures
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Building and Civil Engineering Structures
Diploma/Final Dissertation
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Preparation for Final Examination
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Steel Structures [L+T+D+Lb]
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Profile: Technologies in Environmental Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
seen 3160 times