dr inż. arch. Wojciech Targowski
- Profesor uczelni ze stop. nauk. dr at Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
e-Learning courses
Wydział Architektury PG. Ewaluacja
Projekt Architektoniczny II KAMiUP 2021/2022 W.T.+J.B.
Kurs dla studentów II semestru II stopnia studiów z projektowania architektonicznego prowadzonego w Katedrze Architektury Mieszkaniowej i Użyteczności Publicznej. Prowadzący zajęcia: dr inż. arch. Wojciech Targowski, prof. PG dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka
Publikacje pracowników Wydziału Architektury
Projekt dyplomowy
strona służy do kontaktu z nauczycielami prowadzącymi przedmiot i studentami uczestniczącymi w zajęciach
ENG_Architectural Design sem 6_2022_2023_KAMiUP
The course concerns the shaping of marketplace facilities with accompanying functions. The course presents a multifaceted approach to the issues, including technical, legal, economic, environmental, and cultural issues. The aim of the course, based on a case study in Gdańsk (Marketplace Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz (Targowisko Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz) and its surroundings), is to understand the problem of regeneration of exhibition spaces and to develop...
PROJEKTOWANIE URBANISTYCZNE 3_SEM.5_2024/25_KONKURS_Prowadzący: D. Kamrowska-Załuska, A.Rubczak, W.Targowski, M.Gerigk
Proj. sem. IV S.D+A.M+W.T_2024.2025
PROJEKT ARCHITEKTONICZNY IV, SEM. IV, 2023/2024 PROJEKT BUDYNKU MIESZKALNEGO WIELORODZINNEGO Z GARAŻEM PODZIEMNYM ORAZ FUNKCJĄ TOWARZYSZĄCĄ Z ELEMENTAMI WNĘTRZ PROBLEMATYKA ZAJĘĆ: Problematyka zajęć dotyczy szeroko pojętej tematyki projektowania zabudowy mieszkaniowej wielorodzinnej. Skupia się na kluczowych aspektach, takich jak podstawowe zasady tworzenia budynków mieszkalnych, które nie tylko spełniają funkcje użytkowe, ale...
Projekt Architektoniczny II KAMiUP 2020/2021 W.T.+J.B.
Kurs dla studentów II semestru II stopnia studiów z projektowania architektonicznego prowadzonego w Katedrze Architektury Mieszkaniowej i Użyteczności Publicznej. Prowadzący zajęcia: dr inż. arch. Wojciech Targowski, prof. PG dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka
Conducted classes
Architectural and Urban Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Design Studio I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Projektowanie dyplomowe I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Architectural Design VI. Group Project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Design Studio I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Project I
Faculty of Architecture -
Projektowanie dyplomowe I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Design Studio I
Faculty of Architecture -
Architectural Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Design Studio I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Design Studio I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Architectural Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Design Studio I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Professional Architectural Internship
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Design Studio I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Architectural Design VI
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural Design VI
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Professional Architectural Internship
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Design Studio I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural Design VI
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Seminars
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Interdisciplinary Diploma Consultations
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Architectural Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Professional Architectural Internship (4 weeks - 160 hours)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Professional Architectural Internship (4 weeks - 160 hours)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Architectural Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Seminars
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Interdisciplinary Diploma Consultations
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Pre-diploma Design Studio
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Seminars
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Pre-diploma Design Studio
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
seen 1393 times