mgr inż. Adrianna Banach-Kopeć
The results of the assessment of the degree of deacetylation, antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of chitosan materials
Dane BadawczeDane prezentują wyniki pomiarowe stopnia deacetylacji 5 komerycjnych chitozanów, które przetwarzane dwiema metodami oceniono pod kątem aktywności przeciwdrobnoustrojowej i cytotoksyczności względem modelowej linii fibroblastów mysich L929. Ocenie porównawczej poddano materiały chitozanowe otrzymywane klasyczną metodą rozpuszczania w roztworze...
The influence of chitosan hydrogels on the morphology of L929 cells
Dane BadawczeRepresentative image at 20x magnification of L929 cells following 24 h of treatment with chitosan derivatives: chitosan dissolved in carbonic acid, chitosan dissolved in carbonic acid endotoxin free, chitosan dissolved in hydroacetic acid at 1:3 diluent factor. The scale bar is 100 µm; Microscope Olympus IX83, Tokyo, Japan).
Cytotoxicity of chitosan hydrogels aginst L929 cells
Dane BadawczeThis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds to the cytotoxicity of chitosan compounds (dissolved in carbonic acid, dissolved in carbonic acid endotoxin free, and dissolved in hydroxyacetic acid) aginst adult mouse fibroblast L929 cells. The experiments were carried out according to the ISO 10993-5:2009(E)...
The viscometric evaluation of the gelation rate the chitosan-metal oxide hydrogel systems.
Dane BadawczeThe dataset shows the change in the viscosity of a hydrogel medium over time. Viscometric measurement was used as a universal method for determining the cross-linking rate of chitosan hydrogel using metal oxides or other solutions with a negative net charge. The method was prepared as a method of predicting the kinetics of additive manufacturing using...
The effect of zinc oxide concentration on dry matter content of chitosan gels in carbonic acid.
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains results determining the effect of zinc oxide addition at different concentrations on the dry matter content of chitosan gels in carbonic acid after a specified time. Zinc oxide at concentrations of 0.5 and 1% was added as a powder to a 1% solution of chitosan in carbonic acid and then homogenized. Differences were observed in the...
Determination the method of free alcohol fermented beverage production based on roasted raw materials.
Dane BadawczeData set presents the results of monosaccharides and ethyl alcohol determination in samples of fermented cereal drink with increased health value based on barley malt and roasting of rye, chicory and beetroot, and with the addition of hops. The HPLC method with RID detector was used for determinations
Determination of changes in viscosity of high-fructose syrup stability of pectin hydrogels depending on the temperature (25-96 Celsius degrees).
Dane BadawczeThe rheological characteristics of the high-fructose syrup modified stability of pectin (added in a concentration 2% m/m) were made on the basis of the viscosity assessment using a Brookfield viscometer with an LV SC4 - 25 spindle and a shear rate of 0,22 s-1 in the temperature range 25-96 ° C. The data allowed selection of optimal conditions for the...
Effect of Jerusalem artichoke addition on texture profile of bread
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of Jerusalem artichoke addition on the texture of wheat bread. The following bread variants were tested: control bread, bread with 15% and 30% Jerusalem artichoke addition. Measurements were made immediately after baking. On the basis of data, the following parameters were determined: hardness, elasticity, cohesion and...
The effect of the flaxseed addition on the texture of wheat bread
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of flaxseed addition on the texture of toasted bread. The following bread variants were tested: control bread, bread with 8% and 12% linseed addition and competitive bread. Measurements were made immediately after baking and after 4 days. On the basis of data the following parameters were determined: hardness, elasticity,...
The effect of flaxseed addition on the quality and basic composition of wheat bread
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes the effect of flaxseed addition on the properties of toasted bread bakery products such as basic composition, moisture content immediately after baking and after a defined time, porosity, acidity and total baking loss. The following bread variants were investigated: control bread, bread with 8% and 12% flaxseed addition and competitive...
The effect of wax foundation addition to PCL filaments on mechanical properties.
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes the effect of wax foundation addition on the basic mechanical properties of the filaments. PCL and wax foundation addition at 10 and 15% were used for extrusion. The mechanical properties of the resulting filaments were evaluated by a double compression test using an Instron model 5543 universal testing machine. Parameters such...
The effect of raw material type on endotoxin content .
Dane BadawczeThe datasets contain the results of determining the effect of raw material type on endotoxin content as well as the effect of purification methods. The endotoxin concentration was determined using the PyroGene Recombinant Factor C Endpoint Fluorescent Assay. Beckmann-Kenko sodium alginate and Chemat sodium salt of alginic acid were used for the assays....
The effect of chitosan concentration and molecular weight on endotoxin content
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes results to determine the effect of chitosan concentration and molecular weight on endotoxin content as well as the effect of purification methods. The endotoxin concentration was determined using the PyroGene Recombinant Factor C Endpoint Fluorescent Assay. Chitosan 0.6% in 0.1M glycolic acid from Chemat LMW, MMW, and HMW were used...
Production of un-matured white soft cheese.
Dane BadawczeThe video presents instructional work on the production of un-matured white soft cheese.
The influence of the temperature treatment method on the quality of French fries.
Dane BadawczeThe video presents instructional work on the temperature treatment of French fries and the assessment of oil changes during frying. The results of the measurements show that placing the fries in cold oil, heating them to the frying temperature compared to the conventional method of frying, reduces the amount of primary oxidation products and free fatty...
Determination of the content of saccharides and ethanol in samples of fermented beverages
Dane BadawczeThe data set presents the results of measurements of the content of mono- and disaccharides: glucose, maltose, fructose and ethanol in samples of beverages fermented by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-RID).
The effect of roasting beetroot and chicory on the anti-oxidative activity of their extracts
Dane BadawczeThe eThe data set presents the results of the assessment of the impact of roasting raw materials in the form of beetroot and chicory on their antioxidant activity measured by the standard ABTS and DPPH radical tests. The numerical results were compared with the visual assessment of the roasted raw materials. The obtained results confirmed the increase...
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