Andrzej Klimczuk
- Adiunkt w Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Obszary badawcze
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Creative Industries
- Cultural Policy
- Demography
- E-Government
- Developmental Psychology
- Employment Policy
- Exclusion
- Gerontechnology
- Governance
- Gerontology
- Human Development
- Human Resource Management
- Inequality
- Local Development
- Life Cycle
- Medialabs
- Mixed Economy Of Welfare
- Older Workers
- Open Source
- Organizational Development
- Poverty
- Prosumption
- Participatory Media
- Regional Policy
- Public Services
- Research Methods
- Silver Economy
- Social Engagement
- Social Capital
- Social Economy
- Social Innovations
- Social Exclusion
- Social Policy
- Social Work
- Social Problems
- Sociology of Risk
- Software Production Sector
- Third Sector
- Urban Planning
- Video Games
- Ageing
- Public Policy
wszystkich: 102
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2017
Sociological and Gerontological Perspectives on Ageing, Creativity, and the Third Age
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The Emergence of the Creative Ageing Movement
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The Politics of Ageing and the Challenges of Ageing Populations
Publikacja -
Understanding Public Policy on Ageing
Publikacja -
Welfare State
Publikacja -
Work, Domestic Work, Emotional Labor
Rok 2016
Activities of Daily Living
Publikacja -
Andrzej Klimczuk Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume 1: Context and Considerations Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 208 p. $115.00.
Publikacja -
Book Review: Vishwas Satgar (ed.), The Solidarity Economy Alternative: Emerging Theory and PracticeSatgarVishwas (ed.), The Solidarity Economy Alternative: Emerging Theory and Practice, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: Durban, 2014; 332 pp.: ISBN 9781869142575, US$34.44
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Changes in the Local Government System and Regional Policy in Poland
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Comparative analysis of national and regional models of the silver economy in the European Union
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Creative Aging: Drawing on the Arts to Enhance Healthy Aging
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Dual Labor Market
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Emotion Work
Publikacja -
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Publikacja -
“Silver Economy” Models in the European Union in the Comparative Approach: An Attempt to Introduce Discussion
Publikacja -
Strategia Rozwoju Kapitału Społecznego 2020 (2013) by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland, published online at:
Publikacja -
Trans Theorizing
Publikacja -
Trans Theorizing
Publikacja -
Work-Family Balance
Rok 2015
Aging in the Social Space
Publikacja -
Cultural Capital
Publikacja -
Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume I
Publikacja -
Harry R. Moody and Jennifer R. Sasser (2012). Aging: Concepts and Controversies (7th edition). Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington, DC: Sage Publications, 576 pp. ISBN 978 1 4522 0309 6 (paperback)
Publikacja -
Modele wielosektorowej polityki społecznej wobec ludzi starych i starości w kontekście zmiany technologicznej
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NGOization: Complicity, Contradictions and Prospects
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Public Policy: Ethics
Publikacja -
SIE Country Summary: Poland
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SIE Country Summary: Polska (SIE Country Summary: Poland)
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Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities: National and International Perspectives by Arie Rimmerman
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Taksonomia funkcjonalnych kompetencji cyfrowych oraz metodologia pomiaru poziomu funkcjonalnych kompetencji cyfrowych ossb z pokolenia 50 plus (Taxonomy of Functional Digital Skills and Methodology for Measuring the Functional Level of Digital Literacy of People Aged 50 plus)
Publikacja -
The solidarity economy alternative: emerging theory and practice
Publikacja -
Warner, Malcolm (Ed.) (2013), The Sociology of the Workplace. Abingdon: Routledge.
Rok 2014
Andrzej Klimczuk, „Kapitał społeczny ludzi starych na przykładzie mieszkańców miasta Białystok”, Wydawnictwo Wiedza i Edukacja, Lublin 2012
Publikacja -
Barriers to the Development of Creative Industries in Culturally Diverse Region
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Book review: John M Hagedorn (ed.), Gangs in the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional CriminologyHagedornJohn M (ed.), Gangs in the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional Criminology, University of Illinois Press: Urbana, 2007; 320 pp.: ISBN 9780252073373, US$28.00
Publikacja -
Cultural Capital
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Public Policy: Ethics
Rok 2013
Andreas Hoff (ed.) (2011). Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe. Societal and Policy Implications. Farnham, UK & Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate, 260 pp. ISBN 978 0 7546 7828 1 (hardback)
Publikacja -
Bronisław Malinowski
Publikacja -
Contemporary Social Policy Towards Disability and Disabled People
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Generational Differences, Generations of Western Society, Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace
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Hipoteza Sapira-Whorfa – przegląd argumentów zwolenników i przeciwników
Publikacja -
Regionalne obserwatorium kultury w wojewwdztwie podlaskim - uwarunkowania i planowane kierunki rozwoju (Regional Cultural Observatory in the Podlaskie Voivodeship - Conditions and Development Trends)
Rok 2012
Welfare State
Rok 2009
Rok 2007
Gangs in the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional Criminology
Publikacja -
Second Life - Problems with the Prolongation of Reality
Rok 2002
Emotion work
Rok 1997
Technology Transfer
wyświetlono 1542 razy