dr hab. inż. Beata Bochentyn
- Prodziekan ds. kształcenia w Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej
- Kierownik zakładu w Zakład nowych materiałów funkcjonalnych do konwersji energii
- Profesor uczelni w Instytut Nanotechnologii i Inżynierii Materiałowej
wszystkich: 88
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
Forming Ni-Fe and Co-Fe Bimetallic Structures on SrTiO3-Based SOFC Anode Candidates
PublikacjaThe aim of this work was to verify the possibility of forming Ni-Fe and Co-Fe alloys via topotactic ion exchange exsolution in Fe-infiltrated (La,Sr,Ce)0.9(Ni,Ti)O3-δ or (La,Sr,Ce)0.9(Co,Ti)O3-δ ceramics. For this purpose, samples were synthesized using the Pechini method and then infiltrated with an iron nitrate solution. The reduction process in dry H2 forced the topotactic ion exchange exsolution, leading to the formation of...
High-temperature transport properties of entropy-stabilized pyrochlores
PublikacjaIn this report, the high-temperature transport properties of (Dy1−xCax)(Zr0.2Hf0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Ge0.2)O7 pyrochlore oxides with x = 0, 0.05, and 0.1 are studied in dry and humid air. The phase composition and crystal structure were determined by using x-ray and neutron diffraction. The addition of calcium to the structure caused an increase in the concentration of oxygen vacancies, indicating an ionic charge compensation mechanism....
Limited dissolution of transition metals in the nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide
PublikacjaNanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxides doped with transition metals have gained significant interest recently, mostly in the field of catalysis. Herein, we present the comprehensive studies on ceria doped with 10 mol.% of transition metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni or Cu) synthesized by the reverse microemulsion method. The aim of this work is to study the properties of those materials with the use of different complementary methods like XRD,...
Methodology Approach for Microplastics Isolation from Samples Containing Sucrose
PublikacjaThe growing production and use of plastics significantly contribute to microplastics (MPs) contamination in the environment. Humans are exposed to MPs primarily through the gastrointestinal route, as these particles are present in beverages and food, e.g., sugar. Effective isolation and identification of MPs from food is essential for their elimination. This study aimed to evaluate factors influencing the isolation of MPs from...
Rok 2023
Fabrication of wormhole-like YSZ and Ni-YSZ by the novel soft-hard template CTAB/NaCl-assisted route. Suppressing Ni coalescence in SOFC
PublikacjaA novel one-pot synthesis route leading to the formation of a wormhole-like structure was developed for the successful fabrication of porous YSZ and Ni-YSZ systems. This method involved co-precipitation in the presence of the micelle-forming agents CTAB/Pluronic P123 and crystallising NaCl. The obtained skeletons were mechanically stable and presented almost 50% uniform, open porosity without using any additional pore-formers....
Rok 2022
Comparative Assessment of Bacteriophage and Antibiotic Activity against Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms
PublikacjaProblems connected with biofilm-related infections and antibiotic resistance necessitate the investigation and development of novel treatment strategies. Given their unique characteristics, one of the most promising alternatives to conventional antibiotics are bacteriophages. In the in vitro and in vivo larva model study, we demonstrate that phages vB_SauM-A, vB_SauM-C, and vB_SauM-D are effective antibiofilm agents. The exposure...
Cu supported on various oxides as a candidate catalyst for dry methane reforming in DIR-SOFCs systems
PublikacjaA series of Cu-support systems were tested as potential candidates for DIR-SOFC (Direct Internal Reforming SOFC) catalysts towards a dry reforming of methane (DRM). The various supports (-Al2O3, CeO2, ZrO2, SrTiO3) with comparable specific surface area (SSA), and additionally -Al2O3 with SSA an order of magnitude larger than that of the other supports has been applied. The obtained Cu-support systems were characterized in terms...
High-temperature Co-electrolysis of CO2/H2O and direct methanation over Co-impregnated SOEC. Bimetallic synergy between Co and Ni
PublikacjaTo study the synergy between the transition metals for enhancing the electrochemical and chemical activity, a series of SOECs were modified with a small amount of Co ions, namely 1.8, 3.6, and 5.4 wt% in the reduced state. The addition of βCD into the precursor solution allowed for extremely fine dispersion of Co species across the Ni-YSZ cermet structure. The sample containing 3.6 wt% Co reached an outstanding over 2.5-times-higher...
Preparation of methanation catalysts for high temperature SOEC by β-cyclodextrin-assisted impregnation of nano-CeO2 with transition metal oxides
PublikacjaThe aim of this work was to prepare and examine the catalytic activity of nanometric CeO2 decorated with transition metal oxides – Ni, Co, Cu, Fe and Mn – towards a high-temperature methanation process under SOEC CO2/H2O simulated co-electrolysis conditions. Samples were prepared using the wet impregnation method via the conventional process and with the addition of native cyclodextrin. The influence of β-cyclodextrin (βCD) onto...
Protocolo de Preparación y Evaluación de Pilas de Combustible de Óxido Sólido
PublikacjaEste protocolo describe la metodología para la preparación de celdas de óxido sólido y su evaluación como pila de combustible (SOFC). Es fruto del estudio realizado en el marco de los proyectos FCTESTNET [1] y SOFCNET [2] del V Programa Marco, en el Comité IEC/TC105 [3] e investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el laboratorio. Las pilas de combustible son dispositivos capaces de transformar la energía química de un combustible en energía...
Rok 2021
Structure and thermoelectric properties of nickel-doped copper selenide synthesised in a hydrogen atmosphere
PublikacjaNickel-doped copper selenide—Cu2-xNixSe (x = 0; 0.01; 0.02; 0.03)—materials with high thermoelectric properties were synthesised through reduction of reagents in hydrogen. The impact of the nickel content on both the microstructure and thermoelectric properties was examined. The nickel-doped samples’ microstructure differed significantly from pristine copper selenide. Besides Cu2Se, copper precipitations were present in the materials....
Rok 2020
A study of the kinetics of bismuth telluride synthesis by an oxide reduction method
PublikacjaThe kinetics of a reduction of bismuth and tellurium oxides in a hydrogen atmosphere, leading to the formation of thermoelectric bismuth telluride is investigated. The evaluation of the reaction kinetics was based on a thermogravimetric analysis performed in non-isothermal conditions. A non-parametric analysis method and the Friedman method were used for the evaluation of the data. Additionally, for a better understanding of the...
Exsolution of Ni nanoparticles on the surface of cerium and nickel co-doped lanthanum strontium titanate as a new anodic layer for DIR-SOFC. Anti-coking potential and H2S poisoning resistance of the prepared material
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to evaluate a new catalytic material for biogas fueled DIR-SOFC. This material was a perovskite-type SrTiO3 doped with La, Ce and Ni of a general formula La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-σ (LSCNT). Additional preparation steps were undertaken to promote a nickel exsolution process. Heat post-treatment of powders in a humidified H2 resulted in an intensive growth of nickel nanoparticles (NPs) while the temperature...
Investigation of praseodymium and samarium co-doped ceria as an anode catalyst for DIR-SOFC fueled by biogas
PublikacjaThe Pr and Sm co-doped ceria (with up to 20 mol.% of dopants) compounds were examined as catalytic layers on the surface of SOFC anode directly fed by biogas to increase a lifetime and the efficiency of commercially available DIR-SOFC without the usage of an external reformer. The XRD, SEM and EDX methods were used to investigate the structural properties and the composition of fabricated materials. Furthermore, the electrical...
New synthesis route of highly porous InxCo4Sb12 with strongly reduced thermal conductivity
PublikacjaHighly porous, In-filled CoSb3 skutterudite materials with an attractive thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT * 1) and corresponding dense samples were fabricated through the cost-effective method of reduction in oxides in dry hydrogen and the pulsed electric current sintering (PECS) method, respectively. The reduction process was described in detail using in situ thermogravimetric analysis of Co2O3, Sb2O3 and In(NO3)35H2O separately...
Structural and catalytic properties of ceria layers doped with transition metals for SOFCs fueled by biogas
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper was to investigate an influence of the nanocrystalline Ce0.8A0.2O2-δ (A = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) materials on the direct internal reforming of biogas in SOFC. Structural analysis of fabricated compounds has been done. An in-situ analysis of a composition of outlet gases from operating SOFC was performed using FTIR spectroscopy with simultaneous electrical tests. It was found out, that type of dopant strongly...
Sustainable energy system combined biogas-feedSolid Oxide Fuel Cell and Microalgae technology
PublikacjaIn the new frontier of energy and environmental safety, new efficient and clean safe energy conversion systems are required. In this sense, the present work is framed within the context of Circular Economy and proposes a multidisciplinary study for the development of more efficient, economically viable and non-polluting energy conversion systems, based on the synergetic combination of different technologies: fuel cells, biofuels,...
Rok 2019
Badanie parametrów wewnętrznego reformingu biogazu w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych z anodowymi warstwami katalitycznymi Ce0,9Pr0,1O2-δ i Ce0,9Sm0,1O2-δ
PublikacjaOgniwa paliwowe są obiecującą alternatywą dla energetyki opartej na paliwach kopalnych. Tlenkowe ogniwo paliwowe to urządzenie elektrochemiczne, które pozwala na bezpośrednie przetwarzanie energii chemicznej paliwa na energię stałego prądu elektrycznego. Standardowo wykorzystywanym paliwem jest wodór, który podczas utleniania nie wytwarza zanieczyszczeń, a produktami reakcji są woda i ciepło. Jednakże składowanie i transport czystego...
Copper and cobalt co-doped ceria as an anode catalyst for DIR-SOFCs fueled by biogas
PublikacjaThe nanocrystalline compounds of Co and Cu co-doped ceria (with up to 20 mol.% of dopants) were fabricated by the reverse microemulsion synthesis method. They were deposited in a form of layers on the surface of SOFC anode in an aim to act as electrochemically active materials for biogas reforming process. Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy was used to analyze a composition of outlet gases simultaneously with the tests of...
Czy fizyka może pomóc w rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji? (Czy sztuczna inteligencja pomoże w rozwoju fizyki?)
PublikacjaZaprezentowano możliwości zastosowania metod sztucznej inteligencji w rozwiązywaniu problemów z zakresu fizyki i inżynierii materiałowej
In situ study of a composition of outlet gases from biogas fuelled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell performed by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study was to develop a method and software based on the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for the in-situ, quantitative analysis of the composition of outlet gases from Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The calibration procedure performed at the beginning of the experiment indicated a polynomial dependence between the concentration of a calibrating gas (CO, CO2, CH4) and the corresponding integrated absorbance in...
PublikacjaTlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe zasilane biogazem degradują się pod wpływem węgla osadzającego się na anodzie. Aby wyeliminować ten efekt, szuka się warstw katalitycznych, które nałożone na anodę powstrzymują osadzanie się węgla i zmniejszają straty wydajności ogniwa. Związkiem użytym w tym celu jest Ce0,9Pr0,1O2-δ wytworzony dwiema metodami: Pechiniego i metodą strącania z odwróconej emulsji. Aby zbadać wpływ metody syntezy na właściwości...
Wytwarzanie i badanie związków domieszkowanego tlenku ceru jako anodowych materiałów katalitycznych do tlenowych ogniw paliwowych zasilanych biogazem
PublikacjaW ramach pracy wytworzono tlenki ceru domieszkowane Pr, Y, La, Nd i Sm w stosunku 9:1 metodą strącania z odwróconej mikroemulsji. Wytworzone nanokrystaliczne proszki poddano analizie XRD, co dowiodło ich jednofazowości. Następnie, otrzymane tlenki nałożono w formie warstw katalitycznych na anody ogniw paliwowych. Korzystając z mikroskopii SEM, przeprowadzono obserwację powierzchni warstw z domieszką Pr, La, Nd i Sm po wygrzewaniu....
Rok 2018
A study of a reduction of a micro- and nanometric bismuth oxide in hydrogen atmosphere
PublikacjaA reduction of bismuth oxide in hydrogen atmosphere was investigated. The reaction was performed with a material in various structural forms: powder: with micrometric grains, powder with nanometric grains and powder pressed into pellets. The process was performed in both isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. An activation energy of the reaction calculated with Friedman method was found to be about 85 kJ/mol for the reduction...
Determination of ionic conductivity in the Bi-Si-O and Pb-Si-O glasses
PublikacjaImpedance spectroscopy measurements in various gas atmospheres were carried out in order to explain the doubts about the type of carriers and the mechanism of electrical conductivity in Bi-Si-O and Pb-Si-O glasses. In bismuth silicate glass, a typical ionic conductivity with oxygen ions as charge carriers was observed. The level of electrical conductivity of the glass at 400 °C was 5 × 10−8 S·cm−1 , with the activation energy of...
Structure and thermoelectric properties of bismuth telluride—Carbon composites
PublikacjaCarbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon have been introduced into a bismuth telluride matrix (0.15 and 0.30 wt.% ratio) to investigate the influence of the carbon on the composite’s thermoelectric properties. Composites with well-dispersed additives have been obtained by sonication and ball-milling methodology. Carbon nanotubes and an amorphous carbon addition led to a decrease in electric conductivity from 1120 S/cm to 77 S/cm....
Synteza i badanie właściwości materiałów termoelektrycznych typu AgSbTe2-xSex
PublikacjaMateriały termoelektryczne, takie jak domieszkowane chalkogenki AgSbTe2, są przedmiotem dużego zainteresowania w poszukiwaniach nowych rozwiązań energetycznych. Celem badań była synteza materiałów termoelektrycznych o stechiometrii AgSbTe2-xSex metodą redukcji tlenków i określenie ich morfologii oraz niektórych parametrów termoelektrycznych. Otrzymane próbki cechowały niejednorodność i wielofazowość. Materiały wykazywały przewodność...
The influence of synthesis method on the microstructure and catalytic performance of Y 0.07 Sr 0.93 Ti 0.8 Fe 0.2 O 3-δ in synthetic biogas operated solid oxide fuel cells
PublikacjaThe Y0.07Sr0.93Ti0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (YSTF) material was fabricated using three different synthesis methods: modified polymer precursor method (MPP), Pechini method and a solid state reaction method. It was applied as an anode catalytic material for biogas reforming in solid oxide fuel cells. Clear differences in the microstructure of fabricated catalytic layers were found, mainly with respect to a grain size and distribution of grains....
Wykorzystanie fourierowskiej spektroskopii w podczerwieni do badania stężenia gazów wylotowych z tlenkowego ogniwa paliwowego zasilanego biogazem
PublikacjaW dzisiejszych czasach bardzo ważne jest pozyskiwanie energii ze źródeł odnawialnych i bezpiecznych dla środowiska. Jedną z obiecujących technologii są tlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe (ang. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC). Stanowią one bezpieczną i ekologiczną alternatywę dla energii uzyskanej z paliw kopalnych. SOFC charakteryzuje się sprawnością energetyczną na poziomie 45-60 %, podczas gdy sprawność klasycznych elektrowni cieplnych nie...
Rok 2017
Problem zatruwania związkami siarki w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych – wyzwania i perspektywy
PublikacjaPaliwa stanowiące alternatywę dla wodoru, używane do zasilania tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych, często zanieczyszczone są związkami siarki. Nawet niewielka ich ilość może doprowadzić do degradacji anody, a w konsekwencji całego ogniwa. Mechanizmy zatruwania można podzielić na adsorpcję i tworzenie się siarczków. W zależności od występującego mechanizmu zatrucie siarką może być odwracalne lub nie. Dąży się, zatem do otrzymania nowych...
Structure and electrical properties of Y, Fe-based perovskite mixed conducting composites fabricated by a modified polymer precursor method
PublikacjaIn this work, samples of Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d with 20, 40, 60 and 80 mol% of iron amount were prepared by a low-temperature polymer precursor method. The SEM-EDS analysis proved that analyzed Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d samples were composites of two Ti- and Fe-rich perovskite samples. This kind of composite consists of two phases in which one has a good ionic and the other electronic conductivity, which makes such a composite a...
Structure and thermoelectric properties of Cs-Bi-Te alloys fabricated by different routes of reduction of oxide reagents
PublikacjaCesium-bismuth-telluride polycrystalline materials were fabricated using a cost-effective method based on a reduction of oxide reagents, leading to a production of a material with good thermoelectric properties. Several samples with various initial stoichiometry were prepared by melting of oxide powders at 1050 °C, quenching, milling to powders and then reducing in pure hydrogen at 400 °C. Another concept was to obtain the CsBi4Te6...
Rok 2016
Characterization of structural, thermal and mechanical properties of bismuth silicate glasses
Publikacjahe influence of heating and reduction processes on the structural, thermal and mechanical properties of bismuth-silicate glasses has been investigated. Two compositions of glasses: 40Bi2O3–60SiO2 (Bi0.57Si0.43Ox) and 27Bi2O3–73SiO2 (Bi0.43Si0.57Ox) were fabricated by a typical melt quenching technique. Then the reduction in hydrogen at 380 °C for 20, 42 or 67 h was performed. It was found that a 50 μm-thick layer was formed on...
Determination of the ionic conductivity of Sr-doped lanthanum manganite by modified Hebb–Wagner technique
PublikacjaThe Hebb–Wagne rpolarization method with the electron blocking electrode has been discussed in this paper in aim to determine a partial ionic conductivity of Sr-doped lanthanum manganite.The “limiting current” in the proposed system was measured using the two-point DC technique with additional Pt electrode between LSM and blocking electrode.The electrochemical model based on bulk diffusion processes and Boltzmann statistics has...
Novel method for metal-oxide glass composite fabrication for use in thermoelectric devices
PublikacjaA novel method for thermoelectric materials fabrication using a reduction of oxide precursors in hydrogen was reported. On the example of Bi-Sb, Bi-Sb-Te and Te-Ag-Ge-Sb compounds it was shown that this simple and easy method is suitable for fabrication of two-, three- and even multicomponent thermoelectric materials. It allows controlling a composition, microstructure and even type a of electrical charge carriers. As a result...
Problem zatruwania siarką w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych zasilanych biogazem
PublikacjaPraca ta zwiera podsumowanie różnych mechanizmów odpowiedzialnych za spadek wydajności i degradację SOFC zasilanych paliwami węglowodorowymi zanieczyszczonymi związkami siarki. Wymieniono również różne sposoby i strategie stosowane w celu umożliwienia zastosowania biogazu jako paliwa dla tych ogniw, poprzez m.in. modyfikacje materiałów anodowych czy zoptymalizowanie warunków pracy ogniwa.
Structural and Transportation Properties of Strontium Titanate Composites with Ion Conductive Oxides
PublikacjaThis paper has been written based on the author’s doctoral dissertation “Structural and transportation properties of strontium and titanate composites with ion conductive oxides”, prepared under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hab. Eng. Bogusław Kusz at the Department of Solid State Physics of Gdańsk University of Technology. It reports the idea of the thesis and conclusions from the study. Niobium doped strontium titanate (Sr(Ti,Nb)O3)...
Structure and thermoelectric properties of Te/Ag/Ge/Sb (TAGS) materials obtained by reduction of melted oxide substrates
PublikacjaThe Ge0.77Ag0.1Sb0.13Te1alloy was fabricated by a novel two step route. For that purpose firstly the oxide reagents were melted at high temperature and quenched into pellets. After that pellets were milled to the powder and then reduced in hydrogen at various temperatures and for various periods of time. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis indicated the possibility of successful fabrication of stoichiometric thermoelectric materials...
Synthesis and structural properties of (Y, Sr)(Ti, Fe, Nb)O3−δ perovskite nanoparticles fabricated by modified polymer precursor method
PublikacjaThe yttrium, iron and niobium doped-SrTiO3 powders have been successfully fabricated by a modified low–temperature synthesis method from a polymer complex. The usage of strontium hydroxide precursor instead of conventional strontium nitrate or strontium carbonate provides to the possibility of significant decrease of annealing temperature. It allows to prepare a material with sphere-shape grains of nanometric size (15–70 nm). The...
Thermoelectric properties of bismuth-antimony-telluride alloys obtained by reduction of oxide reagents
PublikacjaThe BieSbeTe alloys with different Bi/Sb/Te ratio were fabricated by an innovative method. For that purpose the oxide reagents were melted at high temperature, then quenched to form pellets, milled to a powder and finally reduced in hydrogen at various temperatures. Complex structures consisting of connected thin layers forming a continuous path between nano- and micrometer size grains have been obtained. The electrical conductivity,...
Rok 2015
PublikacjaW pracy wytworzono materiały (LiLaNi-Al2O3) oraz (Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9), jako potencjalne katalizatory reakcji reformingu biogazu w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych. Syntezę przeprowadzono metodą Pechini’ego. Zbadano skład chemiczny oraz strukturę uzyskanych związków. Ponadto ogniwo sprawdzono podczas pracy z biogazem pod kątem odporności na osadzenie węgla, a także wpływu na długość pracy ogniwa.
Influence of reduction process on the structural and mechanical properties of (Pb,Bi)-(Si,Ge)-O oxide glasses
PublikacjaThe effect of the reduction process in H2 at 380 °C on the microstructure and elemental composition of a glass Bi0.4Pb0.2Si0.4Ox has been investigated. It has been shown that after reduction a clearly separated top layer with a thickness of approx. 50 µm was formed on the surface of the sample. This layer is depleted of oxygen and has higher electrical conductivity than the interior of the glass. It has also been found that some...
Investigation of catalytic layers on anode for solid oxide fuel cells operating with synthetic biogas
PublikacjaIn this paper solid oxide fuel cells operating with dry synthetic biogas have been examined. In order to increase their stability the layers of CuO-CeO2, Cu1.3Mn1.7O4 and Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.8Fe0.2O3 -δ have been deposited on the Ni-YSZ anode site. These layers should catalyze the internal biogas reforming and prevent the carbon deposition on the anode site. It has been found that CuO-CeO2 and Cu1.3Mn1.7O4 catalysts led to an increase...
Materiały termoelektryczne – obecny stan wiedzy oraz nowe perspektywy
PublikacjaW niniejszej pracy opisano podstawowe parametry determinujące przydatność danego materiału do zastosowań w urządzeniach termoelektrycznych. Opisano założenia teoretyczne, jakie powinien spełniać potencjalnie dobry materiał termoelektryczny oraz zaprezentowano materiały współcześnie charakteryzujące się najlepszym parametrem dobroci. Nakreślono również ideę nowego sposobu otrzymywania materiałów termoelektrycznych z częściowo lub...
Ogniwa paliwowe jako stacjonarne źródła mocy w gospodarstwach domowych i budynkach użyteczności publicznej
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem niniejszego opracowania są tlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe, które mogą znaleźć powszechne zastosowanie w krajowym sektorze energetycznym jako ciche, wydajne i przyjazne środowisku urządzenia do konwersji energii.
Planowanie eksperymentu
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono schemat postępowania przy planowaniu eksperymentu naukowego
Structure and thermoelectric properties of Bi–Te alloys obtained by novel method of oxide substrates reduction
PublikacjaA novel method of thermoelectric materials fabrication has been developed. Oxide reagents have been melted at high temperature in air, quenched, milled to powder and reduced in hydrogen to form Bi–Te alloys. Structural and thermoelectric properties of samples have been investigated depending on initial composition and temperature of reduction process. Sample 25Bi2O3–75TeO2 reduced at 340 °C for 10 h has been found to be a p-type...
Właściwości redukowanych szkieł Ge-Sb-O dla urządzeń termoelektrycznych
PublikacjaPraca zawiera wyniki badań strukturalnych oraz właściwości termoelektrycznych tlenkowego szkła antymonowo-germanianowego, poddanego redukcji w atmosferze wodoru, jako potencjalnego materiału do zastosowań w urządzeniach termoelektrycznych. Otrzymane rezultaty analizy dyfrakcyjnej oraz analizy mikroskopowej dały informacje o strukturze i składzie próbki. Potwierdziły one fakt powstawania warstwy powierzchniowej zredukowanych granul...
Wpływ procesu redukcji na właściwości strukturalne i mechaniczne szkieł tlenkowych z grupy (Pb,Bi)-(Si,Ge)-O
PublikacjaW pracy zbadano wpływ procesu redukcji w wodorze prowadzonej w temperaturze 380°C na mikrostrukturę i skład pierwiastkowy próbki szkła Bi0.4Pb0.2Si0.4Ox. Wykazano, że na skutek redukcji w próbce tworzy się wyraźnie odseparowana wierzchnia warstwa o grubości ok. 50µm, która jest zubożona w tlen i charakteryzuje się lepszą przewodnością elektryczną. Stwierdzono również, że na powierzchni szkła tworzą się granule metalicznego bizmutu...
Wpływ procesu redukcji na właściwości strukturalne i mechaniczne szkieł tlenkowych z grupy (Pb,Bi)-(Si,Ge)-O = Influence of reduction process on the structural and mechanical properties of (Pb,Bi)-(Si,Ge)-O oxide glasses
PublikacjaThe effect of the reduction process in H2 at 380 °C on the microstructure and elemental composition of a glass Bi0.4Pb0.2Si0.4Ox has been investigated. It has been shown that after reduction a clearly separated top layer with a thickness of approx. 50 µm was formed on the surface of the sample. This layer is depleted of oxygen and has higher electrical conductivity than the interior of the glass. It has also been found that some...
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