mgr inż. Beata Kamińska
wszystkich: 13
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2017
Advanced oxidation treatment of Pentoxifylline in aqueous solution
PublikacjaThe degradation of pentoxifylline (PTX) using H2O2, UV, H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo- Fenton processes has been examined in aqueous solution. The influence of various amount of oxidation agent on H2O2, H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions were investigated. Initial PTX concentration in Fenton and photo-Fenton was considerated. The addition of inorganic ions (Cl-, NO3-, SO42- and CO32-) on the degradation efficiency of PTX were...
Rok 2016
Naphthyl-vs. anthrylpyridine-2,6-dicarboxamides in cation binding studies. Synthesis and spectroscopic properties
PublikacjaPyridine-2,6-carboxamides bearing - or -naphthyl- and - or -anthryl- residues were prepared using simple method from pyridine-2,6-carboxylic acid dichloride and the respective aromatic amines. For the obtained receptors selective binding of lead(II), and copper(II) was found. Ion-receptor interactions were studied using UV-vis spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, 1H NMR, and FTIR spectroscopy. The reversible lead(II) and copper(II)...
Synthesis and properties of new 'N,'N-phenyltetrazole podand
PublikacjaThe synthesis of a new chromogenic N,N-phenyltetrazole receptor is reported here. The cationbinding properties of this receptor in solution were investigated by naked-eye colour change, electrochemical methods and UV-Vis spectroscopy in various solvents (CH3CN, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), DMSO/H2O, CH3CN/H2O and CH3CN/MeOH). In addition, the receptor was used as a sensing material in ion-selective membrane electrodes. The selectivity...
Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic properties of asymmetric schiff bases derived from 2,3-diaminopyridine
PublikacjaTwo Schiff base derivatives, 4-(2-amino-3-pyridyliminomethyl)phenol (I) and 3-(2-amino-3- pyridyliminomethyl)nitrobenzene (II ), were synthesised and characterised by spectroscopy. The structure of I was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The asymmetric Schiff base derived from 2,3-diaminopyridine selectively recognise transition and heavy metal cations, and some anion. Ligands I and II form stable complexes...
Rok 2015
Removal of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublikacjaIn recent years, considerable attention was paid to the presence of organic micro-pollutants such as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) in the aquatic environment due to their negative impact on public health and aquatic ecosystems. Numerous papers have pointed out API presence as common constituents of effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs). This is the result of various efficiencies of API removal by conventional...
Rok 2013
Czy należy bać się E?
PublikacjaW ciągu ostatnich lat nastąpił gwałtowny rozwój rynku żywnościowego. Producenci chcąc utrzymać się na rynku dopasowują się do nowych wymagań i rosnących potrzeb konsumenta. Duża konkurencja w branży żywnościowej zmusza wytwórców do ciągłego obniżania kosztów produkcji przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu atrakcyjności wyrobu. Obecnie można kupić niemal wszystko: kilka rodzajów chleba, masła, serów, wędlin i... czego tylko dusza zapragnie....
Magia oświetlenia
PublikacjaObecnie oświetlenie, oprócz funkcji praktycznej, spełnia również walory estetyczne: wpływa na atmosferę pomieszczenia i stanowi element dekoracji. Na rynku dostępny jest szeroki wachlarz lamp: od tradycyjnych świetlówek do żarówek halogenowych i nowoczesnych diod świecących LED.
Rok 2012
Chiral Schiff base complexes as an effective catalyst in Diels-Alder reaction
PublikacjaDiels Alder reaction is a very important tool in carbon-carbon bond formation. It is a cycloaddition between a conjugated diene and a second compound called dienophile. Where one or more heteroatoms are present in the diene and/or dienophile framework, the cycloaddition is called hetero-Diels-Alder reaction (HDA). The asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction is among the most powerful available methodologies for that construction of optically...
PublikacjaOd wieków ludziom towarzyszyły trzy główne rodzaje materiałów: szkło, ceramika i metale. Wraz z rozwojem cywilizacji poszukuje się coraz to nowszych substancji, które wykazują cenne właściwości i pozwalają na szerokie zastosowanie. Jednym z takich przykładów są hydrożele, które często nazywane są superabsorbentami. Jak sama nazwa wskazuje są to żele zawierające wodę. Podstawowym elementem ich budowy jest polimer, czyli wielkocząsteczkowa...
Synthesis of 5-Substituted 1H-Tetrazoles from Nitriles in the Presence of Heterogeneous Catalyst
PublikacjaTetrazoles are five-membered heterocyclic compounds containing in their rings four nitrogen atoms. They have wide applications as corrosion inhibitors, analytical reagents, high-energy materials and gas generating compositions. Tetrazoles also play important role in coordination chemistry as ligands and in medicinal chemistry as metabolically stable surrogates for carboxylic acids. In recent years, investigation of new method of...
Rok 2011
Factors causing degradation of sulfadimetoxine
PublikacjaSulfadimetoxine is a representative of sulfonamide drugs which presence inhibits growth of activated sludge bacteria, rhat is necessary for the effective mineralization of organic and inorganic contaminants. Therefore factors which con prevent this situation are searched. Aim of this study is selection of conditions causing efficien degradation of the drug- sulfadimetoxine. The impact of such aspects as : the type of oxidizing...
Pharmaceutical applications of surfactants
PublikacjaIn this study we focused on biological activity of various surfactants. According to our research, they con act both as carriers as well as therapeutic agents. Depending on their concentration, they can create different structures in a solution, which influence their properties. Liposomes have a significant role in drug delivery system. Surfactants in from of bilayer are analogous to natural biological cell membrane.
Prądotwórcze mikroorganizmy
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy projektu badawczego prowadzonego przez Naukowe Koło Chemików.
wyświetlono 1051 razy