dr hab. inż. Andrzej Wilk
- Profesor uczelni w Katedra Inżynierii Elektrycznej Transportu
- Kierownik katedry w Katedra Inżynierii Elektrycznej Transportu
wszystkich: 148
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
Electrical Simulations of the SIS100 Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Circuits: Transients, Earthing and Failure Modes
PublikacjaThe 100 Tm superconducting synchrotron SIS100 is the main accelerator of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) currently under advanced construction in Darmstadt, Germany. The SIS100 dipole circuit which creates the magnetic field required to bend the beam, consists of 108 dipoles distributed over six arc sections of the ring. The magnetic field for the beam focusing is generated by three individual...
Rok 2023
Analysis of the Usefulness of Cheap Audio Recorders for Spectral Measurement of Environmental Noise
PublikacjaEnvironmental noise pollution is nowadays one of the most serious health threats. The impact of noise on the human body depends not only on the sound level but also on its spectral distribution. Reliable measurements of the environmental noise spectrum are often hampered by the very high price of top quality measuring devices. This paper explores the possibility of using much cheaper audio recorders for the frequency analysis....
Influence of temperature and nitrogen pressure on the test without active gases for high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
PublikacjaHigh-Temperature Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFCs) are a candidate for electrical energy supply devices in more and more applications. Most notably in the aeronautic industry. Before any use, an HT-PEMFC is preheated and after that supplied with its active gases. Only at this state, the diagnostics can be performed. A method of testing not requiring a complete start-up would be beneficial for many reasons. This article...
Monitorowanie oddziaływania ruchu kolejowego na środowisko - koncepcje i metody realizacji.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe założenia projektu badawczego, realizowanego w ramach Wspólnego Przedsięwzięcia NCBR i PKP PLK pn. „Badania i Rozwój w Infrastrukturze Kolejowej – BRIK 2”, dotyczącego opracowania systemu monitorującego, integrującego i przetwarzającego gromadzone dane związane z hałasem i drganiami na potrzeby zarządzania procesami utrzymaniowymi i inwestycyjnymi zarządcy infrastruktury kolejowej. W efekcie...
Practical aspects of testing superconducting electromagnets by the capacitor discharge method taking into account the non-linearity of circuit parameters
PublikacjaThe article presents selected issues related to the development and testing of the diagnostics systems dedicated for superconducting electromagnets. The systems were constructed to assess the production quality of superconducting electromagnets of the SIS100 synchrotron, a new accelerator being built as part of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). One of the systems is used for automatic checking of electrical connection...
Reducing the Uncertainty of the Moving Object Location Measurement with the Method of Quasi-Multiple Measurement in GNSS Technology in Symmetrical Arrangement
PublikacjaThe article presents a solution to the problem of limited accuracy of dynamic measurements performed with GNSS receivers. The proposed measurement method is a response to the needs related to the assessment of the measurement uncertainty of the position of the track axis of the rail transport line. However, the problem of reducing the measurement uncertainty is universal for many different situations where high accuracy of positioning...
Zintegrowany system monitoringu oddziaływań transportu kolejowego na środowisko
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono działania podejmowane w ramach realizacji projektu badawczego Wspólnego Przedsięwzięcia NCBR i PKP PLK pn. „Badania i Rozwój w Infrastrukturze Kolejowej – BRIK2”. Projekt dotyczy monitoringu szeregu parametrów opisujących oddziaływania transportu kolejowego na środowisko naturalne oraz tereny zurbanizowane. Założono, że na podstawie pomiarów określonych wielkości fizycznych oraz na podstawie szeregu danych...
Rok 2022
Modified Preisach model of hysteresis in multi air gap ferrite core medium frequency transformer
PublikacjaThis article presents the modified Preisach model of hysteresis for a 3-phase medium frequency transformer in a 100 kW dual active bridge converter. The transformer magnetic core is assembled out of ferrite I-cores, which results in multiple parasitic air gaps. For this transformer, the hysteresis loops were measured and parameters of the Preisach model were determined. The Preisach distribution function is approximated with a...
Novel method of estimation of inertial and dissipative parameters of a railway pantograph model
PublikacjaAn increase in electric railway vehicles service velocity requires that correct interaction between the pantograph and the catenary is ensured. This implies the need for developing mathematical models of pantographs and catenaries and determining their parameters. The article presents a method to determine parameters of mechanical joints of a railway pantograph based on analysis of pantograph subassemblies in swinging motion. The...
Novel Vision Monitoring Method Based on Multi Light Points for Space-Time Analysis of Overhead Contact Line Displacements
PublikacjaThe article presents an innovative vision monitoring method of overhead contact line (OCL) displacement, which utilizes a set of LED light points installed along it. A light point is an, LED fed from a battery. Displacements of the LED points, recorded by a camera, are interpreted as a change of OCL shape in time and space. The vision system comprises a camera, properly situated with respect to the OCL, which is capable of capturing...
Preparatory Railway Track Geometry Estimation Based on GNSS and IMU Systems
PublikacjaThe article discusses an important issue of railway line construction and maintenance, which fundamentally is the verification of geometric parameters of the railway track. For this purpose, mobile measurements have been performed using a measuring platform with two properly arranged GNSS receivers, which made it possible to determine the base vector of the platform. The measuring functionality of the system was extended by IMU....
Verification of Satellite Railway Track Position Measurements Making Use of Standard Co-Ordinate Determination Techniques
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of satellite railway track position measurements performed by a multidisciplinary research team, the members of which represented Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University. Measuring methods are described which were used for reconstructing the railway track axis position and diagnosing railway track geometry deformations. As well as that, the description of the novel method...
Rok 2021
Analysis of energy efficiency of suburban railway transport network
PublikacjaRising numbers of agglomeration residents cause increased need for people movement on daily basis. Because of congestion of local roads, air pollution and limited parking space, providing mass transit based on electric traction is reasonable. While the electric rail vehicles are considered highly efficient in themselves, they need to be analyzed as a part of a transport network, because energy consumption depends on operating conditions...
Determining horizontal curvature of railway track axis in mobile satellite measurements
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Determining horizontal curvature of railway track axis in mobile satellite measurements
PublikacjaThe article discusses the applicability of a novel method to determine horizontal curvature of the railway track axis based on results of mobile satellite measurements. The method is based on inclination angle changes of a moving chord in the Cartesian coordinate system. In the presented case, the variant referred to as the method of two virtual chords is applied which consists in manoeuvring with only one GNSS (Global Navigation...
Evaluation of the Possibility of Identifying a Complex Polygonal Tram Track Layout Using Multiple Satellite Measurements
PublikacjaWe present the main assumptions about the algorithmization of the analysis of measurement data recorded in mobile satellite measurements. The research team from the Gda´nsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia, as part of a research project conducted in cooperation with PKP PLK (Polish Railway Infrastructure Manager), developed algorithms supporting the identification and assessment of track axis layout....
Innovative mobile method to determine railway track axis position in global coordinate system using position measurements performed with GNSS and fixed base of the measuring vehicle
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Innovative mobile method to determine railway track axis position in global coordinate system using position measurements performed with GNSS and fixed base of the measuring vehicle
PublikacjaThe shape of the railway track axis and its position in the global coordinate system are essential when defining design parameters of the railway. Correct reconstruction of these quantities is vital for both verifying the compliance of real track parameters with the design and for diagnosing, as all track deformations can also be defined as deviations of real parameters from their design values. The measurements of quantities related...
Lagrangian model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer accounting magnetic cross saturation
PublikacjaThis article presents a nonlinear equivalent circuit model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer. The model takes into account the magnetic cross saturation of the 3-phase core-type magnetic circuit. The model is suitable in detailed electromagnetic transient simulations of power systems involving isolated dc-dc converters. The model is developed using the Lagrange energy method. It involves...
Modeling of Electrified Transportation Systems Featuring Multiple Vehicles and Complex Power Supply Layout
PublikacjaThe paper proposes a novel approach to modeling electrified transportation systems. The proposed solution reflects the mechanical dynamics of vehicles as well as the distribution and losses of electric supply. Moreover, energy conversion losses between the mechanical and electrical subsystems and their bilateral influences are included. Such a complete model makes it possible to replicate, e.g., the impact of voltage drops on vehicle...
Wizyjna metoda oceny przemieszczeń poprzecznych mobilnych systemów GNSS i INS w procesie wyznaczania trajektorii osi toru kolejowego
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono metodę pomiaru przemieszczeń poprzecznych kolejowej platformy zawierającej systemy pomiarowe GNSS, INS, MLS oraz fotogrametryczny. Do pomiaru przemieszczeń poprzecznych zastosowano system fotogrametryczny składający się z kamer wizyjnych, oświetlaczy, kontrolera systemu pomiarowego, oraz oprogramowania do akwizycji plików. Zaprezentowano algorytm przetwarzania plików rastrowych w celu pomiaru przemieszczeń....
Rok 2020
Analysis of positioning methods using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in Polish State Railways (PKP)
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Analysis of positioning methods using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in Polish State Railways (PKP)
PublikacjaEach year, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) improve their accuracy, availability, continuity, integrity, and reliability. Due to these continual improvements, the systems are increasingly used in various modes of transport, including rail transport, the subject of this publication. GNSS are used for rail passenger information, rail traffic management, and rail traffic control. These applications differ in the positioning...
Application of least squares with conditional equations method for railway track inventory using GNSS observations
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Application of Least Squares with Conditional Equations Method for Railway Track Inventory Using GNSS Observations
PublikacjaSatellite geodetic networks are commonly used in surveying tasks, but they can also be used in mobile surveys. Mobile satellite surveys can be used for trackage inventory, diagnostics and design. The combination of modern technological solutions with the adaptation of research methods known in other fields of science offers an opportunity to acquire highly accurate solutions for railway track inventory. This article presents the...
Atypical application of the parametric method for track infrastructure inventory
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Atypical application of the parametric method for track infrastructure inventory
PublikacjaFor many years, satellite systems have seen widespread use in a variety of technical applications, as well as in operations related to setting-out and the exploitation of track infrastructure. Their main applications include an inventory of the trackage course and detecting changes in its position. In both of these tasks, the most important element that determines the quality of an analyses is the high accuracy of the determinations...
Correction of determined coordinates of railway tracks in mobile satellite measurements
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Correction of determined coordinates of railway tracks in mobile satellite measurements
PublikacjaThis article examines one of the basic issues related to the technique of mobile satellite measurements in railway tracks. This problem concerns the correction of the determined coordinates of the track centerline. The need to perform this operation results from the GNSS receivers positioning at a certain height above the level of the existing track axis, leading to longitudinal and lateral shifts of antennas. The key problem here...
Determination of the tram track axis using a multi receiver GNSS measurement system
PublikacjaThis article refers to research, that has been conducted by an interdisciplinary research team from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia since 2009. These investigation concerns the determination of a railway track axis using the mobile satellite measurement technique. Following the dynamic development of GNSS techniques, that could be seen in the last decade, the team carried out further experiments...
Digital filtering of railway track coordinates in mobile multi-receiver GNSS measurements
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Digital Filtering of Railway Track Coordinates in Mobile Multi–Receiver GNSS Measurements
PublikacjaThe article discusses an important issue in connection with the technique of mobile Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements of railway track coordinates, which is digital filtering performed to precisely determine railway track axes. For this purpose, a measuring technique is proposed which bases on the use of a measuring platform with a number of appropriately distributed GNSS receivers, where two of them determine...
Effective Permeability of Multi Air Gap Ferrite Core 3-Phase Medium Frequency Transformer in Isolated DC-DC Converters
PublikacjaThe magnetizing inductance of the medium frequency transformer (MFT) impacts the performance of the isolated dc-dc power converters. The ferrite material is considered for high power transformers but it requires an assembly of type “I” cores resulting in a multi air gap structure of the magnetic core. The authors claim that the multiple air gaps are randomly distributed and that the average air gap length is unpredictable at the...
Evaluation of the possibility of identifying a complex polygonal tram track layout using multiple satellite measurements
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Evaluation of the Possibility of Identifying a Complex Polygonal Tram Track Layout Using Multiple Satellite Measurements
PublikacjaWe present the main assumptions about the algorithmization of the analysis of measurement data recorded in mobile satellite measurements. The research team from the Gda´nsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia, as part of a research project conducted in cooperation with PKP PLK (Polish Railway Infrastructure Manager), developed algorithms supporting the identification and assessment of track axis layout....
Storage electric multiple units on partially electrified suburban railway lines
PublikacjaThe paper presents possible environmental, energy and economical gains implied by replacing conventional traction vehicles with independent powered electric multiple units (IPEMU) on partially electrified suburban railways. IPEMUs can operate in two modes of power supply – using overhead catenary or onboard battery storage. Appropriate computer simulations were carried out in the Matlab program, indicating the parameters of storage...
Testing the positioning accuracy of GNSS solutions during the tramway track mobile satellite measurements in diverse urban signal reception conditions
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Testing the Positioning Accuracy of GNSS Solutions during the Tramway Track Mobile Satellite Measurements in Diverse Urban Signal Reception Conditions
PublikacjaMobile Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements carried out on the railway consist of using satellite navigation systems to determine the track geometry of a moving railway vehicle on a given route. Their purposes include diagnostics, stocktaking, and design work in railways. The greatest advantage of this method is the ability to perform measurements in a unified and coherent spatial reference system, which...
The accuracy of a marine satellite compass under terrestrial urban conditions
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Verification of GNSS measurements of the railway track using standard techniques for determining coordinates
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Verification of GNSS Measurements of the Railway Track Using Standard Techniques for Determining Coordinates
PublikacjaThe problem of the reproduction of the railway geometric layout in the global spatial system is currently solved in the form of measurements that use geodetic railway networks and also, in recent years, efficient methods of mobile positioning (mainly satellite and inert). The team of authors from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia as part of the research project InnoSatTrack is looking for...
Wyznaczanie osi torów tramwajowych z wykorzystaniem satelitarnego wieloantenowego systemu pomiarowego
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Wyznaczanie osi torów tramwajowych z wykorzystaniem satelitarnego wieloantenowego systemu pomiarowego
PublikacjaNiniejszy artykuł nawiązuje do badań, które od 2009 roku prowadzi interdyscyplinarny zespół naukowy z Politechniki Gdańskiej i Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni. Badania te dotyczą problemu wyznaczania osi toru kolejowego z wykorzystaniem techniki mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych. Podążając za dynamicznym rozwojem technik GNSS, który można było obserwować w czasie ostatniej dekady, zespół przeprowadzał kolejne doświadczenia nakierowane...
Rok 2019
3-phase medium frequency transformer for a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge converter
PublikacjaThe article presents a three-phase Medium Frequency Transformer being a part of a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge DC-DC converter. The transformer design is detailed focusing on winding and core power loss calculation. The high power three-phase MFT prototype is presented. The experimental results include the transformer impedance characteristics, no load test and three-phase DAB full load test waveforms
Installation of GNSS receivers on a mobile railway platform – methodology and measurement aspects
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Installation of GNSS receivers on a mobile railway platform – methodology and measurement aspects
PublikacjaDetermining the course of a railway track axis using satellite methods relies on ensuring the precise assembly of GNSS receivers in dedicated measuring devices. Depending on the number of receivers, solutions that are based on placing the apparatus directly above the railway track axis (as well as in eccentric positions) are used to indirectly obtain data to form the basis of the desired results. This publication describes the...
Projekt badawczy BRIK: Opracowanie innowacyjnej metody wyznaczania precyzyjnej trajektorii pojazdu szynowego
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Projekt badawczy BRIK: Opracowanie innowacyjnej metody wyznaczania precyzyjnej trajektorii pojazdu szynowego
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące projektu badawczego realizowanego na zlecenie Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju oraz Spółki PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S. A. przez Konsorcjum Politechniki Gdańskiej i Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni. Projekt obejmuje wykorzystanie nowoczesnych metod pomiarowych, takich jak techniki pozycjonowania satelitarnego GNSS, pomiary inercyjne INS oraz skaning laserowy LS, w procesie...
Research project BRIK: development of an innovative method for determining the precise trajectory of a railway vehicle
PublikacjaIn the paper the essential assumptions regarding a research project implemented by a consortium of Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University are presented. The project has been commissioned by National Center of Research and Development with cooperation with Polish Railways (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.). The project is focused in implementation of modern measurement techniques using Global Navigation Positioning...
The Accuracy of a Marine Satellite Compass under Terrestrial Urban Conditions
PublikacjaWhen used at sea, satellite compasses are capable of determining the course of a sailing vessel with high accuracy. It is dicult to verify the accuracy declared by the device manufacturer under such conditions, as it is dicult to define a reliable reference. This study analyses the accuracy of the satellite compass in an urban setting, with the satellite signal being obscured to various extents. It is an important point in the...
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