dr Dagmara Nikulin
- Adiunkt w Katedra Statystyki i Ekonometrii
wszystkich: 35
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
How digital technology affects working conditions in globally fragmented production chains: Evidence from Europe
PublikacjaThis paper uses a sample of over 9 million workers from 22 European countries to study the intertwined relationship between digital technology, cross-border production links and working conditions. We compare the social consequences of technological change exhibited by three types of innovation: computerisation (software), automation (robots) and artificial intelligence (AI). To fully quantify work-related wellbeing, we propose...
Rok 2023
Dependent self-employed individuals: are they different from paid employees?
PublikacjaThis study focuses on dependent self-employment, which covers a situation where a person works for the same employer as a typical worker while on a self-employment contractual basis, i.e., without a traditional employment contract and without certain rights granted to "regular" employees. The research exploits the individual-level dataset of 35 European countries extracted from the 2017 edition of the European Labour Force Survey...
Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on Polish enterprise data
PublikacjaObjective: The article aims to indicate the determinants of informal employment in registered enterprises using company-level evidence from Poland. Research Design & Methods: The survey conducted among Polish small and medium-sized (SME) enterprises in 2018 was used to find the driving forces of informal employment in Poland. The adequate sample comprised 952 representative surveys derived from the computer-assisted telephone...
Global value chains and wages under different wage setting mechanisms
PublikacjaThis study examines whether, and how, differences in wage bargaining schemes shape the relationship between global value chains (GVCs) and the wages of workers while considering both GVC participation and position in GVC. Our dataset is derived from the European Structure of Earnings Survey (SES), containing employee–employer data from 18 European countries, merged with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD)....
Working Conditions in the Context of Global Value Chains and Routinisation: An Example of Polish Workers
PublikacjaThe paper aims to explore the linkages between global production fragmentation, routinisation and the well-being of workers in Poland. In particular, the focus is placed on the selected measures of working conditions, such as the social environment, work intensity, and working time quality to examine their dependence on involvement in international trade and the routinisation level. We merge individual data describing the working...
Rok 2022
GVC involvement and the gender wage gap: Micro -evidence on European countries
PublikacjaWe examine linkages between involvement in global value chains (GVCs) and gender wage inequalities. We use merged data from Structure of Earnings Survey and the World Input Output Database covering 18 European countries. We employ information on employees’ personal and company characteristics and a sectoral involvement in GVCs. In general, the wages of workers from sectors more involved in GVCs are lower. However, the relationship...
Wage determination, Global Value Chains and role played by wage bargaining schemes: The case of Poland
PublikacjaThis study examines the linkages between GVC involvement and wages in Poland given different wage bargaining schemes. The analysis is based on microdata from the European Structure of Earnings Survey for Poland combined with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database. In particular, two measures of GVC involvement were used: the share of foreign value added (FVA) to export and the measure of traditional offshoring. The...
Within- and between-firm wage inequalities and trade integration in GVC
PublikacjaThis paper examines between- (inter) and within- (intra) firm wage inequality using rich employer-employee data for 12 European countries. We confirm that much overall wage inequality is observed within sectors and within occupations. The share of the within- and between-firm components in overall wage inequality varies across countries. We estimate the link between involvement in global value chains (GVCs) and wages differentiating...
Working Conditions in Global Value Chains: Evidence for European Employees
PublikacjaThis article investigates a sample of almost nine million workers from 24 European countries in 2014 to conclude how involvement in global value chains (GVCs) affects working conditions. We use employer–employee data from the Structure of Earnings Survey merged with industry-level statistics on GVCs based on the World Input-Output Database. Given the multidimensional nature of the dependent variable, we compare estimates of the...
Rok 2021
Estimation of the size of informal employment based on administrative records with non‐ignorable selection mechanism
PublikacjaIn this study, we used company level administrative data from the National Labour Inspectorate and The Polish Social Insurance Institution in order to estimate the prevalence of informal employment in Poland in 2016. Since the selection mechanism is non‐ignorable, we employed a generalization of Heckman’s sample selection model assuming non‐Gaussian correlation of errors and clustering by incorporation of random effects. We found...
GVC and wage dispersion. Firm-level evidence from employee-employer database
PublikacjaResearch background: Wage inequalities are still part of an interesting policy-oriented research area. Given the developments in international trade models (heterogeneity of firms) and increasing availability of micro-level data, more and more attention is paid to wage differences observed within and be-tween firms. Purpose of the article: The aim of the paper is to address the research gap concerning limited cross-country evidence...
Implementation of the Concept of Flexicurity in the Selected Countries of Central Eastern Europe
PublikacjaThe CEE countries have to create their own flexicurity policies which would take into account the employment policy guidelines, cultural traditions and socio-economic development. The aim of this article is to examine and evaluate the implementation of the flexicurity concept on the basis of the adopted set of composite indicators. The study covers 9 countries of the CEE region, and the research period covers the years 2007 and 2013....
Self-employment of women: an opportunity or the last resort?
PublikacjaIt is believed that automatization and technological changes will be the main drivers of work in the future. At the same time, there is a growing discussion about new forms of employment, such as self-employment. It may be either perceived as a chance for empowerment, through creating new job opportunities, that were not reachable previously, or as precarious work, with less stability, higher risk, and uncertain income. The main...
Shadow Economy in Poland Recent Evidence Based on Survey Data
PublikacjaThe book provides an estimate of the size of the shadow economy in Poland. Using analogous data, it traces core determinants of the existence of the shadow economy in Poland. It compares results with neighbouring countries, and if possible, the remaining Central-Eastern economies. The book tells why the problem of the unreported economic activity matters; it presents the problem from different angles―economic, social and institutional....
The Determinants of False Self-Employment: A Survey of Polish Enterprises
PublikacjaThe main goal of this article is to advance the emergent research on tax evasion in Poland in the form of false self-employment (FSE), in particular to identify its causes. The dependent character of some self-employed workers is a big problem in the Polish economy, which has been completely unexplored because of the lack of available data. In this article, we use data from a survey of Polish companies. Our empirical results show...
Rok 2020
Effect of the integration into Global Value Chains on the employment contract in Central and Eastern European countries
PublikacjaResearch background: In the era of globalization, there is a need to address decent work deficits in Global Value Chains (GVCs). The forms of working conditions reveal a broad dispersion of contents. The literature review exposes hardly any Europe-focused research assessing the socioeconomic impact of global production links and going beyond their pure economic effects assessed in terms of employment, productivity or wages. Purpose...
Tax Evasion, Tax Morale, and Trade Regulations: Company-Level Evidence from Poland
PublikacjaObjective: To investigate the determinants of the phenomenon of evading taxes among polish entrepreneurs. In particular, I examine such factors as tax administration satisfaction, tax morale, tax burden, and the influence of trade regulations. Research Design & Methods: A survey study conducted in 2017 in Poland among 454 enterprises. I used the zero-inflated negative binomial modelling technique to examine the impact of factors...
Rok 2018
Informal employment in Poland: an empirical spatial analysis
PublikacjaThe main goal of our article is to bridge the gap in the regional analysis of informal employment in Poland and in particular to indicate the propensity for informal work in the working-age population, to test if informal activities are typical for marginalized people (less educated, unemployed, older) and to identify the regional and spatial heterogeneity in the propensity. We use data from the ‘Human Capital Balance 2010–2014’...
Informal work in Poland - a regional approach
PublikacjaIn our paper we try to combine the theories explaining the prevalence of informal work, using a regional approach. Reviewing the literature, we observe that, there is no evidence to confirm that the relationships that occur in cross-country comparisons remain significant when we use regional data and analyse cross-regional variations. Our general question is therefore whether there is simply more informal work in less-developed...
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to examine the opinion of a group of women on their economic activity and decisions related to retirement. The first part of the article reviews previous research related to the economic activity of older people with a special focus on women. In the empirical part of the article, women’s opinions on issues related to retirement were analyzed. The research was carried out in 2016 on a sample of 45 women,...
Rok 2017
The Impact of ICTs on Women’s Economic Empowerment
PublikacjaIt is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...
Rok 2016
How to define and measure informal employment in CEE countries - the case of Poland
PublikacjaThe study of informal employment is still associated with several obstacles, from the scope of definition, through measurement methods, to policy recommendations. This article aims to revise the existing methodological frames in order to point out how to improve the study of informal employment in CEE countries. The case of Poland serves to examine whether the common definitions and measurement methods are suitable for an inclusive...
PublikacjaThe main aim of this article is to point out the possible measures of how to improve the study of informal employment in developed countries. We choose the case of Poland to examine whether the existing definitions and measurement methods are suitable for indicating the prevalence of informal employment. Firstly, we present the most popular definitions of informal employment, secondly we show the existing research on informal employment...
The impact of ICTs on women’s economic empowerment
PublikacjaIt is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...
PublikacjaThis article aims to present the significance and prevalence of the phenomenon of undeclared work. First, we discuss the definitional issues of this phenomenon. Then, we present previous estimates on shadow economy and undeclared work in Poland, based on statistics provided by Central Statistical Office and other research entities. Our analysis covers the years 2000–2014. In the last part of the article, we use data from the Labour...
Rok 2015
Relationship between wages, labour productivity and unemployment rate in new EU member countries
PublikacjaThe main aim of this article is to find out the extent to which relative labour productivity and relative unemployment rate changes determine relative wage changes. We use average annual macro-data for the period 2002-2013 for Poland and other 5 new EU members: Estonia, Hungary, Slovak, Czech Republic and Slovenia. Using Poland as benchmark, rst we examine the correlation between wage, productivity and unemployment rate changes...
Workforce mobility against the background of labour market duality theory – the example of selected OECD countries
PublikacjaThe paper aims to present an empirical study of labour market segmentation (LMS) hypothesis. According to the dual labour market theory jobs can be divided into two groups: primary and secondary jobs, with enter barriers into the first one. The primary jobs are usually described with relative high wages, whereas secondary jobs provide lower level of wages. In this paper we first examine the main sectors (according to the ISIC rev....
Rok 2014
Ewolucja polityki instytucjonalnej rynku pracy w Polsce
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie zmian, jakie miały miejsce w polskiej polityce rynku pracy w kontekście instytucjonalnym. Artykuł składa się z części teoretycznej, zawierającej omówienie podstaw polityki rynku pracy w rozróżnieniu na politykę aktywną oraz pasywną, jak również prezentującej najważniejsze zmiany, jakie miały miejsce na polskim rynku pracy po roku 1989, a w szczególności po wstąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej....
Rok 2013
Analiza poziomu i dynamiki płac na przykładzie Polski i Niemiec
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest porównanie czynników wpływających na poziom i dynamikę płac w Polsce oraz w Niemczech. Badanie obejmuje przedział lat 1997-2010. Na podstawie danych makroekonomicznych pochodzących z urzędów statystycznych, zostały zbudowane ekonometryczne modele przyczynowo-skutkowe. Hipoteza główna zawiera stwierdzenie, iż czynniki kształtujące poziom i dynamikę płac w Polsce i w Niemczech są podobne. W celu weryfikacji hipotezy,...
Rok 2012
Analiza statyczna i dynamiczna przyczynowo-skutkowych modeli płac
Publikacja -
Determinanty poziomu płac w Polsce i w Niemczech. Wstępna analiza porównawcza
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Sytuacja osób młodych na polskim rynku pracy - wybrane aspekty
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie sytuacji osób młodych na polskim rynku pracy. Wykorzystując dostępne dane dotyczące podstawowych parametrów rynku pracy (tj. poziom przeciętnych oraz minimalnych wynagrodzeń, wskaźnik zatrudnienia, stopa bezrobocia) oraz uwzględniając czynniki demograficzne dokona się oceny sytuacji osób młodych w Polsce. Stworzony zostanie również obraz demograficzny Polski na tle innych krajów europejskich....
Wydajność pracy a dynamika płac na przykładzie Polski i Niemiec
PublikacjaWydajność pracy stanowi jeden z głównych czynników kształtujących poziom płac. W pierwszej części opracowania dokonano krótkiego przypomnienia podstaw teorii płac. Główną składową pracy stanowi część empiryczna. W opracowaniu dokonano analizy opartej na zbadaniu dynamiki płac realnych i nominalnych oraz dynamiki wydajności pracy. Korzystając z danych urzędów statystycznych porównane zostały dwa państwa: Polska oraz Niemcy. Analizy...
Wynagrodzenia a bezrobocie. Studium przypadku na przykładzie gospodarki Polski i Niemiec
PublikacjaJednym z elementów teorii neoklasycznej jest stwierdzenie, że zwiększający się poziom bezrobocia powoduje spadek płac realnych, co w rezultacie prowadzi do osiągania stanu pełnego zatrudnienia. W artykule zbadano wzajemne kształtowanie się płac i bezrobocia w Polsce oraz w Niemczech w latach 1997-2010, w celu wykazania, iż prawidłowości współczesnych rynków pracy nie odzwierciedlają założeń teorii neoklasycznej.
Rok 2011
Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu w Polsce na przykładzie dziesięciu największych firm
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest analiza problemu Społecznej Odpowiedzialności Biznesu (ang. CSR) oraz jego odzwierciedlenie w rzeczywistości gospodarczej. W części teoretycznej zarysowane zostaną m.in. przyczyny, źródła i główne idee CSR. Drugą część stanowi studium przypadku zawierające analizę (opartą na kryteriach własnych autora) 10 największych przedsiębiorstw w Polsce w celu odpowiedzi na pytanie w jaki sposób rozwiązania dyktowane...
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