mgr inż. Dominika Derwis (Grubba)
wszystkich: 22
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
Enhancing nitrogen removal in the partial denitrification/anammox processes for SO4− - Rich wastewater treatment: Insights into autotrophic and mixotrophic strategies
PublikacjaThe investigation of partial denitrification/anammox (PD/anammox) processes was conducted under autotrophic (N–S cycle) and mixotrophic (N–S–C cycle) conditions over 180 days. Key findings revealed the remarkable capability of SO42--dependent systems to produce NO2− effectively, supporting anaerobic NH4+ oxidation. Additionally, SO42− served as an additional electron acceptor in sulfate reduction ammonium oxidation (SRAO). Increasing...
The role of the combined nitrogen-sulfur-carbon cycles for efficient performance of anammox-based systems
PublikacjaThe combined anammox/mixotrophic denitrification process was conducted in two granular sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) during a 200-day operation. Both reactors were fed with synthetic medium, but SBR2 was enriched with additional sulfate (SO4 2 ) which influenced sulfate reduction ammonium oxidation (SRAO) and heterotrophic reduction of SO4 2 by sulfate reducing bacteria. It was hypothesized that the addition of SO4 2 could...
Rok 2023
An advanced synergy of partial denitrification-anammox for optimizing nitrogen removal from wastewater: A review
PublikacjaAnammox is a widely adopted process for energy-efficient removal of nitrogen from wastewater, but challenges with NOB suppression and NO3− accumulation have led to a deeper investigation of this process. To address these issues, the synergy of partial denitrification and anammox (PD-anammox) has emerged as a promising solution for sustainable nitrogen removal in wastewater. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent developments...
Integration of the sulfate reduction and anammox processes for enhancing sustainable nitrogen removal in granular sludge reactors
PublikacjaThe Anammox and Sulfate Reduction Ammonium Oxidation processes were compared in two granular sequencing batch reactors operated for 160 days under anammox conditions. It was hypothesized that increasing the concentration of SO42− may positively influence the rate of N removal under anaerobic conditions and it was tested whether SO42− reduction and anammox occur independently or are related to each other. The cooperation of N-S...
Sustainable nitrogen removal in anammox-mediated systems: Microbial metabolic pathways, operational conditions and mathematical modelling
PublikacjaAnammox-mediated systems have attracted considerable attention as alternative cost-effective technologies for sustainable nitrogen (N) removal from wastewater. This review comprehensively highlights the importance of understanding microbial metabolism in anammox-mediated systems under crucial operation parameters, indicating the potentially wide applications for the sustainable treatment of N-containing wastewater. The partial...
Rok 2022
Combined partial denitrification/anammox process for nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment
PublikacjaRecently, the combined partial denitrification and anammox (PD/anammox) has received special attention as a viable alternative for N removal using organic matter present in municipal wastewater. In comparison with conventional nitrification-denitrification, PD/anammox provides enormous opportunities to achieve sustainable wastewater treatment due to the lack of dissolved oxygen (DO) demand, a smaller amount of organic carbon (C)...
Comparison of the Efficiency of Deammonification under Different DO Concentrations in a Laboratory-Scale Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublikacjaThe efficiency of deammonification depends on the cooperation of ammonium oxidizing bacteria and archaea (AOB/AOA), anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB) and the effective suppression of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) that compete with AnAOB for nitrite (NO2 -N). One of the effective NOB suppression strategies is intermittent aeration. However, it is important to have a good understanding of the optimum dissolved oxygen...
Incorporation of the sulfur cycle in sustainable nitrogen removal systems - A review
PublikacjaIn wastewater treatment systems, sulfur (S) removal processes are generally based on heterotrophic sulfate (SO42−) reduction by sulfate reducing bacteria and S-dependent autotrophic denitrification by sulfur oxidizing bacteria. A combination of either two cycles (N and S) or three cycles (N, S and C) appears to be a viable approach to sustainable wastewater treatment, resulting in energy savings and reduction of sludge production....
Integrating conventional nitrogen removal with anammox in wastewater treatment systems: Microbial metabolism, sustainability and challenges
PublikacjaThe various forms of nitrogen (N), including ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2−), and nitrate (NO3−), present in wastewaters can create critical biotic stress and can lead to hazardous phenomena that cause imbalances in biological diversity. Thus, biological nitrogen removal (BNR) from wastewaters is considered to be imperatively urgent. Therefore, anammox-based systems, i.e. partial nitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (PN/anammox)...
Rok 2021
Achieving Efficient and Stable Deammonification at Low Temperatures—Experimental and Modeling Studies
PublikacjaThe short-term effects of temperature on deammonification sludge were evaluated in a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR). Mathematical modeling was used for further evaluations of different intermittent aeration strategies for achieving high and stable deammonification performance at decreasing temperatures. As for the biomass cultivated at high temperatures (e.g., 30 C), a higher temperature dependency (the adjusted...
Aktualne trendy i rekomendacje w zakresie usuwania mikrozanieczyszczeń należących do farmaceutyków i pestycydów ze ścieków komunalnych
PublikacjaMikrozanieczyszczenia, przede wszystkim pestycydy oraz farmaceutyki, zyskują coraz większe zainteresowanie zarówno ze strony środowiska naukowego, administracji publicznej, jak również międzynarodowych organizacji rządowych i pozarządowych. W ostatnich latach jest obserwowany stały wzrost stężeń mikrozanieczyszczeń zarówno w glebie, jak i środowisku wodnym. Szczególne zagrożenie płynące ze strony pestycydów i farmaceutyków wynika...
Nowe kierunki usuwania azotu w oczyszczalniach ścieków
PublikacjaW 2015 roku Komisja Europejska przyjęła nową strategię gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym (ang. Circular Economy), której celem jest efektywne wykorzystanie zasobów, a także zwiększenie roli gospodarki odpadami. Działania prowadzone w ostatnich latach w sektorze oczyszczania ścieków były ukierunkowane na rozwój efektywnej, niskoemisyjnej gospodarki zasobami, sprzyjającej wzrostowi bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i poprawie stanu jakości...
Sulfate reducing ammonium oxidation (SULFAMMOX) process under anaerobic conditions
PublikacjaSulfate (SO42-) can be an electron acceptor for ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) oxidation under anaerobic conditions. The process is known as sulfammox and can be a viable alternative to conventional, nitrite (NO2-) dependent, anammox. Two bacterial species, including Bacillus Benzoevorans and Brocadia Anammoxoglobus Sulfate, can perform that process. With sulfammox, an economically inefficient pre-nitration step (due to aeration) is...
Rok 2020
Application of the Anammox Process for Treatment of Liquid Phase Digestate
PublikacjaThe liquid phase of the digestate (LPD) contains a relatively high concentration of nitrogen, with total ammonium nitrogen being the dominant form of nitrogen, as well as other essential nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. Consequently, it must be treated before it is released into the environment. However, there are no reports of co-purification of LPD in the anammox process in sequencing batch reactor with granular sludge,...
PublikacjaThe aim of this thesis is to solve a disturbing problem, which is illegal sewage discharge, without any previous treatment in a village Kamień, Szemud commune, Poland, by developing a multivariate sewerage system concept. The introduction submits the theory concerning the division of sewer systems as well as the wastewater treatment’s level. Moreover, there is also the problem of rural sanitation presented and main locality –...
The Influence of Sulfate on Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation in a Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublikacjaAnaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria have a more comprehensive metabolism than expected - there may be other electron acceptors that oxidize ammonium nitrogen under anaerobic conditions, in addition to the well-known nitrite nitrogen, one of which is sulfate in the sulfammox process. Sulfate-containing compounds are part of the medium for the anammox process, but their concentrations are not particularly high (0.2 g MgSO4 ∙ 7H2O/dm3...
Rok 2019
Charakterystyka procesu deamonifikacji oraz rozwój technologii usuwania azotu w oparciu o ten proces
Comparative analysis of earthships and conventional buildings in terms of investment and operating costs
PublikacjaThe aim of the master's thesis is to present the idea of earthships and compare them with conventional buildings in terms of investment and operating costs. Earthships are buildings erected from tires and other wastes whose characteristic feature is their self-sufficiency. The first part of the master's thesis is to discuss the basic issues related to the earthship building. The beginnings of tire homes and their development are...
Evaluation of Partial Nitritation/Anammox (PN/A) Process Performance and Microorganisms Community Composition under Different C/N Ratio
PublikacjaA one-stage partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) process with intermittent aeration is possible under sidestream conditions, but implementation in a mainstream is a challenge due to increased Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N) ratios in domestic wastewater. This study investigated the effect of C/N ratios on process efficiency and the effect of narrowing non-aeration time on process improvement at high chemical oxygen demand (COD) load. An increase...
Ocena jakości odcieków pofermentacyjnych z biogazowni komunalnych i rolniczych w aspekcie możliwości odzysku związków biogennych
PublikacjaZ odcieków pofermentacyjnych pochodzących z trzech różnych grup odpadów (rolniczych, spożywczych, zwierzęcych) wytrącano struwit. Aby uzyskać maksymalną skuteczność wytrącania fosforu i azotu, odcieki pofermentacyjne wzbogacano dodatkiem związków magnezu (MgCl2, MgSO4, MgO). Wysoką skuteczność wytrącania struwitu uzyskano w temp. 21°C, przy pH 9, intensywności mieszania 240rpm,proporcjachmolowychMg:P=1,2:1oraz Mg:Ca < 1 i czasie...
Odzysk bioplastiku i celulozy z osadów ściekowych
PublikacjaW ramach programu Energy and Raw Materials Factory prowadzone są badania nad odzyskiem celulozy oraz biotworzyw. Produkcja biopolimerów oraz bioplastiku ujawnia bowiem niezwykły potencjał obecny w kulturach mikrobiologicznych. Zaczęto także badać odzysk celulozy ze ścieków jako nowe źródła do produkcji kwasu mlekowego, z którego powstają bioplastiki.
Possibilities of Leachate Co-Treatment Originating from Biogas Production in the Deammonification Process
PublikacjaIn the methane fermentation process, sewage sludge is the single substrate or serves as a co-substrate with the addition of various waste products. After the treatment stable digestate is obtained, which consists of two phases solid and liquid. Liquid phase, called as a leachate, due to the high content of nutrients must be treated before they are discharged into the final receiver. Physical and chemical methods of leachate treatment...
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