dr hab. inż. Leszek Matuszewski
wszystkich: 22
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
Influence of Lubrication Water Contamination by Solid Particles of Mineral Origin on Marine Strut Propeller Shafts Bearings of Ships
PublikacjaThe stern tube or strat bearings are key important component for safety of shipping. Modern global regulations required a low as possible negative impact on environment including lubricants leaking to the sea. The ship owners are looking for reliable and durable solutions. The costs of each ship components are carefully studied. The water lubricated bearings for ship propeller shafts are an environmentally friendly solution. That...
Rok 2021
PublikacjaT he operating conditions of magnetic fluid seals during reciprocating motion are so different from those observed in rotating motion that the use of their conventional structures for reciprocating motion seals yields no good results. The analysis of the sealing mechanism of magnetic fluid seals in reciprocating motion shows that the operation of these seals is affected by the carry-over phenomenon and magnetic fluid...
Rok 2020
Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Pipeline Couplings for Shipbuilding
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to analyse shape memory alloy (SMA) pipeline joints in limited space applications for all kinds of ships. Generally, the space available in various areas on ships is strictly limited and service works usually meet many obstacles. If we consider a pipeline, the flange joints always require a larger free space around the pipe than the pipe alone. A simultaneous problem can occur with the propeller shaft line...
Rok 2019
PublikacjaThe centrifugal magnetic fluid seals have important advantage over the conventional centrifugal seals. They maintain very good sealing capacity at static, medium and high speeds of shaft rotation, with the increased seal lifetime, and minimum torque and static friction. These seals are particularly useful in cases when the angular shaft velocity varies and sometimes decreases to nearly or exactly zero, such as in flywheel applications,...
Rok 2018
Centrifugal magnetic fluid seals
PublikacjaSeals perform an important and at times overlooked function in a lubricant system. They prevent or minimize the movement of the lubricant between two surfaces and also minimize the level of contamination in the system. Seals are divided into static and dynamic types. Static seals operate in systems where the mating surfaces do not move relative to each other. In contrast, dynamic seals operate under conditions where the mating surfaces...
Rok 2017
PublikacjaThe article analyses properties of magnetic fluid seals installed in rotary sealing no des which operate in the utility water environment. Seals of this type have been examined as a possible solution to the problem with ship manoeuvring propulsion sealing. The present analysis bases on laboratory durability tests of magnetic fluid seals expo sed to long - term utility water loads, at different water pressures and shaft revolutions....
Rok 2015
The Magnetic Fluid Seals Research Results vs. Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability and Preliminary Conclusions
PublikacjaIn the article a magnetic-fluid seals durability research and the tests results are presented. The tests were made with three magnetic fluids using various magnets quantity in magnetic assemblies. If values obtained in the repeated test deviated by more than 10 % from results of the first test an additional control test was made for final characteristics. The characteristics are: critical pressure, critical motion velocity and...
Rok 2013
Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results. Part II Results of life tests of multi-stage magnetic - fluid seal operating in water
PublikacjaThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research were described in previous article [24] and now the tests results are presented. The tests were made with three magnetic fluids using various magnets quantity in magnetic assemblies. If values obtained in the repeated test deviated by more than 10 % from results of the first test an additional control test was made for final characteristics. The characteristics are:...
Rok 2012
Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results
PublikacjaThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research are critical for the seal'stechnological usefulness. The magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much moredifficult technological problem in comparison to gas or vacuum environment. There isalways problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentaluninspected liquids. In the paper are presented ways of experiments definitions carried outwith...
The newly developed multipurpose ROV or an integrated mine hunting system
PublikacjaA modular mine hunting ROV concept is presented. The design is based on experience gained during 15 years of exploitation of the Ukwial ROV and development of Gluptak single shot mine hunting systems. The design goal was to multiply capabilities of the Ukwial without increasing weight and dimensional envelope. The vehicle is composed around powerful propulsion system that gives the system basic PVDS capability and mine disposal...
Rok 2011
Life tests of a rotary single-stage magnetic-fluid seal for shipbuilding applications
PublikacjaUse of the magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much more difficult technological problem in comparisonto gas or vacuum environment. Some seals constructed up to time been are designed as hybrid, two stagesealing structures with shields or mechanical seals used as protection measures to the magnetic fluid seal.Anyway, there is always problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentalliquid. In the...
Rok 2010
Mathemathical model of radial passive magnetic bearing
PublikacjaIn the article mathematical radial model of passive magnetic bearings to ocean engineering units has been presented. The units application in underwater thrusters should increase propulsion systems durability and gives lower maintenance costs. The rotor of electric motor is hanging in magnetic field taken from radial passive magnetic bearings. However axial direction maintenance must be controlled with electromagnets and their...
Rok 2009
Ring thruster - a preliminary optimisation study
PublikacjaThe ring thruster is a new type of propeller, for which there is no experimental data to verify analytical design calculations. A significant feature of the ring thruster is the absence of a shaft. Propeller blades are mounted to the ring rotating inside the housing, which has the shape of a nozzle. For this reason the ring thruster is closest, with respect to both the construction and principle of operation, to the Kort nozzle...
Rok 2008
The application of magnetic fluids in sealing nodes designed for operation in difficult conditions and in machines used in sea environment
PublikacjaPresented in article MF seals are being researched for sea technology purposes due to their excellenttightness and low resistance of motion. These features are most valuable for ring propellers and ship'smain propeller shaft. There are more reasons why technologists payf significant attention for various MFseals applications in their difficult operating conditions. For instance, an advanced pumping systemsare designed with contactless...
The application of magnetic fluids in sealing nodes designed for operation in difficult conditions and in machines used in sea environment
PublikacjaPresented in article MF seals are being researched for sea technology purposes due to their excellent tightness and low resistance of motion. These features are most valuable for ring propellers and ship's main propeller shaft. There are more reasons why technologists payf significant attention for various MFseals applications in their difficult operating conditions. For instance, an advanced pumping systems are designed with contactless...
Rok 2007
An electric ring thruster as auxiliary manoeuvring propulsion system for watercraft - construction analysis
PublikacjaThe reported project aimed at examining properties and purposefulness of use of modern electromagneticbearings for a screw propeller in a prototype version of a synchronous ring motor with rare earths magnets.Bearings of this type generate electromagnetic forces which keep the rotor in a state of levitation. Therotating machine with magnetic bearings can work in any environment which reveals diamagnetic properties(air, vacuum,...
Experimental research on effectiveness of the magnetic fluid seals for rotary shafts working in water
PublikacjaUszczelnianie wałów obrotowych, łożysk i innych zespołów mechanicznych, za pomocą cieczy magnetycznej, tworzącej przegrodę uszczelniającą utrzymywaną siłami pola magnetycznego jest techniką uszczelniania, stosowaną z powodzeniem w urządzeniach pracujących w środowisku gazowym przy ciśnieniu do około 1,0 MPa. Uszczelnienia te umożliwiają również skuteczne rozwiązywanie problemu szczelności przepustów stałych i ruchowych w urządzeniach...
Ring thruster - a preliminary optimisation study of ferrofluid seal and propeller
PublikacjaThe article reports the course of preliminary examination of a ferrofluid seal applied in liquid environment.A newly built research rig is described, and results of pressure tests performed for different shaft rotationsare discussed. Other studies carried out in the past only referred to the gas environment, while the presentexamination aims at finding an answer to the question whether magnetic liquids can be successfully used...
Rok 2004
Stożkowe łożyska magnetyczne.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono konstrukcję stożkowych łożysk magnetycznych. Ten typ łożyska znakomicie nadaje się do łożyskowania krótkich wirników o znacznych średnicach. Autorzy zastosowali łożyska magnetyczne do łożyskowania wirnika pędnika wodnego. W grupie łożysk magnetycznych, podobnie jak w klasycznych łożyskach, można wyróżnić łożyska: promieniowe, osiowe i stożkowe. Przedstawiona klasyfikacja związana jest z kierunkiem przenoszonych...
The ring propeller with conical electromagnetic bearings and magneto fluid sealing system.
PublikacjaW przedstawionej koncepcji nowego zespołu napędowego najbardziej znamiennym rozwiązaniem jest zastosowanie nowoczesnych łożysk elektromagnetycznych dla pędnika śrubowego w prototypowej wersji silnika pierścieniowego synchronicznego z magnesami z ziem rzadkich. W artykule przedstawiono konstrukcję stożkowych łożysk magnetycznych. Technika uszczelniania cieczami magnetycznymi jest nową koncepcją pozwalającą na rozwiązywanie wielu...
Wpływ regulacji naporu pędników śrubowych w dyszy na proces automatycznego sterowania ruchem statku głębinowego.
PublikacjaCelem pracy było określenie i zbadanie jaki wpływ mają własności dynamiczne zespołu napędowego (i związane z tym zmiany siły naporu, generowane przez pędnik) na proces automatycznego sterowania ruchem statku głębinowego w kierunku pionowym. Celem pośrednim było również dokonanie oceny czy niezbędne jest stosowanie w zespole napędowym silnika o możliwie najwyższej dynamice i zbadanie czy dopuszczalne jest stosowanie zespołów napędowych...
Rok 2003
Ring thruster with magnetic bearings
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