Acta Geophysica - Czasopismo - MOST Wiedzy


Acta Geophysica






Springer , Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk


  • inżynieria lądowa, geodezja i transport (Dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych)
  • inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka (Dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych)
  • astronomia (Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych)
  • biotechnologia (Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych)
  • nauki fizyczne (Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych)
  • nauki o Ziemi i środowisku (Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych)

Punkty Ministerialne: Pomoc

Punkty Ministerialne - aktualny rok
Rok Punkty Lista
Rok 2024 70 Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024
Punkty Ministerialne - lata ubiegłe
Rok Punkty Lista
2024 70 Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024
2023 100 Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych 2023
2022 70 Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022)
2021 70 Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022)
2020 70 Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022)
2019 70 Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022)
2018 20 A
2017 20 A
2016 20 A
2015 20 A
2014 20 A
2013 20 A
2012 20 A
2011 20 A
2010 13 A

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Rok Punkty
Rok 2023 3.8
Punkty CiteScore - lata ubiegłe
Rok Punkty
2023 3.8
2022 3.9
2021 3.4
2020 2.6
2019 1.9
2018 1.5
2017 1.6
2016 1.7
2015 2.3
2014 2.2
2013 1.9
2012 1.5
2011 1.8

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wszystkich: 17

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wyczyść Filtry wybranego katalogu niedostępne

Katalog Czasopism

Rok 2024
Rok 2019
Rok 2016
Rok 2015
  • Investigation of the 16-year and 18-year ZTD Time Series Derived from GPS Data Processing

    - Acta Geophysica - Rok 2015

    The GPS system can play an important role in activities related to the monitoring of climate. Long time series, coherent strategy, and very high quality of tropospheric parameter Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) estimated on the basis of GPS data analysis allows to investigate its usefulness for climate research as a direct GPS product. This paper presents results of analysis of 16-year time series derived from EUREF Permanent Network...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

Rok 2014
  • Development of Local IDF-formula Using Controlled Random Search Method for Global Optimization

    The aim of the study is to present the effective and relatively simple empirical approach to rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency-formulas development, based on Controlled Random Search (CRS) for global optimization. The approach is mainly dedicated to the cases in which the commonly used IDF-relationships do not provide satisfactory fit between simulations and observations, and more complex formulas with higher number of parameters...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Influence of heterogeneous air entry pressure on large scale unsaturated flow in porous media

    - Acta Geophysica - Rok 2014

    The paper presents numerical simulations of water infiltration in unsaturated porous media containing coarse-textured inclusions embed- ded in fine-textured background material. The calculations are performed using the two-phase model for water and air flow and a simplified model known as the Richards equation. It is shown that the Richards equation cannot correctly describe flow in the presence of heterogeneities. How- ever, its...

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  • Modeling of Ice Phenomena in the Mouth of the Vistula River

    The mouth of the Vistula River, which is a river outlet located in tideless area, is analyzed. The Vistula River mouth is a man-made, artificial channel which was built in the 19th century in order to prevent the formation of ice jams in the natural river delta. Since the artificial river outlet was constructed, no severe ice-related flood risk situations have ever occurred. However, periodic ice-related phenomena still have an impact...

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Rok 2013
Rok 2012
  • GPS-derived height changes in diurnal and sub-diurnal timescales

    - Acta Geophysica - Rok 2012

    This paper describes the research concerning precise short-time GPS solutions conducted in the Centre of Applied Geomatics, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. The data from ASG-EUPOS (Polish Active Geodetic Network) was processed using Bernese 5.0 software and EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) standards and models. In this study, the adapted 3-hour observation window is shifted every hour for obtaining hourly geocentric...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Results of the application of tropospheric corrections from different troposphere models for precise GPS rapid static positioning
    • P. Wielgosz
    • J. Paziewski
    • A. Krankowski
    • K. Kroszczyński
    • M. Figurski

    - Acta Geophysica - Rok 2012

    In many surveying applications, determination of accurate heights is of significant interest. The delay caused by the neutral atmosphere is one of the main factors limiting the accuracy of GPS positioning and affecting mainly the height coordinate component rather than horizontal ones. Estimation of the zenith total delay is a commonly used technique for accounting for the tropospheric delay in static positioning. However, in the...

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Rok 2011
Rok 2009
Rok 2002
  • Determination of reservoir decision rules during flood

    - Acta Geophysica - Rok 2002

    W artykule opisano zastosowania metody sterowanego przeszukiwania losowego w zadaniu operacyjnego sterowania systemem zbiorników Nysy Kłodzkiej. Celem badań było zwiększenie dokładności uzyskiwanych wyników i efektywności obliczeń. Przetestowano kilka form reguł decyzyjnych i zaproponowano modyfikację analizowanej metody.

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