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Rok 2025 | 5 | Czasopisma spoza wykazu ministerialnego 2024 |
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2022 | 0 |
2021 | 1.5 |
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2013 | 1.9 |
2012 | 1.7 |
2011 | 1.5 |
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Prace opublikowane w tym czasopiśmie
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Katalog Czasopism
Rok 2014
The vortex flow caused by sound in a bubbly liquid
PublikacjaGeneration of vorticity in the field of intense sound in a bubbly liquid in the free half-space is considered. The reasons for generation of vorticity are nonlinearity, diffraction, and dispersion. Acoustic streaming differs from that in a Newtonian fluid. Under some conditions, the vortex flow changes its direction. Conclusions concern streaming induced by a harmonic or an impulse Gaussian beam.
Thermal self-action effects for acoustic beams containing fronts in a Maxwell relaxing fluid
PublikacjaThis paper examines the thermal self-action of acoustic beams in a Maxwell relaxing fluid. This type of thermal self-action differs from that in a Newtonian fluid and behaves differently depending on a ratio of sound period and time of thermodynamic relaxation. The self-action which relates to sound beams containing shock fronts is also discussed. In addition, stationary and non-stationary types of self-action are considered.
Rok 2013
Acoustic field and the entropy mode induced by it in a waveguide filled with some non-equilibrium gases
PublikacjaThe non-linear propagation of an acoustic beam in a rectangular waveguide is considered. The medium of sound propagation, is a gas where thermodynamically non-equilibrium processes take place: such as exothermic chemical reactions or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. The incident and reflected compounds of the acoustic field do not interact in the leading order in the case of periodic weakly nonlinear sound...
Characterization of CaTi0.9Fe0.1O3/La0.98Mg0.02NbO4 composite
PublikacjaA composite of CaTi0.9Fe0.1O3 and electrolyte material, i.e. magnesium doped La0.98Mg0.02NbO4 was prepared and studied. The phase content and the sample microstructure was examined by an X-ray diffraction method and scanning electron microscopy. EDS measurements were done both for composite samples and the diffusion couple. The electrical properties were studied by four terminal DC method. The Ahigh-temperature interaction between...
Hysteresis curves and loops for harmonic and impulse perturbations in some non-equilibrium gases
PublikacjaEvolution of sound in a relaxing gas whose properties vary in the course of wave propagation, is studied. A relaxing medium may reveal normal acoustic properties or be acoustically active. In the first case, losses in acoustic energy lead to an increase in internal energy of a gas similarly as it happens in Newtonian fluids. In the second case, acoustic energy increases in the course of sound propagation, and the internal energy...
Modification of current-voltage characteristics of planar organic systems by nm-thick interlayer
PublikacjaEffect of nm-thick interlayer of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) or perylene dye (MePTCDI) on current-voltage characteristics of planar organic systems is discussed in the work. The MePTCDI layer strongly limits injection of holes from ITO into CuPc, while CuPc limits injection of electrons from ITO into MePTCDI. In the systems with CuPc/MePTCDI heterojunction an explicit photovoltaic effect occurs.
Possible schemes of photoassociation processes in the KLi molecule with newly calculated potential energy curves
PublikacjaWe present four promising schemes for photoassociative formation of KLi molecule in its ground electronic state. Analysis is based on newly calculated adiabatic potentials supported by transition dipole moments and Franck-Condon factors.
Quantum corrections to 4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics
PublikacjaThe Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are valuated with account of rest d − 1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of space- time functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional...
Quantum corrections to phi^4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics
PublikacjaThe Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are evaluated with account of rest d−1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of spacetime functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional integral...
Theoretical study of highly-excited states of KRb molecule
PublikacjaSemi-empirical adiabatic potential energy curves of highly excited states of the KRb molecule are calculated as a function of the internuclear distance R over a wide range from 3 to 150 a0. The diatomic molecule is treated as an effective two-electron system by using the large core pseudopotentials and core polarization potentials. All calculations are performed by using the nonrelativistic CASSCF/MRCI method with accurate basis...
Rok 2012
Application of BDD thin film electrode for electrochemical decomposition of heterogeneous aromatic compounds
PublikacjaThe aim of the presented study is to investigate the applicability of electrochemical oxidation of aromatic compounds containing heteroatoms, e.g. waste from production of pesticides or pharmaceutics, at a borondoped diamond (BDD) electrode. The BDD electrodes were synthesized by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (MW PE CVD). Investigation of the electrode surface by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy...
Generation of the vorticity mode by sound in a vibrationally relaxing gas
PublikacjaW badaniu została przedstawiona procedura wyprowadzenia nowego równania dla modu wirowego generowanego przez ultradźwięki w gazach z pobudzonymi stopniami swobody. Pokazano, że w pewnych warunkach kierunek linii prądu dla modu wirowego jest przeciwny w porównaniu do płynów ze standardowym tłumieniem. Teoria została zilustrowana na przykładzie generowania modu wirowego przez okresową wiązkę akustyczną ze słabą dyfrakcją poprzeczną.
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0.07Sr0.93-xTiO3 perovskite ceramics
PublikacjaIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontium titanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work. It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent. Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry. The...
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0:07Sr0:93−xTiO3− perovskite ceramics
PublikacjaIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontium titanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work. It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent. Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry. The...
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0.07Sr0.93-xTiO3-δ perovskite ceramics
PublikacjaIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontiumtitanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work.It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent.Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry.The defect...
Nonlinear increase in bubbles radii caused by sound in a bubbly liquid
PublikacjaThe nonlinear interaction of acoustic and entropy modes in a bubbly liquid is considered. The reasons for interaction are both nonlinearity and dispersion. In the field of intense sound, a decrease in the mixture density is predicted. That corresponds to the well-established growth of bubbles volumes due to rectified diffusion. The nonlinear interaction of modes as a reason for a bubble to grow due to sound, is discovered. The...
Rok 2011
Acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a bingham plastic
PublikacjaThis study is devoted to the instantaneous acoustic heating of a Bingham plastic. The model of the Bingham plastic's viscous stress tensor includes the yield stress along with the shear viscosity, which differentiates a Bingham plastic from a viscous Newtonian fluid. A special linear combination of the conservation equations in differential form makes it possible to reduce all acoustic terms in the linear part of of the final equation...
Acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a Bingham plastic
PublikacjaThis study is devoted to the instantaneous acoustic heating of a Bingham plastic. The model of the Bingham plastic's viscous stress tensor includes the yield stress along with the shear viscosity, which differentiates a Bingham plastic from a viscous Newtonian fluid. A special linear combination of the conservation equations in differential form makes it possible to reduce all acoustic terms in the linear part of of the final equation...
generation of the vorticity mode by sound in a bingham plastic
PublikacjaThis study investigates interaction between acoustic and non-acoustic modes, such as vorticity mode,in some class of a non-newtonian fluid called Bingham plastic. The instantaneous equations describinginteraction between different modes are derived. The attention is paid to the nonlinear effects in the fieldof intense sound. The resulting equations which describe dynamics of both sound and the vorticity modeapply to both periodic...
Generation of vorticity mode by sound in Bingham plastic
PublikacjaBadanie dotyczy interakcji między modami akustycznymi i nieakustycznymi (tj. mody wirowe) dla klasy płynów nienewtonowskich zwanych płynami Binghama. Zostały wyprowadzone momentalne równania opisujące interakcje między modami. Uwzględnione zostały efekty nieliniowe w polu intensywnego dźwięku. Otrzymane równania opisują dynamikę zarówno akustycznych jak i wirowych modów (i mogą być stosowane zarówno do periodycznych i aperiodycznych...
Generation of vorticity motion by sound in a chemically reacting gas and inversion of acoustic streaming in the non-equilibrium regime
PublikacjaBadanie dotyczy nieliniowych pobudzeń modu wirowego wywoływanych przez straty momentu pędu w gazie, w którym zachodzą reakcje chemiczne. Zostało wyprowadzone chwilowe dynamiczne równanie dla modu wirowego. Zawiera ono nieliniową siłę akustyczną co pokazuje, że powodem interakcji między modami akustycznym i wirowym jest nieliniowość. Równanie pozwala jako przyczynę ruchu wirowego rozważać zarówno dźwięk okresowy, jak i aperiodyczny....
Rok 2010
Efficiency of acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a fluid with relaxation
PublikacjaInstantaneous acoustic heating of a fluid with thermodynamic relaxation is the subject of investigation. Among others, viscoelastic biological media described by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor, belong to this type of fluid. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination of conservation equations in differential form, allowing the reduction of all acoustic terms in...
Rok 2003
On entaglement distillation and quantum error correction of unknown states and channels.
PublikacjaBadano niezmienniczości splątania kwantowego oraz pojemności kwantowego kanału ze względu na ewentualną utratę informacji o pojedynczej kopii kwantowego stanu. Pokazano, że jeżeli dany kwantowy kanał ma pewne pojemności niezerowe, to odpowiadające mu stany posiadają niezerowe destylowalne splątanie. Postawiono pewne otwarte problemy dotyczące destylowalności splątania.
Surface morphology of PrBa2Cu3O7-ë single crystals after the long lasting high temperature reduction. .
PublikacjaZaprezentowano wyniki szczegółowej analizy powierzchni kryształów poddanych długotrwałej redukcji wysokotemperaturowej. Badania za pomocą skaningowej mikroskopii (SEM) wykazały obecność niestabilnych strukturalnie krystalitów powstałych w wyniku rozpadu powierzchni kryształów. Zanikanie zaindukowanego przy pomocy obróbki wysokotemperaturowej nadprzewodnictwa może być spowodowane migracją defektów podsieci Pr-Ba z wnętrza...
wyświetlono 1041 razy