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Punkty Ministerialne: Pomoc
Rok | Punkty | Lista |
Rok 2025 | 140 | Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024 |
Rok | Punkty | Lista |
2025 | 140 | Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024 |
2024 | 140 | Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024 |
2023 | 140 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych 2023 |
2022 | 140 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2021 | 140 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2020 | 140 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2019 | 140 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2018 | 45 | A |
2017 | 45 | A |
2016 | 45 | A |
2015 | 45 | A |
2014 | 45 | A |
2013 | 45 | A |
2012 | 45 | A |
2011 | 45 | A |
2010 | 32 | A |
Model czasopisma:
Punkty CiteScore:
Rok | Punkty |
Rok 2023 | 13.6 |
Rok | Punkty |
2023 | 13.6 |
2022 | 11.9 |
2021 | 10.8 |
2020 | 10 |
2019 | 10.7 |
2018 | 10.3 |
2017 | 10.6 |
2016 | 9.6 |
2015 | 8.8 |
2014 | 7.7 |
2013 | 7.5 |
2012 | 7 |
2011 | 6 |
Impact Factor:
Sherpa Romeo:
Prace opublikowane w tym czasopiśmie
wszystkich: 31
Katalog Czasopism
Rok 2024
Corrosion Inhibition of AZ31-xLi (x = 4, 8, 12) magnesium alloys in sodium chloride solutions by aqueous molybdate
PublikacjaCorrosion of lithium-containing AZ31 magnesium alloys AZ31-xLi (x = 4, 8, and 12 wt%) has been examined in 0.05 M NaCl solution with and without 10–150 mM of Na2MoO4 inhibitor. Potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) measurements were used to correlate the phase composition and microstructure of the alloys with their corrosion propensity...
Exploring Mechanism of Corrosion Inhibition of WE43 and AZ31 Alloys by Aqueous Molybdate in Hank’s Solution by Multisine Impedimetric Monitoring
PublikacjaThe concept of utilizing multisine dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to monitor effectiveness of a model molybdate inhibitor for AZ31 and WE43 Mg alloys is proposed. The corrosion kinetics and instantaneous values of inhibition efficiency (IE) of molybdate at concentrations up to 150 mM were examined. The inhibitor provides inhibition in Hank’s solution at concentrations starting from ca. 25 mM, with the IE of about...
Pre-oxidation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr alloys for lifespan extension at high-temperature
PublikacjaPre-oxidation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr alloys was extensively studied in this paper. Weight gain measurements and SEM analysis revealed that pre-oxidation performed at 900◦C for 40 min increased the lifespan of the alloy. A Cr evaporation study did not disclose any significant influence of the pre-oxidation process on the Cr content in the alloy. For a more detailed assessment, TEM imaging and X-ray tomography measurements of...
Rok 2021
Aqueous Molybdate Provides Effective Corrosion Inhibition of WE43 Magnesium Alloy in Sodium Chloride Solutions
PublikacjaCorrosion and corrosion inhibition of WE43 magnesium alloy were investigated in NaCl solutions containing different amounts of sodium molybdate. Electrochemical, microscopic, and spectroscopic experiments were utilized to examine the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by molybdates. Electrochemical data showed that Na2MoO4 inhibitor provides reliable inhibition at concentrations at and above 100 mM. Raman and XPS spectroscopy demonstrated...
High temperature corrosion evaluation and lifetime prediction of porous Fe22Cr stainless steel in air in temperature range 700–900 °C
PublikacjaThis work describes a high temperature corrosion kinetics study of ~30% porous Fe22Cr alloys. The surface area of the alloy (~0.02 m2 g-1) has been determined by tomographic microscopy. The weight gain of the alloys was studied by isothermal thermogravimetry in the air for 100 hours at 700 - 900 °C. Breakaway oxidation was observed after oxidation at 850 °C (~100 hours) and 900 °C (~30 hours). The lifetime prediction shows the...
Rok 2020
Surface and Corrosion Properties of AA6063-T5 Aluminium Alloy in Molybdate-containing Sodium Chloride Solutions
PublikacjaCorrosion properties of aluminium alloy AA6063-T5 were investigated in molybdate-containing NaCl solutions. Electrochemical, microscopic, and spectroscopic experiments were utilized to examine the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by molybdates. SEM-EDX, magnetic force, and intermodulation electrostatic force microscopy data suggested that the inhibition initiation preferentially occurred over Fe-rich cathodic IMPs. Spectroscopic...
Rok 2019
Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminium Alloy AA6063-T5 by Vanadates: Local Surface Chemical Events Elucidated by Confocal Raman Micro-Spectroscopy
PublikacjaChemical interactions between aqueous vanadium species and aluminium alloy AA6063-T5 were investigated in vanadate-containing NaCl solutions. Confocal Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experiments were utilised to gain insight into the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by vanadates. A greenish-grey coloured surface layer, consisting of V+4 and V+5 polymerized species, was seen to form on the alloy surface, especially on...
High-temperature kinetics study of 430L steel powder oxidized in air at 600–850 °C
PublikacjaThe 430L stainless steel powder with a mean particle size of 95 μm was studied to determine its high-temperature oxidation properties. Continuous thermogravimetric measurements were carried out for 100 h in air at temperatures in the range of 600–850 °C. Even though a considerable amount of Cr (up to ˜5 wt.% Cr) inside the grains was depleted – especially inside small grains – no breakaway oxidation was observed. This indicates...
Rok 2016
Studies of the mechanism of metal metal dusting of 10CrMo9-10 steel after 10 years of operation in trhe semi-regenerative catalytic reformer
PublikacjaThe study showed that metal dusting mechanism of 10CrMo9-10 steel operated in industrial environment differs from models developed in laboratories. Significant differences lie in the fact that the models developed in laboratories only assume the formation of metastable carbide M3C, while studies have shown that the formation of M3C carbides is associated with the transformation of primary carbides and in the next stage is preceded...
Rok 2015
Method of sacrificial anode dual transistor-driving in stray current field
PublikacjaIn order to control a magnesium anode in a stray current interference field, a dual transistor driving system has been proposed. It consisted of a combination of PNP and NPN transistors. Dual transistor driven system and direct anode to cathode connection were electrochemically tested in 3% NaCl solution. The dual transistor driven system increased the anode efficiency and reduced hydrogen evolution and the risk of embrittlement....
Rok 2014
Effect of native air-formed oxidation on the corrosion behavior of AA 7075 aluminum alloys
Publikacja -
Effect of native air-formed oxidation on the corrosion behavior of AA7075 aluminum alloys
PublikacjaThe microstructure of aluminum alloys plays a key role in their corrosion resistance. In particular, the presence of intermetallic precipitates differing in the potential from the alloy matrix induces local corrosion. The study presents the effect of native air-formed oxidation on the corrosion behavior of AA 7075 aluminum alloy. Various microscopic and spectroscopic techniques were used to examine the changes occurring in the...
Method of sacrificial anode transistor-driving in cathodic protection system
PublikacjaA magnesium anode driving system has been proposed. A PNP driving transistor has been used. Electrochemical testing in 3%NaCl, results and comparison of the driving system and classic direct anode to cathode connection are presented. The driving system reduced the protection current and stabilized the working conditions of the anode. Higher anode efficiency was achieved. Overprotection and hydrogen embrittlement threats were prevented...
Rok 2013
Electrical mapping of AISI 304 stainless steel subjected to intergranular corrosion performed by means of AFM-LIS in the contact mode
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of the AFM-based approach to local impedance spectroscopy (LIS) measurements performed in a 20 20 lm grid within an austenite grain–grain boundary region for sensitized AISI 304 stainless steel (SS). Maps of electrical parameters obtained on the basis of localized impedance spectra were demonstrated, presenting their changes and correlation with the sample topography. Performed research revealed significant...
Improvement of electrochemical action of zinc-rich paints by addition of nanoparticulate zinc
PublikacjaThe influence of nanosized particles on electrochemical action of standard zinc-rich paints by means of SEM as well as potential and impedance measurements has been investigated. The motivation for doing this was to obtain additional electrical connection between the spherical microparticles themselves and zinc particles and steel substrate. Overall zinc content was at the level of 92% by weight. Samples with different concentration...
Rok 2012
Inspection of protective linings using microwave spectroscopy combined with chemometric methods
PublikacjaOpisano nowa niedestrukcyjna metodę kontroli jakości nowych wykładzin ochronnych na podłożu metalowym oraz oceny ich stanu w trakcie eksploatacji przy zastosowaniu spektroskopii mikrofalowej w szerokim zakresie częstotliwości od 6,5 do 13 GHz. Uzyskane dane pomiarowe dodane zostały obróbce chemometrycznej w celu redukcji ilości danych doświadczalnych i wizualizacji rezultatów. Przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne metody oraz wyniki...
Rok 2011
Evaluation of cavitation erosion–corrosion degradation of mild steel by means of dynamic impedance spectroscopy in galvanostatic mode
Publikacja -
Evaluation of cavitation erosion-corrosion degradation of mild steel by means of Dynamic Impedance Spectroscopy in galvanostatic mode
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań degradacji stali węglowych na skutek oddziaływania erozji-korozji kawitacyjnej. Do analizy wykorzystano technikę Dynamicznej Elektrochemicznej Spektroskopii Impedancyjnej w trybie galwanostatycznym, bliżej odwzrorowującym warunki naturalne. Do oceny stopnia degradacji posłużyły również funkcja ubytku masy MDPR oraz obrazy mikroskopowe SEM. Potwierdzono wpływ łączonej degradacji erozyjno-korozyjnej na...
Rok 2009
Evaluation of corrosion inhibition of brass -118 in artificial seawater by benzotriazole using dynamic EIS
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki korozji mosiądzu 118 w sztucznej wodzie morskiej oraz efekt inhibicyjny benzotriazolu (BTA) przy użyciu nowoczesnej dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (DEIS). metoda ta pozwala śledzić dynamikę procesu korozyjnego i efektu inhibicyjnego poprzez ocenę parametrów elektrycznych obwodu zastępczego. Chwilowe widma impedancyjne rejestrowane przez 10h wykazują iż ekspozycja przez okres kilku...
Evaluation of corrosion inhibition of brass-118 in artificial seawater by benzotriazole using Dynamic EIS
Rok 2008
Effect of ZrO2 on corrosion behaviour of chromium coatings
PublikacjaW celu zbadania wpływu cząstek ZrO2 na zachowania korozyjne powłok chromowych pokryto stal chromem z elektrolitów Cr(VI) z dodatkiem i bez ZrO2. Właściwości korozyjne osadzonych warstw zbadano w elektrolicie 0,01 mol L(-1) kwasu siarkowego plus 0,5 mol L(-1) siarczanu sodu za pomocą metody spektroskopii impedancyjnej i woltamperometrii cyklicznej. Zaproponowano elektryczny obwód zastępczy dla procesu korozji i wyznaczono pęd korozji....
Rok 2004
A new time-frequency detection method of stray current field interferenceon metal structures.
PublikacjaA new detection method has been presented of stray current field interference on underground metal structures. The method employs short time Fourier transformation (STFT). This method of analysis allows determination of signal spectral power density changes (e.g., structure potential) in the function of time. In the paper results have been presented of total time–frequency analysis of a pipeline potential in a stray current field...
Rok 2003
Investigation of pitting corrosion of stainless steel by means of acoustic emission and potentiodynamic methods
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Investigation of pitting corrosion of stainless steel by means of acousticemission and potentiodynamic methods.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań korozji wżerowej przy jednoczesnym wykorzystaniu techniki potencjodynamicznej i emisji akustycznej. Dystrybuanta rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia korozji wżerowej (CDFp) została uzyskana na podstawie badań potencjodynamicznych. Niezależnie z wyników akustycznych otrzymano dystrybuantę rozkładu zdarzeń akustycznych (CDFae). Na podstawie wyników stwierdzono brak korelacji miedzy wynikami potencjodynamicznymi...
Rok 2001
Rok 1999
Rok 1998
Effective perturbation signal and measurement of corrosion rate. Response to the commentary of Diard and co-workers concerning the paper in Corros. Sci. 37, 913 (1995)
Publikacja -
Evaluation of the current output of polymer anodes used in cathodic protection
Publikacja -
Use of impedance spectroscopy to evaluate the durability of protective coatings after thermal shock
Rok 1997
Rok 1995
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