Marta Przybysz-Romatowska
wszystkich: 21
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2021
Morphology, Thermo-Mechanical Properties and Biodegradibility of PCL/PLA Blends Reactively Compatibilized by Different Organic Peroxides
PublikacjaReactive blending is a promising approach for the sustainable development of bio-based polymer blends and composites, which currently is gaining more and more attention. In this paper, biodegradable blends based on poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) were prepared via reactive blending performed in an internal mixer. The PCL and PLA content varied in a ratio of 70/30 and 55/45. Reactive modification of PCL/PLA...
Rok 2020
Modification of Ground Tire Rubber—Promising Approach for Development of Green Composites
PublikacjaGround tire rubber (GTR) was mechano-chemically modified using a road bitumen 100/150 and two types of organic peroxides: di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene (BIB) and dicumyl peroxide (DCP). The impact of used additives on reactive sintering efficiency and physico-mechanical properties of modified GTR was investigated using oscillating disc rheometer measurements, followed by tensile tests and swelling behavior studies....
On the Correlation of Lignocellulosic Filler Composition with the Performance Properties of Poly(ε-Caprolactone) Based Biocomposites
PublikacjaIn this work, three types of agricultural waste: olive stones (OS), date seed (DS) and wheat bran (WB) were applied as potential lignocellulosic fillers in poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) based biocomposites. Differences in composites’ performance were related to the higher content of proteins, noted for WB comparing to other fillers applied, which enhanced plasticization of PCL matrix. The mechanical properties of biocomposites were...
Poly(ε-Caprolactone)/Poly(Lactic Acid) Blends Compatibilized by Peroxide Initiators: Comparison of Two Strategies
PublikacjaPoly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) blends were compatibilized by reactive blending and by copolymers formed during reaction in the solution. The reactive blending of PCL/PLA was performed using di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)benzene (BIB) or dicumyl peroxide (DCP) as radical initiator. PCL-g-PLA copolymers were prepared using 1.0 wt. % of DCP or BIB via reaction in solution, which was investigated through...
Reactive extrusion of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters in the presence of free-radical-initiators: A review
PublikacjaNowadays, growing attention is being paid to the environment and sustainability, what fully justified research works focused on modification of biodegradable polymers and their composites. In this field of research reactive extrusion seems to be the most promising approach, which fits well to sustainable development strategy. In In the present work, the in-situ modification of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters and the compatibilization...
Reactive Processing and Functionalization of Ground Tire Rubber
PublikacjaThe dynamic development of the automotive industry resulted in a sig- nificant increase in rubber wastes, especially end-of-life tires, which are a serious threat to the natural environment and human health. This situation has enforced the industry and academic research groups to search new and cost-effective methods for recycling waste tires. In this field of research, reactive processing and functionaliza- tion seem to be a...
Recent advances in compatibilization strategies of wood-polymer composites by isocyanates
PublikacjaWood-polymer composites technologies are gaining more and more attention in the scientific community, positively affecting the increase in their industrial applications, for example, automotive, building, 3D printing, etc. Many research works are focused on the improvement in matrix–lignocellulosic filler interactions to produce highly filled composites with satisfying performance properties. In this field of research, using isocyanates...
Reclaimed Rubber/Poly(ε‐caprolactone) Blends: Structure, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties
PublikacjaThe amount of elastomeric waste, especially from tires is constantly increasing on a global scale. The recycling of these residua should be considered a priority. Compounding the waste rubbers with other polymers can be an excellent alternative to reuse waste materials. This procedure requires solving the issue of the lack of compatibility between the waste rubber particles and other polymers. Simultaneously, there is a claim for...
Waste tire rubber as low-cost and environmentally-friendly modifier in thermoset polymers – a review
PublikacjaNowadays, waste tire rubber (WTR) management is a growing and serious problem. Therefore, research works focused on the development of cost-effective and environmentally-friendly methods of WTR recycling are fully justified. Incorporation of WTR into polymer matrices and composite materials attracts much attention, because this approach allows sustainable development of industrially applicable waste tires recycling technologies....
Rok 2019
Analiza produktów degradacji emitowanych podczas regeneracji gumy
PublikacjaWyznaczenie profilu emisji oraz wytypowanie charakterystycznych związków chemicznych uwalnianych z powierzchni opracowanych materiałów polimerowych może stanowić jeden z elementów kontroli ich jakości. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań emisji związków chemicznych z grupy lotnych związków organicznych uwalnianych z odpadów gumowych podczas ich przetwórstwa przy użyciu współbieżnej wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej. Ponadto, przedstawiono...
Influence of microwave treatment conditions of GTR on physico-mechanical and structural properties of NBR/NR/GTR composites
PublikacjaThe increasing amount of tires used in the industry induces the researchers to find alternatives to the recycling of the end-of-life tires. Several alternatives in order to application of ground tire rubber GTR include their incorporation as a filler in composites. The main issue in this approach is the lack of compatibility between GTR and polymer matrix. In order to solve this problem the devulcanization by microwaves has been...
Modyfikacja biodegradowalnych poliestrów alifatycznych za pomocą inicjatorów nadtlenkowych
PublikacjaCzynniki ekologiczne, ekonomiczne oraz większa świadomość społeczeństwa wpływają korzystnie na dynamiczny rozwój bio- degradowalnych materiałów, które sukcesywnie zastępują polimery „konwencjonalne”. Biodegradowalne polimery zarówno ze źródeł odnawialnych, jak i nieodnawialnych wzbudzają duże zainteresowanie wielu jednostek naukowo-badawczych oraz firm, głównie w zakresie ich modyfikacji. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu...
Modyfikacja biodegradowalnych poliestrów ialifatycznych i ich mieszanin w obecności inicjatorów nadtlenkowych.
PublikacjaStreszczenie Czynniki ekologiczne, ekonomiczne oraz większa świadomość społeczeństwa wpływają korzystnie na dynamiczny rozwój biodegradowalnych materiałów, które sukcesywnie zastępują polimery „konwencjonalne”. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują komercyjnie dostępne poliestry alifatyczne takie jak: poli(kwas mlekowy) (PLA), poli(3-hydroksymaślan) (PHB), oraz poli(ε-kaprolakton) (PCL). Jednakże ich wysoka cena oraz problemy technologiczne...
Structural and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Poly(ε-caprolactone) Modified by Various Peroxide Initiators
PublikacjaThe modification of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) was successfully conducted during reactive processing in the presence of dicumyl peroxide (DCP) or di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene (BIB). The peroxide initiators were applied in the various amounts of 0.5 or 1.0 pbw (part by weight) into the PCL matrix. The effects of the initiator type and its concentration on the structure and mechanical and thermal properties of PCL were...
Rok 2018
Opracowanie niskoemisyjnej technologii regeneracji odpadów gumowych – badania wstępne
PublikacjaDynamiczny rozwój przemysłu motoryzacyjnego, przyczynia się do powstania ogromnej ilości odpadów gumowych, w tym głównie zużytych opon samochodowych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wstępnych nad nową, niskoemisyjną technologią regeneracji odpadów gumowych. Scharakteryzowano właściwości przetwórcze oraz fizyko-mechaniczne regeneratów gumowych w funkcji warunków ich wytwarzania.
Structural, mechanical and thermal behavior assessments of PCL/PHB blends reactively compatibilized with organic peroxides
PublikacjaThe efficiency of two commercially available organic peroxides, dicumyl peroxide (DCP) and di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene (BIB), during reactive processing of poly (ε-caprolactone)/poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) (PCL/PHB) blends was investigated. The changes in chemical structure of PCL/PHB blends, as a function of organic peroxide type (DCP/BIB) and content (in range: 0–1.0 parts by weight - pbw), were characterized by Fourier...
Structure-property relationships in peroxide-assisted blends of poly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)
PublikacjaPoly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PCL/PHB) blends in two weight ratios (75/25 and 50/50) were reactively compatibilized in the presence of di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene and dicumyl peroxide as free radical initiators. Rheological, mechanical, thermal properties and morphological features, as well as the chemical structure of PCL/PHB blends were investigated. It was found that regardless of PCL/PHB blend...
Rok 2017
Processing, physico-mechanical and thermal properties of reclaimed GTR and NBR/reclaimed GTR blends as function of various additives
PublikacjaIn this work, ground tire rubber (GTR) was mechano-chemically reclaimed in the presence of bitumen and various additives. During studies three types of processing and curing additives: (i) peptizer P300; (ii) vulcanization accelerator tetramethylthiuram disulfide (TMTD) and (iii) organic peroxide di(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)benzene (BIB1) were applied to enhance reclaiming of GTR. Reclaiming process was evaluated by oscillating...
Structural, thermal and physico-mechanical properties of polyurethane/brewers’ spent grain composite foams modified with ground tire rubber
PublikacjaIn this work, brewers’ spent grain (BSG) and ground tire rubber (GTR) waste fillers were applied as low-cost reinforcement phase in rigid polyurethane foam (PUR). PUR/BSG/GTR composites were prepared by a single step method, using polyglycerol as partial substitute of commercially available petrochemical polyols. Foaming parameters, chemical structure, dynamic mechanical properties, thermal stability, physico-mechanical properties...
Toward Polyethylene–Polyester Block and Graft Copolymers with Tunable Polarity
PublikacjaThe synthesis and characterization of polyethylene–polyester block and graft copolymers and their potential as compatibilizers in polyethylene-based polymer blends are being described. The various routes to functionalized polyethylenes and the corresponding block/graft copolymers have been compared and evaluated for their scalability to industrial scale production. Hydroxyl chain-end and randomly OH-functionalized HDPE as well...
Wytłaczanie reaktywne jako proekologiczna metoda wytwarzania nowych biodegradowalnych mieszanin i kompozytów polimerowych.
PublikacjaBiodegradowalne materiały polimerowe stosowane są obecnie w wielu gałęziach przemysłu, stanowiąc przyjazną środowisku alternatywę dla konwencjonalnych tworzyw sztucznych wytwarzanych z paliw kopalnych. Wzrost liczby zagranicznych i krajowych prac badawczo-rozwojowych nad nowymi iodegradowalnymi materiałami polimerowymi potwierdza dynamiczny rozwój tej grupy materiałów. W artykule pokrótce omówiono wybrane przykłady zastosowania...
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