mgr inż. Mateusz Wiszniewski
wszystkich: 19
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2023
Results of the “DPDT-Auger” Research Project on Screw Displacement Piles
PublikacjaThe main objective of the “DPDT-Auger” research project was to test the prototype DPDT auger for forming screw displacement piles in the ground (patented in Poland in 2020). An additional aim was to develop design methods and rules for the making of such piles. The augers and piles were first tested on a model scale, and then more extensively in the real scale on experimental field plots. The results found the overall functionality...
Rok 2022
Model tests of cast-in-place piles formed by using different types of auger
PublikacjaModel tests are still a popular research tool used to observe and determine the mechanisms of pile-soil interaction. Due to the significant scale effect, the results of model tests performed in the 1g system can only be analysed from the qualitative side. This article describes and presents the results of 1g pile model tests carried out for comparative purposes. There were tested the effectiveness and efficiency of various types...
Screw displacement pile shaft deformations measured by vibrating wire and fiber optic systems during a static load test
PublikacjaThis paper describes a full scale static load test performed on a 400 mm diameter screw displacement pile equipped with four different strain measuring systems. Three types of vibrating wire strain gauges (VWSG) were used: global - retrievable, local attached to steel pipe and local concrete embedded. The fourth system was distributed fiber optic sensors based on Rayleigh back scattering (DFOS) - three in the pile cross section....
Rok 2021
Identification of residual force in static load tests on instrumented screw displacement piles
PublikacjaOccurrence of the so-called residual force of an unknown value significantly disturbs interpretation of static load tests performed on piles equipped with additional measuring instruments. Screw displacement piles are the piling technology in which the residual force phenomenon is very common. Its formation mechanism is closely related to the installation method of this type of piles, which initiates generation of negative pile...
Rok 2020
Mechanizm współpracy z gruntem pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych w świetle próbnych obciążeń pali oprzyrządowanych
PublikacjaOpis badań i wyniki próbnych obciążeń statycznych dwóch pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych oprzyrządowanych w aparaturę do pomiaru rozkładu siły osiowej wzdłuż trzonu pala. Analiza wpływu czasu i procesu wbijania na charakterystykę osiadania pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych. Identyfikacja siły rezydualnej w palu prefabrykowanym wbijanym i jej wpływ na interpretację pomiarów ekstensometrycznych w próbnym obciążeniu pala. Wnioski na...
Retrievable strain measuring system in screw displacement piles - readings and results interpretation problems
PublikacjaStatic load tests on foundation piles are generally carried out in order to determine load – displacement characteristic of the pile. For more detailed information, e.g. force distribution along the shaft, load transfer mechanism and characteristics of soil-structure interaction (unit resistance curves t-z, q-z) additional pile instrumentation is required. Most popular techniques focus on direct concrete strain measurements and...
Rok 2018
The mechanism of grouting action under the base of bored pile
PublikacjaThe grouting under the base of bored pile is carried out in order to reduce pile settlement and improve its bearing capacity. The principal aim of grouting is to introduce an initial force between the soil and the pile base. In non-cohesive soil, the grouting can also enlarge the pile base area and therefore improve the base resistance. The example of static load tests on instrumented bored piles installed with and without grouting...
Zmienność modułu sprężystości betonu w trzonie pala przemieszczeniowego w świetle badań laboratoryjnych
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono problematykę dotyczącą określania właściwości materiałowych betonu w celu interpretacji wyników próbnych obciążeń pali oprzyrządowanych pomiarowo. Wykonano badania laboratoryjne modułu sprężystości betonu (Eb) na poszczególnych sekcjach wydobytego z gruntu pala przemieszczeniowego. Określona została charakterystyka zmienności modułu wraz z odkształceniem i głębokością. Przetestowano 29 próbek z 5 różnych głębokości....
Rok 2017
Effects of Xanthan Gum Biopolymer on the Permeability, Odometer, Unconfined Compressive and Triaxial Shear Behavior of a Sand
PublikacjaBiopolymers, which are microbially induced polymers, can be used as an alternative material to improve engineering performance of soils. In this paper, a laboratory study of 0.075-1.0 mm size sand and biopolymer (i.e., xanthan gum) mixtures with various mix ratios (0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%) was performed. The materials, specimen preparation, and test methods are described, as are the results of a suite of permeability, odometer, unconfined...
Some geomechanical properties of a biopolymer treated medium sand
PublikacjaSome geomechanical properties of a biopolymer treated medium sand. This paper presents a laboratory assessment of geomechanical properties of sandy soil improved by biopolymer application. Additives (biosubstance) consist of polysaccharides and water. Biosubstance used in the project was xanthan gum, which comes from bacteria Xanthomonas campestris. Triaxial shear compression tests and unconfi ned compression tests were carried...
Sprawozdanie naukowo-techniczne z badań nośności pali CFA metodą próbnego obciążenia statycznego z pomiarami rozkładu siły osiowej wzdłuż trzonu pala na terenie budowy związanej z modernizacją zakładu Saint-Gobin w Dąbrowie Górniczej
PublikacjaOpis badań pali CFA z oprzyrządowaniem do pomiaru rozkładu siły osiowej w trzonach pali. Opis interpretacji pomiarów. Przedstawienie wyników badań, pomiarów i interpretacji.
Sprawozdanie z badań laboratoryjnych gruntu w aparacie trójosiowego ściskania
PublikacjaOpis badania gruntu niespoistego w aparacie trójosiowego ściskania metodą CID. Przedstawienie wyników badań wraz z analizą.
Static load test on concrete pile – instrumentation and results interpretation
PublikacjaFor some time (since 8-10 years in Poland) a special static load tests on instrumented piles are carried out. Such studies are usually of a scientific nature and provide detailed quantitative data on the load transfer into the ground and characteristics of particular soil layers interaction with a pile shaft and pile base. Deep knowledge about the pile-subsoil interaction can be applied for a various design purposes, e.g. numerical...
Static Load Test on Instrumented Pile – Field Data and Numerical Simulations
PublikacjaFor some time (since 8-10 years in Poland) a special static load tests on instrumented piles are carried out. Such studies are usually of a scientific nature and provide detailed quantitative data on the load transfer into the ground and characteristics of particular soil layers interaction with a pile shaft and pile base. Deep knowledge about the pile-subsoil interaction can be applied for a various design purposes, e.g. numerical...
Rok 2016
Applications of permeability, oedometer and direct shear tests to the sand mixed with waste tire crumb
PublikacjaThe amount of the used waste rubbers in the world has been increasing every year, and their utilization, become a major environmental problem worldwide. The present experimental work has been performed to investigate the influence of rubber inclusion on the behavior of a sand. Geotechnical properties of the sand, and sand with tire crumb at various ratios mixtures (0%, 2.5%, 7.5%, and 15%) were investigated through a series of...
Rok 2015
Badania wpływu dodatku biopolimeru na przepuszczalność piasku średniego
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań współczynnika filtracji mieszaniny piasku średniego i gumy ksantanowej, dla różnych stężeń biopolimeru oraz różnych czasów utwardzania próbek. Badania wykonano w nowoczesnym Permeametrze wyposażonym w komorę trójosiową na stanowisku do badań przepuszczalności gruntów zanieczyszczonych w Centrum Wodnym SGGW. Badania potwierdziły, że dodatek biopolimeru do gruntu niespoistego powoduje znaczne...
Hydraulic conductivity of a biopolymer treated sand
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of laboratory assessment of creating seepage barriers in a sandy soil using biopolymer additives (bio substance), which consist of polysaccharides and water. Polysaccharides strongly interact with water to produce a viscous suspension. The aim of the conducted work was to investigate the influence of a biosubstance employed in a highly permeable sandy soil. The amount of the biopolymer used in a sample...
Influences of grain shape and size distribution on permeability
PublikacjaThe present study investigates the effects of shape and size distributions of grains on the coefficient of permeability (k). A series of constant head permeability tests were performed to characterize the coefficient of permeability. Three particle size ranges (4.75- 0.075, 1.18- 0.075 and 0.300-0.075 mm) of two different sands (Narli Sand, Crushed Stone Sand) having different shapes were tested in a constant head permeability...
Rok 2013
Laboratory assessment of permeability of sand and biopolymer mixtures
PublikacjaLaboratory assessment of permeability of sand and biopolymer mixtures. This research presents a method of creating seepage barriers in a sandy soil using biopolymer additives (biosubstance), which consist of polysaccharides and water. Polysaccharides strongly interact with water to produce a viscous suspension. The paper aims to investigate the infl uence of a biosubstance employed in a highly permeable sandy soil. Amount of the...
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