Linear impedance of 1SiO2–99(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region - Open Research Data - MOST Wiedzy


Linear impedance of 1SiO2–99(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region


The linear electrical properties of  1SiO2–99(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method. 

The glass composition of 1SiO2–99(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) (in mol%) was prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents: NaH2PO4 (≥99.5% SIGMA ALDRICH), Na2CO3 (99.9+% ChemPur GmbH) and CaCO3 (99.9+% ChemPur GmbH), SiO2 (99.9+% ChemPur GmbH) were thoroughly mixed. Batches were melted in porcelain crucibles at temperatures of 850–950 degC for 30–60 min, in air atmosphere. Melt was poured on a brass plate. The exact composition of melted samples was tested with the use of SEM-EDS and was found to be Na18.2Ca4.5P17.3Si0.4O59.4 in at%.

For the electrical measurements gold electrodes were evaporated at the grinded and preheated samples. Impedance measurements were carried out in the temperature range from 213 K to 423 K, in the frequency range from 10mHz to 1 MHz and with the ac voltage of 1 Vrms with Concept 40 broadband dielectric spectrometer.

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  • inżynieria materiałowa (Dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych)
Identyfikator DOI 10.34808/524a-1t66 otwiera się w nowej karcie
Politechnika Gdańska

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