Magnetic field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz – spatial detection - Open Research Data - MOST Wiedzy


Magnetic field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz – spatial detection


The data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device.  An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain magnetic field maps created on based measurements using H-field Probe RF R 0.3-3 in the frequency range 30 MHz – 3 GHz.  The designated maps enable the location of the sources of high magnetic fields radiated by the tested device. The device under test (DUT) was a typical astable multivibrator supplied from a battery of 9 V (Fig. 1).

Twenty-five measurement points are marked on the PCB, located exactly above the elements of the DUT (Fig. 2). The near fields were measured directly on the surface of PCB. The probe was placed at the same distance from the PCB surface, regardless of the height of the elements. The probe RF R 0.3-3 is a passive near-field probe. It measures the magnetic field that spreads parallel to the surface of the tested elements. The probes provide a very high resolution of less than 1 mm. The average value of the voltage at the probe output was measured at all points with an oscilloscope. Each measurement was performed for the averaged instantaneous values (the number of averages above 300) for both the background, i.e. the device turned off and the device turned on. All results of measurements made with near field probes are presented in mV. This is due to the measurement of the voltage at the output of the probe for both electric and magnetic fields. In Figure 3, the near-field measurement system developed to measure the radiated emission is shown.

The attached files contain magnetic field maps and the table with the measurement results.

Ilustracja publikacji

Figure 1. The electronic diagram of the AVT 720 device

Figure 2. Arrangement of measurement points on the DUT

Ilustracja publikacji

Figure 3. The near-field measurement system

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  • Automatyka, elektronika i elektrotechnika (Dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych)
Identyfikator DOI 10.34808/bszx-w210 otwiera się w nowej karcie
Politechnika Gdańska

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