Nutrients, oxygen and suspended matter - Gdansk Deep (2001-2005) - Open Research Data - MOST Wiedzy


Nutrients, oxygen and suspended matter - Gdansk Deep (2001-2005)


The results show short-term changes in the concentration of nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, phosphates and total forms of nitrogen and phosphorus), dissolved oxygen and suspended particulate matter - SPM and its main components (organic carbon - POC, nitrogen - PON, phosphorus - TPP) in the water column of the Gdańsk Deep (Gdańsk Bay).

The research was carried out in spring (2001, 2003, 2005) and in autumn (2004).

The water samples were collected from the water column with a rosette sampler (Ocean Test Equipment Inc.) and measurements of temperature, conductivity and depth were made with a CTD profiler (Falmouth Scientific Inc.).

Total and dissolved forms of nutrients were analysed using standard colorimetric methods. Oxygen dissolved in seawater was determined by the Winkler titration. SPM was determined by weighing filters dried to constant weight after filtration. The POC and PON analyses were performed on a CHNS/O 2400 Perkin Elmer analyser.

Changes of the concentrations of dissolved nutrients and their total forms in the water column of the Gdańsk Deep had a typical pattern. Surface layer (0-30m) was characterised by low concentrations of analysed compounds, where the average values for individual research periods did not exceed 0.45 µmol NO3dm-3, 0.17 µmol NO2dm-3, 1.27 µmol NH4dm-3, 38.62 µmol Ntot dm-3, 0.45 µmol PO43- dm-3 and 1.35  µmol Ptot dm-3. Below 30 m depth there was a gradual increase in the value and variability of concentrations of these substances. The maximum concentrations concerned the bottom layer (from 90 m in depth) where it was recorded 16.28 µmol NO3dm-3, 0.98 µmol NO2dm-3, 21.76 µmol NH4dm-3, 104.51 µmol Ntot dm-3, 9.59 µmol PO43- dm-3 and  15.10 µmol Ptot dm-3. Maximum concentrations in bottom waters were recorded in autumn (2004).

In the analysed period, the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the waters of the Gdańsk Deep ranged from 11.12 cm3 dm-3 in the euphotic layer to 0.00 cm3 dm-3 in the water above the bottom. The high dissolved oxygen concentration typically observed to a depth of 50 m. Below there was a sharp drop to the minimum concentrations. The lowest average oxygen concentration 0.50 cm3 dm-3 was recorded at the turn of September and October 2004.

In the case of POC, PON and TPP, the highest values were recorded in the 15 m surface layer (0.69, 0.09 mg dm-3 and 8.95 µg dm-3 respectively). Below there was a gradual decrease in the concentration of POC, PON and TPP, and the lowest results (mean 0.37 mg POC dm-3, 0.04 mg PON dm-3 and 4.30 µg TPP dm-3) concerned the 50-90m layer. A further increase in the concentration of suspended carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus was noted in the bottom layer (up to 0.52, 0.07 mg dm-3 and 8.44 µg dm-3 on average, respectively).

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  • nauki o Ziemi i środowisku (Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych)
Identyfikator DOI 10.34808/jnnj-4j33 otwiera się w nowej karcie
Politechnika Gdańska

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