Life after BEXUS: Stratospheric Balloon Activities at Gdańsk University of Technology - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Life after BEXUS: Stratospheric Balloon Activities at Gdańsk University of Technology


How do you restart an academic stratospheric balloon programme after taking part in the REXUS/BEXUS programme? How to assemble a new team and share the passion for stratosphere with a new generation of students? In this paper we want to summarise the stratospheric balloon activities at Gdańsk University of Technology held by SimLE Science Club since 2022. We’ll outline the challenges of creating a new team as well as the technical details of the devised stratospheric balloon platform which allowed us to send two stratospheric balloon missions with new scientific experiments. Ultimately our efforts lead us to get selected for Cycle 15 of the BEXUS programme with a new payload called STORMDUST.

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wyświetlono 43 razy

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