dr inż. Stefan Sieklicki
wszystkich: 6
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2015
Automated Detection of Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Events Based on Robust Airflow Envelope Tracking in the Presence of Breathing Artifacts. - [IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS]
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new approach to detection of apnea/hypopnea events, in the presence of artifacts and breathing irregularities, from a single channel airflow record. The proposed algorithm, based on a robust envelope detector , identifies segments of signal affected by a high amplitude mo d- ulation corresponding to apnea/hypopnea events. It is show n that a robust airflow envelope - free of breathing artifacts - improves effectiveness...
Rok 2014
Automated detection of sleep apnea and hypopnea events based on robust airflow envelope tracking
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new approach to detection of apnea/hypopnea events, in the presence of artifacts and breathing irregularities, from a single-channel airflow record. The proposed algorithm identifies segments of signal affected by a high amplitude modulation corresponding to apnea/hypopnea events. It is shown that a robust airflow envelope—free of breathing artifacts—improves effectiveness of the diagnostic process and allows...
Rok 2013
Nowa metoda wykrywania epizodów bezdechu sennego oraz spłycenia oddechu w zarejestrowanych zapisach sygnału przepływu powietrza
PublikacjaWstęp: W klinikach pneumonologicznych stosuje się komercyjne programy komputerowe do określania stopnia nasilenia bezdechu sennego. Poważnym problemem w tych programach jest niewystarczająca czułość zastosowanych algorytmów. Cel pracy: Ocena czułości i swoistości nowo opracowanej metody wykrywania epizodów bezdechu sennego oraz spłycenia oddechu. Materiał i metody: Dokonano szczegółowej analizy 10 badań polisomnograficznych. Zbadano czułość...
Rok 2011
Agricultural products' storage control system
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the idea and the design of a remote control system for storage management of agricultural products which temperature may rise as the result of biological processes during the storage. An actual potatoes storehouse is discussed as an application for the proposed automation system. Because of existing buildings and infrastructure at the farm, wireless data transfer system has been proposed for communication between...
Rok 2010
Mobile wireless measurement system for potatoes storage management
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the idea and the design of a remote control system for a storage management of agricultural products which temperature may rise in a result of biological processes during the storage. Exemplary potatoes storehouse is discussed as an application of the automation system. Because of existing buildings and infrastructure in the farm, wireless data transfer system has been proposed for both sensors to data acquisition...
The Analysis of Patients' Airflow with Respect to Early Detection of Sleep Apnea
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the analysis of the respiratory events of sleep apnea patients. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the patient's airflow. As a result of the conducted analysis we proposed an algorithm which establishes an individual respiratory pattern for each subject. The algorithm could be implemented in the measurement - control system which manages the prosthetic device applying positive airway pressure. Its...
wyświetlono 1509 razy