wszystkich: 9
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2025
Secondary Structure in Free and Assisted Modeling of Proteins with the Coarse-Grained UNRES Force Field
PublikacjaSecondary structure is a solid scaffold on which the three-dimensional structure of a protein is built. Therefore, care must be taken to reproduce the secondary structure as accurately as possible in the simulations of protein systems. In this chapter, we summarize the physics-based energy terms that govern secondary-structure formation, the auxiliary restraints on secondary structure derived from bioinformatics and from the experimental...
Rok 2024
Multi-GPU UNRES for scalable coarse-grained simulations of very large protein systems
PublikacjaGraphical Processor Units (GPUs) are nowadays widely used in all-atom molecular simulations because of the advantage of efficient partitioning of atom pairs between the kernels to compute the contributions to energy and forces, thus enabling the treatment of very large systems. Extension of time- and size-scale of computations is also sought through the development of coarse-grained (CG) models, in which atoms are merged into extended...
Multi-GPU-powered UNRES package for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of protein systems at biological size- and timescales
PublikacjaCoarse-grained models are nowadays extensively used in biomolecular simulations owing to the tremendous extension of size- and time-scale of simulations. The physics-based UNRES (UNited RESidue) model of proteins developed in our laboratory has only two interaction sites per amino-acid residue (united peptide groups and united side chains) and implicit solvent. However, owing to rigorous physics-based derivation, which enabled...
Rok 2023
Long‐time scale simulations of virus‐like particles from three human‐norovirus strains
PublikacjaThe dynamics of the virus like particles (VLPs) corresponding to the GII.4 Houston, GII.2 SMV, and GI.1 Norwalk strains of human noroviruses (HuNoV) that cause gastroenteritis was investigated by means of long-time (about 30 μs in the laboratory timescale) molecular dynamics simulations with the coarse-grained UNRES force field. The main motion of VLP units turned out to be the bending at the junction between the P1 subdomain (that...
Optimization of parallel implementation of UNRES package for coarse‐grained simulations to treat large proteins
PublikacjaWe report major algorithmic improvements of the UNRES package for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of proteins. These include (i) introduction of interaction lists to optimize computations, (ii) transforming the inertia matrix to a pentadiagonal form to reduce computing and memory requirements, (iii) removing explicit angles and dihedral angles from energy expressions and recoding the most time-consuming energy/force terms...
Rok 2021
All-gather Algorithms Resilient to Imbalanced Process Arrival Patterns
PublikacjaTwo novel algorithms for the all-gather operation resilient to imbalanced process arrival patterns (PATs) are presented. The first one, Background Disseminated Ring (BDR), is based on the regular parallel ring algorithm often supplied in MPI implementations and exploits an auxiliary background thread for early data exchange from faster processes to accelerate the performed all-gather operation. The other algorithm, Background Sorted...
Improving Clairvoyant: reduction algorithm resilient to imbalanced process arrival patterns
PublikacjaThe Clairvoyant algorithm proposed in “A novel MPI reduction algorithm resilient to imbalances in process arrival times” was analyzed, commented and improved. The comments concern handling certain edge cases in the original pseudocode and description, i.e., adding another state of a process, improved cache friendliness more precise complexity estimations and some other issues improving the robustness of the algorithm implementation....
Rok 2020
Long Distance Geographically Distributed InfiniBand Based Computing
PublikacjaCollaboration between multiple computing centres, referred as federated computing is becom- ing important pillar of High Performance Computing (HPC) and will be one of its key components in the future. To test technical possibilities of future collaboration using 100 Gb optic fiber link (Connection was 900 km in length with 9 ms RTT time) we prepared two scenarios of operation. In the first one, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical...
Rok 2018
Effective Decision-Making in Supply Chain Management
PublikacjaProper decision-making in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is crucial for an appropriately functioning mechanisms. The paper presents how IT technologies can impact on an organization and process realization. Especially Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) standard and the Cloud Computing (CC) paradigms are taken into account. A general model of decision-making is proposed and based on a specific practical example is analyzed using...