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Rok 2016
Analytical Study of Sliding Instability due to Velocity- and Temperature-Dependent Friction
PublikacjaThe instability of sliding causes deterioration of performance characteristics of tribosystems and is undesired. To predict its occurrence, the motion of a body of a one-degree-of-freedom system with friction is investigated about the steady sliding equilibrium position. The motion equation is formulated with the friction coefficient dependent on the sliding velocity and contact temperature changing due to transient heat conduction...
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono wykorzystanie sprężonego gazu ziemnego CNG, jako paliwa napędzającego autobusy komunikacji miejskiej w Polsce. Zarówno w latach ubiegłych jak i teraz paliwo to nie jest popularne w naszym kraju głównie ze względu na duże koszty wstępne w postaci infrastruktury (stacji tankowania, warsztatów napraw) oraz samej instalacji w pojeździe. CNG stosuje się głównie we flotach pojazdów wykonujących duże przebiegi roczne...
Body surface area formulae: an alarming ambiguity
PublikacjaBody surface area (BSA) plays a key role in several medical fields, including cancer chemotherapy, transplantology, burn treatment and toxicology. BSA is often a major factor in the determination of the course of treatment and drug dosage. A series of formulae to simplify the process have been developed. Because easy-to-identify, yet general, body coefficient results of those formulae vary considerably, the question arises as to...
Challenges associated with the design of a small unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle
PublikacjaThe paper contains the preliminary results of the research connected with development of a small unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle. First of all a general description of research is introduced. Next, a concept of a vehicle is presented. Then, a brief description of a research method is given. Next, the current research problems under way are introduced. They concern the ballasting, motion and precise position stabilization system...
PublikacjaThe paper describes construction nad calibration procedures of the rolling resistance test trailer R2 Mk2. The trailer is design to measure rolling resistance of passenger car tyres in various road conditions on trafficked road. The trailer utilizes so called angle method also known as vertical arm method. The paper presents also calibration procedures that are necessary to ascertain good precision of the measurements.
Detection of damages in a rivetted plate
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of damage detection in a riveted aluminium plate. The detection method has been based on Lamb wave propagation. The plate has been analysed numerically and experimentally. Numerical calculations have been carried out by the use of the time-domain spectral finite element method, while for the experimental analysis laser scanning Doppler vibrometry (LSDV) has been utilised. The panel has been excited...
Dyskretno-ciągła metoda modelowania układów dynamicznych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono oryginalną metodę modelowania układów dyskretno-ciągłych. Metoda polega na dyskretyzowaniu układu trójwymiarowego jedynie w dwóch wybranych kierunkach. W trzecim z kierunków układ pozostaje ciągły. Otrzymany w ten sposób model jest modelem dyskretno-ciągłym. Opisany jest za pomocą równań różniczkowych cząstkowych. Ogólne równania różnicowe układu dyskretnego otrzymano, wykorzystując metodę sztywnych elementów...
PublikacjaW celu dokonania rekonstrukcji wypadku drogowego niezbędny jest szczegółowy oraz oddający w pełni stan rzeczywisty opis miejsca wypadku. Poniższy artykuł omawia podstawowe elementy takie jak protokół miejsca wypadku, szkic, dokumentacje fotograficzną oraz ocenę obrażeń uczestników wypadku.
Evaluation of apparent Young׳s modulus of the composite polymer layers used as sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic thrust bearings
PublikacjaHydrodynamic bearings with a polymer sliding layer are able to operate in severe conditions, mainly due to favorable properties of the polymers. The goal of this research was to evaluate apparent Young׳s modulus of two types of the polymer composite layers used for sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic bearings, as a function of temperature. The Young׳s modulus was evaluated on the basis of compression tests carried out on samples obtained...
Experimental validation of the rolling resistance measurement method including updated draft standard
PublikacjaThe main objective of ROSANNE is the harmonisation and standardisation of the measurement of skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements. Regarding rolling resistance characterisation, a draft for standardization of a harmonized procedure for classification of road surfaces across Europe has been prepared within WP3 (deliverable 3.5). The procedure deals with the direct measurement on real roads of...
PublikacjaPolymeric linings of sliding surfaces of the hydrodynamic bearings have been used successfully for over 50 years. Despite of their long history of operation and research, they have not become wide spread in industrial applications. This fact may be surprising, considering th e conclusions that have been published concerning bearing operation and design. This paper summarizes the current...
Identification of Kinematic Excitation Function by the Modal Coordinates Estimation of the System's Dynamics
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of the kinematic excitation courses’ identification in excitation points, based on the car road test acceleration at different measurement points. For the purpose of the laboratory fatigue life investigation of contemporary complex structures (e.g. cars bodies) and components of these structures (i.e. cars roofs), only a few first vibration modes are usually taken into account. During real life tests...
Improving the CPX method by specifying reference tyres and including corrections for rubber hardnes and temperature
PublikacjaRecently completed work in the EU project ROSANNE and in working group ISO/TC43/SC1/WG33 has allowed substantial improvements to measurements made by the Close-Proximity (CPX) method, intended for measurement of noise properties of road surfaces.The paper summarizes the experimental work and describes the conclusions and implementation in ISO/FDIS 11819-2 (CPX method) and in the supporting ISO (draft) Technical Specifications 11819-3...
Influence of Additional Loads on Chosen Gait Parameters and Muscles Activity
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to human motion analysis and comparison of chosen kinematics parameters during normal gait with and without additional load in a form of backpack. A stability in both cases were compared in both frontal and sagittal planes, by applying a video tracking system. Experimental tests performed on treadmill, passive markers, placed on volunteers bare skin were used. Additionally, an infra-red camera was employed...
PublikacjaTyre load and inflation pressure are important factors controlling rolling resistance of road vehicles. The article presents results obtained in the Technical University of Gdańsk during laboratory and road measurements of different car tyres rolling on different pavements. The knowledge of rolling resistance characteristics is important for modelling car dynamics as well as fuel consumption. It is also necessary to establish proper...
PublikacjaA decisive factor for the development of tyres and road surfaces is the ability to conduct representative and reproducible measurements of selected characteristics related to the interaction of tyres and road surfaces. In terms of tyre/road noise measurements in Europe two methods described in ISO/FDIS 11819-2 and ECE Regulation No.117 are used. The latter is compulsory for assigning the tyre noise labels. The methodologies differ...
Inhomogeneity of low-noise wearing courses evaluated by tire/road noise measurements using the close-proximity method
PublikacjaPerforming numerous analyses of tire/road noise measurements on low-noise pavements during the last several years, the authors observed significant inhomogeneity of the wearing course in numerous cases, while similar problems were almost non-existent when dense pavements were measured. Three main causes of low-noise pavement inhomogeneity can be defined. The first one is imperfections in the technology used for asphalt mix production...
Ischemic stroke in general practice - risk factors, prognosis - prospective single center study
PublikacjaBackground. Ischemic stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in Poland, in the European Union and in the United States. Awareness related to the risk factors, particularly the modifiable ones, is of crucial importance in general practice and may improve early and long-term prognoses. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the risk factors and half-year survival rate in patients with ischemic stroke...
Mechatronic Design Towards Investigation of the Temporo-Mandibular Joint Behaviour
PublikacjaA significant problem of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) research is lack of data concerning geometry and position of TMJ discs. It leads to necessity of developing a driving method of the process optimization, which is based on chosen techniques of mechatronic design. In particular, the latter concerns a technique of experimentally supported virtual prototyping. On this stage, the research is characterized by well-verified...
Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller
PublikacjaIn the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...
Modeling of Combined Phenomena Affecting an AUV Stealth Vehicle
PublikacjaIn the paper some results of research connected with modelling the basic stealth characteristics of an AUV vehicle are presented. First of all a general approach to design of the stealth AUV autonomous underwater vehicle under consideration is introduced. Then, the AUV stealth vehicle concept is briefly described. Next a method of modelling of the stealth characteristics is briefly described as well. As an example of the stealth...
Noise and Rolling Resistance Properties of Various Types of Winter Tyres Compared to Normal Car Tyres
PublikacjaTo cope with winter weather conditions, potentially including snow and ice, it is common to use winter tyres, or ”all-seasons” tyres assumed to be safe both in summer and winter. In some northern countries, winter tyres are mandatory. Traditionally, it has been assumed that winter tyres are noisier than normal tyres (here called summer tyres) and winter tyres equipped with studs are assumed to be very noisy.This paper presents...
Numerical Model of Femur Part
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to create a new more accurate method of femur part modelling by using the finite element method. According to this new method, a femur part is treated as a complex structure composed of trabecular bone (internal part) and cortical bone (external part). The internal part is modelled as a scaffold, thus the external part is modelled as a coat (i.e. covering). Applying the programme ABAQUS, there were created...
On the durability of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism in overload condition
PublikacjaThe paper presents the newest construction of the hydraulic satellite pump/motor. In this study, the fracture of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism is investigated. Factors influencing the durability of satellite working mechanism have been described. The durability of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism at a load, corresponding to a pressure of 15 MPa supplied with refined rapeseed oil is very low. Analyses...
PublikacjaThe paper contains the results from a tec hnical analysis of the conditions of the operation of hydrodynamic bearings supporting the drums of ore processing mills at KGHM Polska Mied ź S.A. A theoretical analysis was performed on the grounds of onsite examination and measurem ents of principal dimensions of the bearings of interest. The computer simulation covered the characteristics of the oil film in the bearings...
Opinia dotycząca naruszenia praw do zgłoszenia patentowego P.402847 pt.: "Ręczna wiertarka górnicza"
PublikacjaEkspertyza dotyczy naruszenia praw do zgłoszenia patentowego P.402847 pt.: "Ręczna wiertarka górnicza"
Opinia w sprawie patentu PL 215741 pt.: „Napęd hydrauliczny” udzielonego przez Urząd Patentowy RP na rzecz firmy Spitznas Maschinenfabrik GmbH
PublikacjaWskazano i opisano błędy merytoryczne w patencie nr 215741 oraz wskazano i opisano wspólne cechy maszyn będących przedmiotem zastrzeżeń w patentach nr 215741, 200588 i 185724
Optimal control at energy performance index of the mobile robots following dynamically created trajectories
PublikacjaIn practice, the problem of motion control of the wheeled mobile robots is often neglected. Wheeled mobile robots are strongly nonlinear systems and restricted by non-holonomic constraints. Motion control of such systems is not trivial task and usage of non-optimal control signals can lead to deterioration of the overall robot system’s performance. In case of autonomous application of the mobile robots all parts of its control...
Optimal control of 2-wheeled mobile robot at energy performance index
PublikacjaThe paper presents the application of the optimal control method at the energy perfor- mance index towards motion control of the 2-wheeled mobile robot. With the use of the proposed method of control the 2-wheeled mobile robot can realise effectively the desired trajectory. The problem of motion control of mobile robots is usually neglected and thus performance of the realisation of the high level control tasks is limited.
Periodic Properties of 1D FE Discrete Models in High Frequency Dynamics
PublikacjaFinite element discrete models of various engineering 1D structures may be considered as structures of certain periodic characteristics. The source of this periodicity comes from the discontinuity of stress/strain field between the elements. This behaviour remains unnoticeable, when low frequency dynamics of these structures is investigated. At high frequency regimes, however, its influence may be strong enough to dominate calculated...
Potential reduction of traffic noise by the means of increased fleet of electric vehicles using a combination of low-noise tyres and low-noise road surfaces
PublikacjaIn the future, the number of zero-emission vehicles like electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles (in electric mode) is expected to be a substantial part of the vehicle fleet. In Norway, such vehicles already account for approximately 20 % of all new cars sold. Since these vehicles emit negligible noise related to the power-train, the tyre/road noise is the dominating noise source. In the LEO project, tyres designed for such cars have...
Projekt urządzenia do badania siły zacisku z wykorzystaniem druku 3D
PublikacjaIstniejące na rynku komercyjne urządzenia do badania siły zacisku nie należą do tanich. Dlatego postanowiono skonstruować własne konkurencyjne urządzenie, które spełniałoby wymogi stawiane urządzeniom do pomiaru siły zacisku, jednocześnie będące o wiele tańszym rozwiązaniem. Obecne możliwości techniczne z zakresu budowy urządzeń elektronicznych, wykorzystania nie-drogich czujników pozwala na budowę układów pomiarowych o przyzwoitych...
Projektowanie zespołu kompensacji luzów osiowych w silniku satelitowym z wirującym korpusem
PublikacjaW artykule opisano nowatorską konstrukcję silnika satelitowego zawierającą mechanizm satelitowy o odwróconej kinematyce znamienny tym, że planeta (wirnik) oraz płyty kompensacyjne (rozrządu) są nieruchome a w ruch obrotowy wprawiana jest obwodnica. Obwodnica przekazuje napęd na korpus silnika. Zasilanie silnika odbywa się poprzez jego czop. W artykule opisano również metodykę projektowania zespołu kompensacji luzów osiowych w takim...
Proportional-Derivative and Model-Based Controllers for Control of a Variable Mass Manipulator
PublikacjaIn the paper, numerical analysis of dynamics of a variable mass manipulator is presented. A revolute joints composed manipulator is considered. Payload of the gripper is considered as the only element characterized by unknown value of its mass (variable between subsequent operations). As in other cases of the revolute joints composed manipulators, its behaviour dependents significantly on the pose of the manipulator. When the manipulator...
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia konstrukcje warstwowe typu SPS (Sandwich Plate System), SIP (Structural Insulated Panels) oraz hybrydowe (laminaty metalowo-włókniste FML) a także ich budowę, właściwości oraz wykorzystanie w różnych sektorach przemysłu.
ROSANNE Project: New Procedure for Noise Characterisation of Road Surfaces in Europe
PublikacjaROSANNE is a collaborative project in the 7th EU Framework Programme which aims at harmonising measurement methods for skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements as a preparation for standardization. The project started in November 2013 and is developing and improving standards in the field of working group CEN/TC 227/WG 5. Regarding the influence of the pavement on the road traffic noise emission,...
Rozrząd silnika satelitowego z obracającym się korpusem
PublikacjaW artykule opisano problematykę konstrukcji rozrządu w silniku z satelitowym mechanizmem roboczym, w którym obraca się obwodnica, a planeta jest nieruchoma. Wykazano, że w płytach rozrządu liczba otworów dopływu i odpływu jest równa liczbie garbów planety. Przedstawiono również dopuszczalne kształty tych otworów i ich rozmieszczenie w płycie rozrządu. Ponadto wykazano, że jest możliwe zbudowanie działającego silnika satelitowego...
Satelitowe maszyny wyporowe. Podstawy projektowania i analiza strat energetycznych
PublikacjaMonografia poświęcona jest najnowszym konstrukcjom pomp i silników hydraulicznych satelitowych, nad którymi prace projektowe, badawcze i rozwojowe są prowadzone w laboratorium Hydrauliki i Pneumatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej od 2007 roku. W monografii wykazano, że jest możliwe zbudowanie maszyn satelitowych dla dwóch przypadków pracy satelitowego mechanizmu roboczego. Pierwszy przypadek dotyczy mechanizmu z obracającą się planetą,...
Spectral Finite Element Method in Condition Monitoring and Damage Detection
PublikacjaIt is well known that the dynamic behaviour of engineering structures may carry very important and crucial information that can be further used for the assessment of their condition as well as detection of any damage induced. The current interest in monitoring techniques based on the propagation of guided elastic waves requires that numerical techniques used for modelling the phenomena associated must shift into the realm of high...
Spectrum-based modal parameters identification with Particle Swarm Optimization
PublikacjaThe paper presents the new method of the natural frequencies and damping identification based on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The identification is performed in the frequency domain. The algorithm performs two PSO-based steps and introduces some modifications in order to achieve quick convergence and low estimation error of the identified parameters’ values for multi-mode systems....
Temperature influence on tyre/road noise frequency spectra
PublikacjaThe correction for temperature effect on measured tyre/road noise is very important as it may be one of the main sources of errors in measurement results due to substantial influence of this parameter on obtained values. The latest version of the Technical Specification ISO/CD TS 13471-1 about Temperature Corrections contains a proposal of correction procedure for normalizing measured noise levels to a reference air temperature...
The basics of design and experimental tests of the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor
Publikacjahe article presents an analytical method to design the commutation unit in a hydraulic satellite motor. It is shown that the size of the holes feeding the working chambers and their location on the plates closing those chambers depends on the geometrical dimensions of the working mechanism. The overlap in the commutation unit depends on the rotational speed range. It is demonstrated that the geometrical dimensions of the commutation...
The effect of the exposure-in-oil on the contact of the polymers forming sliding layers in hydrodynamic bearings. Wpływ ekspozycji w oleju na kąt zwilżania polimerów stosowanych na warstwy ślizgowe w łożyskach hydrodynamicznych.
PublikacjaPolimery stosowane jako warstwy ślizgowe w hydrodynamicznych łożyskach wzdłużnych to zazwyczaj tworzywa termoplastyczne charakteryzujące się relatywnie wysokimi wartościami kątów zwilżania w porównaniu z metalami. Metale, w tym również Babbitt czy inne stopy łożyskowe, cechują niskie wartości kątów zwilżania. Im niższy kąt, tym powierzchnia lepiej się zwilża. Tworzywa sztuczne wykorzystywane w węzłach tribologicznych mających zapewnić...
The New 3D Printed Left Atrial Appendage Closure with a Novel Holdfast Device: A Pre-Clinical Feasibility Animal Study
PublikacjaMany patients undergoing cardiac surgery have risk factors for both atrial fibrillation and stroke. The left atrial appendage (LAA) is the primary site for thrombi formation. Therefore LAA occlusion devices should be tested for their ability to reduce future cerebral ischemic events in patients with high-risk of haemorrhage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of a novel left atrial appendage exclusion...
Ultra Low Noise Poroelastic Road Surfaces
PublikacjaNoise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. During the last decades, the noise emitted by the engines and powertrains of vehicles was greatly reduced and tires became a clearly dominant noise source. The article describes the concept of low noise poroelastic road surfaces that are composed of mineral and rubber aggregate bound by polyurethane resin. Those surfaces have a porous structure and...
PublikacjaThe paper describes a complex wear research on DLC (amorphous carbon) moped with boron (B) and silicone (Si). The tests were carried out in two different sliping systems: flat–on–flat (ring contact, unidirectional sliding) and ball–on–flat (reciprocating sliding). Water and medical saline solutions were used as lubricants. A comparative analysis of the results revealed differences in the initiation and progress of wear and the...
Wpływ nawierzchni i opon na opór toczenia
PublikacjaArtykuł porusza zagadnienia wpływu nawierzchni jezdni i konstrukcji opon na jeden z istotnych parametrów opisujących współpracę opony z jezdnią, jakim jest opór toczenia. Artykuł nawiązuje do publikacji, w których omówiony jest wpływ oporu toczenia na zużycie energii przez pojazdy samochodowe oraz przedstawione są w ogólnym zarysie metody badania oporu toczenia opon.
Zastosowanie EMG do analizy wybranych ruchów kończyny górnej
PublikacjaCelem badań było przeprowadzenie pomiarów sygnału mioelektrycznego czterech mięśni powierzchniowych lewej kończyny górnej, biorących udział w ruchach zginania-prostowania w stawie łokciowym w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej. Rejestrację elektromiogramów (EMG) odprowadzono z: głowy długiej oraz bocznej mięśnia trójgłowego ramienia, głowy długiej mięśnia dwugłowego ramienia i mięśnia ramienno-promieniowego. Wykazano, iż metoda może zostać...
Rok 2015
A modified method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index
PublikacjaA method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index has been creatively modified. The suggested original modification depends on consideration of direct relationship between the measured acceleration signal and the optimal control command. The paper presents the results of experiments and Hardware- in-the-loop simulations of a new active vibration reduction algorithm based on the energy...
Acoustic journal bearing - A search for adequate configuration
PublikacjaClassical non-contact bearings are already used in a number of specialist applications but there are somespecialist areas where they cannot be used for variety of reasons and acoustic sliding bearings could be an alternative. The paper presents the quest for a configuration of an acoustic journal bearing and shows that the overall shape of the bearing and its geometry are of a vital importance for the load capacity oft he bearing....