Data deposition - step by step - MOST Wiedzy


Data deposition - step by step

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This page will help you determine how to deposit your data in the MOST Wiedzy Research Data Catalog.

Step 1 – Get access

Only trusted users are granted rights to upload datasets to The MOST Wiedzy Research Data Catalog. Among them are: emloyees of Gdansk University of Technology, University of Gdansk,  Medical University of Gdansk. Other users need to contact to gain access to uploading depositdata.

After logging in to the user account on the BRIDGE of Knowledge website, a research dataset can be added using a special form. Currently, the form can be accessed in two ways. The “Add research data” button is located directly in the research data catalogue or in the research data tab on the researcher’s profile with an active profile editing mode.

Step 2 – Upload the dataset

Prepare metadata

The first step requires you to provide basic metadata related to the available research data, such as: dataset title; authors; keywords; year of data release; etc. A short description of the dataset is also necessary as an abstract.

As research data may result from various types of projects, be linked into groups or series, and be related to publications, all functionalities have been added to the repository that allows for linking and relating individual resources to each other.

It is also possible to create dataset versions. All these functionalities make it possible to adjust the dataset collection to individual needs and improve their searchability. In the following steps, the complex metadata information is added: dataset creation date, the language of the data itself, research areas represented, information on funding, keywords and ethical papers approval along with its number. In addition, the author can specify whether a new DOI is to be assigned and could add links to other resources such as other datasets or publications (data relationship).

Although it is not an obligatory requirement, adding a readme file to the dataset archive is advisable. This file consists of information needed for users to decide about the deposited dataset's relevance and incorporate it into their research. It should be saved in plain text format to make such information as accessible as possible. It may contain different elements due to specific requirements for different disciplines, but some are common and should be included in such a file. Examples of these attributes:

  • date of data collection
  • data acquisition methods (protocols, sampling, instruments, coverage, etc.)
  • the structure of files and their names, explanations of codes and classification
  • quality assurance procedures (data validation, checking)
  • any modifications of raw data
  • contact information for the researcher(s)

More information about metadata supported by the repository.

Upload files

Next, attach the data file (if there are multiple files, compress them into a zip archive), specify the software necessary to read the data and select the licence under which the data will be shared. There are multiple variants of Creative Commons licences to choose from, and you can also propose your own licence or the Restricted Access data sharing model.

User verification and publication decision

Finally, verify all metadata together with the attached file and decide whether you want to submit the dataset to be checked by qualified personnel.

Step 3 – Verification and publication

Well-prepared dataset will be accepted and published. If any corrections are required (e.g. in the description), the dataset will be returned to the researcher with a request for corrections.

Your dataset is now avaible online!