Julian Szymański - Publikacje - MOST Wiedzy



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  • Security ontology construction and integration

    - Rok 2011

    There are many different levels on which we can examine security. Each one is different from others, all of them are dependent on the context. Hence the need to bear additional knowledge enabling efficient utilization of the knowledge by the computers. Such information can be provided by ontologies. The paper presentsgathered requirements needed to be taken into account when creating an ontology. The method of ontology creation...

  • Information retrieval with semantic memory model

    Psycholinguistic theories of semantic memory form the basis of understanding of natural language concepts. These theories are used here as an inspiration for implementing a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. Combining this network with a vector-based object-relation-feature value representation of concepts that includes also weights for confidence and support, allows for recognition of concepts...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Self-Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results

    The article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...

  • Management of Textual Data at Conceptual Level

    - Rok 2011

    The article presents the approach to the management of a large repository of documents at conceptual level. We describe our approach to representing Wikipedia articles using their categories. The representation has been used to construct groups of similar articles. Proposed approach has been implemented in prototype system that allows to organize articles that are search results for a given query. Constructed clusters allow to...

  • Gra słowna do pozyskiwania wiedzy językowej

    W artykule opisano implementację gry słownej w pytania, będącej modelem wyszukiwarki kontekstowej oraz narzędziem do pozyskiwania wiedzy o pojęciach języka naturalnego. Zdefiniowano określenie wyszukiwania kontekstowego oraz przedstawiono opis algorytmu znajdującego obiekty na podstawie ich cech. Scharakteryzowano przyjętą reprezentację wiedzy oraz sposób uczenia się w kontekście innych znanych projektów poruszających problem akwizycji...

  • Wizualizacja struktury Wikipedii do wspomagania wyszukiwania informacji

    - Rok 2011

    Graficzna prezentacja jest efektywnym sposobem poprawiania interakcji użytkownika z repozytorium wiedzy. Pozwala ona na przejrzyste przedstawienie złożonych struktur i uchwycenie zależności, które nie są widoczne bezpośrednio. Zastosowanie takiego podejścia w wyszukiwaniu informacji pozwala na prezentację danych na wysokim poziomie abstrakcji przy jednoczesnym określeniu ich kontekstu, co ma bezpośrednie przełożenie na jakość dostępu...

  • Bidirectional Fragment to Fragment Links in Wikipedia

    The paper presents a WikiLinks system that extends the Wikipedia linkage model with bidirectional links between fragments of the articles and overlapping links’ anchors. The proposed model adopts some ideas from the research conducted in a field of nonlinear, computer-aided writing, often called a hypertext. WikiLinks may be considered as a web augmentation tool but it presents a new approach to the problem that addresses the specific...

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  • Embedded Representations of Wikipedia Categories

    - Rok 2021

    In this paper, we present an approach to building neural representations of the Wikipedia category graph. We test four different methods and examine the neural embeddings in terms of preservation of graphs edges, neighborhood coverage in representation space, and their influence on the results of a task predicting parent of two categories. The main contribution of this paper is application of neural representations for improving the...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Generowanie tekstu z użyciem sieci typu Transformer

    Opisano działanie wybranych modeli uczenia maszynowego znajdujących zastosowanie w przetwarzaniu języka naturalnego w szczególności wy- korzystywanych do generowania tekstu. Przedstawiono również model BERT i jego różne wersje, a także praktyczne wykorzystanie modeli typu Transformer. Przedstawiono ich działanie w aplikacji zmieniającej nastrój tekstu w sposób sekwencyjny.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • From Scores to Predictions in Multi-Label Classification: Neural Thresholding Strategies

    In this paper, we propose a novel approach for obtaining predictions from per-class scores to improve the accuracy of multi-label classification systems. In a multi-label classification task, the expected output is a set of predicted labels per each testing sample. Typically, these predictions are calculated by implicit or explicit thresholding of per-class real-valued scores: classes with scores exceeding a given threshold value...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Previous Opinions is All You Need - Legal Information Retrieval System

    - Rok 2023

    We present a system for retrieving the most relevant legal opinions to a given legal case or question. To this end, we checked several state-of-the-art neural language models. As a training and testing data, we use tens of thousands of legal cases as question-opinion pairs. Text data has been subjected to advanced pre-processing adapted to the specifics of the legal domain. We empirically chose the BERT-based HerBERT model to perform...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Exact-match Based Wikipedia-WordNet Integration

    Ability to link between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles allows usage of those resources by computers during natural language processing. A lot of work was done in this field, however most of the approaches focus on similarity between Wikipedia articles and WordNet synsets rather than creation of perfect matches. In this paper we proposed a set of methods for automatic perfect matching generation. The proposed methods were...

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  • Knowledge Base Suitable for Answering Questions in Natural Language

    This paper presents three knowledge bases widely used by researchers coping with natural language processing: OpenCyc, DBpedia and YAGO. They are characterized from the point of view of questions answering system. In this paper a short description of the aforementioned system implementation is also presented.

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  • How Specific Can We Be with k-NN Classifier?

    This paper discusses the possibility of designing a two stage classifier for large-scale hierarchical and multilabel text classification task, that will be a compromise between two common approaches to this task. First of it is called big-bang, where there is only one classifier that aims to do all the job at once. Top-down approach is the second popular option, in which at each node of categories’ hierarchy, there is a flat classifier...

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  • Automatic Classification of Polish Sign Language Words

    In the article we present the approach to automatic recognition of hand gestures using eGlove device. We present the research results of the system for detection and classification of static and dynamic words of Polish language. The results indicate the usage of eGlove allows to gain good recognition quality that additionally can be improved using additional data sources such as RGB cameras.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Wikipedia Articles Representation with Matrix'u

    - Rok 2013

    In the article we evaluate different text representation methods used for a task of Wikipedia articles categorization. We present the Matrix’u application used for creating computational datasets ofWikipedia articles. The representations have been evaluated with SVM classifiers used for reconstruction human made categories.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Retrieval with Semantic Sieve

    The article presents an algorithm we called Semantic Sieve applied for refining search results in text documents repository. The algorithm calculates socalled conceptual directions that enables interaction with the user and allows to narrow the set of results to the most relevant ones. We present the system where the algorithm has been implemented. The system also offers in the presentation layer clustering of the results into...

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    W artykule opisano podejście do identyfikacji powiązań między kategoriami w repozytorium danych tekstowych, bazując na Wikipedii. Przeprowadzając analizę podobieństwa między artykułami określono miary pozwalające zidentyfikować powiązania między kategoriami, które nie były wcześniej uwzględnione i nadawać im wagi określające stopień istotności. Przeprowadzono automatyczną ocenę uzyskanych rezultatów w odniesieniu do już istniejącej...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Text Categorization Improvement via User Interaction

    - Rok 2018

    In this paper, we propose an approach to improvement of text categorization using interaction with the user. The quality of categorization has been defined in terms of a distribution of objects related to the classes and projected on the self-organizing maps. For the experiments, we use the articles and categories from the subset of Simple Wikipedia. We test three different approaches for text representation. As a baseline we use...

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  • KEYSTONE WG2: Activities and Results Overview on Keyword Search

    In this chapter we summarize activities and results achieved by the Keyword Search Working Group (WG2) of the KEYSTONE Cost Action IC1302. We present the goals of the WG2, its main activities in course of the action and provide a summary of the selected publications related to the WG2 goals and co-authored by WG2 members. We concludewith a summary of open research directions in the area of keyword search for structured data.

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  • The chapter analyses the K-Means algorithm in its parallel setting. We provide detailed description of the algorithm as well as the way we paralellize the computations. We identified complexity of the particular steps of the algorithm that allows us to build the algorithm model in MERPSYS system. The simulations with the MERPSYS have been performed for different size of the data as well as for different number of the processors used for the computations. The results we got using the model have been compared to the results obtained from real computational environment.

    - Rok 2016

    The chapter analyses the K-Means algorithm in its parallel setting. We provide detailed description of the algorithm as well as the way we paralellize the computations. We identified complexity of the particular steps of the algorithm that allows us to build the algorithm model in MERPSYS system. The simulations with the MERPSYS have been performed for different size of the data as well as for different number of the processors used...

  • Towards increasing F-measure of approximate string matching in O(1) complexity

    The paper analyzes existing approaches for approximate string matching based on linear search with Levenshtein distance, AllScan and CPMerge algorithms using cosine, Jaccard and Dice distance measures. The methods are presented and compared to our approach that improves indexing time using Locally Sensitive Hashing. Advantages and drawbacks of the methods are identified based on theoretical considerations as well as empirical evaluations...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Cooperative Word Net Editor for Lexical Semantic Acquisition

    - Rok 2011

    The article describes an approach for building Word Net semantic dictionary in a collaborative approach paradigm. The presented system system enables functionality for gathering lexical data in a Wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on component for interactive graph navigation. The component has been used for Word Net semantic network presentation on web page, and it brings functionalities...

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  • WordVenture - COOPERATIVE WordNet EDITOR Architecture for Lexical Semantic Acquisition

    - Rok 2017

    This article presents architecture for acquiring lexical semantics in a collaborative approach paradigm. The system enables functionality for editing semantic networks in a wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on interactive graph navigation. It has been used for semantic network presentation, and brings simultaneously modification functionality.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Dynamic Semantic Visual Information Management

    - Rok 2010

    Dominant Internet search engines use keywords and therefore are not suited for exploration of new domains of knowledge, when the user does not know specific vocabulary. Browsing through articles in a large encyclopedia, each presenting a small fragment of knowledge, it is hard to map the whole domain, see relevant concepts and their relations. In Wikipedia for example some highly relevant articles are not linked with each other....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Context Search Algorithm for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


    A Context Search algorithm used for lexical knowledge acquisition is presented. Knowledge representation based on psycholinguistic theories of cognitive processes allows for implementation of a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. A knowledge acquisition using supervised dialog templates have been performed in a word game designed to guess the concept a human user is thinking about. The game,...

  • Adaptive Algorithm for Interactive Question-based Search

    - Rok 2012

    Popular web search engines tend to improve the relevanceof their result pages, but the search is still keyword-oriented and far from "understanding" the queries' meaning. In the article we propose an interactive question-based search algorithm that might come up helpful for identifying users' intents. We describe the algorithm implemented in a form of a questions game. The stress is put mainly on the most critical aspect of this...

  • Towards Effective Processing of Large Text Collections

    In the article we describe the approach to parallelimplementation of elementary operations for textual data categorization.In the experiments we evaluate parallel computations ofsimilarity matrices and k-means algorithm. The test datasets havebeen prepared as graphs created from Wikipedia articles relatedwith links. When we create the clustering data packages, wecompute pairs of eigenvectors and eigenvalues for visualizationsof...

  • Collaborative approach to WordNet and Wikipedia integration

    In this article we present a collaborative approach tocreating mappings between WordNet and Wikipedia. Wikipediaarticles have been first matched with WordNet synsets in anautomatic way. Then such associations have been evaluated andcomplemented in a collaborative way using a web application.We describe algorithms used for creating automatic mappingsas well as a system for their collaborative development. Theoutcome enables further...

  • Interaktywne wyszukiwanie informacji w repozytoriach danych tekstowych

    W artykule przedstawione zostały architektura oraz projekt systemu, którego celem jest umożliwienie zbudowania platformy pozwalającej na indeksowanie dużych kolekcji tekstowych oraz wyszukiwania w nich, za pomocą autorskich algorytmów, opartych o zysk informacjny oraz interaktywną komunikację z użytkownikiem. Przeprowadzono ocenę skuteczności zastosowanych algorytmów pod względem zarówno klasteryzacji jak i zbieżności algorytmu...

  • Self Organizing Maps for Visualization of Categories

    - Rok 2012

    Visualization of Wikipedia categories using Self Organizing Mapsshows an overview of categories and their relations, helping to narrow down search domains. Selecting particular neurons this approach enables retrieval of conceptually similar categories. Evaluation of neural activations indicates that they form coherent patterns that may be useful for building user interfaces for navigation over category structures.

  • Interactive Information Retrieval Algorithm for Wikipedia Articels

    - Rok 2012

    The article presents an algorithm for retrieving textual information in documents collection. The algorithm employs a category system that organizers the repository and using interaction with user improves search precision. The algorithm was implemented for simple English Wikipedia and the first evaluation results indicates the proposed method can help to retrieve information from large document repositories.

  • WordNet -bazodanowy system jako słownik języka angielskiego

    - Rok 2006

    WordNet[1] to alternatywne podejście do organizacji danychsłownikowych, w stosunku do klasycznej listy słów wraz z ich defnicjami. Koncepcja słownika opiera się na utworzeniu sieci koncepcji (sensów) powiązanych ze sobą relacjami określonego typu. Opisane zostały podstawowe założenia dotyczące budowy systemu WordNet oraz sposób organizacji danych językowych w postaci sieci semantycznej.

  • Cooperative editing approach for building Wordnet database

    - Rok 2007

    Artykuł przedstawia podejście do kooperacyjnej pracy nad baza danych systemu Wordnet. Opisana została architektura systemu oraz wizualizacja sieci powiązań konceptualnych z użyciem komponentu touchgraph.

  • Zastosowanie systemu Comcute do łamania algorytmu DES

    - Rok 2012

    Zaprezentowano zastosowanie systemu Comcute do łamania szyfru DES. Przedstawiono podstawową architekturę wykorzystaną do dystrybucji obliczeń oraz zaprezentowano wyniki skalowalności rozwiązania w funkcji użytych jednostek obliczeniowych.

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  • Rozpraszanie obliczeń za pomocą serwerów dystrybucyjnych

    Omówiono zasady funkcjonowania serwerów dystrybucyjnych w systemie obliczeniowym klasy grid pracującym w trybie volunteer computing. Omówiono sposoby zwiększania wydajności tej warstwy systemu za pomocą zarządzania strumieniem paczek danych. Odniesiono się także do koncepcji Map-Reduce w implementacji przetwarzania równoległego.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Matching Exception Class Hierarchies between .NET, Java Environments

    The paper presents a methodology of exception classification and matching exception messages between .NET andJava environments. The methodology operates on existing exception class hierarchies and proposes two complementingapproaches: automated and manual matching. The automated matching uses the similarity measure to find associationsbetween exception messages from the two sets of classes for the considered programming languages....

  • Text classifiers for automatic articles categorization

    The article concerns the problem of automatic classification of textual content. We present selected methods for generation of documents representation and we evaluate them in classification tasks. The experiments have been performed on Wikipedia articles classified automatically to their categories made by Wikipedia editors.

  • Wordventure - cooperative wordnet editor. Architecture for lexical semantic aquisition

    - Rok 2009

    This article presents architecture for acquiring lexical semanticsin a collaborative approach paradigm. The system enablesfunctionality for editing semantic networks in a wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on interactive graph navigation.It has been used for semantic network presentation,and brings simultaneously modification functionality.

  • Wikipedia and WordNet integration based on words co-occurrences

    - Rok 2009

    The article presents a method for automatic integration of two lexical resources: semantic dictionary WordNet and electronic encyclopaedia Wikipedia. Our goal is to add automatically an semantic tags - a WordNet synset identifier to the title of the Wikipedia article. We've analyze several different ap-proaches to these problem and implement our own solution, based on word occurrences in synsets descriptions and the article body....

  • Rozumienie pojęć języka naturalnego w procesie kognitywnym

    - Rok 2009

  • Wyszukiwanie artykułów medycznych w MEDLINE z wykorzystaniem UMLS

    - Rok 2009

  • Automatic Discovery of IaaS Cloud Workload Types

    The paper presents an approach to automatic discovery of workloads types. We perform functional characteristics of the workloads executed in our cloud environment, that have been used to create model of the computations. To categorize the resources utilization we used K-means algorithm, that allow us automatically select six types of computations. We perform analysis of the discovered types against to typical computational benchmarks,...

  • Towards automatic classification of Wikipedia content

    Artykuł opisuje podejście do automatycznej klasyfikacji artykułów w Wikipedii. Przeanalizowane zostały reprezentacje tekstu bazujące na treści dokumentu i wzajemnych powiązaniach. Przedstawiono rezultaty zastosowania klasyfikatora SVM.

  • Automatyczna klasyfikacja artykułów Wikipedii

    Wikipedia- internetowa encyklopedia do organizacji artykułów wykorzystuje system kategorii. W chwili obecnej proces przypisywania artykułu do odpowiednich kategorii tematycznych realizowany jest ręcznie przez jej edytorów. Zadanie to jest czasochłonne i wymaga wiedzy o strukturze Wikiedii. Ręczna kategoryzacja jest również podatna na błędy wynikające z faktu, że przyporządkowanie artykułu don kategorii odbywa się w oparciu o arbitralną...

  • Zespołowa budowa ontologii z wykorzystaniem systemu OCS oraz edytora Protégé

    Konstruowanie ontologii wymaga współpracy wielu osób. W idealnej sytuacji nad pojedynczą ontologią pracować będzie duża, rozproszona społeczność tworząca tym samym wspólną reprezentację wiedzy z danej dziedziny. W publikacji zaprezentowano propozycję modelu pracy grupowej nad ontologią. Zdefiniowano model zarządzania wersjami ontologii. Przedstawiono system Ontology Creation System (OCS) oraz architekturę i implementację rozszerzenia...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Równoległe obliczenia grup podobieństw dla wielowymiarowych danych w środowisku Beesy Cluster

    - Rok 2010

    Opisano podejście do analizy danych opartej na grupowaniuelementów podobnych do siebie. Przedstawiono realizację tego zadania z użyciem jednego z najprostszych algorytmów, dla którego dokonano zrównoleglenia podstawowej operacji wyznaczania podobieństwa stanowiącej najbardziej kosztowny element algorytmu. Przedstawiono opis dystrybucji zadań, metodą obliczania podobieństwa i sposób składowania danych wyjściowych. Zaprezentowano...

  • Wordventure - Developing WordNet in Wikipedia-like Style

    - Rok 2010

    The article describes an approach for building WordNet semantic dictionary in a collaborative way. The idea of gathering lexical data has been proposed, as well as the system for linguistic data acquisition and management.

  • Parallel Computations of Text Similarities for Categorization Task

    - Rok 2013

    In this chapter we describe the approach to parallel implementation of similarities in high dimensional spaces. The similarities computation have been used for textual data categorization. A test datasets we create from Wikipedia articles that with their hyper references formed a graph used in our experiments. The similarities based on Euclidean distance and Cosine measure have been used to process the data using k-means algorithm....

  • DBpedia As a Formal Knowledge Base – An Evaluation

    DBpedia is widely used by researchers as a mean of accessing Wikipedia in a standardized way. In this paper it is characterized from the point of view of questions answering system. Simple implementation of such system is also presented. The paper also characterizes alternatives to DBpedia in form of OpenCyc and YAGO knowledge bases. A comparison between DBpedia and those knowledge bases is presented.

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