Julian Szymański - Publikacje - MOST Wiedzy



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  • An IoT-Based Computational Framework for Healthcare Monitoring in Mobile Environments

    - SENSORS - Rok 2017

    The new Internet of Things paradigm allows for small devices with sensing, processing and communication capabilities to be designed, which enable the development of sensors, embedded devices and other ‘things’ ready to understand the environment. In this paper, a distributed framework based on the internet of things paradigm is proposed for monitoring human biomedical signals in activities involving physical exertion. The main...

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  • Blockchain technologies to address smart city and society challenges


    New Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are changing the way in which the world works. These technologies provide new tools to face the issues of contemporary society (poverty, migrations, sustainable development challenges, governance, etc.). Among them, blockchain emerge as a disruptive technology able to make things in a completely different and innovative way. They can provide solutions where before there were...

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  • Detection of the Bee Queen Presence Using Sound Analysis

    - Rok 2018

    This work describes the system and methods of data analysis we use for beehive monitoring. We present overview of the hardware infrastructures used in hive monitoring systems and we describe algorithms used for analysis of this kind of data. Based on acquisited signals we construct the application that is capable to detect an absence of honey bee queen. We describe our method of signal analysis and present results that allow us...

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  • Review of the Complexity of Managing Big Data of the Internet of Things

    - COMPLEXITY - Rok 2019

    Tere is a growing awareness that the complexity of managing Big Data is one of the main challenges in the developing feld of the Internet of Tings (IoT). Complexity arises from several aspects of the Big Data life cycle, such as gathering data, storing them onto cloud servers, cleaning and integrating the data, a process involving the last advances in ontologies, such as Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Resource Description...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Text Representation Methods Using Classification

    In our work, we review and empirically evaluate five different raw methods of text representation that allow automatic processing of Wikipedia articles. The main contribution of the article—evaluation of approaches to text representation for machine learning tasks—indicates that the text representation is fundamental for achieving good categorization results. The analysis of the representation methods creates a baseline that cannot...

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  • MERPSYS: An environment for simulation of parallel application execution on large scale HPC systems

    In this paper we present a new environment called MERPSYS that allows simulation of parallel application execution time on cluster-based systems. The environment offers a modeling application using the Java language extended with methods representing message passing type communication routines. It also offers a graphical interface for building a system model that incorporates various hardware components such as CPUs, GPUs, interconnects...

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  • Modelling the malware propagation in mobile computer devices

    - COMPUTERS & SECURITY - Rok 2018

    Nowadays malware is a major threat to the security of cyber activities. The rapid develop- ment of the Internet and the progressive implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) increase the security needs of networks. This research presents a theoretical model of malware propagation for mobile computer devices. It is based on the susceptible-exposed- infected-recovered-susceptible (SEIRS) epidemic model. The scheme is based on...

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  • Distributed Architectures for Intensive Urban Computing: A Case Study on Smart Lighting for Sustainable Cities

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2019

    New information and communication technologies have contributed to the development of the smart city concept. On a physical level, this paradigm is characterised by deploying a substantial number of different devices that can sense their surroundings and generate a large amount of data. The most typical case is image and video acquisition sensors. Recently, these types of sensors are found in abundance in urban spaces and are responsible...

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  • RDF dataset profiling - a survey of features, methods, vocabularies and applications
    • M. B. Ellefi
    • B. Zohra
    • J. G. Breslin
    • E. Demidova
    • S. Dietze
    • K. Todorov
    • J. Szymański

    - Semantic Web - Rok 2018

    The Web of Data, and in particular Linked Data, has seen tremendous growth over the past years. However, reuse and take-up of these rich data sources is often limited and focused on a few well-known and established RDF datasets. This can be partially attributed to the lack of reliable and up-to-date information about the characteristics of available datasets. While RDF datasets vary heavily with respect to the features related...

  • Deep learning in the fog

    In the era of a ubiquitous Internet of Things and fast artificial intelligence advance, especially thanks to deep learning networks and hardware acceleration, we face rapid growth of highly decentralized and intelligent solutions that offer functionality of data processing closer to the end user. Internet of Things usually produces a huge amount of data that to be effectively analyzed, especially with neural networks, demands high...

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  • Buzz-based recognition of the honeybee colony circadian rhythm

    Honeybees are one of the highly valued pollinators. Their work as individuals is appreciated for crops pollination and honey production. It is believed that work of an entire bee colony is intense and almost continuous. The goal of the work presented in this paper is identification of bees circadian rhythm with a use of sound-based analysis. In our research as a source of information on bee colony we use their buzz that have been...

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  • External Validation Measures for Nested Clustering of Text Documents

    Abstract. This article handles the problem of validating the results of nested (as opposed to "flat") clusterings. It shows that standard external validation indices used for partitioning clustering validation, like Rand statistics, Hubert Γ statistic or F-measure are not applicable in nested clustering cases. Additionally to the work, where F-measure was adopted to hierarchical classification as hF-measure, here some methods to...

  • Mining relations between wikipedia categories

    Opisano metody indukcji powiązań pomiędzy kategoriami organizującymi zbiór dokumentów. Przedstawiono wyniki zastosowania proponowanego podejścia dla poprawy systemu kategorii Wikipedii.

  • Words context analysis for improvement of information retrieval

    - Rok 2012

    In the article we present an approach to improvement of retrieval informationfrom large text collections using words context vectors. The vectorshave been created analyzing English Wikipedia with Hyperspace Analogue to Language model of words similarity. For test phrases we evaluate retrieval with direct user queries as well as retrieval with context vectors of these queries. The results indicate that the proposed method can not...

  • Thresholding Strategies for Large Scale Multi-Label Text Classifier

    This article presents an overview of thresholding methods for labeling objects given a list of candidate classes’ scores. These methods are essential to multi-label classification tasks, especially when there are a lot of classes which are organized in a hierarchy. Presented techniques are evaluated using the state-of-the-art dedicated classifier on medium scale text corpora extracted from Wikipedia. Obtained results show that the...

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  • Self–Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results

    - Rok 2011

    The article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...

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  • Practical I-Voting on Stellar Blockchain

    In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving i-voting system based on the public Stellar Blockchain network. We argue that the proposed system satisfies all requirements stated for a robust i-voting system including transparency, verifiability, and voter anonymity. The practical architecture of the system abstracts a voter from blockchain technology used underneath. To keep user privacy, we propose a privacy-first protocol that...

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  • Simulation of parallel similarity measure computations for large data sets

    The paper presents our approach to implementation of similarity measure for big data analysis in a parallel environment. We describe the algorithm for parallelisation of the computations. We provide results from a real MPI application for computations of similarity measures as well as results achieved with our simulation software. The simulation environment allows us to model parallel systems of various sizes with various components...

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  • Semantic memory knowledge acquisition through active dialogues

    - Rok 2007

    Szereg zagadnień językowych nie może zostać rozwiązany bez pamięci semantycznej zawierającej opisy cech obiektów, Automatyczne tworzenie tego rodzaju pamięci jest wielkim wyzwaniem nawet dla prostych obszarów dziedzinowych. Implementacja pamięci semantycznej opartej na reprezentacji wiedzy poprzez powiązania obiektu z jego cechami pokazuje ciekawe zastosowania które nie zostały dotychczas zademonstrowane poprzez bardziej wyszukane...

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  • Big Data Paradigm Developed in Volunteer Grid System with Genetic Programming Scheduler

    Artificial intelligence techniques are capable to handle a large amount of information collected over the web. In this paper, big data paradigm has been studied in volunteer and grid system called Comcute that is optimized by a genetic programming scheduler. This scheduler can optimize load balancing and resource cost. Genetic programming optimizer has been applied for finding the Pareto solu-tions. Finally, some results from numerical...

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  • Depth Images Filtering In Distributed Streaming

    In this paper, we propose a distributed system for point cloud processing and transferring them via computer network regarding to effectiveness-related requirements. We discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their usage for streaming optimization. For the filtering step of the stream pipeline processing we evaluate four filters: Voxel Grid, Radial Outliner Remover, Statistical Outlier Removal and Pass Through....

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    In this paper we discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their applicability for streaming optimization. For the filtering stage within a stream pipeline processing we evaluate three filters: Voxel Grid, Pass Through and Statistical Outlier Removal. For the filters we perform series of the tests aiming at evaluation of changes of point cloud size and transmitting frequency (various fps ratio). We propose a distributed...

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  • Buzz-based honeybee colony fingerprint

    Non-intrusive remote monitoring has its applications in a variety of areas. For industrial surveillance case, devices are capable of detecting anomalies that may threaten machine operation. Similarly, agricultural monitoring devices are used to supervise livestock or provide higher yields. Modern IoT devices are often coupled with Machine Learning models, which provide valuable insights into device operation. However, the data...

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  • Review on Wikification methods

    - AI COMMUNICATIONS - Rok 2019

    The paper reviews methods on automatic annotation of texts with Wikipedia entries. The process, called Wikification aims at building references between concepts identified in the text and Wikipedia articles. Wikification finds many applications, especially in text representation, where it enables one to capture the semantic similarity of the documents. Also, it can be considered as automatic tagging of the text. We describe typical...

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  • Semantic URL Analytics to Support Efficient Annotation of Large Scale Web Archives
    • T. Souza
    • E. Demidova
    • T. Risse
    • H. Holzmann
    • G. Gossen
    • J. Szymański

    - Rok 2015

    Long-term Web archives comprise Web documents gathered over longer time periods and can easily reach hundreds of terabytes in size. Semantic annotations such as named entities can facilitate intelligent access to the Web archive data. However, the annotation of the entire archive content on this scale is often infeasible. The most efficient way to access the documents within Web archives is provided through their URLs, which are...

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  • Towards bees detection on images: study of different color models for neural networks

    This paper presents an approach to bee detection in videostreams using a neural network classifier. We describe the motivationfor our research and the methodology of data acquisition. The maincontribution to this work is a comparison of different color models usedas an input format for a feedforward convolutional architecture appliedto bee detection. The detection process has is based on a neural...

  • Bees Detection on Images: Study of Different Color Models for Neural Networks

    This paper presents an approach to bee detection in video streams using a neural network classifier. We describe the motivation for our research and the methodology of data acquisition. The main contribution to this work is a comparison of different color models used as an input format for a feedforward convolutional architecture applied to bee detection. The detection process has is based on a neural binary classifier that classifies...

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  • Framework for Integration Decentralized and Untrusted Multi-vendor IoMT Environments

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2020

    Lack of standardization is highly visible while we use historical data sets or compare our model with others that use IoMT devices from different vendors. The problem also concerns the trust in highly decentralized and anonymous environments where sensitive data are transferred through the Internet and then are analyzed by third-party companies. In our research we propose a standard that has been implemented in the form of framework...

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  • Identification of category associations using a multilabel classifier

    Description of the data using categories allows one to describe it on a higher abstraction level. In this way, we can operate on aggregated groups of the information, allowing one to see relationships that do not appear explicit when we analyze the individual objects separately. In this paper we present automatic identification of the associations between categories used for organization of the textual data. As experimental data...

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  • Two Stage SVM and kNN Text Documents Classifier

    - Rok 2015

    The paper presents an approach to the large scale text documents classification problem in parallel environments. A two stage classifier is proposed, based on a combination of k-nearest neighbors and support vector machines classification methods. The details of the classifier and the parallelisation of classification, learning and prediction phases are described. The classifier makes use of our method named one-vs-near. It is...

  • Categorization of Wikipedia articles with spectral clustering

    Abstract. The article reports application of clustering algorithms for creating hierarchical groups withinWikipedia articles.We evaluate three spectral clustering algorithms based on datasets constructed with usage ofWikipedia categories. Selected algorithm has been implemented in the system that categorize Wikipedia search results in the fly.

  • An Analysis of Neural Word Representations for Wikipedia Articles Classification


    One of the current popular methods of generating word representations is an approach based on the analysis of large document collections with neural networks. It creates so-called word-embeddings that attempt to learn relationships between words and encode this information in the form of a low-dimensional vector. The goal of this paper is to examine the differences between the most popular embedding models and the typical bag-of-words...

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  • Annotating Words Using WordNet Semantic Glosses

    - Rok 2012

    An approach to the word sense disambiguation (WSD) relaying onthe WordNet synsets is proposed. The method uses semantically tagged glosses to perform a process similar to the spreading activation in semantic network, creating ranking of the most probable meanings for word annotation. Preliminary evaluation shows quite promising results. Comparison with the state-of-theart WSD methods indicates that the use of WordNet relations...

  • Improving Effectiveness of SVM Classifier for Large Scale Data

    The paper presents our approach to SVM implementation in parallel environment. We describe how classification learning and prediction phases were pararellised. We also propose a method for limiting the number of necessary computations during classifier construction. Our method, named one-vs-near, is an extension of typical one-vs-all approach that is used for binary classifiers to work with multiclass problems. We perform experiments...

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  • Concept description vectors and the 20 question game

    - Rok 2005

    Knowledge of properties that are applicable to a given object is a necessary prerequisite to formulate intelligent question. Concept description vectors provide simplest representation of this knowledge, storing for each object information about the values of its properties. Experiments with automatic creation of concept description vectors from various sources, including ontologies, dictionaries, encyclopedias and unstructured...

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  • Crowdsourcing-Based Evaluation of Automatic References Between WordNet and Wikipedia

    The paper presents an approach to build references (also called mappings) between WordNet and Wikipedia. We propose four algorithms used for automatic construction of the references. Then, based on an aggregation algorithm, we produce an initial set of mappings that has been evaluated in a cooperative way. For that purpose, we implement a system for the distribution of evaluation tasks, that have been solved by the user community....

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  • Improvement of Imperfect String Matching Based on Asymetric n-Grams

    Typical approaches to string comparing treats them as either different or identical without taking into account the possibility of misspelling of the word. In this article we present an approach we used for improvement of imperfect string matching that allows one to reconstruct potential string distortions. The proposed method increases the quality of imperfect string matching, allowing the lookup of misspelled words without significant...

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  • Interactive Information Search in Text Data Collections

    This article presents a new idea for retrieving in text repositories, as well as it describes general infrastructure of a system created to implement and test those ideas. The implemented system differs from today’s standard search engine by introducing process of interactive search with users and data clustering. We present the basic algorithms behind our system and measures we used for results evaluation. The achieved results...

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  • Categorization of Cloud Workload Types with Clustering

    The paper presents a new classification schema of IaaS cloud workloads types, based on the functional characteristics. We show the results of an experiment of automatic categorization performed with different benchmarks that represent particular workload types. Monitoring of resource utilization allowed us to construct workload models that can be processed with machine learning algorithms. The direct connection between the functional...

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  • Improving css-KNN Classification Performance by Shifts in Training Data

    - Rok 2015

    This paper presents a new approach to improve the performance of a css-k-NN classifier for categorization of text documents. The css-k-NN classifier (i.e., a threshold-based variation of a standard k-NN classifier we proposed in [1]) is a lazy-learning instance-based classifier. It does not have parameters associated with features and/or classes of objects, that would be optimized during off-line learning. In this paper we propose...

  • Advances in Architectures, Big Data, and Machine Learning Techniques for Complex Internet of Things Systems

    - COMPLEXITY - Rok 2019

    Te feld of Big Data is rapidly developing with a lot of ongoing research, which will likely continue to expand in the future. A crucial part of this is Knowledge Discovery from Data (KDD), also known as the Knowledge Discovery Process (KDP). Tis process is a very complex procedure, and for that reason it is essential to divide it into several steps (Figure 1). Some authors use fve steps to describe this procedure, whereas others...

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  • Selection of Relevant Features for Text Classification with K-NN

    In this paper, we describe five features selection techniques used for a text classification. An information gain, independent significance feature test, chi-squared test, odds ratio test, and frequency filtering have been compared according to the text benchmarks based on Wikipedia. For each method we present the results of classification quality obtained on the test datasets using K-NN based approach. A main advantage of evaluated...

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  • Representation of hypertext documents based on terms, Links and text compressibility

    Opisano metody reprezentacji dokumentów tekstowych oparte na słowach, wzajemnych powiązaniach i metodach kompresji. Dokonano ich oceny w oparciu o klasyfikator SVM.

  • Analysis of Denoising Autoencoder Properties Through Misspelling Correction Task

    The paper analyzes some properties of denoising autoencoders using the problem of misspellings correction as an exemplary task. We evaluate the capacity of the network in its classical feed-forward form. We also propose a modification to the output layer of the net, which we called multi-softmax. Experiments show that the model trained with this output layer outperforms traditional network both in learning time and accuracy. We...

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  • Privacy-Preserving, Scalable Blockchain-Based Solution for Monitoring Industrial Infrastructure in the Near Real-Time

    This paper proposes an improved monitoring and measuring system dedicated to industrial infrastructure. Our model achieves security of data by incorporating cryptographical methods and near real-time access by the use of virtual tree structure over records. The currently available blockchain networks are not very well adapted to tasks related to the continuous monitoring of the parameters of industrial installations. In the database...

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  • Selecting Features with SVM

    A common problem with feature selection is to establish how many features should be retained at least so that important information is not lost. We describe a method for choosing this number that makes use of Support Vector Machines. The method is based on controlling an angle by which the decision hyperplane is tilt due to feature selection. Experiments were performed on three text datasets generated from a Wikipedia dump. Amount...

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  • Spectral Clustering Wikipedia Keyword-Based search Results

    The paper summarizes our research in the area of unsupervised categorization of Wikipedia articles. As a practical result of our research, we present an application of spectral clustering algorithm used for grouping Wikipedia search results. The main contribution of the paper is a representation method for Wikipedia articles that has been based on combination of words and links and used for categoriation of search results in this...

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  • Study of Statistical Text Representation Methods for Performance Improvement of a Hierarchical Attention Network

    To effectively process textual data, many approaches have been proposed to create text representations. The transformation of a text into a form of numbers that can be computed using computers is crucial for further applications in downstream tasks such as document classification, document summarization, and so forth. In our work, we study the quality of text representations using statistical methods and compare them to approaches...

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  • 0-step K-means for clustering Wikipedia search results

    - Rok 2011

    This article describes an improvement for K-means algorithm and its application in the form of a system that clusters search results retrieved from Wikipedia. The proposed algorithm eliminates K-means isadvantages and allows one to create a cluster hierarchy. The main contributions of this paper include the ollowing: (1) The concept of an improved K-means algorithm and its application for hierarchical clustering....

  • Bringing Common Sense to WordNet with a Word Game

    We present a tool for common sense knowledge acquisition in form of a twenty questions game. The described approach uses WordNet dictionary, which rich taxonomy allows to keep cognitive economy and accelerate knowledge propagation, although sometimes inferences made on hierarchical relations result in noise. We extend the dictionary with common sense assertions acquired during the games played with humans. The facts added to the...

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