dr hab. inż. Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Prodziekan ds. nauki w Wydział Chemiczny
- Profesor uczelni w Katedra Chemii Analitycznej
The Complementary Green Analytical Procedure Index can be used to assess the environmental friendliness of both an analytical procedure and the preceding processess. The accompanying software is a simple tool for generating both GAPI and ComplexGAPI pictograms. It is available under the MIT license.
For more details and citing information please refer to:
Justyna Płotka-Wasylka and Wojciech Wojnowski, Complementary green analytical procedure index (ComplexGAPI) and software, Green Chemistry, DOI: 10.1039/D1GC02318G
The most recent version of the code is available at git.pg.edu.pl/p174235/complexgapi
ComplexGAPI.exe is a self-extracting archive. Upon download or execution, it might trigger an anti-malware warning which can be safely ignored.
Windows executable download:
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