dr inż. Katarzyna Bobkowska
- Adiunkt w Katedra Geodezji
wszystkich: 38
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
An Innovative New Approach to Light Pollution Measurement by Drone
PublikacjaThe study of light pollution is a relatively new and specific field of measurement. The current literature is dominated by articles that describe the use of ground and satellite data as a source of information on light pollution. However, there is a need to study the phenomenon on a microscale, i.e., locally within small locations such as housing estates, parks, buildings, or even inside buildings. Therefore, there is an important...
Monitoring Artificial Light Pollution Using a Multispectral Camera
PublikacjaStudying the adverse effects of artificial light pollution requires systematic monitoring using various methods. One commonly used technique involves assessing the intensity of light reflected from surfaces with different types of digital cameras at various measurement levels. However, this approach does not always fully capture the characteristics of the light source itself. In our study, we focused on the potential application...
Rok 2022
Clinical anatomy of the spatial structure of the right ventricular outflow trac
PublikacjaBackground. The right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) is located above the supraventricular crest and reaches the level of the pulmonary valve. Detailed knowledge of the RVOT spatial structure and its morphology is extremely important for cardiac invasive therapeutic procedures. Objectives. To examine the spatial structure of the RVOT using virtual models of the right ventricle (RV) interior obtained post mortem. Material and...
Rethinking Sustainable Cities at Night: Paradigm Shifts in Urban Design and City Lighting
PublikacjaSince the establishment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, various perspectives on sustainable cities have been developed and adopted in order to achieve a better and more sustainable future. However, background research has revealed that these goals and targets are limited because they do not take into account the growing body of lighting-related research in diverse fields...
Technical solutions and benefits of introducing rain gardens – Gdańsk case study
PublikacjaNowadays, Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) are developing as innovative multifunctional tools to maximize urban ecosystem services such as storm water preservation, reduction of runoff and flood protection, groundwater pollution prevention, biodiversity enhancement, and microclimate control. Gdańsk is one of the first Polish cities to widely introduce rain gardens (one example of an NBS) in different areas such as parks, city center,...
Rok 2021
An Impact Analysis of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on Bats. A Case Study of the Historic Monument and Natura 2000 Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdansk, Poland
PublikacjaThe artificial light at night (ALAN) present in many cities and towns has a negative impact on numerous organisms that live alongside humans, including bats. Therefore, we investigated if the artificial illumination of the historic Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdańsk, Poland (part of the Natura 2000 network), during nighttime events, which included an outdoor electronic dance music (EDM) festival, might be responsible for increased...
Selection of an artificial pre-training neural network for the classification of inland vessels based on their images
PublikacjaArtificial neural networks (ANN) are the most commonly used algorithms for image classification problems. An image classifier takes an image or video as input and classifies it into one of the possible categories that it was trained to identify. They are applied in various areas such as security, defense, healthcare, biology, forensics, communication, etc. There is no need to create one’s own ANN because there are several pre-trained...
Seven Different Lighting Conditions in Photogrammetric Studies of a 3D Urban Mock-Up
PublikacjaOne of the most important elements during photogrammetric studies is the appropriate lighting of the object or area under investigation. Nevertheless, the concept of “adequate lighting” is relative. Therefore, we have attempted, based on experimental proof of concept (technology readiness level—TRL3), to verify the impact of various types of lighting emitted by LED light sources for scene illumination and their direct influence...
UAV Photogrammetry under Poor Lighting Conditions—Accuracy Considerations
PublikacjaThe use of low-level photogrammetry is very broad, and studies in this field are conducted in many aspects. Most research and applications are based on image data acquired during the day, which seems natural and obvious. However, the authors of this paper draw attention to the potential and possible use of UAV photogrammetry during the darker time of the day. The potential of night-time images has not been yet widely recognized,...
Rok 2020
Assessment of Citizens’ Actions against Light Pollution with Guidelines for Future Initiatives
PublikacjaDue to the wide reach of media reports about scientific research and technological tools such as the world wide web (WWW), the Internet, and web browsers, citizens today have access to factual information about the negative impact of artificial light at night (ALAN) on their dark skies, and their health and well-being. This means they can now make educated decisions and take the necessary steps to help protect themselves and their...
Potential and Use of the Googlenet Ann for the Purposes of Inland Water Ships Classification
PublikacjaThis article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using the pre-degraded GoogLeNet artificial neural network to classify inland vessels. Inland water authorities monitor the intensity of the vessels via CCTV. Such classification seems to be an improvement in their statutory tasks. The automatic classification of the inland vessels from video recording is a one of the main objectives of the Automatic Ship Recognition and...
Rok 2019
Incorporating Iris, Fingerprint and Face Biometric for Fraud Prevention in e-Passports Using Fuzzy Vault
PublikacjaA unified frame work which provides a higher security level to e-passports is proposed. This framework integrates face, iris and fingerprint images. It involves three layers of security: the first layer maps a biometric image to another biometric image which is called biostego image. Three mapping schemes are proposed: the first scheme maps single biometric image to single biostego image, the second scheme maps dual biometric images...
The Hough transform in the classification process of inland ships
PublikacjaThis article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using image processing methods for feature extraction that allows kNN classification based on a ship’s image delivered from an on-water video surveillance system. The subject of the analysis is the Hough transform which enables the detection of straight lines in an image. The recognized straight lines and the information about them serve as features in the classification...
Rok 2018
PublikacjaDespite the increasing availability of measured laser scanning data and their widespread use, there is still the problem of rapid and correct numerical interpretation of results. This is due to the large number of observations that carry similar information. Therefore, it is necessary to extract from the results only the essential features of the modelled objects. Usually, it is based on a process using filtration, followed by...
Emotion Recognition - the need for a complete analysis of the phenomenon of expression formation
PublikacjaThis article shows how complex emotions are. This has been proven by the analysis of the changes that occur on the face. The authors present the problem of image analysis for the purpose of identifying emotions. In addition, they point out the importance of recording the phenomenon of the development of emotions on the human face with the use of high-speed cameras, which allows the detection of micro expression. The work that was...
Rok 2017
Accuracy of a low-cost autonomous hexacopter platforms navigation module for a photogrammetric and environmental measurements
PublikacjaA photogrammetry and environmental measurements from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are a low-cost alternative for a traditional aerial photogrammetry. A commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS) offers a variety of cheap components that a suitable to be used on board a UAV. In this paper a low-cost navigation module based on Ublox NEO-M8N GPS and Pixhawk flight controller have been described, as a main extrinsic parameters source...
Bus bays inventory using a terrestrial laser scanning system
PublikacjaThis article presents the use of laser scanning technology for the assessment of bus bay geo-location. Ground laser scanning is an effective tool for collecting three-dimensional data. Moreover, the analysis of a point cloud dataset can be a source of a lot of information. The authors have outlined an innovative use of data collection and analysis using the TLS regarding information on the flatness of bus bays. The results were...
PublikacjaArchitectural inventories are the main field for using innovative technology ( remote sensing). The main purpose of using ie. Laser scanning or photogrammetry is to capture all of the important details of structure. Regarding the extents of inventory works, it may only apply to external details, such as facades, supporting structures and surroundings, whilst in terms of advanced inventory, the building's interior is also expected...
Digital Photogrammetry in the Analysis of the Ventricles' Shape and Size
PublikacjaThis article presents spatial analyzes conducted to assess the potential of ReMake software to be used for medical purposes, with emphasis on the analysis of the shape and dimensions of the ventricles. To achieve this goal, the length of the sections measured with the ReMake and Image Master programs have been compared. RMS error was on the level of 1.2 mm. In addition to indicating the appropriateness of using this software, there...
GIS three-dimensional Modelling with geo-informatics techniques
PublikacjaThe integration issue of virtual models and geo-referenced database have a very broad spectrum of potential applications. Before the integration issue was on the cusp, it was quite problematic to combine three-dimensional models with the geo-referenced database. An integrated database contains a variety of data including such as object orientated data model and raster data. Within this paper, authors present an integration process...
Implementation of spatial information for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port using laser scanning techniques
PublikacjaNowadays, maritime infrastructure is heavily exploited, which requires monitoring. The article presents the implementation of spatial information which are point clouds for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port (buildings and wharves). For this study, point clouds coming from terrestrial (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS), each of them having different accuracy, were used. An important part of the analysis was...
Low-Level Aerial Photogrammetry as a Source of Supplementary Data for ALS Measurements
PublikacjaThe development of laser scanning technology ALS allows to make high-resolution measurements for large areas result-ing in significant reduction of costs. The main stakeholders at heights data received from the airborne laser scanning is mainly state administration. The state institutions appear among projects such as ISOK. Each point is classified in ac-cordance with the standard LAS 1.2, our research focuses on the class 6 -...
Procedura pomiarowa usługi skanowania laserowego 3D z platformy pływającej
PublikacjaMonografia obejmuje innowacyjną procedurę skanowania laserowego z platformy pływającej. Autorzy podają zasady, potencjał i ograniczenia metody skanowania mobilnego z lądowych i portowych dróg wodnych oraz z morza.
PublikacjaThis article presents aspects of the cooperation between university and the company, on the example of Polish technical universities, which educate students, in the field of geodesy and cartography (among many others. Nowadays scientific development is one of the most important elements affecting the economy of the country. This involves continuous contact between the two parties, the business community and the scientific societies....
Rok 2016
A new method of presosns identification based on comparative analysis of 3D face models
PublikacjaThe article presents the use of modern close range photogrammetry for possessing highly accurate 3D models of the human face (including the ears). Modern methods used to obtain precise data describing the construction of a human face, and even the whole human body, should allow to get finished measurement material in a very short time. Those features belong to the optical scanning technology. Comparative analysis of models of the...
PublikacjaMeasurement of the clearance distance (both in the context of the rail and road) is one of the current and increasingly discussed topics in the context of photogrammetric and image processing (computer vision) methods. The article presents a description of a simple and rapid method of measure the clearance distance between the obstacles by using one-image photogrammetry. The proposed method was tested for the railway, tram and...
Analiza obrazu twarzy na tle procesów pamięciowych
PublikacjaEksperyment wykonany w ramach prezentowanych w niniejszej pracy badań zakładał wykorzystanie kombinacji metod wywodzących się z fotogrametrii i teledetekcji oraz informatyki (analiza obrazów) w celu zbadania procesu empatii u człowieka. Głównym założeniem badań było wykonanie rejestracji, przy wykorzystaniu szybkiej kamery, twarzy ludzkich podczas eksperymentu, który polegał na losowym wyświetlaniu na ekranie komputera jednej z...
Analysis of High Resolution Clouds of Points as a Source of Biometric Data
PublikacjaThe article presents the analysis devoted to human face data obtained by means of precise photographic scanners. Collected point clouds were used to make high precision meshes of human face. The essence of these studies is the comparison of relative features as well as the comparison of absolute models which require as precisely as possible matching of face models. The article focuses on the analysis of various parts of the human...
Analysis of the objects images on the sea using Dempster-Shafer Theory
PublikacjaThe paper presents the concept of using aerial and satellite imagery or images coming from the marine radar to identify and track vessels at sea. The acquired data were subjected to a highly advanced image analysis. The development of remote sensing techniques allows to gain a huge amount of data. These data are useful information source however usually we have to use different data mining methods to gain interested information....
Biometryczny pomiar geometrii twarzy metodami fotogrametrycznymi
PublikacjaNiniejsza praca przedstawia wykorzystanie narzędzi fotogrametrii bliskiego zasięgu w celu pomiarów geometrii twarzy. Podczas zbierania materiału badawczego skupiono się na uzyskaniu jak najlepszej dokładności wyznaczenia współrzędnych (w tym celu przede wszystkim wykorzystano aparaty o wysokiej rozdzielczości, zsynchronizowane dwa aparaty umożliwiły niwelację ruchu twarzy, zadbano również o uzyskanie jak najlepszego oświetlenia...
PublikacjaAccess to remote sensing night-time imagery allows for modeling of light pollution Increasingly, data on the propagation of artificial light are a source of interesting information for different fields of science and affect the planning of economic development. The article presents the problem of light pollution in the context of threats to the wildlife corridors in Poland. Wildlife corridors are areas that allow safe migration...
Rok 2015
A method of selecting light sources from night satellite scenes
PublikacjaSatellite images carries a lot of data. Very sophisticated methods of analyses may reveal very complicated nature of the observed objects. In case of night images, lights play the role of information sources. In this paper we would like to present results of the research aimed to describe light sources from satellite night images by providing description of their luminosity. The authors point source imaging data from the satellite...
From hobbies, straightforward analysis to serious research – the road to phd degree
PublikacjaThe illustration of the main articles goal is an example of author's academic career course, the aim of which is to obtain a doctoral degree in the field of geodesy and cartography. Today, the most important thing for the young scientist is the devotion to research in certain field of science, which is interested for the large community of scientists. From a psychological point of view, a unity of interest and experiments must...
PublikacjaExpressions of the human face bring a lot of information, which are a valuable source in the areas of computer vision, remote sensing and affective computing. For years, by analyzing the movement of the skin and facial muscles scientists are trying to create the perfect tool, based on image analysis, allowing the recognition of emotional states of human beings. To create a reliable algorithm, it is necessary to explore and examine...
Przetwarzanie i analiza danych z wykorzystaniem metod geodezyjnych na potrzeby opisu środowiska wodnego
PublikacjaMonografia traktuje o możliwości wykorzystania analiz obrazowych i przestrzennych w dokonywaniu oceny środowiska wodnego przy zastosowaniu geodezyjnych (w tym teledetekcyjnych) metod pomiarowych. W rozdziale pierwszym dokonano wyznaczenia zasięgu stref zalewowych w zlewni Potoku Strzyża w Gdańsku na skutek opadów nawalnych na odcinku od wypływu cieku ze zbiornika „Srebrniki” do al. Hallera.W rozdziale drugim przedstawiono graficzne...
Rok 2014
An unorthodox view on the problem of tracking facial expressions
PublikacjaRecent developments in imaging cameras has opened a new way of analyzing facial expression. We would like to take advantage from this new technology and present a method of imaging and processing images of human face as a response to the particular stimuli. The response in this case is represented by the facial expressions and the stimuli are still images representing six basic emotions according to Eckmann. Working hypothesis...
Koncepcja analizy stanów emocjonalnych użytkowników w kontekście systemów zabezpieczeń transportowych
PublikacjaAutorzy, przywołując własne i światowe badania nad rozpoznawaniem emocji ludzkich z obrazu twarzy, wskazują na możliwość zastosowania algorytmów komputerowych i ich implementacji w komputerach osobistych (i innych urządzeniach personalnych wyposażonych w dostatecznie silny procesor obliczeniowy). Zastosowanie takiego rozwiązania może poprawić bezpieczeństwo użytkowania urządzeń, maszyn i pojazdów, których operatorzy muszą gwarantować...
Rok 2013
Pomiary geodezyjne podczas budowy węzłów drogowych
PublikacjaOpisano przebieg prac geodezyjnych przewidzianych do wykonania podczas budowy węzła komunikacyjnego.
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