dr inż. Krzysztof Czuszyński
wszystkich: 30
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2018
Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Blood Flow, ECG and Respiratory Signals Using Recurrent Neural Networks
PublikacjaThe estimation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure using artificial neural network is considered in the paper. The blood pressure values are estimated using pulse arrival time, and additionally RR intervals of ECG signal together with respiration signal. A single layer recurrent neural network with hyperbolic tangent activation function was used. The average blood pressure estimation error for the data obtained from 21 subjects...
Digits Recognition with Quadrant Photodiode and Convolutional Neural Network
PublikacjaIn this paper we have investigated the capabilities of a quadrant photodiode based gesture sensor in the recognition of digits drawn in the air. The sensor consisting of 4 active elements, 4 LEDs and a pinhole was considered as input interface for both discrete and continuous gestures. Index finger and a round pointer were used as navigating mediums for the sensor. Experiments performed with 5 volunteers...
Gesture Recognition With the Linear Optical Sensor and Recurrent Neural Networks
PublikacjaIn this paper, the optical linear sensor, a representative of low-resolution sensors, was investigated in the multiclass recognition of near-field hand gestures. The recurrent neural network (RNN) with a gated recurrent unit (GRU) memory cell was utilized as a gestures classifier. A set of 27 gestures was collected from a group of volunteers. The 27 000 sequences obtained were divided into training, validation, and test subsets....
Optical Sensor Based Gestures Inference Using Recurrent Neural Network in Mobile Conditions
PublikacjaIn this paper the implementation of recurrent neural network models for hand gesture recognition on edge devices was performed. The models were trained with 27 hand gestures recorded with the use of a linear optical sensor consisting of 8 photodiodes and 4 LEDs. Different models, trained off-line, were tested in terms of different network topologies (different number of neurons and layers) and different effective sampling frequency...
Pose-Invariant Face Detection by Replacing Deep Neurons with Capsules for Thermal Imagery in Telemedicine
PublikacjaAbstract— The aim of this work was to examine the potential of thermal imaging as a cost-effective tool for convenient, non- intrusive remote monitoring of elderly people in different possible head orientations, without imposing specific behavior on users, e.g. looking toward the camera. Illumination and pose invariant head tracking is important for many medical applications as it can provide information, e.g. about vital signs, sensory...
Real-Time Facial Features Detection from Low Resolution Thermal Images with Deep Classification Models
PublikacjaDeep networks have already shown a spectacular success for object classification and detection for various applications from everyday use cases to advanced medical problems. The main advantage of the classification models over the detection models is less time and effort needed for dataset preparation, because classification networks do not require bounding box annotations, but labels at the image level only. Yet, after passing...
Remote Estimation of Video-Based Vital Signs in Emotion Invocation Studies
PublikacjaAbstract— The goal of this study is to examine the influence of various imitated and video invoked emotions on the vital signs (respiratory and pulse rates). We also perform an analysis of the possibility to extract signals from sequences acquired with cost-effective cameras. The preliminary results show that the respiratory rate allows for better separation of some emotions than the pulse rate, yet this relation highly depends...
Rozpoznawanie statycznych i dynamicznych gestów dłoni z zastosowaniem adaptacyjnego czujnika optycznego
PublikacjaBezdotykowe interfejsy urządzeń stacjonarnych oraz urządzeń mobilnych są ważne zwłaszcza w ochronie zdrowia (np. przeciwdziałanie roznoszeniu bakterii i wirusów, wsparcie chirurga w trakcie przeprowadzania operacji itp.). W ramach rozprawy doktorskiej zaprojektowano i wykonano oszczędny energetycznie czujnik gestów o budowie liniowej, złożony z fotodiod i diod LED, wraz z dedykowanym mu...
The passive operating mode of the linear optical gesture sensor
PublikacjaThe study evaluates the influence of natural light conditions on the effectiveness of the linear optical gesture sensor, working in the presence of ambient light only (passive mode). The orientations of the device in reference to the light source were modified in order to verify the sensitivity of the sensor. A criterion for the differentiation between two states - "possible gesture" and "no gesture" - was proposed. Additionally,...
Towards Contactless, Hand Gestures-Based Control of Devices
PublikacjaGesture-based intuitive interactions with electronic devices can be an important part of smart home systems. In this paper, we adapt the contactless linear gesture sensor for the navigation of smart lighting system. Set of handled gestures allow to propose two methods of active light source selection, continuous dimming, and turning on and off based on discrete gestures. The average gesture recognition accuracy was 97.58% in the...
Rok 2017
Analysis of Properties of an Active Linear Gesture Sensor
PublikacjaBasic gesture sensors can play a significant role as input units in mobile smart devices. However, they have to handle a wide variety of gestures while preserving the advantages of basic sensors. In this paper a user-determined approach to the design of a sparse optical gesture sensor is proposed. The statistical research on a study group of individuals includes the measurement of user-related parameters like the speed of a performed...
Extending touch-less interaction with smart glasses by implementing EMG module
PublikacjaIn this paper we propose to use temporal muscle contraction to perform certain actions. Method: The set of muscle contractions corresponding to one of three actions including “single-click”, “double-click” “click-n-hold” and “non-action” were recorded. After recording certain amount of signals, the set of five parameters was calculated. These parameters served as an input matrix for the neural network. Two-layer feedforward neural...
Pose classification in the gesture recognition using the linear optical sensor
PublikacjaGesture sensors for mobile devices, which have a capability of distinguishing hand poses, require efficient and accurate classifiers in order to recognize gestures based on the sequences of primitives. Two methods of poses recognition for the optical linear sensor were proposed and validated. The Gaussian distribution fitting and Artificial Neural Network based methods represent two kinds of classification approaches. Three types...
Rok 2016
Cardiovascular data analysis using electronic wearable eyeglasses-preliminary study
Publikacjahe paper presents an alternative approach to the monitoring of the cardiovascular system. The study depicts configurations of the utilized system and preliminary results of electrical and mechanical parameters of the cardiac system which can be measured using a head-worn device.
EMG and gaze based interaction with graphic interface of smart glasses application
PublikacjaIn this paper we investigate the effectiveness of the interaction using eye tracking and electromyography. Smart glasses requires reliable interfaces for controlling the graphic content displayed directly in front of the user's eye. Presented research is related with the eGlasses project, which is focused on the development of an open platform in the form of multisensory electronic glasses and related interaction methods. One of...
Estimation of respiration rate using an accelerometer and thermal camera in eGlasses
PublikacjaRespiration rate is a very important vital sign. Different methods of respiration rate measurement or estimation have been developed. However, especially interesting are those that enable remote and unobtrusive monitoring. In this study, we investigated the use of smart glasses for the estimation of respiration rate especially useful for indoors applications. Two methods were analyzed. The first one is based on measurements of...
Estimation of the amplitude of the signal for the active optical gesture sensor with sparse detectors
PublikacjaIn this paper we deal with the problem of precise gesture recognition for the active optical proximity sensor with sparse 8 photodiodes. We particularly focus on developing the method of estimating the real, usually not observable, maximum signal value representing maximum intensity of light reflected from an obstacle present in the front of the sensor. Different configurations of the fingers were used as an obstacle. The Monte Carlo...
Self diagnostics using smart glasses - preliminary study
Publikacjan this preliminary study we analyzed the possibility of the reliable measurement of biomedical signals with some potential hardware extensions of smart glasses. Using specially designed experimental prototypes four category of biomedical signals were measured: electrocardiograms, electromyograms, electroencephalograms and respiration waveforms. Experi- ments with volunteers proved that using even simple construc- tion of sensors...
Semi complex navigation with an active optical gesture sensor
PublikacjaThis paper presents the methods of diversified touchless interactions between a user and a mobile platform utilizing the optical gesture sensor. The sensor uses 8 photodiodes to measure the reflected light in the active mode (using embedded LEDs) or it measures shadows caused by fingers in the passive mode. Several algorithms were implemented: automatic mode switching, adaptive illumination level compensation, resolution improvements...
Rok 2015
Application of smart glasses for fast and automatic color correction in health care
PublikacjaIn recent years different applications of smart glasses in health care have been proposed. In this paper we present the experiments related to automatic color correction using smart glasses platform developed within the eGlasses project. The color pattern is proposed and tested enabling the automatic detection of the pattern and automatic correction of colors. Additionally, the method for encoding and decoding of patient ID in...
Comparison of active proximity radars for the wearable devices
PublikacjaTwo methods of object position and movement estimation in relation to the user of smart glasses were investigated. An active infrared and ultrasonic methods of the obstacle detection were presented and compared. Application of these methods depend on active transducers type (physical medium used), geometry and surface properties of detected objects and their movement direction and speed. In the article properties of both detectors...
Feasibility Study for Food Intake Tasks Recognition Based on Smart Glasses
PublikacjaIn this exploratory study 13 adult test subjects have performed different food intake tasks while wearing a three axis accelerometer mounted at a temple of glasses. Two different algorithms for task recognition have been applied and compared. The retrospective data processing leads to better task recognition results when the frequency range of 50 Hz to 100 Hz is analysed within accelerometer signal recordings. A straightforward...
Interactions using passive optical proximity detector
PublikacjaIn this paper we evaluated the possible application of a passive, optical sensor as an interface for human-smart glasses interactions. The designed proximity sensor is composed of set of photodiodes and the appropriate hardware and software components. First, experiments were performed for the estimations of such parameters as distance to an object, its width and velocity. Achieved results were satisfactory. Therefore, next, a...
Septic safe interactions with smart glasses in health care
PublikacjaIn this paper, septic safe methods of interaction with smart glasses, due to the health care environment applications consideration, are presented. The main focus is on capabilities of an optical, proximity-based gesture sensor and eye-tracker input systems. The design of both interfaces is being adapted to the open smart glasses platform that is being developed under the eGlasses project. Preliminary results obtained from the...
Sympathetic Activation Does Not Affect the Cardiac and Respiratory Contribution to the Relationship between Blood Pressure and Pial Artery Pulsation Oscillations in Healthy Subjects
PublikacjaUsing a novel method called near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) that allows for the non-invasive measurement of pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) and subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans, we assessed the influence of sympathetic activation on the cardiac and respiratory contribution to blood pressure (BP) cc-TQ oscillations in healthy subjects. The pial artery and subarachnoid width response to handgrip...
Rok 2014
Impact of surface skin temperature change on blood flow characteristics in palm
PublikacjaHeating a human palm during 3 minutes period causes changes in superficial skin temperature and leads to thermoregulation system response. The response time and level of flow characteristics change depend on the subject hand size and health of his vascular tree. A solution of Pennes bioheat propagation model was analyzed in order to see how much heat has to be transferred into the tissue to extort the observable reaction. The reflective...
Interaction with medical data using QR-codes
PublikacjaBar-codes and QR-codes (Quick Response ) are often used in healthcare. In this paper an application of QR-codes to exchange of laboratory results is presented. The secure data exchange is proposed between a laboratory and a patient and between a patient and Electronic Health Records. Advanced Encryption Standard was used to provide security of data encapsulated within a QR-code. The experimental setup, named labSeq is described....
Rok 2013
Bezprzewodowy moduł detekcji źródeł dźwięku – system klasyfikatorów
PublikacjaMonitoring bezpieczeństwa osób starszych i chorych przebywających samotnie w pomieszczeniach można realizowaćpoprzez detekcję dźwięków nietypowych. W tym celu zbudowano moduł nasłuchujący, który analizuje dźwięki z otoczenia. Oblicza on szereg parametrów dźwięku, także bazujących na STFT i MFCC. Umożliwiają one wychwycenie i sklasyfikowanie takich odgłosów jak jęki, krzyki, kaszel oraz huki. Przedstawiono...
PublikacjaThe knowledge of patient’s day to day blood pressure changes is invaluable to physicians for both diagnostics and health monitoring reasons. Constant observation of the pressure throughout a day would provide even more valuable clinical information. A convenient non-invasive methods of blood pressure estimation for monitoring purposes are widely proposed. This work shows a statistical approach to...
Rok 2012
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono badania dotyczące wpływu pracy profesjonalnego monitora ciśnienia krwi CNAP 500 Monitor na krąŜenie w badanej dłoni. Zmierzono czas od zespołu QRS sygnału EKG do momentu pojawienia się minimum i maksimum sygnału fali tętna na nadgarstku oraz palcu pomierzonych z zastosowaniem czujników optycznych. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono oszacowanie teoretyczne moŜliwych zmian oraz analizę impedancyjną...
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