dr inż. Leszek Litzbarski
- Adiunkt w Katedra Elektrotechniki
wszystkich: 21
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
An improvement of body surface area formulas using the 3D scanning technique
PublikacjaObjectives: Body surface area (BSA) is one of the major parameters used in several medical fields. However, there are concerns raised about its usefulness, mostly due to the ambiguity of its estimation. Material and Methods: Authors have conducted a voluntary study to investigate BSA distribution and estimation in a group of 179 adult people of various sex, age, and physique. Here, there is provided an extended analysis of the...
Cluster-spin-glass behavior in new ternary RE2PtGe3 compounds (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho)
PublikacjaTwo new ternary germanides Tb2Pt1.2Ge2.8, Dy2Pt1.15Ge2.85 and one already known germanium Ho2Pt1.1Ge2.9.were synthesized using an arc melting technique. The obtained samples were investigated by powder X-ray diffraction, which indicated that all of them crystallized in a hexagonal structure with P6/mmm (no. 191) space group. This structure is a disordered variant of the AlB2 aristotype that favors the formation of a spin-glass-like...
Detailed studies of superconducting properties of Y2Pd1.25Ge2.75
PublikacjaWe report a successful synthesis of a high-purity intermetallic germanide Y2Pd1.25Ge2.75, crystallizing in the disordered variant of the AlB2-type structure. A single-phase sample was obtained via arc-melting by deliberately tuning the composition out of the ideal 2:1:3 ratio. Specific heat, electrical resistivity and magnetization measurements show that the compound is a weakly-coupled (λ e-p = 0.58) type-II superconductor with...
Instalacje fotowoltaiczne w budownictwie wielorodzinnym
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje wpływ instalacji fotowoltaicznych na bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji budynków wielorodzinnych. W oparciu o projekty rzeczywistych obiektów przeprowadzono analizę zwiększenia ryzyka strat odgromowych, zmiany obciążenia konstrukcji dachu i wzrostu zagrożenia pożarowego na skutek montażu systemu fotowoltaicznego. Przeprowadzone obliczenia wskazują na konieczność kompleksowego podejścia do projektowania instalacji fotowoltaicznych....
Praktyka wykonywania pomiarów instalacji fotowoltaicznych prowadząca do określenia rzeczywistego stanu technicznego
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia zasady wykonywania pomiarów instalacji fotowoltaicznych wg normy PN-EN 62446-1. Proponowany w normie zakres podstawowy pozwala tylko na ocenę bezpieczeństwa pracy instalacji. Dopiero zakres dodatkowy umożliwia uzyskanie informacji o referencyjnych mocach zainstalowanej elektrowni, jej sprawności, a nawet jednorodności poszczególnych ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Załączone przykłady pomiarów czystych i zabrudzonych paneli...
Synthesis and physical properties of Sm2PdGe3 in a context of RE2PdGe3 family
PublikacjaIn this study, we present the crystallographic and magnetic characterization of a new intermetallic compound Sm2PdGe3, which was synthetized by a two stage method employing an eutectic alloy. The investigations carried out exhibited, that Sm2PdGe3 crystallize in AlB2-type structure with lattice parameters a = 4.2189(1) Å and c = 4.1031(2) Å. This compound can be classified as a cluster-glass with a spin freezing temperature Tf...
The Assessment of the Influence of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Originated from the Power Infrastructure on Humans’ Health
PublikacjaThe objective of this study is to assess the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields (LF EMFs) generated by power infrastructure on the nearby environment. Measurements of electric (E) and magnetic (H) field intensities were conducted around high-voltage power lines, transformer stations and facilities related to them. Numerical simulations were also performed to model the distribution of the field values around real buildings...
Zagrożenie porażeniem podczas gaszenia pożaru w budynkach z fotowoltaicznymi źródłami energii
PublikacjaPodczas prowadzenia akcji gaśniczej w budynku z fotowoltaicznymi źródłami energii występuje zwiększone ryzyko porażenia prądem elektrycznym ze względu to, że moduły fotowoltaiczne są źródłami autonomicznymi i mogą generować niebezpieczne napięcie mimo odłączenia inwertera zarówno od strony AC, jak i DC instalacji elektrycznej. Szczególnie duże ryzyko porażenia powstaje podczas dotknięcia przez strażaka przewodów pod napięciem przyłączonych...
Rok 2023
Leakage Current Measurements of Surge Arresters
PublikacjaThe paper presents the methods of assessing the technical condition of varistor surge arresters used in laboratory tests and in operation—performed without disconnecting the arresters from the network. The analysis of the diagnostic methods was supplemented with the results of the measurements of the leakage current of arresters coming directly from their production and used in the power industry. Among the available methods of...
PV installations and the safety of residential buildings
PublikacjaThe dynamic development of the photovoltaic industry entails threats that have a direct impact on the safety of residential buildings. Appropriate design of a PV installation can be a challenge due to the multifaceted nature of this issue. The designer should take into account issues related to the selection of electrical parameters of the installation, adapting lightning and surge protection in accordance...
Ryzyko strat odgromowych a systemy fotowoltaiczne
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje wybrane zagrożenia związane z eksploatacją instalacji fotowoltaicznych oraz sposoby zmniejszania związanego z tym ryzyka. Opisano wpływ instalacji fotowoltaicznej na wzrost ryzyka strat odgromowych określony na podstawie obliczeń wykonanych za pomocą programu DEHN Risk Tool. Wykonano symulacje dla trzech przypadków: elektrownie fotowoltaiczne o różnej mocy, budynek jednorodzinny usytuowany w wybranych lokalizacjach...
Rok 2022
Intermetallic disordered magnet Gd2Pt1.1Ge2.9 and its relation to other AlB2 -type compounds
PublikacjaThe intermetallic germanide Gd 2 Pt 1.1 Ge 2.9 was synthesized using an arc-melting method. The crystal structure was characterized using powder x-ray diffraction, revealing a disordered ternary AlB 2 -type structure (space group P 6 / m m m , No. 191) with lattice parameters a = 4.2092 ( 1 ) Å and c = 4.0546 ( 2 ) Å . Physical properties were investigated by magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity measurements, which...
MgPdSb─An Electron-Deficient Half-Heusler Phase
PublikacjaThe half-Heusler family consists of many semiconducting intermetallic compounds, virtually all of them having a valence electron count (VEC) of 18. We have studied an electron-deficient (VEC = 17) phase MgPdSb and its Pd-stuffed variant MgPd1.25Sb. The cubic F4̅3m crystal structure was confirmed by the Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data. The lattice parameter is a = 6.284 and 6.335 Å for MgPdSb and MgPd1.25Sb,...
Nowe potrójne związki w układzie RE2TGe3 (RE – ziemia rzadka, T – metal przejściowy)
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej pracy była synteza nowych związków międzymetalicznych z rodziny RE2TGe3, gdzie RE to metale ziem rzadkich, a T to metal przejściowy (Pd, Pt). Dokonano tego stosując metodę topienia w łuku elektrycznym. Za pomocą proszkowej dyfrakcji rentgenowskiej ustalono, że udało się otrzymać następujące materiały: Pr2Pd1.15Ge2.85, Sm2PdGe3, Tb2Pd1.25Ge2.85, Dy2Pd1.25Ge2.85, Ho2Pd1.3Ge2.7, Ce2Pt0.9Ge3.1, Pr2Pt1.15Ge2.85, Nd2PtGe3,...
Quality assessment of low voltage surge arresters
PublikacjaUsers expect reliable operation of the surge arrester during overvoltages, which may originate from a switching process or a lightning discharge. The necessary conditions to guarantee these expectations are: appropriate construction of the surge arrester, its production being maintained in accordance with technical standards, and a positive results of the type test (as well routine and acceptance tests). The recipient, especially...
Rok 2021
Ho2Pd1.3Ge2.7 – a ternary AlB2-type cluster glass system
PublikacjaWe report a successful synthesis of a ternary AlB2-type intermetallic compound. The phase purity was obtained by fine-tuning the Pd-Ge ratio out of the idealized 1-3. Attempts to synthesize an Er analogue were not successful. We discuss the instability of the Er analogue based on the atomic size ratio and also suggest that the increased stability of Ho2Pd1+xGe3−x in the Pd-rich range likely stems from a combination of atomic size...
Investigation of magnetic order in a new intermetallic compound Nd2PtGe3
PublikacjaIn the present study we report a successful synthesis of the new intermetallic compound Nd2PtGe3 by an arc-melting method. The powder X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that this compound crystallizes in an disordered variant of the AlB2-type structure (space group P6/mmm, no. 191) with lattice parameters a = 4.2455 Å and c = 4. 1933 Å. The compound exhibits a cluster-glass transition below Tf = 2.9 K, characterized through ac...
MgPd2Sb : A Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor
PublikacjaWe report the synthesis and physical properties of a full Heusler compound, MgPd2Sb, which we found toshow superconductivity belowTc=2.2K. MgPd2Sb was obtained by a two-step solid-state reaction methodand its purity and cubic crystal structure [Fm-3m,a=6.4523(1) Å] were confirmed by powder x-ray diffrac-tion. Normal and superconducting states were studied by electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, andheat...
Rok 2020
Synthesis, structure and physical properties of new intermetallic spin glass-like compounds RE2PdGe3 (RE = Tb and Dy)
PublikacjaNew intermetallic compounds Tb2Pd1.25Ge2.75 and Dy2Pd1.25Ge2.75 have been synthesized using the arc-melting method. The crystallographic structure and magnetic, electronic transport, and thermal properties are reported. The crystal structure obtained from powder x-ray diffraction analysis suggests that these compounds crystallize in the AlB2-type structure (space group P6/mmm, no. 191) with lattice parameters a = 4.228 53(5)/4.230 54...
Rok 2019
Crossover from charge density wave stabilized antiferromagnetism to superconductivity in Nd1−xLaxNiC2 compounds
PublikacjaThe path from the charge density wave antiferromagnet NdNiC2 to the noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC2 is studied by gradual replacement of Nd by La ions. The evolution of physical properties is explored by structural, magnetic, transport, magnetoresistance, and specific heat measurements. With the substitution of La for Nd, the Peierls temperature is gradually suppressed, which falls within the BCS mean-field relation for...
Rok 2016
Crystal structure and physical properties of new Ca2TGe3 (T = Pd and Pt) germanides
PublikacjaThe crystallographic, electronic transport and thermal properties of Ca2PdGe3 and Ca2PtGe3 are reported. The compounds crystalize in an ordered variant of the AlB2 crystal structure, in space group P6/mmm, with the lattice parameters a = 8.4876(4) Å/8.4503(5) Å and c = 4.1911(3) Å/4.2302(3) Å for Ca2PdGe3 and Ca2PtGe3, respectively. The resistivity data exhibit metallic behavior with residual-resistivity-ratios (RRR) of 13 for...
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