HYDROACOUSTICS - Czasopismo - MOST Wiedzy








Polska Akademia Nauk , Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne

Punkty Ministerialne: Pomoc

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wszystkich: 144

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wyczyść Filtry wybranego katalogu niedostępne

Katalog Czasopism

Rok 2014
  • 3D Imaging Of Underwater Objects Using Multi-Beam Data

    One of the main applications of multibeam sonars is high resolution bathymetry measurement, as well as detecting and imaging of underwater objects like shipwrecks. In order to obtain the visualisation quality good enough to allow the researcher to investigate an object in more detail, the approach relying on construction of three-dimensional model of an imaged object, e.g. consisting of nodes, edges and plane elements (facets)...

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  • Chirp-rate estimation of FM signals in the time-frequency domain

    Novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain including: a channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF), a complex local group delay (CLGD) and a channelized instantaneous chirp-rate (CICR) are introduced. The proposed approach is based on the use of the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. An interpretation of the newly-introduced distributions especially of the CICR...

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Rok 2006
Rok 2010
  • 3D seafloor reconstruction using data from side scan and synthetic aperture sonar

    Side scan and synthetic aperture sonars are widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. They are relatively cheap and easy to deploy, in comparison with more powerful sensors, like multibeam echosounders. Although side scan and synthetic aperture sonars does not provide seafloor bathymetry directly, their records are finally related to seafloor images. Moreover, the analysis of such images performed by human eye...

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  • Broadband LFM signal source for a module-based diver detection sonar

    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2010

    Praca przedstawia koncepcję źródła impulsów sondujących sonaru DDS, dla pogrupowanych po stronie nadawczej elementarnych sekcji przetwornika w moduły 8 lub 16 elementowe. Na podstawie oszacowania teoretycznego i pomiarów czwórnikowych określono potrzebną moc wyjściową i topologię tych nadajników. Przedstawione są też uzyskane na drodze pomiarów charakterystyki częstotliwościowe modułów przetwornika, razem z zastosowanym układem...

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  • Composition of data visualizations by sub-bottom profiler and multibeam echosounder in Matlab

    This paper contains description of procedure, which was elaborated in a numerical computing environment Matlab. The result of these procedures is a graphical composition of images obtained from two different hydroacoustic devices. It enables to compare different types of visualizations for the same geographical position and simultaneous work with graphical representation of all data types.

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  • Doppler estimation method for moving target location

    Artykuł opisuje nowy algorytm lokalizacji obiektów ruchomych bazujących na analizie odchyłek dopplerowskich sygnałów odebranych z sieci hydrofonów rozmieszczonych równomiernie w obserwowanym akwenie. Źródłem analizowanych sygnałów są fale ciągłe o niskim natężeniu odbite od obiektu ruchomego. W artykule została przedstawiona postać algorytmu oraz wyniki symulacji komputerowych.

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Rok 2013
  • A novel method of time-frequency analysis: an essential spectrogram

    A novel precise method of time-frequency analysis is presented. In the algorithm, a new energy distribution is estimated by simultaneously discard or displacement of the classical spec- trogram energy. A channelized instantaneous frequency and a local group delay are used in order to replacement in the same manner as formulated by Kodera et al. [1, 2]. Additionally, new representations: a channelized instantaneous bandwidth and...

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    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2013

    Land surface temperature (LST) plays an important role in many land-surface processes on regional as well on global scales. It is also a good indicator of energy flux phenomena and is used as a parameter in various Earth observation related studies. However, LST estimation based on processing and utilisation of satellite derived data constitutes several problems in terms of time limitations, accessibility, atmospheric influence...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Automatic Analysis of Trajectories of Moving Objects

    Ongoing monitoring is essential to providing security and safety of maritime and air operations. This paper presents the research in the area of automatic analysis of movement of unrestricted vehicles like ships and air-planes. The analysis is aimed at extraction of trajectory information, and the results can be used to identify anomalous behaviour in archived and real-time data. In this paper we focus on data acquired using the...

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  • Considerations of Adaptive Digital Communications in Underwater Acoustic Channel

    Down-link communication (DLC) and air transportable communication (ATAC) buoys as well as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) use acoustic links for gathering oceanographic data from underwater monitoring systems. The underwater channel propagation conditions are diverse in nature and require a special adaptive approach to the communication system design. The article presents a methodology for the communication systems design,...

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  • GeoSPAR Project. Validation and selection methods of geoinformation analysis using GIS for ranking and forecasting of terrorist threats and criminal events

    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2013

    The paper presents the description of work activities which have already been done within the first two stages – WorkPackage 1 and WorkPackage 2 - of the GeoSPAR Project. In such a context the general conceptual design of the GIS system and associate web service was presented and analysed. In addition, the operational and technical requirements for the GeoSPAR system have been specified and discussed; with special emphasis on system...

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  • GIS for processing multidimensional marine data in SAAS model

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have always been a useful tool for visualization and processing of geospatial data. However, their capabilities of analysis non-standard information such as hydroacoustic soundings has thus far been very limited. This paper proposes a general-purpose GIS which uses techniques such as OLAP, WCS and WCPS for processing of multidimensional spatio-temporal data. The versatility of the GIS is exemplified...

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Rok 2011
  • A spice equivalent circuit for modeling the performance of dual frequency echo-sounder

    The paper presents novel network equivalent circuit of piezoceramic circular disc transducers that takes into account thickness and radial mode of vibrations. The starting point of the analysis is 4-port description of circular disc element representing the solution of wave equation set in radial and thickness directions. The approximate solution for harmonic case is represented in the form of 4x4 matrix, which is synthesised and...

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  • Action-reaction based synthesis of acoustic wavefield equations

    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2011

    The analysis of acoustic fields is usually based on the well-known mathematics of second order partial differential equations called wave equations. The author explores the duality and symmetry of linear fluid mechanics and develops two distinct equations of acoustics on the basis of a causal approach to local small-scale phenomena. Wavefields that are solutions of these equations have different composition, the spherical pressure...

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  • Application of OFDM technique to underwater acoustic data transmission

    Performances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) digital systems are strongly related to specific transmission properties of the underwater channel. Depending on the characteristics of the channel, an architecture and modulation techniques are usually implemented that are known as reliable solutions for data transmission in difficult radio channels. The OFDM technique seems to be the most promising nowadays. The parameters...

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  • Description of the hydrodynamic pressure field function around the ship hull

    W artykule przedstawiono metodę aproksymacji pola hydrodynamicznego okrętu, wykorzystując pole obliczone metodą elementów skończonych. Punkty kontrolne umieszczono w środku paneli rozmieszczonych na kadłubie statku, na powierzchni dna morskiego oraz na powierzchni swobodnej; w p-ktach tych znajdują się osobliwości w postaci źródeł, upustów i/lub dipoli. Przedstawione wyniki obliczeń zostały uzyskane przy użyciu tych pierwszych...

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  • Doppler effect in the CW FM sonar

    When sonars are used for military purposes they have to ensure unobtrusive operation, a feature that can be potentially secured by 'silent sonar' or continuous wave frequency modulation sonars (CW FM sonars). The article presents how these sonars operate and identifies the relations between their parameters. The Doppler effect and its impact on the CW FM sonar are studied to identify how it affects the sonar's parameters. The results...

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  • Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid

    The nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...

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  • Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid

    The nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...

Rok 2012
  • Acoustic Processor of the Mine Countermeasure Sonar

    This paper presents the concept of an acoustic processor of the mine countermeasure sonar. Developed at the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, the acoustic processor is an element of the MG-89, an underwater acoustic station. The focus of the article is on the modules of the processor. They are responsible for sampling analogue signals and implementing the algorithms controlling the measurement...

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  • Application of Maximum Lenght Sequence in Silent Sonar

    Silent sonars are designed to reduce the distance over which their sounding pulses can be detected by intercept sonars. In order to meet this objective, we can use periodical sounding signals that have low power, a very long duration and wide spectrum. If used in the silent sonar's receiver, matched filtration ensures very good detection of motionless or slow moving targets. However, it is more difficult to detect echo signals...

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  • Backscattering properties of southern Baltic herring

    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2012

    Reliable TS(L) relationship is required to improve acoustic algorithms of abundanceestimation of Baltic herring. The relationships, empirically obtained in different parts of theBaltic Sea, produce up to 8 dB – difference in the herring TS. In order to develop an accurateTS(L) relationship, it is important to analyze factors controlling the TS variability. Thepossible impact of the regional difference...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

Rok 2008
  • Acoustic signal processing in passive sonar system with towed array

    W referacie opisano przetwarzanie sygnałów akustycznych w pasywnym systemie hydrolokacyjnym. W pojęciu ''przetwarzanie sygnałów akustycznych'' mieszczą się wszelkie operacje wykonywane na sygnałach analogowych tj. wzmacnianie, filtracja i próbkowanie, jak również operacje na sygnałach cyfrowych uzyskanych w procesie próbkowania. Do operacji cyfrowych wykonywanych w systemie zalicza się synchronizację, konwersję, sortowanie, wytwarzanie...

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  • Compression algorithms for multibeam sonar records

    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2008

    Jednym z najczęściej używanych urządzeń służących do szeroko rozumianego telemonitoringu morskiego są sonary wielowiązkowe (ang. Multibeam systems MBS). Ich wysoka wydajność w tworzeniu informacji o obiektach znajdujących się pod wodą skutkuje w dużych ilościach danych pozyskiwanych podczas rejsów badawczych i pomiarowych. W tym kontekście, proces przechowywania i zarządzania takim magazynem danych staje się istotnym problemem...

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  • High accuracy hydroacoustic system to study codend model parameters

    Ważnym zadaniem projektantów narzędzi połowowych jest stworzenie efektywnych narzędzi połowowych działających selektywnie poprzez optymalizacje ich geometrii. Hydroakustyczny system pomiaru geometrii modeli worków dorszowych opisany w artykule został zaprojektowany dla opracowania konstrukcji worka dorszowego na potrzeby rybołówstwa na Morzu Bałtyckim.System składa się z 10 par przetworników ultradźwiękowych, mikroprocesorowego...

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Rok 2003
Rok 2015

    The transmission properties of underwater acoustic communication channel can change dynamically due to the movement of acoustic system transmitter and receiver or underwater objects reflecting transmitted signal. The time-varying impulse response measurement and estimation are necessary to match the physical layer of data transmission to instantaneous channel propagation conditions. Using the correlative measurement method, impulse...

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  • Coastal zone monitoring using Sentinel-1 SAR polarymetry data

    In recent years the role of the surveillance and security of Polish boundaries has significantly increased. Polish coastal zone monitoring requires various approaches using various technological means in order to ensure the protection of Polish boundaries. In this paper, the authors discuss and present alternatives to underwater surveillance methods of coastal area analysis and monitoring using data retrieved from the newly developed...

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Rok 2009
Rok 2017
  • Analysis of distance measurement errors in CW FM sonar with MLS code modulation

    Although used in the classic silent sonar, the CW FM sounding signal has a major flaw which is its inaccuracy in determining the distance to a target. The authors of the article have developed a concept of silent sonar using frequency modulation signals switched by pseudorandom codes, already discussed in their previous work. This article presents a detailed analysis of errors in CW FM sonar with pseudo-random sequence code modulation...

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Rok 2016
Rok 2007

wyświetlono 1213 razy