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Rok | Punkty | Lista |
Rok 2025 | 200 | Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024 |
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2025 | 200 | Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024 |
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2022 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2021 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2020 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2019 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2018 | 45 | A |
2017 | 45 | A |
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2015 | 45 | A |
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2013 | 45 | A |
2012 | 45 | A |
2011 | 45 | A |
2010 | 32 | A |
Model czasopisma:
Punkty CiteScore:
Rok | Punkty |
Rok 2023 | 16.5 |
Rok | Punkty |
2023 | 16.5 |
2022 | 17 |
2021 | 16.8 |
2020 | 15.2 |
2019 | 15.6 |
2018 | 15.4 |
2017 | 15.7 |
2016 | 15.8 |
2015 | 15.1 |
2014 | 14.4 |
2013 | 13.5 |
2012 | 13.1 |
2011 | 13.7 |
Impact Factor:
Sherpa Romeo:
Prace opublikowane w tym czasopiśmie
wszystkich: 39
Katalog Czasopism
Rok 2023
Kagome Lattice Promotes Chiral Spin Fluctuations
PublikacjaDynamical spin fluctuations in magnets can be endowed with a slight bent toward left- or right-handed chirality by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. However, little is known about the crucial role of lattice geometry on these chiral spin fluctuations and on fluctuation-related transport anomalies driven by the quantum-mechanical (Berry) phase of conduction electrons. Via thermoelectric Nernst effect and electric Hall effect experiments,...
Universality of Internal Correlations of Strongly Interacting p -Wave Fermions in One-Dimensional Geometry
Publikacja -
Vibrational Quenching of Optically Pumped Carbon Dimer Anions
PublikacjaCareful control of quantum states is a gateway to research in many areas of science such as quantum information, quantum-controlled chemistry, and astrophysical processes. Precise optical control of molecular ions remains a challenge due to the scarcity of suitable level schemes, and direct laser cooling has not yet been achieved for either positive or negative molecular ions. Using a cryogenic wire trap, we show how the internal...
Rok 2021
Rok 2020
Enhanced Mobility and Large Linear Nonsaturating Magnetoresistance in the Magnetically Ordered States of TmNiC2
PublikacjaWe have studied the magnetic, magnetotransport, and galvanomagnetic properties of TmNiC2. We find that the antiferromagnetic and field induced metamagnetic and ferromagnetic orderings do not suppress the charge density wave. The persistence of Fermi surface pockets, open as a result of imperfect nesting accompanying the Peierls transition, results in an electronic carriers mobility of the order of 4 × 103 cm2 V−1 s−1 in ferromagnetic...
Rok 2018
Connections between Mutually Unbiased Bases and Quantum Random Access Codes
PublikacjaWe present a new quantum communication complexity protocol, the promise--Quantum Random Access Code, which allows us to introduce a new measure of unbiasedness for bases of Hilbert spaces. The proposed measure possesses a clear operational meaning and can be used to investigate whether a specific number of mutually unbiased bases exist in a given dimension by employing Semi--Definite Programming techniques.
Resonances and Dissociative Electron Attachment in HNCO
PublikacjaIn a combined experimental and theoretical study, we probe the dissociative electron attachment in isocyanic acid HNCO. The experimental absolute cross section for the NCO− fragment shows a sharp onset and fine structures near the threshold. The autoionizing state responsible for the dissociative attachment is found in both the R-matrix calculation and using analytic continuation in the coupling constant. The involved A' resonance...
Rok 2017
Monitoring of the Process of System Information Broadcasting in Time
PublikacjaOne of the problems of quantum physics is how a measurement turns quantum, noncopyable data, towards copyable classical knowledge. We use the quantum state discrimination in a central system model to show how its evolution leads to the broadcasting of the information, and how orthogonalization and decoherence factors allow us to monitor the distance of the state in question to the one perfectly broadcasting information, in any...
Quantum Steering Inequality with Tolerance for Measurement-Setting Errors: Experimentally Feasible Signature of Unbounded Violation
Publikacjauantum steering is a relatively simple test for proving that the values of quantum-mechanical measurement outcomes come into being only in the act of measurement. By exploiting quantum correlations, Alice can influence — steer — Bob ’ s physical system in a way that is impossible in classical mechanics, as shown by the violation of steering inequalities. Demonstrating this and similar quantum effects for systems of increasing size,...
Structure of the Resource Theory of Quantum Coherence
PublikacjaQuantum coherence is an essential feature of quantum mechanics which is responsible for the departure between the classical and quantum world. The recently established resource theory of quantum coherence studies possible quantum technological applications of quantum coherence, and limitations that arise if one is lacking the ability to establish superpositions. An important open problem in this context is a simple characterization...
Rok 2016
Correlated Particle Motion and THz Spectral Response of Supercritical Water
PublikacjaMolecular dynamics simulations of supercritical water reveal distinctly different distance-dependent modulations of dipolar response and correlations in particle motion compared to ambient conditions. The strongly perturbed H-bond network of water at supercritical conditions allows for considerable translationaland rotational freedom of individual molecules. These changes give rise to substantially different infrared spectra and...
No Quantum Realization of Extremal No-Signaling Boxes
PublikacjaThe study of quantum correlations is important for fundamental reasons as well as for quantum communication and information processing tasks. On the one hand, it is of tremendous interest to derive the correlations produced by measurements on separated composite quantum systems from within the set of all correlations obeying the no-signaling principle of relativity, by means of information-theoretic principles. On the other hand,...
Randomness Amplification under Minimal Fundamental Assumptions on the Devices
PublikacjaRecently, the physically realistic protocol amplifying the randomness of Santha-Vazirani sources producing cryptographically secure random bits was proposed; however, for reasons of practical relevance, the crucial question remained open regarding whether this can be accomplished under the minimal conditions necessary for the task. Namely, is it possible to achieve randomness amplification using only two no-signaling components...
Rok 2015
Entanglement and Nonlocality are Inequivalent for Any Number of Parties
PublikacjaUnderstanding the relation between nonlocality and entanglement is one of the fundamental problems in quantum physics. In the bipartite case, it is known that these two phenomena are inequivalent, as there exist entangled states of two parties that do not violate any Bell inequality. However, except for a single example of an entangled three-qubit state that has a local model, almost nothing is known about such a relation in multipartite...
Rok 2014
Can Communication Power of Separable Correlations Exceed That of Entanglement Resource?
PublikacjaThe scenario of remote state preparation with a shared correlated quantum state and one bit of forward communication [B. Dakić et al., Nat. Phys. 8, 666 (2012)] is considered. Optimization of the transmission efficiency is extended to include general encoding and decoding strategies. The importance of the use of linear fidelity is recognized. It is shown that separable states cannot exceed the efficiency of entangled states by...
Characterizing the Performance of <span class="sc">xor</span> Games and the Shannon Capacity of Graphs
PublikacjaIn this Letter we give a set of necessary and sufficient conditions such that quantum players of a two-party xor game cannot perform any better than classical players. With any such game, we associate a graph and examine its zero-error communication capacity. This allows us to specify a broad new class of graphs for which the Shannon capacity can be calculated. The conditions also enable the parametrization of new families of games...
Necessary and Sufficient Condition for State-Independent Contextual Measurement Scenarios
PublikacjaThe problem of identifying measurement scenarios capable of revealing state-independent contextuality in a given Hilbert space dimension is considered. We begin by showing that for any given dimension d and any measurement scenario consisting of projective measurements, (i) the measure of contextuality of a quantum state is entirely determined by its spectrum, so that pure and maximally mixed states represent the two extremes...
Objectivity in a Noisy Photonic Environment through Quantum State Information Broadcasting
PublikacjaRecently, the emergence of classical objectivity as a property of a quantum state has been explicitly derived for a small object embedded in a photonic environment in terms of a spectrum broadcast form—a specific classically correlated state, redundantly encoding information about the preferred states of the object in the environment. However, the environment was in a pure state and the fundamental problem was how generic and robust...
Quantifying Contextuality
PublikacjaContextuality is central to both the foundations of quantum theory and to the novel information processing tasks. Despite some recent proposals, it still faces a fundamental problem: how to quantify its presence? In this work, we provide a universal framework for quantifying contextuality. We conduct two complementary approaches: (i) the bottom-up approach, where we introduce a communication game, which grasps the phenomenon of...
Strong Monogamies of No-Signaling Violations for Bipartite Correlation Bell Inequalities
PublikacjaThe phenomenon of monogamy of Bell inequality violations is interesting both from the fundamental perspective as well as in cryptographic applications such as the extraction of randomness and secret bits. In this article, we derive new and stronger monogamy relations for violations of Bell inequalities in general no-signaling theories. These relations are applicable to the class of binary output correlation inequalities known as...
Rok 2011
All Nonclassical Correlations Can Be Activated into Distillable Entanglement
PublikacjaWe devise a protocol in which general nonclassical multipartite correlations produce a physically relevant effect, leading to the creation of bipartite entanglement. In particular, we show that the relative entropy of quantumness, which measures all nonclassical correlations among subsystems of a quantum system, is equivalent to and can be operationally interpreted as the minimum distillable entanglement generated between the system...
Collective Uncertainty Entanglement Test
PublikacjaFor a given pure state of a composite quantum system we analyze the product of its projections onto aset of locally orthogonal separable pure states. We derive a bound for this product analogous to theentropic uncertainty relations. For bipartite systems the bound is saturated for maximally entangled statesand it allows us to construct a family of entanglement measures, we shall call collectibility. As thesequantities are experimentally...
Experimental Extraction of Secure Correlations from a Noisy Private State
PublikacjaWe report experimental generation of a noisy entangled four-photon state that exhibits a separation between the secure key contents and distillable entanglement, a hallmark feature of the recently established quantum theory of private states. The privacy analysis, based on the full tomographic reconstruction of the prepared state, is utilized in a proof-of-principle key generation. The inferiority of distillation-based strategies...
Rok 2010
Classical to Path-Integral Adaptive Resolution in Molecular Simulation: Towards a Smooth Quantum-Classical Coupling
Publikacja -
Phonon Mechanism of the Magnetostructural Phase Transition in MnAs
Rok 2008
No-local-broadcasting theorem for multipartite quantum correlations
PublikacjaWe prove that the correlations present in a multipartite quantum state have an operational quantum character even if the state is unentangled, as long as it does not simply encode a multipartite classical probability distribution. Said quantumness is revealed by the new task of local broadcasting, i.e., of locally sharing preestablished correlations, which is feasible if and only if correlations are stricly classical. Our operational...
Successive orbital ordering transitions in NaVO2
PublikacjaPomiary właściwości fizycznych NaVO2, który charakteryzuje się trójkątną siecią krystalograficzną, pokazują dwa przejścia typu orbitalnego. W temperaturze 98 K w systemie wystepuje przejście drugiego rodzaju. Natomiast poniżej 93 K obserwowane jest przejście pierwszego rodzaju.
Successive Orbital Ordering Transitions inNaVO2
Publikacja -
Unconditional privacy over channels which cannot convey quantum information
PublikacjaQuantum cryptography enables one to verify that the state of the quantum system has not been tampered with and thus one can obtain privacy regardless of the power of the eavesdropper. All previous protocols relied on the ability to faithfully send quantum states or equivalently to share pure entanglement. Here we show this need not be the case-one can obtain verifiable privacy even through some channels which cannot be used to...
Rok 2007
Phonons at the Fe(110) Surface
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Phonons in Iron: From the Bulk to an Epitaxial Monolayer
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Physical properties of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Mg10Ir19B16
PublikacjaPrzedstawione zostały wyniki pomiarów ciepła właściwego, oporu elektrycznego i podatności magnetycznej nowo odkrytego materiału nadprzewodzącego Mg10Ir19B16. Na podstawie pomiarów ustalono, że Mg10Ir19B16 jest nadprzewodnikiem drugiego typu (kappa=20), ze stałą sprzężenia elektron - fonon lambda_ep=0.66.
Physical Properties of the Noncentrosymmetric SuperconductorMg10Ir19B16
Rok 2004
Rok 2003
Local information as a resource in distributed quantum systems.
PublikacjaZaproponowano nowy paradygmat dla kwantowego paradygmatu odległych laboratoriów w których informacja jest zasobem. W tym schemacie obserwatorzy dokonują destylacji informacji lokalnych stanów czystych.
Rok 2002
Direct detection of quantum entanglement
PublikacjaBasing on positive maps separability criterion we propose the experimentally viable, direct detection of quantum entanglement. It is efficient and does not require any a priori knowledge about the state. For two qubits it provides a sharp (i.e., “if and only if”) separability test and estimation of amount of entanglement. We view this method as a new form of quantum computation, namely, as a decision problem with quantum data structure.
Direct estimation of linear and nonlinear functionals of quantum state
PublikacjaWe present a simple quantum network, based on the controlled-SWAP gate, that can extract certain properties of quantum states without recourse to quantum tomography. It can be used as a basic building block for direct quantum estimations of both linear and nonlinear functionals of any density operator. The network has many potential applications ranging from purity tests and eigenvalue estimations to direct characterization of...
Thermodynamical approach to quantifying quantum correlations
PublikacjaWe consider the amount of work which can be extracted from a heat bath using a bipartite state ρ shared by two parties. In general it is less then the amount of work extractable when one party is in possession of the entire state. We derive bounds for this “work deficit” and calculate it explicitly for a number of different cases. In particuar, for pure states the work deficit is exactly equal to the distillable entanglement of...
Rok 2000
wyświetlono 2016 razy