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W 2019 r. nastąpiło zamknięcie czasopisma.
Prace opublikowane w tym czasopiśmie
wszystkich: 30
Katalog Czasopism
Rok 2017
A role of the heat and work uncompensatedtransformations in the balance of entropy and theturbomachinery efficiency
PublikacjaIn the paper we have presented a procedure of estimating a role of the uncompensated transformation of heat and work in ow of viscous and heat conducting uid. The procedure was introduced by Professor Romuald Puzyrewski and is essential in local, in time and space, balance of entropy. Furthermore this unique approach leads to redenition the eciency of uid-ow machinery in three-dimensional modeling using CFD (Computational Fluid...
Design criterion for hydrodynamic vortex separators
PublikacjaTechnical objects designing involves determination of geometrical parameters that characterize a given object. When the device is described by the differential equations, an inverse problem brings difficulties, as geometrical values sought condition the solution to the problem. Vortex separators can be designed by the "criterion method'. Firstly, a critical particle is distinguished such that bigger particles are removed from...
PublikacjaThe hydroacoustic signature of ships' propellers can be estimated experimentally through measurements of cavitation-induced pressure fluctuations and the corresponding noise distributions at model scale. These measurements need to be performed in a cavitation tunnel under the propellers operating conditions and are quite sensitive and challenging to perform with sufficient accuracy. In comparison, the numerical approach can be...
How much a geometrical model of a honeycomb seal can be simpli ed in the CFD calculation
PublikacjaThis paper presents the inuence of geometry simplication on the results obtained in the computational fluid dynamics simulation. The subject of simulation was part of the honeycomb seal located at the inlet to high pressure part of a steam turbine. There were three different geometrical models assumed in the calculations. First one was two-dimensional case and two others were three dimensional, one with the radius of curvature...
Minimum drag shape bodies moving in inviscid fluid - revisited
PublikacjaThis paper presents the classic approach to minimum drag shape body problem, moving at hypersonic speeds, leading to famous power law shapes with value of the exponent of 3/4. Two- and three-dimensional cases are considered. Furthermore, an exact pseudo solution is given and its uselessness is discussed. Two new solutions are introduced, namely an approximate solution due to form of the functional and solution by means of optimisation...
Rok 2016
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the 18K380 steam turbine condenser air extraction system using hydro ejectors. Motivation for the analysis is a need of improvement of the energy conversion ratio of the power plant. To achieve this goal it is necessary to establish efficiency of each subsystem of the energy cycle. The air extraction system is not a highly power consuming system but it has great impact...
Rok 2015
An advanced thermal-FSI approach of an evaporation of air heat pump
PublikacjaThe paper presents selected problems of numerical modeling of an advanced thermal-FSI approach of evaporator of air heat pomp. The example of a fin-tube evaporator has been studied, focusing on obtaining of heat exchanger characteristics applying two-phase flow model for the in-tube refrigerant flow. Special attention is given to heat transfer between separated medium for different air velocity and changed refrigerant mass flow...
Analysis of unsteady flow forces on the thermowell of steam temperature sensor
PublikacjaIn this paper, 3D numerical analysis of unsteady flow forces acting on the measuring sheath of steam temperature is presented. According to that purpose, the CFD (Computation Fluid Dynamic [1]) approach has been used. The nonstationary of fluid acting on the measuring sheath such as: Strouhal frequency, amplitude of pressure, structure of vortex, peak of pressure, field of pressure, field of velocity etc. are studied analytically...
CFD analysis of fluid flow through the labyrinth seal
PublikacjaSteam and gas turbines are some of the fundamental means of power generation. The energy efficiency of the turbines, however, is not satisfactory. Ever since the start-up of the first turbine in the world, engineers have been striving for their increased efficiency. Multiple solutions to the problem of steam loss in an operating turbine are available. The use of seals is one of them. Empirical methods or numerical calculations...
PublikacjaIn the low-pressure part of steam turbine, the state path usually crosses the saturation line in penultimate stages [4,5]. The formation and evolution of these droplets lower the performance of the wet stages of the turbines, and their effects on the efficiency are collectively known as wetness losses [4]. Nowadays, due to work of steam turbines at partial load, process of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation still is current....
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to investigate thermodynamic efficiency of advanced hierarchic power cyclesunder partial loads by using of exergy analyze. Advanced hierarchical power systems arecomposed of few energy conversion cycles, most common are steam and gas cycles in various configurations, but they may contain fuel cells, ORC, lithium bromide absorption chillers and others. Moreover hierarchical cycles can be powered by several...
PublikacjaIn this paper, thermodynamic analysis of the Szewalski hierarchic vapour cycle cooperated with the system of heat recovery from exhaust gases are presented. According to that purpose, the CFM (Computation Flow Mechanics [1,3]) approach has correctly been used. The whole system consists of the first traditional steam cycle, the second organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and system of heat recovery with use of water with temperature 90...
Rok 2013
Clean gas technologies - towards zero-emission repowering of Pomerania.
PublikacjaThe main aim this work is to show the different thermodynamic cycles which improve efficiency and/or decrease emission like: Cheng cycle, Szewalski cycle, LOTHECO cycle, hybrid pSOFC/GT cycle, inverse Brayton cycle, low-emission cycle and zero-emission cycle. For that purpose, cycles and results of analysis are first studied and, secondly, new concept is presented. The role of coupled analysis 0D and 3D in cycle’s devices is also...
Design and distribution of air nozzles in the biomass boiler assembly
PublikacjaDue to energy crisis as well as increasing pollution of the environment, renewable energy sources usage increases all over the world. These facts encouraged authors to start research over developing a uniform biomass boiler calculation model. This paper presents a design of biomass boiler assembly created for ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) unit since these systems could achieve strong position in energy industry....
Enhancement of the Brayton cycle efficiency by water or steam utilization
PublikacjaIn the paper, thermodynamic analysis of two modifications of a Brayton cycle into enhancement cycles with water/steam injection are discussed. The first one deals with a STIG modified system with both interstage compressed air cooling and air heating (heat regeneration) before combustion chamber. The second one, mainly devoted to higher steam/air ratio, is connected with separate steam production in a HRSG. The analysis has been...
Experimental research on helical coil biomass boiler with oil as a heating fluid
PublikacjaThis paper presents an experimental research of helical coil biomass boiler with thermal oil heating agent. Heat exchanger consists of two coaxial helical coils swept by the flue gases. The burner is a single vertical retort connected to the fuel tank (wooden pellets). The boiler is a part of micro-power plant in which the heat from the boiler is exchanged with low-boiling HFE7100 to produce steam for a custom steam turbine. The...
PublikacjaThis paper deals with change in contact angle of droplets of three nanofluids, i.e. water-Al2O3, water-TiO2 and water-Cu. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.01%, 0.1%, and 1% by weight. Although dispersants were not used to stabilize the suspension, the solutions tested exhibited satisfactory stability. Ultrasonic vibration was used in order to stabilise the dispersion of the nanoparticles. Experimental measurements...
Rok 2012
Estimation of the steam condensation flow via CFD methods
PublikacjaThe results of numerical simulations to predict the performance of different steam models have been presented. All of the considered models of steam condensation have been validated on the base of benchmark experiment employing expansion in nozzle and next on the low pressure part of the steam turbine stage. For numerical analysis three models have been finally used – the ideal steam model without condensation, an equilibrium steam...
Kinetic analysis of the stage for a high speed steam turbine
PublikacjaThis article analyzes possibilites of resonances within a control stage for a high speed steam turbine. This stage hase been based on assembling of a single blade to a rotating disk and increasing of rigidity of the system by using of a bandage. In the analysis will be nd a possiblity of resonance frequency, and mistuning by showing safety working ranges. The calculations have bean used the3D modal and harmonic analysis by the...
On the internal efficiency of a turbine stage: classical and CFD definitions
PublikacjaAlmost entire fleet of steam turbines in Poland was designed between 1950 – 1980 with the use of the so-called zero dimensional (0D) calculation tools. For several years, design and modernization of the turbines occur in assistance with the state of the art methods that describe working fluid flow field based on 3D models and CFD codes. This cooperation between 0D and 3D codes requires exchange of overall, integral information...
Rok 2010
Experimental and theoretical study of surface cooling using a single microjet
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła przy pomocy pojedynczych strug wody i powietrza.Uzyskana na podstawie wyników korelacja, opisująca współczynnik przejmowania ciepła, posłużyła do weryfikacji modelu opracowanego wcześniej przez Mikielewicza (2007).
Rok 2006
Motion of a sphere in vicinity of the wall
PublikacjaArtykuł skupiony jest na badanich odchylenia toru cząstki w sąsiedztwie ścianki. Cząstka modelowana jest nieodkształcalną kulą zawieszoną na strunie. Systematyczne badania z wykorzystaniem kul o trzech średnicach wykonano na specjalnie zbudowanym stanowisku eksperymentalnym. Zaproponowano autorską matematyczną korelację opisującą oddziaływanie ścianki na ruch cząstki - korelacja określa to oddziaływanie w funkcji początkowej odległości...
Rok 2003
An impact of ambient parameters change on steam and gas turboset control. The International Conference on ''Turbines of Large Output'' devoted to 100th Anniversary of prof. Robert Szewalski Birthday.
PublikacjaPorównano wpływ zmian parametrów otoczenia (ciśnienia i temperatury) na charakterystyki turbiny parowej i gazowej. Na tej podstawie zbadano wpływ tych parametrów na charakterystyki układu kombinowanego parowo-gazowego. Przedstawiono, w związku z tym, koncepcję kompensatora wpływu zmian parametrów otoczenia na charakterystyki układu kombinowanego parowo-gazowego.
Analysis of transient heat transfer operation in tube wall.Selected papers from the International Conference on Turbines of Large Output devoted to 100th Anniversary of Prof. Robert Szewalski Birthday.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zachowanie się wymiennika ciepła stosowanego w układzie regeneracji turbin parowych w niestacjonarnych warunkach pracy.
Experimental investigations of hydraulic jump created by a two-phase impin-ging jet on a solid surface
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono rezultaty badań eksperymentalnych powstawania uskoku hydraulicznego tworzonego przez dwufazową strugę uderzającą.
Influence of gas parameters alteration on the form of gas-flow-impact appearing in long transportation pipelines
PublikacjaPrzy szybkich zamknięciach przepływu w długich liniach transportowych gazu, obserwuje się znaczne przesterowania ciśnienia, towarzyszące zjawiskom udarowym, wywołane zarówno falą uderzeniową jak i odbitą. Głównym czynnikiem wpływającym na postać fali uderzeniowej i jej amplitudy, jest szybkość zamykania zaworu odcinającego określona stałą czasową serwomotoru sterującego zaworem. Ponieważ obserwuje się zmiany właściwości chemicznych...
Investigation of R 22 and R 134a flow boiling in enhanced tubes
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki pomiarów współczynnika przejmowania ciepła i spadków ciśnienia podczas wrzenia w przepływie R22 oraz R134a. Do badań użyto dwie rurki o rozwiniętej wewnętrznej powierzchni, tj. rurkę śrubowo-formowaną i rurkę niskożebrowaną oraz dwie rurki gładkie, jako rurki referencyjne. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono przy temperaturze nasycenia ok. zero stopni Celsjusza i końcowym stopniu suchości ok. 0.7. Wyniki badań eksperymentalnych...
On Application of Selected Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Expert Systems for Thermal and Flow Diagnostics
PublikacjaPrzedyskutowano problem wspomagania przez systemy ekspertowe decyzji eksploatacyjnych służb nadzoru obiegów turbin parowych. Uwagę skupiono na realizacji jednego z zadań tych systemów, polegającemu na określenie rozmiaru eksploatacyjnej degradacji parametrów geometrycznych układów łopatkowych turbin. Dyskusję przeprowadzono na przykładzie jednego z komponentów metod sztucznej inteligencji: wybranego typu sztucznej sieci neuronowej...
Theoretical investigations into flows in rotor blade shroud clearance
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki obliczeń programem Fluent przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego przy różnym mimośrodowym położeniu osi wirnika względem osi korpusu. Wyznaczone numerycznie rozkłady ciśnienia w uszczelnieniu i generowane tam siły aerodynamiczne porównano z rezultatem badań przeprowadzonych na powietrznej turbinie modelowej.
Volute scroll as an alternative to guide vanes at inlet to turbine.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono alternatywny sposób zasilania turbin parowych poprzez zastosowanie podwójnej spirali zasilającej. Przedstawiono model jednowymiarowy obliczania przepływu przez spirale oraz zamieszczono wyniki obliczeń typu 3D. Pokazano jak zależy parametr nierównomierności rozkładu prędkości na wylocie od sposobu kształtowania przekroju spiral.
wyświetlono 1212 razy