![Zdjęcie profilowe: Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska](/assets/magdalena-szuflita-zurawska,744579-1/photo.png)
Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
- Kierownik Sekcji Inf. Nauk-Tech Biblioteki PG w Biblioteka PG
- Lider Centrum Komeptencji Otwartej Nauki w Politechnika Gdańska
- Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. otwartej nauki w Politechnika Gdańska
Członkostwo w towarzystwach, organizacjach i instytucjach naukowych lub artystycznych
Directory of Open Access Journals
Pełnione 2015-06-26 na stanowisku: Associate Editor
Early Career Higher Education Researchers ( ECHER)
Pełnione 2020-06-08 na stanowisku: Member
Force 11 - The Future of Research Communications and e-Scholarship
Pełnione 2017-10-02 na stanowisku: Member
IATUL SID-DATA Special Interest Working Group
Pełnione 2017-09-01 na stanowisku: Member
Research Data Alliance (RDA)
Pełnione 2017-10-22 na stanowisku: Member
The European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP)
Pełnione 2019-05-29 na stanowisku: Member
Członkostwo w zespołach eksperckich
Data Stewardship Competence Centers (DSCC)
Co-develop and share awareness building methods and good practices in FAIR research data stewardship. Jointly evaluate optimal technologies, software, open source code, repositories, etc to build and maintain (an IN connectable) national IT infrastructure also usable within the new generation research workspaces (cloud, FAIR, VRE). Develop and share FAIR metadata templates (generic or discipline-specific), and coordinate this over various disciplines and domains, in close collaboration with international organisations. Jointly develop strategies to deal with data privacy, licensing, security and copyright. Test and feedback to funders on recommendable tooling for FAIR compliant RDS. Jointly develop requirements and skill sets needed and training/education requirements for data stewards. Share and where needed participate in the development of e-learning tools, courses and curricula for professional data stewards. Share and co-develop approved incentives for research data stewardship. Share/compare strategies to make DSCC sustainable in the long-term.
wyświetlono 13742 razy