mgr inż. Marzena Szczygłowska
wszystkich: 14
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2016
Methods of selenium supplementation. Bioavability and determination of selenium compounds
PublikacjaIn This paper the method of supplementation of selenium in the environment and analytical methods of determining selenium were described
Rok 2014
The Use of Vegetables in the Biomonitoring of Cadmium and Lead Pollution in the Environment
PublikacjaLead and cadmium emitted from various anthropogenic sources have the ability to accumulate in tissues of living organisms. The phenomenon of accumulation of metals in the body is harmful and undesirable. On the other hand, the ability of plants to accumulate heavy metals from the individual elements of the environment has been used in biomonitoring of pollution. Leaf and root of vegetables have particular predisposition for accumulating...
Warzywa jako narzędzie wykorzystywane w biomonitoringu metali ciężkich
PublikacjaW ostatnich dekadach miały miejsce istotne zmiany w gospodarce i to zarówno w skali globalnej jak i regionalnej oraz lokalnej. W sposób istotny wzrosło zapotrzebowanie na energię, transport ludzi i towarów. Tym zmianom w coraz większym stopniu towarzyszy wzrost dbałości o stan środowiska. Dlatego też coraz więcej uwagi zwraca się na coraz dokładniejszy monitoring i kontrolę poziomu zanieczyszczenia poszczególnych elementów środowiska...
Rok 2013
The innovative exploitation of Brassica vegetables in the health quality food production chain
PublikacjaIn this overview the multidirectional opportunities of innovative exploitation of chemical and biological properties of vegetables from Brassiceae family are discussed. The specific chemical composition of brassicas, as regard both nutrients and non-nutrients, renders them particularly suitable for the health food production chain, literally from field to fork. the ability of these plants to accumulate heavy metals may be utilised...
The innovative exploitation of Brassica vegetables in the production of quality food for health. From lab bench to field and fork.
PublikacjaThe specific chemical composition of vegetables belonging to Brassicaceace , as regard both nutrients and non-nutrients, renders them particularly suitable for the health food production chain. The ability of these plants to accumulate heavy metals may be utilised for phytoremediation of arable soils, but also as a vehicle to fortify foods in micronutriens such as selenium. The bioactive organosulfur compounds, especially glucosinolates...
PublikacjaThe species belong to the botanical family Brassi- caceae are considered to be useful for phytoremediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals. Problems with use the plants recognized as hyperacumulators is that, the plants need to be harvested shortly after the plants become mature, which causes problems of disposal of obtained biomass. When these plants are dried, they easily crumble and flake off, greatly reducing the yield obtained,...
Use of white cabbage for phytoremediation processes
PublikacjaQuite a large biomass and the lack of difficulties after harvesting are advantages described for different types of cabbage. Our study reveals the usefulness of the white cabbage for the purification of the soil from zinc and cadmium by phytoextraction. Two cabbage (Brasica oleracea subsp. capitata f. alba) cultivars: early cv. Ditmarska Najwcześniejsza (DN), late cv. Kamienna Głowa (KG) were used.
Rok 2012
Phytoremediation of heavy metals by white cabbage
PublikacjaPhytoremediation is regarded as the cheapest and environmentally most friendly technology for cleaning up soil. The most widespread and most profitable technique is phytoextraction, used mainly for removing heavy metals and radioactive elements from thesoil. Over 400 plant species have been identified as natural metal hyperaccumulators representing about 0.2 % of all angiosperms. Unfortunately, most of these plants are characterised...
The innovative Exploitation of Brassica Vegetables in the Health Quality Food Production Chain
PublikacjaIn this overview the multidirectional opportunities of innovative exploitation of chemical and biological properties of vegetables from Brassiceae family are discussed. The specific chemical composition of brassicas, as regard both nutrients and non-nutrients, renders them particularly suitable for the health food production chain, literally from field to fork. the ability of these plants to accumulate heavy metals may be utilised...
Rok 2011
Fitoremediacja : technologia z przyszłością oczyszczania gleb z metali ciężkich
PublikacjaRewolucja przemysłowa sprawiła , że wzrósł poziom zanieczyszczenia wód gruntowych i powierzchniowych oraz spadek żyzności gleby. W przeciwieństwie do zanieczyszczeń powietrza i wody, zanieczyszczenia gleby zalegają w niej bardzo długo, nawet setki lat. Jest to tym bardziej niebezpieczne, że gleba przyjmuje zanieczyszczenia z powietrza i ze spływających do niej wód. W związku z czym opracowano wiele technologii remediacji gleby....
The use of Kamienna głowa cabbage species for phytoextraction of zinc and cadmium from the soil
PublikacjaAlthough traditional technologies for cleaning contaminated soils have proven to be efficient, they are usually expensive, labor intensive, and in the case of soil, they produce severe disturbance. Most recently, the use of plants in metal extraction (phytoremediation) has appeared as a promising alternative in the removal of heavy metal excess from soil. Phytoremediation uses of plant for pollutant stabilization, extraction, degradation,...
Use of Brassica plants in the phytoremediation and biofumigation processes
PublikacjaIn recent decades, serious contamination of soils by heavy metals has been reported. It is therefore a matter of urgency to develop a new and efficient technology for removing contaminants from soil. Another aspect to this problem is that environmental pollution decreases the biological quality of soil, which is why pesticides and fertilizers are being used in ever-larger quantities. The environmentally friendly solutions to these...
White cabbage in the biofumigation process- expectations and perspectives
PublikacjaHealth risks related to common use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers raised the interest in alteranative methods of crop protection, among them biofumigation is becoming the most promising. In this process certain natural compounds, mainly degradation products of glucosinolates produced by Brassica species are used to combat pests and microorganisms attacking crops. Increased synthesis of these bioactive compounds can be...
Wykorzystanie kapusty białej (brassica oleracea var. capitata) do fitoekstrakcji metali ciężkich (zn, cd, cu, pb) z gleby*
PublikacjaGatunki roślin z rodziny Brassicaceae uważane są za przydatne w fitoremediacjimetali ciężkich z gleby. Przeprowadzone badania mają na celu potwierdzenie zasadności wykorzystaniakapusty białej, odmiany 'Kamienna Głowa' do fitoekstrakcji Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb. Poziomwybranych metali badano w glebie oraz liściach i głąbach kapusty uprawianej na tych glebach,pochodzących z upraw wazonowych (Kraków) oraz polowych (Czapielsk). Zawartość metaliciężkich...
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